
So I was supposed to get my wisdom teeth out this summer, but I chickened out. However, I get serious heavy-duty cramps while I'm on my period. I usually take about 12 advil a day when I'm on my period, and I can't go to class or practice or basically do anything. I went to the doctor's and the prescribed me birth control. I really really don't want to take birth control, because I feel like if...
July 7th, 2009 at 11:55pm

Good Weekend...FINALLY!

So this is my first summer home from college. And it is just about as hopeless and meaningless as my high school years. But this weekend was finally a GREAT TIME!I got out of work on Friday at about 12:00 and it was finally nice out and not raining for once (it's been raining the entire month of june) So I brought my book I'm currently reading, The Bell Jar by Slyvia Plath, to a lake in a...
July 5th, 2009 at 05:15pm

please help.

I have a nasty feeling dragging me down. And this is the feeling of hopelessness. Maybe it's the rain (it's been raining here for the entire month of june) but I'm just NOT happy. I'm not satisfied, I'm bored, I'm negative.I'm almost twenty years old and I can already see where my life is taking me. I'm going to school at a decent school studying philosophy, which we'll get me let's see...NO JOB!...
July 1st, 2009 at 07:27pm

shots shots shots shots!

Yo, so my best friend hangs around with all these low-profile DJs in Boston and introduced me to this song called Shots by LMFAO. It's pretty funny, if you are opposed to alcohol and underage drinking. It can be a little derogatory, but what song isn't these days?Anyways, this summer kind of blows. It's been raining for about TWO CONSECUTIVE WEEKS. I honestly can't take it. I'm someone that needs...
June 29th, 2009 at 07:14am


So I deactivated my facebook. All because of one single that pathetic or what? I'm not sure if I made the right decision to stop connection with everyone on it just because of one person.But do you know the feeling when someone hurt you so bad that you can't even look at them? That everytime you see what they're doing on their stupid 'status update' you think about why the couldn't...
June 24th, 2009 at 05:54am

sexually afraid

So, this is really personal stuff and I'm only writing this beacuse I don't know anyone hear and I need some advice. I don't always feel comfortable saying this stuff to my friends. Last fall, I started hooking up with this boy, Wes. I really liked him and we had some kind of sexual chemistry. However, we never had sex becuase I felt that he just wasn't the one I wanted to lose my virginity to....
June 15th, 2009 at 02:48am

emotionally draining.

So here's the deal. My dad has done social work all his life and now is the executive director of the Nashua Children's Home. I'm 19, going to be a sophomore in college. I had a rough time at school with the transition and whatnot but it's not really important. Because of that, I did not recieve the amount of credits that I needed to be a sophmore this year. I've been studying philosophy and...
June 11th, 2009 at 11:30pm


i hate it. this isn't supposed to be an 'emo' statement, but honestly, it's such a WASTE of my time. I'm so sick of putting effort into certain individuals who GET UP WALK AWAY. It's just so frustrating. It hurts when you form a good frienship with someone and then all the sudden they walk right out of your life. I feel as though forming anything other than a casual relationship with someone is a...
June 11th, 2009 at 08:41am


Hey guys! So I'm new here, and just wanted to pop in and say hello! I've been seeing a lot of frustration directed towards journals regarding suicide and 'teen' thoughts and such. I just want to let you know that I'm interning at a Children's Home as a residential counsoler, and I work with adolescent girls all day (and am one myself), so I will always be here to listen and not judge or condemn...
June 11th, 2009 at 08:00am