This shore has rhythm. A fractal beat

on surf and sand. A wave. A wave.

Hey there. I'm Dakota and sometimes I write things but most of the time I don't and that fucking sucks.
Ding, a wash a gulp an ocean a river

Ding, strong penetrations, footsteps, vibrations

The ding ding, the hum,

This hiss and smoke from Manhattan’s mouth is loud but young

Monday may 02, 2011.

mood: bored.
thoughts: I hope someone reblogs goddammit.
doing: scrolling
music:Just a Boy - Alan Lastufka and Tom Milsom
time: 3.00
updates: Finishing latest chapter of My Dearest Companion

It will pass. Shore is forever. A wave. A wave

A wave in wet paint on metal. Wet orange reflections, captured light set forever

My Dearest Companion...
chapter: #4.
status: active.

Plucking Ukelele Strings
chapter: #1.
status: to be continued...

Like Blades Of Grass
chapter: #2.
status: to be continued...

Paint this city black. Paint this city black.

Shout amongst this hum, this hiss and Manhattan's smoke

And mouth your words so that

Every silent phoneme is a subway tunnel!

Eilidh Minahil. Laura. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend.
friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend.

The city sleeps beneath a pillowed sky And suffocated hum and hiss and smoke

Can not disturb a wave. A wave. This city sleeps surrounded by the shore.

layout by allyssa@lieslikelullabies.| re-mixed by Eilidh|