gerards_cola_can / Comments

  • Protege Moi

    Protege Moi (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Sorry for the delay!

    And thank you so much.

    It's nice to know when your work is appreciated.

    And don't say that! Everybody has something they are good at writing. I guess mine is homoerotica, hmm?
    October 26th, 2007 at 08:01am
  • ultraviolet;

    ultraviolet; (150)

    United Kingdom
    lol no problem Smiley
    (admittedly i've been putting this off XD)
    but i like long comments : )
    so its worth it.
    hang on. you have pink maths books?!
    wow. we used to have pink RS books but they're purple now o_o. which is a good thing in my opinion. ah, we have red maths files, and paper to put in them. which falls out when you put big heavy maths books inside the folders and pull out all the paper by accident (my make everything easier to carry strategy, which, as a side effect, makes me loose all my sheets o_o)
    lol the red ink in a fountain pen is really pretty Smiley
    but i dont really like it in the rollerball things. im fussy like that. i must have about 6 different types of pens in my pencilcase. its no wonder that its falling apart o_o

    haha i havent looked yet. i will go on monday. if i can face the librarian who has recently become a dragon. like the one in harry potter 4. Smiley
    aha you told her! lol. i'd just keep the book and laugh my head off every time she used a technique mentioned in teh book XD
    or possibly books
    dad once threatened to buy one. but i dont think (/hope) he actually did in the end..
    on the topic of books. i got a new one yesterday. and read (most) of it. and then got it confiscated by mum. for reading HALF A FUCKING PAGE too mcuh : (
    and then found where she hid it and took it back XD
    haha i dont even venture off the top of the hill. considering thats where i live and i havent got a friend who lives up here o_o
    haha graveyards are cool. as long as its quiet. and not too hot.
    lol okay straaange old man. if i was him i dont think i'd approach anyone in the fear that they'd hold me at gunpoint and then steal my pension o_o

    lol really?! i dont think my mum would bother. she'd just delete all the music off my computer or take away the plug in thing for my keyboard. then i'd be pissed o_o
    LOL i think you exercise too much control over her. not that thats a bad thing i suppose.
    moving onto the topic of school again, my friend fell off a table yesterday. literally, she way lying on a table and someone poked her in the side. and she fell off onto a chair, which promptly fell over and she fell onto the floor. and then walked into a door frame. which was funny. we thought. Smiley
    netball. haha i've got dance now instead. which is a complete joke because me claire and abi are in teh same class. and we're all completely uncoordinated. and abi and i can't tell left from right (in all seriousness, i still do the L backwards L thing with my hands). so the teacher tries to get us to learn this dance to gangsta music. which is a waste of time because most of the class is pissing around pretending to be gangstas. lol
    wooah what did you do?!
    haha coursework. dammit not looking forward to the rush of the stuff next year
    kay lol
    October 13th, 2007 at 01:37am
  • xAwSugarx

    xAwSugarx (100)

    United States
    hahahah i love scented candles!!! and i love being obsessed. it gives me something to do.

    October 11th, 2007 at 12:54pm
  • xAwSugarx

    xAwSugarx (100)

    United States
    ahh theres nothing wrong with obsession lol
    October 10th, 2007 at 09:48am
  • xAwSugarx

    xAwSugarx (100)

    United States
    hahaahhaha i know!! god, edward would totally kick jacob's ass anyday xD
    October 8th, 2007 at 04:54pm
  • xAwSugarx

    xAwSugarx (100)

    United States
    it took me forever to eclipse! like a reallly long time compared to the first two. its ultra whaaaa? lol i didnt like it as much as the first but it had its moments like when bella wanted to do the dew, know what i mean? haha i read that part during english class and i just about laughed out loud xD
    October 5th, 2007 at 11:26am
  • xAwSugarx

    xAwSugarx (100)

    United States
    yeah twilight's my favorite
    October 4th, 2007 at 12:10pm
  • xAwSugarx

    xAwSugarx (100)

    United States
    anytime =]
    October 4th, 2007 at 12:07pm
  • nothing.

    nothing. (250)

    sure thing!
    October 3rd, 2007 at 06:28am
  • nothing.

    nothing. (250)

