I am the rain, the cloud and the grey :)

Fuck yeah, people of the earth!The kettle is boiling, and low and behold, I am making a brew...Fun is being had hereabouts.I had noodles earlier and I can still taste the chicken-y goodness, so I'm thinking that a brew might help relieve me of this miniature dilemma.Life is good, non-complain-able..I have Peter Doherty on my media player, and I am working on so many different story ideas for the...
July 3rd, 2009 at 02:33pm

Feeling very.. How to describe it.. "French" is as close a word as exists, but I don't know why...

It cannot be my constant hanging around the back doorof your life waiting for someone to pay some attention tomy yelps and whinesand the scratches in the doori'm forever makingwith my paw,but not anymore...I have an urge to just break down, call my friend and start singing the words:"Sais-tu ma belle que les amoursLes plus brillantes ternissentLe sale soleil du jour le jourLes soumet au...
June 23rd, 2009 at 01:06am

Powercuts & Braveheart

That brave heart guy was scottish, is the only link he holds in this story.Nevertheless..I am hoping I'm one of possibly a few people who answer "unknown number" calls in a scottish accent with the words: "Hello, dougal macpherson here, who the fuck are you?" And then have to stay in character for the duration of the phonecall cos it's your work and they'll probably not be too pleased??...
June 20th, 2009 at 05:54pm

Books & Cigarettes

My simple title, of course, an adaptation of the Orwell essay Books Vs Cigarettes in which he discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each aginst each other, the price being the major factor in retrospect.I have spent the day going through all my pessessions in my bedroom and re-arranging their positions so as to maximize efficiency of space within my room...I hadn't reaslised I had so many...
June 16th, 2009 at 05:40pm

Thespianic Vintage Rave - The Beginnings

I am engagin gmyself more intensely into my "storywriting" at the moment, but to very little avail. I have rabbit-eared the word "storywriting" since the story in question is in fact very largely the truth, but with alternative names and characterisations, but with many situations and turns of events reflecting life almost directly. It is a deep book concerning many aspects of life, covered...
June 14th, 2009 at 02:51pm

Addicted to Blogging?

Apologies to all the lives that I dislodged from the social networking scheme of things when posting multiple blogs last night. As I have explained to each person that has complained to me directly, with my sincerest of apologies, I have said that, while being new to this site bears no real value as a form of excuse, I also must confess that in not knowing that there was beforehand such a thing as...
June 13th, 2009 at 02:44am

Monday, January 26, 2009: The World Is, Indeed, A Depressing Place To Live.. We Should Move.

Well, I don't know what it is.But a lot of people seem to be very down at the moment. Nobody cares. Nobody loves me. I don't understand. Everyone is on my back. I can't love anymore. Why can't some people see that it's not really their fault, it's more the worlds cruel afflictions? I feel very lonely. I miss intimacy, I miss attraction, I miss being burned by the fires of love. I miss the...
June 12th, 2009 at 01:06pm

Friday, January 09, 2009: Get away. Get back. Get lost. I won't allow it.

I call my friends, the squirrels, to usher them to declare war on one particular Swan Princess Crone of a "french" teacher... They shall declare war and then fight til her death.Some people are paranoid,voices in every window,I see eyes where there are no heads to turn them,I see life looking over my shoulder.Always looking back. I think people need to generally stop everything. Drop it. And take...
June 12th, 2009 at 01:05pm

January 2nd 2009: New Year Reflection Time Election Poll....

Now, I would like to petition the rest of the world to perhaps join our early forefathers in stealing yet more time from the month of February. Here's my sales pitch for why. I think that since everyone makes mistakes, yet everyone can still hope and dream for a better day afterwards. I think that on the stroke of midnight on new years eve, there should be a ten minute gap between each year. Ten...
June 12th, 2009 at 01:05pm

Saturday, December 13, 2008: Russell Brand to present Eurovision 2009 [Re-Edit]

[EDITED to account for removal and reworking of indirect racist comments made as a cause of the original blog]What the actual fudge is wrong with some people?Nothing is ever good, let alone good enough anymore. Everything is so bad, and prejudice."...Major car crash in Paris today. 1200 people died. Luckily, none of them were British..." "...Moving onto to something more important, the weather....
June 12th, 2009 at 01:04pm

