Raison D'etre / Comments

  • Crookshanks

    Crookshanks (650)

    United States
    Thank you for the story comment! I really appreciate it, especially because you said there were parts you didn't like. Most people usually just say it's awesome and I've been looking for some actual constructive criticism. Were there any specific parts that made you cringe? I'm curious to see if they're the same parts that bother me.
    And I think I understand what you mean about the story being messy. I think I made the backstory too complicated. I've tried to fix that the best I could, but then other things change, and there are a bunch of inconsistencies. I plan on rewriting it eventually and changing a huge amount.
    January 8th, 2010 at 03:44pm
  • eric halvorsen

    eric halvorsen (100)

    New Zealand
    Ah sorry, Eric is one of the twins that Alexandre is hanging out with near the start of the story, I was going to say that in the chapter so people would know but I completely forgot :P
    Thanks for the comment.
    January 3rd, 2010 at 03:37am
  • eric halvorsen

    eric halvorsen (100)

    New Zealand
    Thanks for the comment (:
    January 2nd, 2010 at 10:48pm
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    Yeah, it was a bit...big, I suppose. But I don't have many friends, and the ones I do have I don't really fight with. Haha, I guess I'm a little too socially awkward, huh?

    How was your Christmas? =D

    Yeah, the librarians are snobs. What made me really happy, though, was that they got this new lady. She's really old, but really nice.

    150 is a lot of kids, haha. That's about 1/6 of my towns population. My parents are considering buying a house in the small town I told you about, if they don't get a divorce by then.

    I hope it'll be a good play. I have a very slim chance of getting in, though, because the drama department would rather the seniors experience being in a play before they leave.

    Haha, not very many. It’s an easy language to learn, really, though. A lot of it is just repeating syllables, then combining an English word with a few letters… The favorite part if when you stumble or something in the halls at school, and mutter a curse word, the teachers who know French and Spanish cant call you out on it like they normally could. They just stare at me…

    Your school system sounds really complicated… But, a little more advanced. We were still just going regular math in 7th and 8th grade… I didn’t even understand a lot of what the teacher said. She was literally insane, though. She would stand at the front of the class doing cheers about how fun math was, and was def. not afraid to talk about other students behind their back… She said I ‘was a bad friend, and had mood swings’ and ‘all together, she needs therapy’. Haha, I just didn’t like her.

    Haha, you sound really lucky! I wish I knew a man like that… He makes video games? Geez, woman, how in the world did you find someone so cool? =D Haha, it’s okay, I’d probably go crazy explaining my soul mate, too. Two years is a long time to be dating, J Its sad, most couples I know last a month, tops.

    Well. Home is home, you know? I don’t know nay different, and I’ve learnt to adapt to where it isn’t that bad. I’ll never be like my parents, though. That’s why I’m taking all the parenting classes and such at school, to kind of show me how to be better. I’m scarred, haha. I’ll never drink.

    Well, I’m sure you have Mercutio’s, =D. I don’t have any of them, so we’re probably even when it comes to Romeo-like friends. You only have two cousins? I have a zillion, I swear…

    I know how you feel, being alone is so much nicer…

    An your right, four years isn’t too much. I’ve met couples who are about twenty years apart. And my parents are nine years apart.
    December 30th, 2009 at 11:08pm
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    By the way, I'm going to be out of town for a few days, therefore I may not get internet access. So it may be a few days before I respond to anything.
    December 23rd, 2009 at 04:17pm
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the comments on the story. I didn't think many would really like the update, though. To me it seemed a little boring... Haha, yeah, I know what is in the vial. It's just important that Cassie doesn't.

    I knew most of the words they asked, but either way, I was too shy to participate. All of the schools in the county were coming to watch.

    Well, I'm still waiting for your story. =D I'm sure it will be great, and well worth the wait.

    Yeah, our librarian's never check your age. Until that one, that is. Which is surprising, because a lot of them hate me. One was my old Girl Scouts leader (I quit), and another was my old softball coach(I quit), and then there was one who actually make fun of me while I was browsing for books because I had to wear hand-me-downs, and my pants were too long.

    A lot of small towns do have really good schools. Especially the towns that are so small, they're barely on the map. They're is this town near mine that only has 53 students in it's entire school district (Mine has a few hundred more), and I'm pretty sure it's one of the best in our state. They're aren't so many students, therefore the teachers get a lot of one-on-one time, the classes are longer, and all together it's a school I'd like to go to.

