running.out.of.sound / Comments

  • Whoa..
    California was...cold.
    >___> the kids/teens made fun of me.
    I got sick off tacos.
    The OC is full of rich snobs...and I didn't get a tan.
    Though I got Invader Zim cloths so a good trip.
    January 9th, 2010 at 05:42am
  • Ohh I see. Wow that's tough if you don't like a paricular subject and have to study it in a big block x] I think I prefer it like all different lessons in one hour periods... but that's just personally, if it works for you that's awesome :)
    lol I don't blame you for not recognising all the BCS's and CASE's and whatevers; you wouldn't have those waste of time lessons.
    I'm studying: maths, english, triple science, Spanish, BCS (basically computer stuff), philosophy and ethics (like religious studies, but applied to stuff like war and death and the afterlife and stuff), physical ed, music, graphics, drama... I think that's it. So yeah, a lot xD
    January 8th, 2010 at 05:27pm
  • Finish Say you will. Stay away. you twat! XD
    <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    January 8th, 2010 at 03:34am
  • Oh my gosh well so do I haha. First off, I can't believe Sonny did that, he seemed like such a sweet guy. I guess shit changes. :/ It makes me kinda sad to hear though. And yes! I have seen them live. Twice. I met Ricky twice, once at their set in Upstate NY, and once at Warped in Uniondale. That's when I met all of them and have a t-shirt signed by them...I love them to pieces, Matt is actually the one who sold me the tshirt. They're such nice guys, I got mad shy around Matt though because he's my idol. Fangirl moment right there hehe. I love love love their 2008 album, my favorite song is A Perfect Mess. I know every word to that album I've played it so much. I love Dear Diary, but I love how much they've been able to transition into more adult songs, as well. Heroine I love but not as much as I love their latest album. I'm buying Throne to the Wolves the day it comes out. Their music has just helped me through so much. They're like MCR was to me in the sixth grade, when I seriously wore out Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge to the point where I had to re-download it. FFTL's self titled album is like that to me now. And I noticed a pattern...exactly every two years they come out with a new album, since 2004. Matt actually had some solo acoustic work a while back that I loved so much, I want to be able to find it again, because he is an amazing vocalist and guitarist. And all of their interviews just make me so happy. They're such funny, nice guys. I would seriously love to meet them again, I hope they come around here this year. I will push my way to the front, and I'm a little 5'1" 110 pound thing with almost zero muscle or strength, but I swear to you I will fight my way to the front. :D
    January 8th, 2010 at 01:07am
  • It most definitely was fun :)
    Rofl, you may want to consider the fact that the eyeball massager is probably worth about a tenner ^_^
    Oh snap! I'm in year 11 too. What subjects are you studying (discounting maths, english, science, BCS, P&E, P.E and CASE/doss lesson)?
    You're so lucky you have so many days off school; we're probably gonna have to go tomorrow too x'[
    Haha I'll deffo read that journal! Did you manage to get all the homework done and catch up on sleep?
    January 7th, 2010 at 11:26pm
  • I know! I love Travis. He's so talented and funny. And I know, right? I guess Ricky hasn't been touring with them lately but that's because he got an internship or job or something of that nature. Travis works with a side project called Modified Noise now. I actually love their new songs, I like the band better with Matt as the singer, I have to say. I love Sonny, but I like Matt's voice better. What do you think about it?

    And don't apologize :) I love talking to new people hehe.
    January 7th, 2010 at 10:05pm
  • Today wasn't. It was a massive letdown. We had school :'[[[ I looked at the website and I saw "school is open 7th Jan 2010" and I was like NOOOO. Oh well. I guess I had an okay day considering, and yesterday was pretty awesome. I went out with a couple of my friends and we pelted each other with show and walked all over the village (Y)
    Hopefully school will be closed tomorrow...
    How was today?
    January 7th, 2010 at 06:03pm
  • Thank you so much :) I appreciate it haha :)
    Oh and I cried when I heard this but Travis was either kicked out or left late last month...he wasn't at any of the recent shows and I guess Matt told a fan when they asked that he had left, but he had told other people via Facebook chat that he was kicked out...then he had a status update on New Years saying how he couldn't wait to start a new year when people he had cared about kicked him out of their life, and stuff like that. I guess no official statement has been made, and a fan on Twitter asked about The Color of Violence, and he replied with "I don't know what's going to be going on with that"

