Econoline Crush, Seether & Three Days Grace....LIVE!!!

Yesterday I went to my frist concurt. Here is what happened....6:00pm-7:00pm My mom and I were outside in the fucking cold lolll7:00pm till first set I entered in and I bough this $30.00 doller TDG shirt of the tour dates. Then I went to the floor and only four people were in front of me and they were playing Mama by MCR. Soon it was starting to get packed...My mom went to the adult section. So I...
January 23rd, 2008 at 02:17am

Absoulute Fun

Yesterday was a Holloween Dance at my school dance and I went as a cross between a vampire, Frank Iero and Gerard Way (If you want pics of me as that go to my pics on my profile.).My mom made me take a bus to the dance, and the thing is I have to take two buses. So on the first bus to go downtown I had my hoodie trying to cover my face. But when I was waiting to cross the street to go to the next...
October 27th, 2007 at 07:58am

Mibba must hate my moms laptop

My mom has a laptop and we have a computer, and I would go on here and log on like every single day.Lately my mom has been noticing that at some points when both me and my mom is on the internet, the internet on the laptop will go down very fast. And she would ask me if I am on anything, and I would repliy back witht eh sites that I am on along with Mibba.But anytime when I log off of Mibba...
October 2nd, 2007 at 04:05am

So Sore

Yesterday there was a school dance that was hosted by MuchVideoDance and I went, I hanged out with my friend and it was way more packed then the dances over at my old school last year!!But....The reason why I was so sore was that they played Red Flag and Fallen Leaves by Billy Talent and I head banged and jumped up and down non-stop during those two songs. Also I did the same thing when the played...
September 29th, 2007 at 08:24am

Looks like I don't get it

Today I went to Music World to buy LOTMS and they didn't have it, so then I went to HMV same thing they didn't have it. So I told my mom on the cell (I was useing my dads...I don't own one) and I told her, and she said to make an order on it.So I went to Music World (Because it was cheaper over there) and I made an order on it.I also bought their 2008 calander. I love it how they have all the...
September 23rd, 2007 at 09:18am


I am going to get the first issue of The Umbrella Academy. Today I called a comic book shop called The Dragon and I asked if they have it and they said that they can order it in, so they are ordering it and in two weeks I will get it. I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!!Also today I am going to go to the mall and finaly get Life On The Murder Scene.Loll I am also going to buy some other stuff, cause on...
September 23rd, 2007 at 12:55am


TILL I CAN EAT AGAIN!!!!!!!! Ok if you are muslim then you know why I am going to be so happy at 7:35pm. Today is the first day of Ramadan. And made a vow that I will do it completely (Well except for my B-Day which is in five days...It's on the eve on the relise for The Umbrella Acadamey)Any muslims out there fasting right now?I LOVE EID!!
September 14th, 2007 at 07:08am

Please read...

Please read my story A Shitty Day In A Shitty Life.It's a Green Day fanfic.And I'm trying to get as many people to read my story and possible subscribe and comment on it.
August 17th, 2007 at 04:06am


I'm updating A Shitty Day In A Shitty Life. So the people who are subscribed to it, be happy now that there is going to be a new chapter up today.Also for anyone who has not read the story, please read it. I only have three people subscribed to it :(Also remember for this story...No comments = No updates.
August 16th, 2007 at 10:03am

What in the chances that has happened??

Ok I Monday my parents and I were driving to Wasaga Beach. And I was listening to Cemetary Drive on my MP3 when we passed a sign that said Cemetaty Street. And I said out loud. "That's freaky." and my mom asked me why and I told her.Now the only thing that is freaky is that if I talk about my favourtie band and they all of a suden pop up. Now that will be cool.Yes I am very board, it is at the end...
August 9th, 2007 at 11:38am

Need Help

I got two stories on here that I have not updated in forever....And I'm thinking about delieting them. Also I'm not getting any comments and I only got like 5 susbscribers all togeather.The two stories I'm thinking of deliting are Demon and Sirenne.Should I?
August 8th, 2007 at 11:32am

People from GSB read please.

Ok, I use to have a story on GSB that had a high rating, that everypage was rated a ten. I delited the story on there, and I'm thinking of putting it back up, I remember like almost everything in the story.I'm thinking should I re-write it or should I not post it.The story I'm talking about here is called A Shitty Day In A Shitty Life.For anybody who have read or have not read the story, tell me...
July 30th, 2007 at 11:19am

Ladies read. (Bringing this back up)

OK Van really needs as much help as she can get. So I'm bringin back my jurnal up. Here is what it said on the jurnalOk this got delited on the formes so I'm posting it here, all I need is your first and last (if you want first letter of your last name) names, email address and your location of where you live (Country then eaither province /state)There is petition that is going on for girls, it...
July 22nd, 2007 at 03:36am

Always No!!!!

It's always fucking no!! Never yes, never maybe, never possibly. ALWAYS FUCKING NO!!!OK the reason why it sounds like I'm pissed (I'm also fucking sad here with tears) is not I have never been to a fucking concurt and it's fucking killing me here!!!This is what had happend....I was on MCR's MySpace page and I was looking through the concurts dates and I saw that they are doing a show on the 21st...
July 13th, 2007 at 04:30am

27 MORE DAYS!!!!!

27 more days till I move out of this shithole complex that was my home since 1995!!!! I get to be moving across town and be going to a different high school that I already have some friends over there. Yeah I'm so happy right now.Oh and if there is any ladies out there, please go in my pervious blog called Smaller Hoodie Petition (Ladies Please Sign) or something like that. Cause Van is trying to...
June 30th, 2007 at 02:44am

Smaller Hoodie Petition (Girls sign)

Ok this got delited on the formes so I'm posting it here, all I need is your first and last (if you want first letter of your last name) names, email address and your location of where you live (Country then eaither province /state)There is petition that is going on for girls, it started out on the Billy Talent boards by a girl name Van. Pleas sign if you will, here is the reason why...NOTE:This...
June 24th, 2007 at 09:58pm

Please read

Ok I have two stories on here that are not one=shots (Sirenne and Demon) and I'm thinking of delitng them cause latly I have had nothing to write for them,If possibly can someone give me some ideias for new chapters.g2g and thank you to anyone who repliyed to this.
June 22nd, 2007 at 01:09pm

Should I Delite, Or Should I Not Delete

OK I have two stories on here that are not one-shots. Sirenne and Demon. I got no ideas for the storirs, I'm sthinkg of deliting them.Does anyone has any new ideas I should put up for both of them or should I go and delete them both???
June 21st, 2007 at 01:15am


I'm litrally getting my ass kicked here. And this battle has lasted three minutes so far!!! Please vote for me *puppy dog eyes*Here is the link.
June 2nd, 2007 at 01:01am

I really don't like this girl from the Billy Talent Boards.

I don't know, ever since this girl name Zandra has joined the BT Boards. I never liked her. And I made a comment on the boards and here is what I wrote.Everyone has their own opinion what they think is their sort of cup of tea. Oveusly(sp??) you don't like them. That is your own opinion, just so happenes that the people that are members here, acually like listening to them.We don't need to hear...
March 9th, 2007 at 04:49am