    The play is about an asylum. Well, technically, it's about a girl who starts going to the asylum either because she works there, or she's going a paper on it or something. But, anyways, she falls in love with all the people there, despite their...quirks. Some of the residents do sound adorable, though. Don't worry, I'll tell you if I get the part. =D

    Haha, no, my family is a bunch of hicks. They can't tell Swahili from French. A lot of it I looked up myself, spent about three months studying before I was at the library and found an older woman who can speak it. She started going over it with me at the library (before I was banned) every week, and finally, I could speak sentences and after another few months I was having conversations with her.

    What is the difference between Alg A, B, and C? I've never heard of using letters...

    Aww. You're so lucky! How can you tell you are meant for each other? I wish I had someone like that...

    We don’t really have the money, either, and we’re so far in debt I doubt I’ll ever be able to go. We might be moving soon (My parents have said that same thing for over 6 years), so I might be able to get a better education. If not, I can just work harder for a scholarship to a better school.

    Yeah, I find the scripts online, haha. It would be nice if they would save me the trouble and just give them to me when I walked by them, though. Less work for myself.

    My momma’s only immature if she’s been drinking… So, pretty much she gets that way every night. Unless she’s tired, then she drinks one, takes a fifteen minute nap, then repeats the process. I don’t like to be around my parents a lot of the time, anyways, because they’re big time drinkers. She can both guzzle a 24 pack in one night. I’m closer to my mom, though, because my dad really bothers me a lot of the time. He doesn’t like me much.

    I wish I had older siblings. I don’t technically have any other siblings, but whenever my parents are asked how many kids they have, they say five. Because up until a year ago, we were raising my cousin, so they always tried to say he was our little brother. And my best friend/cousin (My very own Benvolio, if you’ve read Romeo and Juliet) and I tell people were sisters. We’re uber close. Haha, sometimes I wish I were an only child.
    December 23rd, 2009 at 04:05pm
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    I always got they're and their, and not to mention there mixed up. It was only this year that I realized the differences, haha. I was always qualified for the local annual spelling bees, even though five students were only chosen per grade. I always turned down the offers, though, because of the simple words.

    Haha, I know. I've only gotten in about 500 words on the next chapter, and that isn't even a page on my word processor. Luckily, I should get it done by Tuesday, after I rid of the mechanical spawn.

    Haha, you just keep going and going, don't you? =D

    I can't go to the country library because I lost a book, and I can't afford to pay my fine. Therefore, in order to check out books, I always lie and use my sisters names. then, I get about fifteen books every time I go, wait about six months before going back, and get fifteen more books. Last time I got caught posing as my eleven year old sister, since the librarian was her friend's mother. So, I'm not allowed to check out any books anymore. Either way, I have a friend (kind of) who is going to lend me the book.

    Yeah, our teachers aren't all that qualified to be teaching. but no one else really wants to teach in our district, so therefore we're stuck with them.

    Haha, yeah, it sucks. But sometimes people are willing to look past that. Like, I've had a part in all the school musicals, yet I had to sing in groups of three to five people. Most of it is just parading around the stage. I'm really excited, because the weekend before school starts up I'm going to audition for the latest play. I want to play Ms. Patsy, a mental patient at this really sad asylum.

    Swahili is a Bantu language spoken throughout Eastern Africa by over 40 million people. Where I live, no one feels the need to learn any other language. I live in a small town in Missouri, and here, everyone takes pride in being 'hick-like' and speaking with a bit of an accent. A little silly, but still. The only class where we can learn another language at my school is Spanish, so if we want to learn anything else, we have to teach ourselves or get an out-of-state mentor.

    Freshmen are only aloud to take one type of core class, then as the years advance we are allowed to take more. I'm advanced, since I skipped four other classes. Two of the required from middle school, and two that high schoolers are supposed to take before they get into Algebra 1. Only heaven knows how, though, since I've been failing math ever since the sixth grade...

    Haha, if I have kids, I hope to be. Sometimes they drive me crazy. Do you plan on having kids?

    You are [i]so[/i] lucky. At the moment I'm trying to get my parents to send me off to a private school so I can get a better (and more impressive) education. Top 2% in the nation? Very impressive, haha.

    I've already read most of the scripts for the movies, anyways. Haha, any chance I get I read over a script to the movie before watching it, so then I can compare the original or what they made it into. A lot of the times, compared to the scripts, the movies suck.