    I was so sad :( He is one of the founding members!
    January 7th, 2010 at 05:02am
  • Haha your very welcome!!! :D
    Ah I know! It's so horrible just either starring at the ceiling, or at the clock
    I hate it when you close your eyes and try to fall alseep
    and then you just [i]have[/i] to open your eyes again, especilly when your
    looking at the clock D:
    I also hate it when a friends sleeps over or something and they fall asleep the minute they touch the pillow, and your still wide awake :\
    It's nice to know someone else shares the pain! :)
    January 7th, 2010 at 01:11am
  • My day was great thanks; no school! ^_^ Haha I haven't done all mine either so it's all good :)
    Noooo don't steal it D: It doesn't massage your eyeballs... it sorta... it massages around your eyes. They're like goggles that vibrate and they remind me of the goggles Dom and Matt had in that interview x]
    I'm waiting on the photo *sits on pooter and waits*
    How was your day?
    January 6th, 2010 at 04:56pm
  • I wish you bunches and bunches of luck!!! :D
    Yeah I have a hard time going to sleep too >.<
    -shakes fist at lack of sleepness- <- I don't think that makes much sence...o.O
    Haha :)
    How was your day today? :D
    January 6th, 2010 at 07:25am
  • Lol I just got myself an iPod touch and am commenting with it as I... Speak :D
    I'm sure you'd love an eyeball massager but IT'S MINE muhahaha!
    Yeah I'm in the midlands and it snowed this morning... It's still snowing now so I agree with you in terms of school tomorrow. YAY ^_^
    You should totally take a picture of your cemera and put it on mibba, however paradoxical it may be ;)
    hope you get a snow day!
    January 6th, 2010 at 02:09am
  • Ah yes, Death Note is amazing.
    oooo a DSLR Cam? Lucky braclets!!! :O
    Hmm, I guess my New Years resolution would
    be to lose weight -shrugs-
    How 'bouts yewz? :)
    January 6th, 2010 at 01:02am
  • Goodness! So sorry for replying so late >.<'
    Anyhoo, of coarse I will read your stories and leave awsome
    comments on them!! :D
    I did have a nice Christmas, thank you! I got lots of Death Note stuff ^_^
    How bout you? :)
    Happy New Year!!!! :D
    January 1st, 2010 at 10:11pm
  • Lmao, no problem ! : )
    Ooh, England is awsome.
    Hell chea, cough syrup and sleeping pills...wonderful combination.
    I've been in California and still am in California for Holidays !
    January 1st, 2010 at 02:54am
  • on the contrary i'm getting sick of no snow, i don't likehot weather
    December 31st, 2009 at 03:50pm
  • Nothing much. How about you?
    December 28th, 2009 at 11:21pm
  • Oh that's awesome! Haha adds a bit of flavour to christmas, I bet.
    LOL your murder comment made me laugh... yeah, maybe next year :D
    Erm.. well, I got about £60 in total which was nice, two books - the latest of the Mortal Instruments series and the latest of the House of Night novels (City of Glass and Tempted), some random stuff like an eye-massager (??), erm... yeah. There's other stuff but it was too shit to remember. ROFL jokes. I just have short term memory loss :)
    December 28th, 2009 at 09:41pm
  • That's okay :) I know how often that can happen; far too well.
    Yeah, it was pretty good thanks :) We sang carols with like, five part harmonies and stuff and we played christmas songs with hand bells and watched Gavin and Stacey and The Royle Family christmas special and loads of other stuff and it was awesome :D No murders, fortunately 8)
    And you? How was visiting three different houses? Did you get predicted amount of presents? ...Murders? D:
    December 28th, 2009 at 04:02pm
  • yeah u?? what all did u get?
    December 28th, 2009 at 02:45pm