Raison D'etre / Comments

  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    + You changed your profile! I like it, though. :D Least you remembered your name, haha.

    Thanks for putting the like to Masquerade up, too. I saw it, and I smiled for just about hte first time today! Very droll day... -_-
    Thanks! :D
    June 26th, 2010 at 02:06am
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    Yeah, I realize that. Ulg, my muse has disappeared again. I know exactly what I want to write, but I just don’t know how to get it out… Now I think I kind of understand better what you said about knowing how you wanted to write your story, but not how to begin, or…well, yeah. That’s the gist.

    You didn’t know how to swim? :O I’ve recently made a habit of getting water up my nose, =( . I swear, it’s torture, yet it happens every single time.

    I know, there is too much drama entitled, but it just feels like… we aren’t through with each other. Does that make sense? Like, there’s still something there. It’s been a week, and he still hasn’t tried to call or come over. Not that I’ve been waiting….

    Wuthering Heights is my current obsession, haha. I was describing the entire Keaton (that’s his name…) thing to one of my friends, and they pointed out how much like the main characters in the beginning we were, so I took a look and we are kind of similar… Childhood friends, each fell for each other, the girl was too proud and vain at first (how lovely am I? -_-), he left and came back totally…amazing, but it was too late, he met someone else and then everything got so complicated they were only screwing each other over… Actually, the book is better than that, haha. I think you should check it out. Not totally as…horrid as I described. I’m bitter. Ignore me.

    Random question; What do you think of Glee?

    Have you seen that telle show about the people who are OCD? I’ve recently discovered how informative the T.V. can be, haha. New seasons starting up, and I’m going to see if that’ll give me some help, too.

    Sheesh, tell your boy toy I said good luck, haha. Hmmm… a tutor… besides all the talk that’d be going around school, that’d probably be smart…hehe…

    I agree. There’s too many unknown author signings, and most of the teen section here is all vampire and the undead. They’re okay, but a little old. :O No thrift stores?!?! -gasp- That’s almost unheard of! Well, here, I mean.

    I have another question. When dealing with a hyphen, do you absolutely have to use two when inserting something into the text, or are there any cases when you can use only one?

    …How could I have forgotten my name? :o
    June 26th, 2010 at 01:57am
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    Haha, no, not totally unemotional. Just a little less extreme when it comes to the librarian situation.

    Yeah, it stopped raining for a few hours yesterday so I went swimming. Normally I’d be happy, but I’m kind of miserable…

    Remember that guy I told you about? Well, after about a month of not speaking, he finally comes over and tells me he was kept on a tight leash since he had been let out of the hospital (he was doing something stupid…) and he had only recently gotten his phone back so he couldn’t call me… And, somehow that escalated to this big fight, where I just let it all out… And he would throw it all right back at me, tell me I needed to think before I spoke, and it made me madder…I was absolutely horrible. I called him so many names, and we both left mad, with me telling him not to bother keeping in touch… I tried calling him, but he didn’t give me the new number, and his old number doesn’t work…. I have no clue what to do now to make it right… So, I’ve been miserable. Have you ever read Wuthering Heights?

    I never even thought of adding to her to a story….I’d be perfect! My parents don’t really like getting out when they don’t have to, so my dad just never took me to see her, or anyone else up there. Even if it is only about twenty miles away.

    =D I don’t know whether I’d be willing to give you hints or not, haha. The hard part is coming up with the ‘Ever After’. I thought about giving her OCD, but then I really didn’t know too much about it. I’ll check out the story, and see what I think I could do.

    So your good at math, then? Lucky. I’ve been barely getting by since the sixth grade, haha. I’ve always thought making video games looked like fun, but really complicated.
    I wish we had a Barnes & Nobles, or even a Borders. All we have is the local coffee shop, which sells books on self help, abstract toilet art, and only the most popular things like the Twilight series. Then, we have Walmart, but their books are a little sketchy…

    More than likely, I would be stuck feeding and watering the animals, making sure their cages stay clean, and hopefully they’d give me time to play with them, =). It doesn’t sound all that fun, but I wouldn’t be alone, since there are two or three other interns.