    =D That's good. I love bike riding, but I never get a chance to do anything really, unless I bring my sisters. You're lucky to be close with your father. Mine's always off working, and whenever he isn't, he and my mom are sulking in their anti-depressants... But, I don't mind to much.
    December 21st, 2009 at 12:40am
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    I made a zillion spelling mistakes in there, because I was in a hurry, so sorry if it may be a bit jumbled. I forgot to do a spell check...
    December 19th, 2009 at 04:41pm
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    Haha, long comments = long responses. =D
    December 19th, 2009 at 04:40pm
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the site, I'm checking it out right now. I've always had trouble with the word tommorow, haha. I'm really good when it comes it spelling big words, yet when it comes to the smaller, easier words I'm bound to make a mistake or two... It took me all the way until the 8th grade to learn how to spell maybe. I used to just write mabe, haha.

    I probably wont update for the weekend, though... that robotic baby doesn't stop eating! Every five minutes, it'll want to be fed. I'm lucky it sleeps through the night, though.

    And thank you so much for your ideas, it really got my brain stimulating. Haha, I really don't understand how you can come up with so many ideas! =D . All brilliant, though, of course. I really like the idea of Ryan walking in.

    Originally ,I just typed up a chapter where they talk about the vial, and the kiss. It was really boring.

    I haven't read Th Host. I've thought about it, but I've gotton alot of weird reviews about it. I will, though, if I can find it in hte school library. I'm not aloud in the county library anymore, haha.

    Haha, I don't think I'm ahead of my age. If anything, you seem like you'd be in 11th, if not higher. You're really smart when it comes to literature. and show me things that even my teachers don't bother to. Then again, my teachers don't support writing. Even Comp. and Lit.

    I can't play an intrument either, haha. I have played trumpet one year, but I totally sucked, so I quit. I'm tone deaf, too, haha. So anything that involves being musically inclined I kind of suck at.

    Awesome! Haha, I can't wait till I'm in Spanish, in my junior year. Your test seemed pretty easy, haha. I'm really good when it comes to learning other languages. I'm fluent in Swahili, and in the middle of learning French.

    In Algebra 1, the class is designed to acquaint students with number systems and the laws of mathmatics. In Algebra 2, we review the Fundamentals of Alg. 1, and add in the Biominal Theorem, and graphing with cursed. By the time I graduate I should be in College Algebra, but my main goal is to advance in the Composition Department.

    Child Development is very tireiing, yet sort of fun. At our school we simply take notes, draw cartoons, watch movies, and care for robotic babies. I'm simply excited for Parenting, though, next semester. I kind of raised my little sisters, because my parents [i]weren't[/i] all that parenty. I taught my thre year old sister her ABC's and 123's whenever I was only six. But, hey, it's a hard knock life, huh? :)

    We only have 200 points. They claim the finals are worth 10% of our grade, yet the staff is very... forgiving, I guess is the word, when it comes to missing problems. Our school has troubles when it comes to our students, alot of drop out and juvinile deliquients. Most of us will end up working at the local meat cutting factory, and the teachers don't really care if we ever make it somewhere. But, the higher our test schores, the more praise they get, and the easier it will be for them to take sick days or get a raise when they need it.

    :o . You are [i]so[/i] lucky! We have Monday, and half of Tuesday to go. I'm thinking about skipping school on Tuesday, though, since it's only a movie day and they wont excuse us to the libaray and let us read. I'm not too much of a movie person.

    Haha, okay, I'll still be ready to read it on/after Sunday. ;)
    December 19th, 2009 at 04:40pm
  • Drop Dead Malicious!

    Drop Dead Malicious! (100)

    United States
    Haha. Thank you, doll [:
    December 19th, 2009 at 01:52am
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    Oh, by the way, thanks for the comma help. Haha, I rushed to the nearest book afterwards to see if you were right (not that I assumed you weren't, I just wanted to see if there was anything else I was missing), and... Well, you were, haha. x) So, thanks!
    December 17th, 2009 at 11:21pm
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    Haha, I'm sorry. I'm a very forgetful person, and after I checked my comments I forgot to respond... I'll try not to do it again, =D.

    And thank you for demanding, haha. I'm still a chicken, though... He has been giving me the eye for quite some time now...

    I agree... Okay, I'm going to do something I've never done ebfore, and probably will never do.. What do you think should happen next? I tried writing a chapter, but it turned out dull... Think you could help me?

    I think L. Jane Smith has some up on her website,but I'm not certain... It's been so long since I've checked to see if I could find any rough drafts... Stephanie Meye's has some on her website, too, if you're a Twilight fan... I enjoyed the books, myself, but not really the movies.

    Good, you'll probably go great in Honors. I'll be in the 10th grade, as well, and I'll only have Algebra 2, Drama 1, Hisory (Right now I'm in Civic's...It's kind of boring, though) I hope to get Psychology, and I'll be in Health. We're forced to take gym our first year, and that's the only year we have to take it.

