I have nearly fainted like twenty times but never actually fainted....

Okay so it's like 3:50 right now and my chores take an hour to do so this entry will probably get put up much later then when I started since I have to do my chores in ten minutes.. anyways after I left off last night it was about 11 p.m. my time and my parents wanted me to get to bed, so I tried to get some shut-eye, it didn't work.I spent about on hour rolling around on my memory foam mattress...
July 17th, 2009 at 10:09pm

I swear those old ladies were checking me out

Oh Lordy, I swear those old ladies just checked me out.Okay when I left off it was like 1:30, I spent the next hour and a half talking my best friend Kim down from a major meltdown, as it turns out Kim is majorly scared for next year at high school where as I am indifferent to the point of not even considering what might happen next year, I don't really care. Eventually I convince Kim that even...
July 17th, 2009 at 04:40am

I always thought that 7 was an ungodly hour

I always thought that 7 was an ungodly hour, if so then why I was I not only awake at 6 but also awake at 6 on summer holiday? let's just say I wasn't too pleased.Last night I went to bed at 11 ish with my parents telling me if I didn't get my butt in bed soon then I wasn't allowed to see my friend the next day, my friend and I live half an hour apart so we get to hang out like once a month, which...
July 16th, 2009 at 07:44am

Day one- the earth is round

Okay, so today I decided I am going to write an online journal, I will write in it every chance I have and therefore I will probably have a million entries, but I figured it might interest someone so.. yeah and keep in mind, that all of the events though in no way fictional are likely exaggerated some, it happens, just build a bridge and get over it.The earth is roundyeah I know, it's amazing...
July 12th, 2009 at 12:58am