Name: Kazzers
Age: 7 shoe sizes young
Gender: chicka
Lives in: A blue box
Birthday: 10 Octie
Interested in: David Tennant
Song: United States of Pop by DJ Earworm
Fav Online Story: He's Dying to Get Inside by beautiful garbage
about me I hate about things cause their like ABOUT...and i'm thinking ABOUT what? ABOUT rabid socks? ABOUT carniverous beds? ABOUT how stupid ABOUT columns are? Well this ABOUT is gonna be ABOUT me and my awesomenss! my REAL LIFE NO JOKES name is Kazi, i'm the queen of awesomeness and i'm a robot. my friends range from music obesessed dorks to vampire onions. I'm NOT blond anymore i a new and improved reddy! i have brown eyes, I'm random and i am a nonlabel person. So you can call yourself emo and I'll call you 'that kid whose shirt i like' but only if i like your shirt. if not your 'that kid whose shirt i don't like' or 'that kid whose shirt is mediocre'. I have an obsession with supernatural and writing and Sid Vicious and...stuff. so just pray i like your shirt and that my totally awesome lizard Sammy Dean likes you and you have good posture when bowing to the almighty oscar winning Shizzley (my ipod) or *insert dramatic pause* you will be just fine and carry on with your life without some crazy blond french chick trying to jump on your back and hoping for a piggy back ride to annoy you every five seconds. Oh well your loss, i'll find another piggy whose back i can jump on. My favourite quote is "Never take life too seriously, nobody ever gets out alive anyway." My favourite colour is purple My celebrity crush is David Tennant TALK TO ME PLEASEYS