    I took my Algebra 1 final, and think I bombed it.. but, on hte brighter side, I passed my Civics, which is a graduation requirement... And my Physical Science.

    Hope you did great on the Spanish final! Multiple choice is a lifesaver, haha.

    Haha, I'm a procrastinator, too. In Child Deveopment, I waited five weeks to turn in my signed sheets and get the robotic baby. So, therefore, I get it tomarrow... And I [i]really[/i] don't want to take care of it this weekend...

    Whoa, with us, final's only dock us two points if we fail it... The most damage we could do would be to possibly do down if we're right on the line of passing the class or not.
    December 17th, 2009 at 11:20pm
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    You're right! ;D Right now I'm suffering major writers block, [i]again.[/i] I have no idea what I should write how, haha.

    Thank you. I need at least a C on my final if I want to pass the class, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

    I know, but when you think about it, even the best authors screw up. I've read a few rough drafts of pretty popular books that had comepltely horrible grammer... And, they tended to rename things, as in someone's name would be 'Betthy Eisenhower' in one chapter, and then the next it would be 'Betty McCoy." Haha, actually, J.K Rowling did that kidn of thing alot in hte actual books, and alot of people didn't catch it (including the editors).

    Haha, thanks. I am, but mainly because it stimulated 5+ comments. I just hope I can keep it up.

    I get distracted easily, too, haha. By the way, I really adore your profile. =D

    You should, it'd give you a chance to show off your writing skills, and improve on whatever you could improve on. I'm really bad at speaking in front of groups to people, too. I stutter, and get lost in my sentence... But by then I normally just start joking around with the class about it...

    I might be too late for this, but good luck on your Spanish finals! Or, you know... Hope you had good luck, haha.
    December 16th, 2009 at 10:59pm
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the comment, again, haha. =D. You're right, I shoudladd in some of the school events, I've actually been thinking about doing that alot lately. I intended on the last chapter having to do with Umbridge trying to rid of Trewlaney, yet once I started writing... Well, that didn't happen.

    But I'll definetly do that soon. Haha, and I'm kind of suprised I caught you off guard with that chapter, but at the same time, I'm grinning like mad.

    Can't wait to see what you write! Either of your ideas sound good, haha.. I'm not much help, I know.

    Ulg. You're lucky, mine last until next Monday. I'm certian I'm going to do well on everything other than Physical Science. I absolutely hate protons, electrons, and neutrons...

    Haha, I agree. Though I have a tendency to take what they're saying personally, then maybe a day or two later realize they're only trying to help.. I'm pretty sensitive when it comes to my writings, it's a little sad.
    December 15th, 2009 at 02:02am
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    Haha, thank you. I adore your profile, too. Especially the beating heart. ;)

    I'll be sure to check back for it later on in the week, I can't wait to read it. I have finals, too, starting Wednesday, so I understand.

    Ha, that does sound kind of like my story... And I thought I was being original... Humph. Oh well.

    And thanks for the second comment, haha. Whenever people bother to tell me what they like and don't like, it actually helps me gain interest in the story again, and I've been itching to write an update all day.

    And, on that note, I'll end this comment and begin writing, haha.
    December 14th, 2009 at 11:06pm
  • wordkitten

    wordkitten (100)

    United States
    Thank you very much for your comment, haha. After I finished writing, I thought, "Hm... I wonder if Radioactive Lolita will like this update."

    Haha, I'm glad you did, too. I tried to keep it as descriptive as possible. Also, I appreciate when you give me constructive critisim. As you can see, I try to use your questions and advice in future chapters.

    I never imagined someone dreaming about my story, haha. Any chance you could share it with me?
    December 13th, 2009 at 05:48pm
  • eric halvorsen

    eric halvorsen (100)

    New Zealand
    Thanks for the comment (:
    December 11th, 2009 at 09:09am
  • Caravaggio

    Caravaggio (100)

    United States
    You're problem is that you're thinking of it strictly as object person. A person can be placed. It's not strictly for objects. This is how I learned it:

    Present Past Past Part.
    to recline= lie lay had lain
    to place= lay laid had laid

    Love Sheen
    December 8th, 2009 at 01:24am
  • Caravaggio

    Caravaggio (100)

    United States
    Thanks again for the comments on Memories That Kill.

    I'm glad you enjoyed the story.

    Though, I have to disagree about the mistakes in the form of 'to recline'. I have a sheet of paper telling me the proper way to use both of them, so I highly doubt that I misused them.

    I could be wrong, but I still highly doubt it.

    Love Sheen
    December 7th, 2009 at 02:03am