    October 3rd, 2007 at 05:45am
  • ultraviolet;

    ultraviolet; (150)

    United Kingdom
    hell that was long o_o
    September 25th, 2007 at 03:18am
  • ultraviolet;

    ultraviolet; (150)

    United Kingdom
    I don’t like it much : (
    Although that could well be because I'm a neat freak when it comes to maths. Sort of. But expecially algebra. Y’no, = signs all in a neat column down the page, numbers 1 per box…etc.
    Maths only though. Its actually funny now when teachers check my prep diary. Cause they look at it and they’re like “o_o no wonder you’re not getting your prep in on time”
    And then I have to explain that although it looks like a chicken’s walked across the page to everyone else, I can actually read it better than my “normal” writing
    Haha I just started using my fountain pen/black ink again this year.
    I spent the whole of last year using one of those rollerball things. The ones which smell bad and never run out of ink. Well, not often. But now I'm getting weird looks cause all the works half black/blue/red (yes, I used to write in red ink. And then I got severly told off, so I gave up on that front Smiley)
    Nope. Dammit I wish she did. I always wanted to read one of those books. I should imagine it was very funny to read.
    I think my mum would completely freak and confiscate my ipod o_o

    :D I might venture into the library and see if I can find one in there :D
    Since I spent the remainder of my pocket money (A WHOLE POUND A WEEK! When dad remembers) on the fightstar and an I am ghost CD, I'm sliiiightly hard up. * ahem *
    Lol luckily no relation. I have a SMALL family. Like, 3 cousins small family : )
    Damn I'm jealous. I have to do the whole “be nice, be social, ask if they want something to drink” thing. It’s a waste of time cause they all ignore me. So I end up in the kitchen muttering.

    Lol, kaaaay then..
    Thank god godalming is free of psychos. Well, at least where I live. The worst legitimate threat is an old lady thinking you’re a robber and hitting you over the head with her handbag. And just the thought of that makes me laugh :D
    Haha I think I’d scream :D
    Or run, veeery fast.

    It was SO MUCH FUN!
    (and that’s shocking to hear from me)
    It was the partonising voices of “well done!” that did it for me Smiley
    And me and abi in hysterics when we both failed to do the exercise and kept running in the wrong direction
    And the whole “wing turnout” thing
    Which consisted of running in circles pretending to have wings
    Yep. As you can tell, I obviously take netball veery seriously :p
    Ah, lucky. I used to do that with a friend of mine (we would literally spend hours outside making up games with our scooters Smiley)
    September 25th, 2007 at 03:17am
  • B_e_x_a

    B_e_x_a (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    hello it is the magic of me again!lol!MADINA LAKE!!!!!the sad thing is i cant remember their drummers name but the only drummer that matters to me is bob bryar!!!
    September 24th, 2007 at 04:17am
  • ultraviolet;

    ultraviolet; (150)

    United Kingdom
    baha i sit next to my best friend in maths, with my sarcasm buddy on my other side. so little maths is done unless we're having a competition who can get to the end of the page first. which means that i have 4 coulmns of sloping algebra down my page (cause they make us do maths on lined paper now. no, not squared, lined. i mean, wtf?!)
    aha all hte books my mum owns are about stuff like educational care or activity packs (shes a special needs teacher XD)
    ..although it does mean i dont have to bring home my maths book every day, cause we've got copies at home... Smiley
    aha once when we went to a friends house (mums not mine) they had a medical dictionary. i think i got to about h and then we had to go home : (
    unfortunately, next time we went i couldnt find it, so...
    lol the things my parents are most worried about are the worrying amount of time i spend in my room staring at a wall, or sitting on the windowsill staring at the wall, or being all "horrible" to guests that i dont like : )
    for example, last time we had this horrible prick over, i spent the rest of the evening outside in the dark and ignored him/sweared at him everytime he tried to come within 3 feet of me.
    okay that sounds really horrible. i was incredibly pissed off at the time.
    awesome! you have poetry all over you walls!
    i wanted to just have random words on mine. but mum said it'd take too long, so its half red half cream.
    lol i used to go to the park lots with my friend Smiley
    but then she went to australia, so i kinda stopped and started going to the convent instead. which is nicer, more peaceful and you cant see/hear any chavs shouting at you out the corner of your eye.
    lol that happens a lot at school to me. i've taken to being all polite and then pulling obscene faces behind their backs. its quite a fun one to pull off in the lunch room or at mum Smiley
    haha my whole life is long and full of little stories that no-one understands XD
    although that could be cause im crap at telling them :D
    i know : (
    although im relitavely paranoid about walking home in teh dark. expecially down a little road with no streetlights before i get there o_o
    although my favourite time of the day's gotta be when the sky goes that really deep blue and all the clouds look darker cause of the moon.
    once it went purple and the colour of the post a comment thing. it was so pretty : )
    i got a picture, but it didnt really work. pictures of the sky (at least my ones XD) never seem to
    September 23rd, 2007 at 05:28pm
  • ultraviolet;

