I don't even know what to say to this, other than... holy crap.

So last night, I was creeping on Tumblr when I came across this:(Let me just say now that I do not own anything.)"In the last few days, it’s become more and more obvious that the country is headed straight for a war with North Korea. There really isn’t much we can do to stop it now, aside from nuking the whole place and calling it a day, which we cannot and should not do. When the United...
November 30th, 2010 at 10:57pm

Gay Marriage?

People have seemed to be talking about this a lot lately, and I just want to know what the big deal is.My opinion is that it shouldn't matter what gender you are if you want to be with someone for the rest of your life. The only thing that should ever matter in a marriage is LOVE.I know that everyone thinks differently about it because of their religion or how they were raised, and I'm not trying...
October 27th, 2010 at 03:22am

You've been hacked, buddy.

Jess, you know I love you. But I had to do this. ;)You are, hands-down, the best person I've ever met. Even though it's online, I know I can come to you for anything.You may be two years older than me (we have the same birthday!) but I feel we have a lot in common.I know this makes me sound like a loser, but you really are my best friend.You've been understanding, funny, sweet, and an over-all...
July 26th, 2010 at 02:27am