skycastles. / Comments

  • Oh! I forgot to ask. With these birds... do you want me to put strings in them for you? 'Cause I wasn't sure.
    March 30th, 2011 at 02:52am
  • Eh, I’ve never been a big fan of his... but when in the movie his brother was watching the video they made... *shudders* ew.

    I get that, being scared and all. How long have you been friends with him? There has to be at least one fond memory right? So, yeah, I get that. The ho-monster and I used to actually openly admit we were friends (that was suuuuch a long time ago) but since she made it a personal vendetta to seriously fuck up other peoples lives I called her out on it. In front of people. For a second, I thought she actually had a heart and I felt bed for just a little bit. But then she was all ‘who asked you, bitch?’ and I didn’t feel bad anymore.
    I like that idea. Just like, sit down and have a serious chat about how your feeling, maybe even ask him why he does that kind of stuff. And then it’ll be like his second chance and such. If he ruins it then you’ll have no choice. Friends like that are poison, I swear.
    Nooooo problem. I’m always here for you. *pinky swears*

    No one can make you cry your own tears just like no one can make you bleed your own blood. *poses Blue Steel, nods like a boss*
    March 30th, 2011 at 02:51am
  • You’ve seen it? I guess it wasn’t so bad, but it was just like ‘omg seriously? Another sex scene?’

    I think you need a new ‘friend’. I mean if he annoys you that much and he’s been that way forever why did you befriend him to begin with? It’s kind of hypocritical for me to say that, but yeah. Next time he tries to do that just tell him to ‘fuck off’. He just sounds like a... jerk, for lack of a better word. Friends shouldn’t hurt you like that, they shouldn’t make you cry. I mean, sure I have a few love/hate relationships but we joke around a lot about it. It doesn’t sound like there’s an upside to you guys’ relationship. I don’t really know how to help, though, I’m sorry. :/
    Don’t cry. He’s not worth your tears. :(
    March 29th, 2011 at 05:44am
  • Thank you! :) and uh huh. I like making lyrics ones... I have like six or so on my ceiling...

    Really? I can see that...

    lol My mom and her boyfriend fight constantly. SHe’s kicked him out soooo many times but he just never leaves. This time he went and bought grocceries and they’re like old palls again. I will never understand. I don’t ever want to understand. If I ever go out with a guy like that I want someone to just slap me and say “what the hell are you thinking?” because I’d have to be out of my damn mind. I kind of hid in my room all weekend, though, because if I went downstairs the yelling would get turned towards me and I’d already gotten yelled at all Saturday. Sunday night, though, I had diner out at my brother and sister in laws and it was nice until we watched this movie that seriously could have been a porno if there had not been like two scenes where they were actually talking. But then my sister in law asked my older brother if she was sick like that (the girl had parkinson’s) would he stick around and still love her and he just kind of looked at her like ‘oh shit.’ Then she got pissed because it was basically a ‘no’ look. Urg.

    The last time I was kidnapped and we went to Walmart was sooo long ago and it happened to be by the ho-monster. We turned perfectly normal songs into scream songs and played hide and seek with random customers who didn’t know who we were.
    March 28th, 2011 at 10:41pm
  • It wouldn't let me add a comment earlier.. Or maybe it did and I just can't see it... I don't know.
    I like the number twelve though, it looks so cool when you type it out, you know?
    aaaaand I give two pictures. Just 'cause.

