I Miss the Old Mibba

This isn't a "BRING IT BACK OR I LEAVE" rant, it's not. Hell, I'm not sure how many of you even know what I'm talking about, I don't recognize a quarter of the Mibbians these days. I haven't posted a blog entry in four months, and I haven't written in...Well...Over a year, that's for sure.And that was a huge mistake, stopping writing. I was never a fantastic writer but there was a point where I...
October 27th, 2014 at 12:35am

The hardest part of becoming vegetarian or vegan isn't giving up meat, it's realizing you're surrounded by hypocrites

About two months ago I became a vegetarian, with the intention of eventually going vegan. I did so because of person opinions of the environment and animal rights.A lot of people think veg*s are always trying to convert people, becoming radical and shoving their views in your face. Some are.I could give you a million reasons why I think you should not eat animals, but only if you ask. If you ask...
April 10th, 2014 at 11:59pm

I'm slowly discovering that we're all really beautiful creatures

You want to know something really horrible?You can be a lot meaner to yourself and anyone else ever could.I've pretty much hated my body since puberty. Muffin tops and stretch marks and boobs that can't decide if they want to be DDs or not. I hated the cellulite on my legs and the fact that I don't that thigh gap that everyone keeps talking about.And I kept telling myself "I want to lose weight of...
March 3rd, 2014 at 10:48pm

Doing pretty spiffy on my new meatless (ideally vegan when possible) cooking.

If you recall, I recently made the decision I've been wanting to make since, well, I figured out were meat came from.I became a vegetarian.My boyfriend and I have been trying to be healthier in general, trying to make better options for the sake of our future health.Here's the thing about making choices like that, and following through:It's hard as dicksWe went from chili dogs and cheddar peppers...
March 3rd, 2014 at 01:47am

I want the old Mibba back...

Everything used to be so active, so friendly, so beautifully chaotic at points...Anybody remember Q&A videos? Those were fun, I think I liked watching Mibbian's answer questions more than I loved making videos!Anyone remember Mibba Halloween? Last I remember it was in...2012? 2011? I can't place it, but I loved it. I went as the red mask.I Roleplayed in a journal comment section with 'Dick...
March 3rd, 2014 at 12:22am

Being positive is really hard guys

I'm trying to clean, eat right, be positive and upbeat and not let people drag me down but...That's a lot harder than it sounds. Why be chipper and fun to be around when it feels (dramatically) like the entire world is against you. Why not just lay in bed all day, binge on potato chips, and watch Say Yes to The Dress until life decides to stop smacking you around?Why not save the upbeat campfire...
February 3rd, 2014 at 10:59pm

A week of being a vegetarian

I've always wanted to go vegan: It's always been in my heart but not my stomach. Not at all.Because you knowand of coursebut alsoSorry, I'm okay.But in short I never thought I would ever be strong enough. So my boyfriend and I have agreed to try simply being vegetarians for a week and see where that gets us....Baby steps, okay?Well, I say we both agreed. I agreed and he agreed under the condition...
January 30th, 2014 at 07:22pm

So apparently my boyfriend has been dead since long before I met him

Let me explain.A couple of days ago one of my boyfriend's exe's new boyfriends (that's a confusing sentence to type) contacted him on Facebook, asking him if he ever dated a girl named _____ and how it ended, etc.He confusedly gave all the details the guy wanted before the guy demanded to know if it were REALLY him and not just someone bullshitting him.Apparently several people believe that my...
September 11th, 2013 at 04:59pm

I might not be extremely thin but I can wear anything I want...

I actually have a decent self image. I'm not the skinniest person in the world and several things wiggle when I move rapidly but I guess I'm okay with that, and my boyfriend's okay with that (Very, very okay with that.) and I typically wear whatever the hell I want.But occasionally someone makes a comment that makes me just wanna sit there and be ashamed of my...wiggliness.Like my brother. Me,...
September 8th, 2013 at 12:33am

Going through a boyfriend's phone

When we first got together, my boyfriend and I were constantly on eachother's phones. Not because we were snooping, but simply because neither of us cared too much for secrets and we didn't mind if the other one answered our phones or got on to play games or apps. Frequently I'd hear my phone go off and I'd have him answer it and reply accordingly because he was closer. And vice versa.Now none of...
August 12th, 2013 at 12:28am

Let's take a look at our vaginas (Vaginal plastic surgery)

Let's talk about vaginas:Like penises, they come in all shapes, sizes, colors and evennesses. Some are big, some are small, some smell kind of funny (But let's be honest: No matter the sexual organ, it's going to get kind of cheesy if you don't keep it clean.)And just like the penis, there's a rush to make them live up to your partner's (or potential partner's) expectations. With men the motto is...
August 7th, 2013 at 04:24pm

I've become...a crazy person.

