What to do, what to do...

Hey, Mibba.So it's 9:37, I have a midterm on Friday, I have a paper to turn in worth 30% of my grade due on Thursday, I'm broke as FUDGE and the only thing I've done today is bake cookies and workout.At least it was somewhat productive.I think part of this funkiness may be because of my new status as single. Things had been hard with the boyfriend for 3 months so we're on a break. Before that...
January 29th, 2014 at 06:46am

What am I doing...

Dear Mibbians,For the past week I've been feeling rather a miss. Actually, really a miss. Is that a saying? "A miss"? Anyways, where do I begin?I guess I'll start with the before. *cue dramatic music*I've been in my relationship for going on 2 and a half years. My boyfriend is fantastic. He's one of the best guys I know. But as of late...the spark is missing. It's not that the honey moon is over...
December 9th, 2013 at 10:06pm

What the derp? (My return)

I keep saying that. "What the derp", that is. Why do I say this? I don't understand. I only say it when I feel confused or I'm spiraling in and out of some form of consciousness (in short, when I'm spacing out).This is hopefully my full and complete return to writing. I miss it. I remember when I was younger and I would get on the computer and write about my daily life because I thought it was...
October 4th, 2013 at 03:37am

Ahhhh the nostalgia...or lack there of.

So, I guess I should explain that I haven't logged on in a little less than a year. I haven't updated a story in OVER a year. So the fact that Mibba breaks my heart may be due to the neglect I've inflicted upon it. You see, I joined mibba when I was 12 around 5 years ago. I loved that format. It didn't change dramatically for a while and then BAM. New website. I'm sure it's still the same Mibba,...
February 15th, 2013 at 02:16am

My first love

My first love was an asshole.But then again, I was an idiot.I was 15 and lonely and hormonal and I let myself fall in love with a douchebag that never showed whether he cared for me or not. He compared me to other girls saying, "I could have gone out with her, you know?" like he had settled for me. He created this idea in my head that I was nobody's dream girl. I'd only be what somebody would...
September 22nd, 2012 at 06:15am

My tattooo!

I never know how to start out a "blog". I'm still used to it being a "journal" and so now I'm like...what? How do I do this? But I'll figure it out, I guess. I kind of just want to go into saying that I got my first tattoo today. So I will.I got my first tattoo today! It's the Oregon outline with the green heart in the middle and Home in really cool script over and my best friend got oregon with...
August 27th, 2012 at 08:10am

My Schizo blog

You know, I have no idea how to use the new Mibba but I don't think it matters that much. I remember when I first joined Mibba, around 5 years ago and everything was so simple. Now there's pictures everywhere! Waddafack?!I've decided I need to write more. Writing used to be my favorite thing. I remember turning up A Skylit Drive and living vicariously through scene kids that I made up with...
May 27th, 2012 at 08:04am

I'm in a serious relationship.

I had a revelation over the weekend. It happened when my boyfriend, his friend and I went downtown. We ran into not one but 2 people who I once experienced interesting relationships. It was a bit of a shock because I hadn't seen either of these people in over a year. In fact, the first it had been 2 years.It got me thinking about the brief relationships I had with them and how different they are...
May 1st, 2012 at 06:18am


I always get the feeling that I'm not doing enough. That I'm not enough. That I'll never amount to anything. Sometimes I wonder if that's just a teenager thing, but it feels so much deeper than that to me.I think that compassion is - or should be - the most exercised human emotion. And with compassion should be action.Maybe I'm coming off a high from watching Kony 2012, but when I really think...
March 8th, 2012 at 05:59am

My body is breaking beneath all this pressure. (rant)

GoddamnlordyjesuschristI haven't posted ANYTHING since August. I haven't posted a journal since July. Wow. I don't even want to fill in anything about my life because chances are you don't know me and you don't really know my past. We're not old friends that need to catch up or anything. But it honestly feels that way.Let me just list all the "awesome"/really horrible things happening in my life...
January 18th, 2012 at 05:12am

I wanna read something GIRLY :3

HEY MIBBA! It's been yonks, eh?So update on my life: my mother called me a slut yesterday, just because I want to stay on birth control as a precautionary measure. I'm not doing it out of permiscuity, I swear I just REALLY don't want to be pregnant. I think that's reasonable. And it does wonders to your skin, really.I've been grounded for the past 2 months, summer is no fun for me as I am not...
July 7th, 2011 at 07:18am

So I'm seeing this guy...