    So, how's your weekend so far?
    March 26th, 2011 at 11:51pm
  • Ha! Yeah. :)
    I know you're there, it's just summoning the guts to say something. That's all. Thank you.
    By the time I'm thinking like that I'm in such a foul mood it can't go much farther downhill.
    I'm gonna... I have like so many shows I have to catch up to... omg! And then my stepbrother comes around and is like... "You need to watch Gurren Laggen and Durrarra!! and FullMetal Alchemist and..." and I'm just like... 'woah, slow down there buddy. I have other things to do too, you know?' Recently though he's been more of a friend than a brother.
    SO! I've gotten twelve birds folded! (that took forever and I don't know why! lol) I can send you a pic if you want?
    March 26th, 2011 at 02:07am
  • Psh, I turned 16 in August. I'm just like... the youngest in my class. I feel like the youngest too, because I'm so far behind everyone else's achievements. Like.. they all have licenses... I hardly have a permit. It's just... nerve wracking.
    I don't like talking to people... it's weird because sometimes I get so angry at myself because I just want to go out and scream at somebody. I want to ask somebody for help so bad but... I hesitate and then my resolve just crumbles and I'm falling deeper and deeper and... I just don't know how. I made the mistake of telling two people I trust about one of the biggest secrets I have and they didn't care. So then I start to remember people must have it worse and that I should stop being so selfish. Just... ugh... I really don't want to cry again today. So... I'm just gonna stop typing. Yeah? Yeah.
    Anything that has Gabe in it has to be awesome. I'll probably watch it now... :)
    March 26th, 2011 at 01:10am
  • ...yeah...
    I'd love to travel the world with you! :D It's always been something I wanted to do. This summer I think I'm going to the UAE though, because my dad lives over in Abu Dhabi. (For some reason people thought I was making that up because there is no way that Abu Dhabi is a real place, but it's like... huge.)
    You'd be the most kick ass history teacher ever! I mean, I could totally see that.
    But it's soooo haaaard. lol I'm retaking my Intro to Psych class next year and then probably a sociology class or something the second semester. It's just that where I'm at now, I wish I had someone like that who I could trust and talk to and who could help me because they know... you know? I want to be that person for other people. I might work in small town schools or something, places where help like that isn't so readily available. And thanks. :)
    I haven't seen it.. is it sad? I avoid sad movies lol
    March 25th, 2011 at 11:59pm
  • She's scared I'd never contact her again. That it'd be like me running away. She doesn't want me to be that far away. I'm her first kid that will go to college (maybe the only). My older brother welds but never went to college and I don't know if he even finished high school and my younger brother is kind of... dumb. He wants to be a truck driver, though, so we have high hopes.
    I'd like to go to Chicago someday... just for the moment of culture shock at least.
    I love photography. I can never get pictures to turn out the way I want them too. I'm sure you could make it with the culinary arts, but the world needs some good history teachers. Ours all suck, anyway.
    Well, when I was much too young I thought that I could actually write a book and sell it, but, yeah... I grew up. But I really just want to help people so my friends are all like "you'd make an awesome therapist" so I'm going into Child and Adolescent Psychology. If I fail at that then I'll be some sort of teacher. Either elementary or high school/ middle school english. It's all I'm really good at, lol.
    March 25th, 2011 at 11:14pm
  • That's actually a good idea. :) My mom tore up all the letters I got from Chicago, though, and Chicago isn't even that far away. But we could rent an apartment or something. It's be super awesome, but it's just a dream, right? What do you plan to go to college for?
    March 25th, 2011 at 10:36pm
  • It looks amazing. :)
    I'm good. It's just I have such a heavy load. I was setting up my classes for senior year and looking at colleges all day and I think I found one, but I'm so unsure about everything. It's only two hours and 45 minutes away from my home and maybe a half hour outside of Des Moines and one of their major classes is Psychology but public areas like that scare the crap out of me.. my mom tells me I should get an apartment but then I'd need a job on top of all that school work and a car and a license and my mind is just spinning, but it's okay because that's normal.
    Can you give me ten colors in order from most favorite to less favorite? (that sounded super weird)
    March 25th, 2011 at 12:56am
  • Kay.

    How's you?
    March 21st, 2011 at 08:05am
  • I know. :)
    See, I thought Lights was just her but I've never really listened or anything so... yeah..
    Atleast it's not plain white! I got to draw on my walls though... and I'm supposed to be painting them soon. I was just wondering so that the birds don't look absolutely horridable in there. lol cuz if your walls were a different color and such... and just yes.
    New question!
    What's the most meaningful song to you at the moment?
    March 21st, 2011 at 12:12am
  • I love The Killers. *swoons* I don't know why though... just something about them. Who doesn't love Kansas? I'll randomly start singing Dust in the Wind around the house and everybody but my little brother will start singing along. He's not awesome though... so yeah. I've heard of LIGHTS before, but I've never really... heard... them. You know? That just came out weird.
    What colors are the walls in your room? And if I sent the birds collapsed could you blow them up?
    March 20th, 2011 at 07:37pm
  • Like SURPRISE!?
    That's why I just haven't said anything yet. She can't stand Supernatural because it actually follows religions for the most part and shows probably the worse aspects of them, but that's one of the reasons I love it so much. Half of the stuff I know about the bible is from there. XD
    So... what kind of music do you listen to? Juuuuuust wondering...
    March 20th, 2011 at 03:57am
  • Yeah, They make the scariest movies and I've never heard of that one.
    I'm not good at first person shooter games, I have no aim. I play Fable sometimes and Bioshock though...
    Yeah I get that. I was talking with my step brother and he's all like 'don't hate me but I'm atheist' and I'm like 'dude, why would I hate you for that and told him that I was pretty much not religious at all' If I told my mom that she'd shoot me or disown me.
    lol you're just a generous person. :) and of course I am. I have all the papers out that I'm folding at home, I've got two done...
    ¿Eres un poco cómico? <-- three years of Spanish right there... and it isn't even what I meant to say. No soy inteligente. Idun think you sound funny. :P
    March 19th, 2011 at 11:55pm
  • I don't know. XD

    Uhmm... I love horror films, do you mean horror films that are from a different language or just films from a different country? Either way, it's nice.
    Uhm, my step brother has a playstation 2 but he doesn't live with us, my brother however has an x-box, x-box 360, playstation, wii, gamecube and I have that little playstation one thing and a Nintendo (it's really old). Nathan loves his games...
    I actually own that book! haha, but yeah I'm reading crescendo right now and it's about angels and fallen and nephilim. I like reading about angels actually, don't know why.
    Ur, I'm not sure...
    I never got you anything for your birthday either. :(
    Psh, you don't sound funny, why would you sound funny?
    March 19th, 2011 at 02:49pm
  • lol That's good. :)
    Actually, I'm kind of bored. lol
    March 18th, 2011 at 03:02pm
  • So, how are you and how's your break?
    March 18th, 2011 at 02:14am
  • lol Gotcha.
    That's awesome.
    Yeeeaaaaah, but it's not all my decision, she's gotta make up her mind too. lmao I'll probably talk her into trying though. *nods* There are some reaaaaally pretty ones online that probably took forever to make and they're just so beautiful! Like... for cereal.
    March 17th, 2011 at 02:44am