[img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_meqdd2StU71ry4qim.gif[/img]So here I am, sitting on my unmade bed at five in the morning (Having only slept about 5 hours in the past 30) with my dirty green hair, Stewie boxers (via boyfriend), while my boyfriend gets ready for work occassionally I prattle on about the government. I say something like "Let's just drop out computers, our phones, our facebooks....
July 16th, 2013 at 12:14pm

If you help me achieve my dream of being a winner, I shall owe you a kidney. (and question)

The Mortal Instruments is a book serious that I like. I quite appreciate it. But when I heard that there was a drawing (four actually) that I could win? Some of the prices being hair dye, cosmetics, and clothes?Robin likes her some pretty colors.I never really win anything, which sucks. But my boyfriend says I should start being more optimistic so I'm giving it a shot. What's the worst that can...
June 8th, 2013 at 12:16am

I just need one person to actually believe I'm capable

Let's review my scandalous situation:My boyfriend of a month and a half (yes, I'm totally aware that's like a day in relationship years) and I both live at home, with our parents (past foster parents, in his case.). We're both unhappy with our predicaments. He's twenty and I am eighteen. He has a job, I do not.Recently we decided to be young and stupid and get an apartment together. This was met...
May 11th, 2013 at 07:38am

Apparently my mother's boyfriend is threatening mine behind my back. (extreme rant)

See, my boyfriend of about a month...Let's call him Carson...was here last weekend. We were out of tea so my future stepdad (let's call him Pete) took him to a gas station to get some Peace Tea. While patiently waiting on the couch for him to get back for some hardcore snuggling action, I noticed he left his phone here. So I started getting really worried when what would normally be a ten minutes...
April 23rd, 2013 at 09:38am

The thing is, when I get a job, I'll have to deal with PEOPLE

These people will more than likely yell at me or at the very least, try to talk to me.Now it's not that I'm holier-than-thou or anything. I'm not uptight or think I'm better than people.I just don't fucking know how to handle them.The vast majority of my friends are behind a computer screen, voices on the other end of a phone, or nerdy faces on Skype.And I love them. You know why? When they tell...
January 4th, 2013 at 05:56am

"Where four inch heels," I said "It'll be fun!" I said...

Ow.Let me repeat that:OW OW OW OW OW OW OW I'M MOTHERFUCKIN' CRIPPLED OVER HERE OWI've been trying to get more used to heels, so when my dad invited me over for a nice, peaceful New Years Eve I thought "What a great time! I'll just be at his house so I won't have to walk much." so I thought it would be okay to wear four inch heels.Wrong, bitch. Wrong.He thought it would be cool to walk out in an...
January 1st, 2013 at 07:44am

I request all the young women and men on this site to come forth, and tell me if this is trashy

Bra straps showing.Me personally, I don't give a shit if my bra straps show on a tanktop, or something like that. The way I see it, at least I'm wearing a bra. What more do you people want from me?And I don't care if I see a chick who's bra strap is showing.But, then again, I don't have a reputation for being on top of fashion dos-and-don'ts. But I've been told time and time again by my mother,...
December 31st, 2012 at 01:46am

I wish I took cute pictures

You know, ones where my hair is blowing dramatically around or I'm making a cute face or laughing at some witty thing someone said. But laughing in a cute, little way.I mean, I can recreate that but it would be weird just having a picture of me 'laughing', alone, in an empty roomOh course I could hire a make-up artist, photographer, and entourage to follow me around make me look like a normal...
December 30th, 2012 at 04:02am

I used to be shy with strange people on the internet but come on talk to me

I'm not good with rejection but you know...If any of you wanna talk to me, like ever, on or off of Mibba...Hit me up.PhoneSkypeFacebookEmailSmoke signalsCarrier PigeonsOuija boardsSweet nothings whispered into ears after long hours of screwing Well okay maybe that's overstepping it.But other than that, I'm totally game.Unless I don't like you, in which case I'm not game but here's a hamsterI do...
December 29th, 2012 at 05:42am