Penguin Analogy for Scene Kids

I'm going to make a directly ambiguous commentI am not on either side, cos I don't take sides between my friends.Think of it this way.We are all like penguins.(Hear me out! please!!)I don't mean little birds. Not exactly.Penguins are little birds, but that is not the point.The chocolate p-p-p-p-p-p-penguins... got it.They come in different wrappers. =]This IS going somewhere...They come in blue,...
June 12th, 2009 at 01:04pm

The Medias Negative Influence on my very soul

Shopping: The semi-difficult task of arranging items you desire most from a collection of items encased in a simple bricks + mortar structure, to fit your body and convey your personality at its core via colour, texture, appeal & "trend".Mannequin: Style whores. Designed to make you desire the very clothes they stand in & at the same time emit the realisation that you would not, obviously,...
June 12th, 2009 at 01:03pm


I want to Re:live so many moments from my life. I want to pause them as they happen and change things. The way I was, the things I did, and most of all I want to stop my words mid-air, break them up and put new words in. I want to say to who I liked that I liked them when I felt it. I wanted to be more honest to myself.Somebody is reading these blogs silently, I know because there's a little box...
June 12th, 2009 at 01:02pm

The Lack Of Ceasing To Exist Currently Attacking The Subconcious Mind Of One, Rian,,,

It has occurred to me. Many things they have offered themselves quite ludicrously to my ever-waning merciful hand. It seems that no matter how you travel, and search, seeking to find, or not to find as the case may seem to be, no matter where you go, who you meet, what you do, what you see, what you endure, what you experience, what songs you sing, what stories you tell, what novels you write,...
June 12th, 2009 at 01:01pm

Why must we find it so hard to just say how we.. y’know.. about.. well.. yeah...

"The birds are singing in the backyard,So the sun can't be too far."Speechless; You Once Said You Loved Me, With.. All That You... Are. Were.It's terrifying to sit and realise slowly that soon all this will be gone. And as much as I hate it, and I love it. I don' t know if I'll miss it. Regret it, or whatever.Why do we feel the need to ever feel this way.Love is the greatest thing, and...
June 12th, 2009 at 01:01pm

I’m not dwelling on her breaking hallelujah.

These days the things that once mattered are disrespected and given away so flippantly. Life, Love, Virginity, Truth, FrIendship, Money.How can we be so disregarding?Do we mean nothing to one another?People care so little and we kid ourselve sinto thinking that those we car emost about care about us too. And when they don't show it, you tell yourself that they do, in their own way. Or that they...
June 12th, 2009 at 01:00pm

Coffee Columbus, Literary Fingerfood & Mental Tat

It's time for a new blog.I think it comes with the wave of stephen hawking impressions, penguin appearances, and general arty-farty bad temepered shrieks of displeasure echoing through the long since departed winding corridors of my inner most brain department.I appear to be coming across very badly in these blogs, as some kind of vanity stricken manwhore, with fashion interests & complaints...
June 12th, 2009 at 12:59pm

A broken heart's beating inside this empty soul [Pt.1]

To my garrulous readers,It's time I opened my mind again, but now, I realise that when I need it most, I need to close my mind and open my heart. And so, tonight, that is what I am doing.Love is important.Happiness is important.Money is important.Sex is important.Power is important. Only one of the things above is really important. The others are simply different peoples' perceptions of how they...
June 12th, 2009 at 12:59pm

A Broken Heart's Beating Inside This Empty Soul [Pt.2]

Hello,I ought to have thought when I said hello, to have set aside enough time to actually talk to you, but t'were not to be, this time.Yeah, cos one of my friends' friends has decided to have his 18th party on my actual 18th... and I have booked days off work so I can go round town that night, with my friends.. but they're all off to this other guys private-hired disco and buffet thing.. And so...
June 12th, 2009 at 12:58pm

Hummingbird; Never Apologize, Never Explain, We Are The Munch Bunch, 'Eff Off!

For any readers that have decided to bother themselves with my many blogs, you may recommend suitable therapy! ;DI just bought a new guitar, but it's no hummingbird!The Gibson Hummingbird is a 2000£ guitar that is purest beauty.. in it's most divine form, as beauty does manifest itself from time to time! While this goes on, I have a guitar anyway, a new one at least.. it's a Crafter...
June 12th, 2009 at 12:58pm