NWoF Guild


United States
Joined date
June 22nd, 2009


This account is closed. If you REALLY want me to continue my stories on this account, message me on this account, and I'll see what I can do. Thank you!

Hey I'm Veronica Scribe.

My serious work, unfortunately, will not be shown on here (I've written about three or four novels...) but I will try my best to publish all the short stories and series I can!! Lately my head's been chalk-full of ideas, and i need to burst them out on some poor, unsuspecting website!! The internet's insane, I tell you! I couldn't live without it!

When I'm not writing, I'm
* playing video games,
* working on abstract art,
* reading fairy tales and Shakespeare,
* exploring my neighborhood on bicycle, and
* trying photography.

I'm terrible at athletics, but make up for it in the artistic fields!! Well, except music. I couldn't play even Guitar Hero to save my life, and I sing so terrible I could break glass. I'm trying my hand in drama; I'm thinking of writing my own plays now, and may take drama when I go to high school this year!