    ultraviolet; (150)

    United Kingdom
    Baha I love chemistry and physics. Well. Only physics cause I’ve got this thing about cloning and I like the maths side of it (yes, I like algebra. The subsituting bit)
    Aha I once went through a phase where I got out every book I could find in the library on dna. It was fabulous. Then I ran out of books, so I gave up : (
    AHA I HATE OSMOSIS! Its gotta be the most boring topic in biology o_o. I like human biology though. Just not the whole diffusion thing, which we spent the WHOLE of last year doing o_o
    Eh, she probably wouldn’t shoot us. Shed just be….incredibly unimpressed, put us in red slip lunch, and make us sit at opposite ends of the front bench for the rest of the year.
    I can be safe in the knowledge that the law will avenge my ghost. Good thinking.
    Eh, it was british if it was white headstones. They all look the same untill you actually go and look at them
    You’re probably sick of me asking stuff like this, but did you go to the thevipal memorial or the menin gate?
    Hard to forget. Expecially the thevipal memorial. Its literally MASSIVE.
    Haha its half 8 and I’ve been up for exactly 12 hours. Too long. Shouldn’t have gone to art.
    Haha I have seen it. Well. Ive posted this on here, so OBVIOUSLY I’ve seen it. smacks head (I found it eventually cause I had a comment from…camilla?...ages ago. And..well. it was there!
    Baha, my brother calls me lazy all the time. Something to do with the fact I spend my life in my bedroom or at school and never do any exercise o_o
    Although I did go for a walk today. Supposedly to draw, although I got rather distracted by the sky. And ended up watching it get darker and darker until I suddenly realised that I was meant to be home [u]before[/u] it got dark. So several OH SHITS were said (which was probably bad of me considering I was at the ladywell convent garden thing down our road) and I literally ran home. My exercise for the next week XD
    September 23rd, 2007 at 03:37am
  • ultraviolet;

    ultraviolet; (150)

    United Kingdom
    baha HI
    September 22nd, 2007 at 07:34pm
  • Another Rainy Day

    Another Rainy Day (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    yes we are in history!!!!! if you want you may have some chocolate mints that are painfully nasty. i have never tried to google the teletubbies but rest assured i shall. love yooooou xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    September 20th, 2007 at 09:51pm
  • Another Rainy Day

    Another Rainy Day (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    OH MY GOSH COME HOOOOME!!!! and stuff glandular fever i would snog you anyway i miss you that much!!! i soooooo want to sit under a table with you in a black paradey dress like in our frerard. that would be tooo much fun. you have to do that. we have to meet and swap terrifying holiday stories as well because trust me, my family are like the jesus army meets the adams family all set in new jersey. i loved it.
    miss you!! and write more of your story! xxx
    August 30th, 2007 at 05:02am
  • Another Rainy Day

    Another Rainy Day (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    aaaaaaah!!! don't CRYYYYYYYY!!!! i'll come and find you. i am soooo sorry i didn't phone on your birthday but i thought you'd be annoyed that it cost YOU two pounds fifty per minute. so HAPPY BIRTHDAY. i miss you, when are you coming hoooome??? my home by the way not yours.
    love you. xxxxx
    August 29th, 2007 at 06:04am
  • Another Rainy Day

    Another Rainy Day (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    hello. back from americaland but i feel that you are in tuscany or some such poshness. sooooo much to tell you. i nearly died with laughter over there, it was fab. *grins*
    August 20th, 2007 at 10:00pm