    And you can watch it? Like, on T.V, or the computer or something? It sounds really interesting.
    June 21st, 2010 at 04:13pm
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    =) Yeah, looking back over it I kind of realized that. I’ll probably go back over it sometime, and make Jayne a little less…crazy. In the later chapters she isn’t as emotional as the first, and originally I was going to make it into two chapters. But, yeah. I have a revision in mind already, haha.

    True. But somehow, it isn’t as fun swimming when its already wet out… The water looks pretty, with the raindrops, and the dark overcast, but still…

    So, I went over to my aunt’s house for the first time in about ten years yesterday, and she’s absolutely bonkers! She’s a little old lady, since all of my dad’s family is older, but when she starts talking the cuss words just stream out! I learned quite a few new ones, let me tell you. Then, she came up to my younger sisters and I, looked directly at my youngest sister, then the middle sister, and said, “I see Kaitlyn, where’s Madi?” Who she had just looked at. My dad pointed out that it was Madi, and my aunt acted as if she were about to have a heart attack she couldn’t find one of us.

    Then, she was talking about how big my littlest sisters gotten, and looked at my dad and said, “She’s so little. Do you remember her?” And he was just all… “Uh, yeah. That’s my daughter.” I swear, I love that crazy woman already, and I just met her. Of course, she may not really be like that, since she’s been on this medicine for her back, but she’s still hilarious.

    Haha, it may be more chapters, I’m still a little weary about finally ending the story. The new story is a love story, of course, but the main character is extremely different from Cassie. She’s a perfectionist, who likes having every single little thing go her way. Its well written, I think, but I have a feeling people will get bored with it too easily.

    The book sounds pretty good, actually. I’ll definitely have to read it whenever it comes out.

    I didn’t know him personally, but my sister was taught by his wife, and she says he’s a sweet old man. I wouldn’t have really had to do much, just makes sure he’s lifted into his bed and taken his medicine. I thought it was a good deal. If you could work anywhere, where would it be? Like, right now, wise. I think I’d like to intern at the Veterinary clinic. I had the opportunity, but I got my papers in a little late. So I’m at the top of the list next year.

    What’s E3? Hehe, it sounds like E.T. Sorry, silly moment.
    June 17th, 2010 at 05:15pm
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    I could have swore I commented you back… Haha, I was just sitting here, wondering when you were going to write back after I saw your comment on Spilt Milk (Your one of the only two people who could give me constructive criticism and I wont glare at the computer screen while reading it, haha…) and then I noticed it was ME who hadn’t wrote back…Oops.

    Its been raining here like crazy. I like it, and all, but its flooding uber bad, and now I cant go relax at the pool or anything.

    =) I have everything planned out for MM, and it should be at least another six (maybe seven) chapters. My only problem is, I’m definitely not done writing Draco Malfoy fan fictions. I actually got bored and started writing another, but it’s a bit too detailed, so I doubt it’ll be a Mibba story. Probably just my guilty pleasure.

    Why don’t you put up the first few chapters of the stories you’ve written? Or at least one? See what people think, and maybe everything will come to you the further you get? Haha, I’m just dying to read something you’ve wrote! But, I understand sometimes it takes time…and if not time, revisions.

    What was Sarah J. Mass’s book about? That’s a LONG time to be reading a story! I feel completely niave, but I didn’t know you could read authors work before they published it… I thought the publishing people had strict guidelines about online…publishing. Did that make sense? It sounds weird to me.

    I was SO close to getting a job a few days ago, until my mom objected. The stinky old lady. Anyways, I was going to be a Man Lifter. Doesn’t that sound hilarious? I told my aunt and she was all o.O , hehe. Anyways, the guy was paralyzed, and needed someone to use a lifter and lift him into bed each night, and turn him over. It would be from 9-10, but I was okay with the hours. My bestie was going to drive me over. And it paid good. For working fifteen minutes a night, by the end of the week I could make about forty-fifty dollars, and still be able to watch my sisters during the day. But my mother, being the overprotective…heartless (maybe that’s a little extreme, but I’m grumpy) woman she is, objected. Apparently, a fifteen year old isn’t responsible enough to put a seventy year old man to bed… But I put her children to bed every night…Ugh, I’m bitter. Do you have a job?

