A Solitary Tear

I'm going to write this in a sort of stream of consciousness-like fashion.I want to cry myself to sleep every night because I want you, but you don't want me. Actually, it's more of a need than a want at this point. 3.5 years. That's how long I've tried to suppress these feelings inside me. How long I've tried to deny them to everyone, even myself. "It's just a phase." "You'll get over it." "Stop...
February 24th, 2012 at 07:10am

I'm done...

How much more do I need to give you for you to appreciate me? I am the only person who always picks up when you call, or returns your texts, or listens when you talk, or supports whatever genius endeavor you've chosen to dedicate your time to, or defends you when everyone else talks crap about you behind your back. Have you notcied that everyone literally tells you to stop talking everytime you...
April 10th, 2011 at 05:57am

First journal...I just need to vent...

So I am a freshman in college and I am startgin to learn the true value of friendship. Actually, I am learning what NOT to do. I've noticed recently that a group of my friends will sit around and talk about all the stuff they hate about one of our really close friends who has just left the room. I hate it, however I'm not going to sit here and lie and say I don't participate in said conversations....
March 9th, 2011 at 07:57am