He's amazing. He really is a great guy. I like him a lot and I just really want to get to know him better. We're both pretty fresh out of relationships so we aren't trying to rush into one and we're just seeing where things are going.I feel horrible for saying this but he's bi and it's a little strange to me. I'm not exactly sure why...Our taste in guys are really different. I like short guys, he...
April 26th, 2011 at 07:20am

I'm a terrible, terrible girlfriend...

My boyfriend has been in rehab for a month now. He should be coming back next Wednesday.His sobriety should be a big priority for the both of us. I'm the only connection he has to the world outside of rehab but I haven't been there for him lately.The last time he called me was Sunday. It was at 1:00 in the morning in New york time (I was there) but 10 in Oregon. I missed his call. He didn't call...
February 26th, 2011 at 07:18am

I'm really sick of this... I just don't know what to do.

So all I can think about lately is how my boyfriend is in rehab. I just got off the phone with him and we touched on a VERY important subject lightly but didn't go into full detail about it.He's coming back in 3 weeks but he doesn't want to live with his grandma anymore. He really doesn't have any other place to go other than Battleground with his meth addict mom or Alaska and he doesn't want to...
February 10th, 2011 at 07:29am

Why are people so...dumb?

Today when I was riding the school bus home, this guy whips out a water bottle filled with weed, made a deal and then proceeded to smoke some. Which was probably the most intelligent thing you can do, ya know? I glared at him and then he was like "Hey, you're boyfriend is in rehab, right?"I was so ready to punch that guy. Yes, my boyfriend is in rehab but I do not needed to be reminded that or...
February 10th, 2011 at 02:42am

So I haven't heard from him in 3 days...

My boyfriend is in rehab and we had our 6 month on the first. His rules in rehab is that he's allowed to call someone for 7 minutes each day and usually that's me. He didn't call me on Thursday. He didn't call me on Friday and he didn't call me tonight. Honestly, I'm flipping out.I shouldn't be though. I get he has to make calls to his grandma but three days without contacting him is killing me!...
February 6th, 2011 at 08:41am

You don't really know a person till you get a chance to cry with them

I always thought my pilates teacher was interesting. I take private classes and clean her studio for a discount. I get a lot out of it and I really really enjoy them. She's really fun to talk to.My parents told me I couldn't take it anymore because it was too expensive. I understood I guess...but they spend 600 a month on my sister's ballet classes and even more on summer programs. This is the...
February 2nd, 2011 at 06:07am

Swappage of the comments, eh?

Hey guys! I'm super bored so I've been reading some stories and just updated 2 of mine :)I'd like to do a comment swap. Anyone down? Here are the rules.Read either Complete Serenity or Shake Down.You comment me first.No slash and no fanfics.And that's about it :) To be honest, I either want dark and scary creepy or sweet happy go lucky teen romance. Either end of the spectrum, not inbetween. Any...
February 1st, 2011 at 08:58pm

He's gone

My boyfriend just left for rehab about 4 hours ago...the reality of it didn't seem real until maybe twenty minutes ago.Funny thing was, he was clean for two months. He finished up his treatment and the next day he got caught with a pipe.He knows I don't approve so that's why he didn't tell me he was going to smoke. His mom is a meth addict and so his grandma did the only thing she could think of...
January 27th, 2011 at 02:22am

Sticky situation.

There are so many things going on right now I can't even begin...or begin to begin.So I've been dating this guy for 4 months now. There has only ever been 2 problems and we never fight. Those two problems are his ex girlfriends who are still in love with him. We broke up for a day for reasons I don't want to go into and immediately one of them texted that she was in love with him.Her boyfriend is...
January 15th, 2011 at 08:32am