    Anything new with you?
    June 17th, 2010 at 01:38am
  • silk tea.

    silk tea. (400)

    United States
    Building Humans is updated.
    June 14th, 2010 at 03:31am
  • Des

    Des (100)

    United States
    Well I have something in mind. :) Although it's not thoroughly thought out I think I know where I'm going with it. :P
    June 13th, 2010 at 01:16am
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    Haha, okay, as long as there’s a super strong cord, and a super…non-murderer controlling it, I’m fine with it. Kind of. Heights freak me out a bit, though…

    I suppose skin cancer free is good. But still, the heat feels so good, haha. It’s my latest addiction. Bit I’m betting if I have to drag my bestie out of the house again to sit out on her lawn and soak up some UV Rays (I love saying that, haha. ), she’ll try to hold an intervention. The beaches are really cold? Sounds like our ‘beaches’, which are really only the sides of the this big like that are buoyed off. There isn’t even sand. Just rocks. But cold water isn’t always a bad thing. It’ll wake you up….and, erm, you wont boil.

    The reunion was weird. Haha, flat out weird. I got there, and automatically this lady hugged me (never met her) and told me I looked like my aunt, before asking my mother who I was. Then, whenever it was time to eat, everybody left their kids with me, and I couldn’t control them. Your lucky the kids in your family are older, then. My family just keeps popping them out. I CANT WAIT TILL I CAN RELAX!!! So jealous.

    But it was okay. I was really annoyed after it, though, and bit everyone’s head off. But it was okay.

    :D Did you really like it? I was going to wait and do all that later in the story, but it all just kind of started coming to me, so I kept writing. The problem is, this was supposed to be my ending…So, its wither I end the story now, or find something else to write about. I’m completely unsure what to do, though. But your questions will be answered in the next chapter, or two.

    Have you written any chapters or anything to AM? But it sounded intriguing, which is good! Haha, I deal with perfectionists every day. I’m used to it, haha.

    Hehe, I did. I’m going back to the Library today. I’ve read them all except for The Book Theif, which I began last night, and cant decide if I like it yet or not. Have you ever read anything by Sarah Dessen? I don’t know why, but I’m on this big Dessen-kick. I like to stick to YA, because I know when I’m older, if I could ever write a novel (slim chance of making it big, but still… I dream.) that’s what I want to write. But, I also like the poetry and the classic literature. Charlotte Bronte is my overall favorite author, for writing Jane Eyre. Have you ever read it? Whose your favorite author?

    I liked Tithe. I actually kind of stole it from one of my friends I loved it so much. I’m going to give it back, I just loved it a little too much, got a little too attached….Has that ever happened to you?

    I can't because I didn't put an N after the A in my chapter! That was one of my favorite lines, too... How did I not notice? :) Thank you, haha.
    June 8th, 2010 at 03:47pm
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    I typed this up in another word processor thing, so ignore the J and the L in random places. The J was supposed to me this :), while the L was supposed to be this :( . It looks like I'm calling you J, down below, haha.
    June 5th, 2010 at 04:41pm
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    I see how it is. Haha, you sit there and not only conspire how to kill [i]me[/i], but also my bestie. That’s really sweet, J

    Really? But on the telle and stuff they always act like Californian summers are the best! Haha, I figured people would be putting on suntan lotion and sitting on the beach the entire time. Then again, I guess that’s just your average Missourian’s opinion, haha.

    L I have a family reunion to go to later. Which means a crowded room out by the barn (if not IN the barn) filled with strange people I’ve never met hugging me and telling me I’ve “grown so much!” When honestly, I haven’t, since about the seventh grade. And, since I’m younger, when they all go out for a smoke break, or to fill each other in on all the adult details, I’m stuck watching the babies. Sometimes I hate having big families.

    I would really love some input on Mistaken Memory. Anything to inspire me.

