
United States
Joined date
June 16th, 2009



With me, everything isn't always what it seems...you have to know that from the beginning. Jesus Christ has been absolutely amazing to me, and I can't complain. It's hard to describe my style; I like anything vintage or retro, but with a twist of modern flare thrown into the mix. But vintage could mean anything to me: from the 30's, to the 50's, the 70's or 80's...it's all so fascinating to me. My iPod is bipolar; one second I could be sweetly humming along to a Michelle Branch song, then the next I could be killing the dance floor with something from Forever The Sickest Kids, or strumming an acoustic air guitar to Rascal Flatts. The gears in my brain are always turning, playing bits of a fresh story line in my mind to scribble down when I return home. Writing is my main way of letting loose all those bottled emotions; I'd rather have a pen and paper than a television and a DVD player...it's just a fact with me.
I DO run a fanfiction site on MySpace, titled Darkroom, and have much more content up on the site. If you'd like the check that out here, I update quite frequently. Give me a little time on here to figure out how things work, I'm quite new. But don't be afraid to drop me a line & let me know what's up! And most of all, let me know if you absolutely LOVE a story, or if you want to stab its eyes out, it's all good, and feedback = improvement.
