
FATE.What comes into your mind when you hear this word? The horoscope readings? One in a million chances but somehow you get it? Meeting someone in the road that will change your lives forever?I've always believed in things like this. I don't know. Maybe because, somehow, it makes you more confident about the future. Or maybe because I'm just curious. But I've always been fascinated on how I'll...
June 20th, 2009 at 01:43pm


DEATH.Are you afraid of this word? What do you feel when you hear this word? Scared? Angry? Sad?The word had a whole different meaning to me just this morning.I've known a lot of people that died. A lot of my neighbors died. My classmates' family. I've never really been bothered. But it seems really different when you know the person.Its different when the person that died is only an acquaintance....
June 20th, 2009 at 01:43pm


BOYS.Okay, the following texts may sound a little bit biased, but please be informed that I only live with my mother, so I am not around guys much. Hardly at all. I avoid guys as much as I can help it at school. So to the boys that may read this, do not be offended. This is from a girl that was brought up to hate (most of the) boys, but you have to admit, whatever you will read is somewhat true in...
June 20th, 2009 at 01:42pm