Stronger, Wiser, Better.

So, today, I was sitting here thinking about you, of course. & I was thinking about when you told me that you couldn't stand not talking to me when it was me that ended it. Of course, I was (and still am, sorta) the dummy that was sitting here, waiting for you. I loved you. You told me that you loved me too. But you truly only love me when I'm not here. You see, the only time that YOU took the...
April 24th, 2012 at 06:45am


So, there's this guy.. DF. He's pretty great. We were pretty good friends up until the beginning of this week.. Then we kinda became more than that.. He's smart, funny, driven, sexy, cute.. pretty much everything that I've ever wanted in a guy.. We've KINDA talked about dating, & I do kinda like him.. Every time my phone rings, I'm kinda hoping that it's him. I anticipate that it's him, and...
January 21st, 2012 at 06:49am


So, my original plan for this journal was to write letters to my "friends".. that's not the case anymore.things are seriously getting out of fucking control. all I hear is "womp womp womp" coming from all different directions, & i dunno if i can take it. seriously, if you're gonna fucking lie to me, don't put it on facebook. & if you feel like you're afraid or you just don't wanna tell me...
January 17th, 2012 at 07:05am

Falling Off the Face of the Earth, Pt. 2

Okaaaaaaaaaaaay. So, not only am I alone EMOTIONALLY, I am physically alone. I don't understand how the fuck I got here so fast. Less than 4 months ago, I won homecoming court... Now all the people that voted for me are against me? I'm just tryna figure where I went wrong.. Everybody that I've ever loved (besides my family) has pretty much turned their back on me.. & i don't understand why,...
January 14th, 2012 at 06:52am

Broken Promises.

Okay, so, recently, I realized that not everything that's promised to you in life is actually gonna be given. I understand that, but what's the point of promises if you really don't mean them? That was my mentality for a long time... But now I realize that some promises NEED to be broken in order to move forward in life. I also realize that some promises are broken accidentally.. For example, I...
January 11th, 2012 at 07:17am


Hmmm.. I wonder if you even care that you're the reason for the scars on my back and the broken blood vessels on my wrist. Do you even care that I isolated myself from pretty much everyone that I love just because I'm afraid that they'll do the same thing that you did to me? Do you even care that the very sight of your face makes me wanna cry, hit somebody (mostly you) and be in your arms in the...
January 8th, 2012 at 07:33am

Falling off the face of the Earth.

Wellllllllp, it's official. I am now more alone than ever. All I have is myself, my laptop & all the voices inside my head, questioning.. yelling.. screaming.. Okay, so I admit. I may not be alone physically, but I just lost the two people that I shared pretty much my whole life with. Two people that I thought knew me the best. I'm sure they did, I just didn't know them... the new them. They...
January 2nd, 2012 at 08:01am

Note Number 4: 11/21/11

Hi babe,This weekend was super eventful. I wish I could've shared it with you. but shit happens, I guess. I umiss you already. Usually, when we don't talk, I understand. But now that we can't, it fucking sucks. My friend Sammi keeps asking about you, and it's awkward because her boyfriend sits at the same table as us, so she always gets to sit with him and talk to him and see him whenever she...
December 31st, 2011 at 10:30am

Note Number 3: 11/16/11

Hi babe,Okay, so I'm sorry. You definitely don't deserve to be nagged at as much as I nag at you. But I dunno why I do it. Well, Beyonce did say that "When I need attention I tend to nag..." I guess it's true. I guess it's just that everyone else has been paying so much attention to me, and I haven't even heard from you. It was my first time back at school since my problem occurred, and everyone...
December 31st, 2011 at 10:19am

Note Number One: 10/26/11

Hi babeh,6 more days :D wooohooo! Happy almost birthday <3. Welllll, it has been a pretty horrid week so far. My mom is bitching at me because of who my friends are, my friends are bitching at me because of you, and you haven't called me in like a week. Colorr guard SUCKS (glad as HELL it's almost over), school is boring as hell (glad I don't hafta spend my whole life here) and life is like a...
December 31st, 2011 at 10:01am

Note One: 10/24/11 (Written for you to read on 11/5/11)

Hi.Chances are that if you're reading this, it's the day of your party for your birthday! Woooo! My wittle baby is finally 15. <3. It's roughly a week before your birthday, and I just thought about it! Aweee, Pregnant Teddy Bear's gonna be 15! :D I still remember when you were 14, lmfao. I'm pretty funny. :D Okay, but seriously, I still remember when we first met. I think you had just turned 13...
December 31st, 2011 at 09:59am

Closure </3

I wrote this about a year and a half ago.I know it's been 6 months already, but I was too afraid to get it before. this is the perfect time for me, because yeah, it still stings, but it would've killed to do it before. I really did love you. A lot. And the fact that not only A.) Did you not have feelings for me, but B.) You lied and told me that you felt the same. All I've ever wanted from you was...
December 31st, 2011 at 09:15am

what i shouldve said

Dear Jordan,I love you so much. Im so in love with you. I wish you could realize that. I've always loved you. Last Monday was the 19th... It was a pretty amazing days honestly. This Monday was the 26, & my grandmother died. But you wouldn't know that, would you? If I felt like you cared, you would know. You were always the one that I turned to when me & mom were going through what we were...
December 30th, 2011 at 09:07am