    Yeah, I saw the stories you had ideas for. I really like Principals of Behavior, and Unbreakable Bond. And The Masked Amity really intrigued me- it sounded good, and at the same time, a little weird, so that it interested me.

    THANK YOU!! I’ve finally been allowed back into the library, since most of the old librarians quit. I’ve been twice now, every two weeks, with a long list of books I’m dying to read. I get laughed at a lot when I have to make about four or five trips from the YA room to the librarians desk, but it’s worth it.
    June 5th, 2010 at 04:40pm
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    I don't really have plans for this summer. Whatever comes along, I guess I'm up for. I was supposed to hang out with that guy (which, BTW, thanks for the reassurance. Have you ever noticed it's easier to do something when other people agree?), but that isn't going to work. But my bestie and I did make plans to do something crazy. Not like, jump off a ten foot building, or rob a bank, or anything illegal. Just something we would have never done before. What about you, any plans?

    I love the snow, but after so long, it's easy to get sick of. It's actually a little suprising, to me. I always said I liked the cold better, but since it's warmed up (Can you believe all thoughout May we were in the 40's? It was horrible.) I've realized I cant get enough of the sun.

    You're so lucky. I know tons of girls who would give anything to find a guy they really loved like that. Myself included, haha. :)

    What classes did you choose? I chose Spanish 1, because I'm good at learning other languages, and Drama 1, because I kind of love acting. I'm really dissapointed though, because the school play next year is about space pandas. I mean, seriously? Space pandas.

    Have you ever felt like all your creativity has just vanished? That's how I feel. Well, not nessasarily all of it, because I'm working on this story I really like for my bestie, and whenever I start to write, it all just comes to me. But with Mistaken Memory, I go blank. Then feel bad for not updating. And when I do, it's kind of crap, haha.

    Have you started working on any stories? Ohh, better yet, have you read any good books lately? I'm working on my summer reading list. At least four books a week is my goal.
    June 3rd, 2010 at 03:40pm
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    Haha, thanks, your profiles adorable, :). I love the picture.

    I'm okay, I suppose. Things didnt go so hot with the guy. I told him how I felt, he told me how he felt, broke it off with his girlfriend, kissed me, went back to her. And thats when I decided I wasn't going to let him string me alone, or keep me as a fall out plan. So, I started being an utter...meany head, in polite terms. Now he wont even try to talk to me, and I'm hurting like crazy. Then again, part of me is just kind of detatched from the entire situation...

    Very confusing, lol. We got out of school here last week. We were supposed to get out around May 19th, but we had a ton of snowdays to make up. How are things with your guy? Still going strong, :D?

    Have you chosen your classes for next year, or do you guys do that before you start the school year or something?
    June 1st, 2010 at 04:20pm
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    Hey, :)

    It's been awhile. How've you been?
    May 31st, 2010 at 07:12am
  • toxic lullabies.

    toxic lullabies. (100)

    a lot is coming,so get ready..
    May 31st, 2010 at 12:33am
  • monochrome language

    monochrome language (100)

    United States
    Okay, yes, that makes sense. The plotline that Cheshire has picked out for us is completely random lol, but hopefully it'll turn out decent. :)
    May 30th, 2010 at 10:43pm
  • monochrome language

    monochrome language (100)

    United States
    I found your comment on mine and The Cheshire Cat's story a bit perturbing. I'm not sure if it was meant as an insult or not.
    May 30th, 2010 at 06:38am
  • toxic lullabies.

    toxic lullabies. (100)

    about your comment on the story of my & my partners : its only the beginning,I know its a tad rough,but we'll shape it up,and smooth it out later (:
    May 30th, 2010 at 05:19am
  • Des

    Des (100)

    United States
    Mhm I was thinking that. Thanks. :)
    May 30th, 2010 at 05:13am
  • Des

    Des (100)

    United States
    Yea I agree with them too. I did rush it. I didn't think anyone would notice that much lol. I was thinking about going back to rewrite that chapter or making it clearer. Because I didn't like it either.

    Thanks for the comment!
    May 29th, 2010 at 10:51pm
  • Des

    Des (100)

    United States
    Ooooh thank you :D
    May 25th, 2010 at 04:16am