Angry Rant of the Ages

I am mad. Now that we've established that I should be able to move on but seriously! A couple of years ago there was this girl my friends and I knew by relation (she was friends with some of our friends). Our friend group was small, exclusive kind of and she had ditched her only friend to be a part of it. The problem was, we had nothing in common! NOTHING! Our sense of humors, our interests, our...
October 2nd, 2010 at 10:04pm

58,000 Dead Dogs

58,000 or more stray dogs were killed in Baghdad in the span of three months by the government to protect it's citizens from animal attacks. After reading the article I realized that this happens way too much. I mean in Hong Kong they drove all their strays into the sea. The SEA! How sick is that? Personally this is like saying "We have too many homeless people, let's throw them in the sea." So...
July 10th, 2010 at 11:18pm

Anti Homosexuals and the World of Tomorrow

People against homosexuals need to really improve their argument. Because right now, it's bull. I looked up the arguments on a conservative website and these are some I find funny.A) It's not natural. Well actually, stupid people, it is! A nice pretty list of animals that exhibit homosexual behavior:1. Domestic dog2. Domestic cat3. African elephant4. Brown bear5. Cheetah6. Dolphin7. PenguinThere...
July 5th, 2010 at 06:22pm

Another Rant and Questions

I enjoy ranting. Other than that I'm really actually interested in knowing the answer to this. This rant goes out to all those people who say "I need 5 stars before I write the next chapter!" or "I need 8 comments before I post the next part!" So here is my question for you guys and prepare yourselves it's a hard one. Why? Why do you people write? Because looking at your obnoxious requests for...
June 22nd, 2010 at 09:36pm

A Little Thing That Annoys Me

I really wasn't going to say anything about this because most people are going to think that this isn't important but it's I couldn't care less, not I could care less. This phrase is saying that there is no way in heaven or hell you could care less then you already do. At the same time I could care less means that you...well you can care less which pretty much means that you care atleast a little...
June 18th, 2010 at 04:14pm


They do! You get to read what people thought of your work and it's awesome. It's like hey someone cares! Friend requests are great too. I write poems and I just love it when people write stuff about them! And not only that but sometimes they sound like they put effort into them. That's a great feeling!So, since I'm all happy pappy pandas at the moment here's an idea! You comment here and I'll read...
February 10th, 2010 at 05:32am

The Bottle Cap Who Wanted To Be An Extremely Hot Vampire; nothing was resolved in this edition

Okay so, if you are a loving reader you'll remember the Edwardian translator maybe two stories back? Well she loved that. And now she is going to help me co-write another great Bottlecap tale. Here it goes.THIS JUST IN MY COMPUTER"S AN ANNOYING SLUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Love,That Weird Girl Named...
October 15th, 2009 at 10:58pm

You Guys Are Writers, Maybe You Do This Too?

Do you ever write the future in your mind? Like, for example, I've been crushing on this guy and so I'll sorta day dream about how we tell eachother or how we have our first kiss. But it's not just good stuff, it's everything. And, anyone who knows me knows I'm never in reality persay. I like my own world where everything is sparkles and unicorns and happy endings.Anyway, I was just wondering if...
September 22nd, 2009 at 02:53am

The Bottle Cap Who Wanted to be an Extremely Hot Vampire! These Just Keep Getting Worse!!

Like I've said for the past 2 Bottle Caps: there are three others you might want to read. That is, I can't make you. These are my babbles of boredom in a story with famous people put in. Got another descrition? Comment it!Your Sassy Playboy Bunny,Kazi!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lil Angelo Wupkins...
September 6th, 2009 at 11:40pm

The Bottle Cap Who Wanted to be an Extremely Hot Vampire! I Have No Life Edition!

Please read "the bottle cap..." one and two if you have not. Given I can't make you read them, but this series is progressively worse.Lastly what do you guys think of the names Anya Katy and Virgil Christopher ?From Your Lover,Kazi-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So we left Lil Angelo Wupkins with Bobette...
September 2nd, 2009 at 04:33am

Quick Questions For Twilight Fans...

For Edward Fans:WHY DO YOU LIKE EDWARD????? I'm not all into Twilight, but I had to know! I mean he's the opposite of what I find attractive! He's all protective and he doesn't let Bella do ANYTHING!!!!! And he doesn't seem all that funny...more serious like.For Anyone With A Clue:WHY DO THEY LIKE BELLA????? I'm no Jane Austin or Kirea Knightly or whatever but Bella is so NOTHING!!!! She's not...
September 2nd, 2009 at 03:09am

The Bottle Cap Who Wanted to be an Extremely Hot Vampire Part 2

Hey, this is Kaz (obviously) alright if you get bored, just skip down to the bottom, theres a debate question i want answered involving vampires. if you haven't read part 1 i'd read that but it's not like required because i can't exactly make you. I was bored and decided to write a part 2 but i don't have my ipod *coughnatcough* so there might be less singing. Here we...
August 20th, 2009 at 10:50pm

The Bottle Cap Who Wanted to be an Extremely Hot Vampire

Once upon a time there was a guy named Peter. Peter was a very bad guy, for example at exactly 10:32 he smuggled a beer into a late night showing of Dracula even though that is obviously against theater policy and he didn't even pay for the movie. But this story is not about Peter the Bad Guy. No this story is about Carl the Okayish guy.You see, Carl the Okayish Guy bought a mountain dew from a...
August 10th, 2009 at 02:19am

Another Depressing Rant to make the Crowds Cry

this rant is in 2 parts, how i feel about the world and how i feel about him, they are labeled for your convience. Message, Comment, Love (everyone knows i need it) KaziMeI want to disappear. I’m not in to this whole life thing. It’s not my style. Being happy when there really isn’t anything to be happy about, it just makes me cry. How can people be happy as they lie in their beds at night,...
July 8th, 2009 at 04:55am

I'm in another blue AKA the world without me

Argh! lately i can't seem to shake blue. Even when I'm happy I'm stuck in that ocean of unwanted depression or whatever you call it! I mean today I ate soup and played oblivion with my brother and we didn't fight once but i'm still really sad! I mean SOUP with one of those really big spoons, smaller then a ladel and a giant mug of chocolat milk!I can't help but think about the world without me....
July 7th, 2009 at 04:10am

Whats the point?

Whats the point of living if i'll die?Whats the point of trying if all that work will someday be nothing?Whats the point of carrying on without that bullet in my head if i'm empty?Whats the point of loving if he'll never love back?Whats the point in praying he'll come round when he won't, at least not for you?Whats the point of thinking when i forget my thoughts?Whats the point in staying around...
July 6th, 2009 at 02:27am

This is really cute, my BFF told it to me when we were IMing

Girl: Do you like me?Boy:NoGirl: Do you want me?Boy: No.Girl: If I left would you cry?Boy: No.Girl: Would you live for me?Boy: No.Girl: Do I ever cross your mind?Boy: NoGirl: Would you do anything for me?Boy: No.Girl: Which would you pick, me or your life?Boy: My life.Hearing this, the girl turns and starts running away with tears. The boy chases after her and stops her.Boy: I don’t like you...
June 18th, 2009 at 05:16am