Apartment Hunting = Death

So my chick friend and I are looking for apartments near her university and my work, and no matter where we look there's always something wrong with it. Either its too crummy for a first apartment, the neighbours are drug addicts or its in the totally wrong part of town. Now I can't tell if it's us just being overly picky or just bad timing/luck/karma, but it is driving me crazy! But we finally...
January 19th, 2012 at 06:24am

Criticism is bullshit.

Hey there again. Has anyone reading this ever sworn off drama, to avoid it at all cost, just be as chill as a cucumber... and then for some inexplicable reasons you end up in more trouble then you started with. Yeah, that's me too, so don't worry. No matter how hard you try to just mind your own business you end up dragged into a friend's dispute. Like recently my best friend had me dragged into a...
January 5th, 2012 at 06:55pm


I'd be lying if I said this was anything more than a rant and some word vomit :P I just need an output for my wandering mind. Now I'm the kind of girl that barely has chick friends because honestly... Most women are bitches... I mean I can admit that I am one of those women (in the right circumstance). But I have one really great girl friend, me and her are inseparable. (and I do swear there's a...
October 11th, 2011 at 09:35pm