• L1GHTS

    L1GHTS (100)

    United States
    Is that the guy that was mentioned in the first chapter of your true stories?
    Either way, It sounds like he sort of screwed things up.
    That's what happens when you're around people that make bad choices.

    Like I said, I'm just glad you're off them now, before things got any worse.
    May 31st, 2011 at 12:23am
  • L1GHTS

    L1GHTS (100)

    United States
    Everyone says it's much easier than Spanish. Which is funny considering I'm Mexican, My papa speaks mostly Spanish so I should already know it.. but I'm a slow learner.

    That sounds horrible :/ I would hate to loose everyone. That feeling sounds like torture.. I'm really sorry.

    He's alright I guess, He's going through some tough shit right now.

    It would be hard to always be around that.. and *not* do it, I can see how you got yourself into that mess. It's just good you got yourself out of it.
    May 29th, 2011 at 08:58pm
  • L1GHTS

    L1GHTS (100)

    United States
    I'm learning how to speak french next year(:
    I think it's so pretty.

    Well I'm really glad you are off of drugs now. I've never done it, but I have friends who have. And a lot of them say it's very hard to stop... One of mine OD'd a week ago...

    Thank you very much love(: that made me smile
    May 29th, 2011 at 08:28pm
  • Victorian Rose

    Victorian Rose (100)

    United States
    Thank you so much for the comment on Barely Breathing! It means so much to me that you took the time to post it. Hopefully, you'll continue to like the story as it progresses.
    May 28th, 2011 at 12:28am
  • L1GHTS

    L1GHTS (100)

    United States
    Damn :o
    That's lame. can't you get those classes or whatever that helps you change your accent?
    I wish I had a British accent, they are amazing.

    Oh my gosh, Mine is too
    I've died it 8 times in the past year. In pictures my hair looks fine,
    because I worked with it for hours,
    but it takes a long time.
    May 28th, 2011 at 12:07am
  • L1GHTS

    L1GHTS (100)

    United States
    ah I've never heard someone speak danish..

    I think German is an ugly language though.. Like damn.

    Aweh(: Darling that's so sweet! But really, You're much more stunning.
    I want to take your face and your hair.
    My hair is a complete bitch to me.
    It does whatever it wants. -_-
    May 27th, 2011 at 10:58pm
  • L1GHTS

    L1GHTS (100)

    United States
    I thought it would be much easier if we just talked on here.

    what is your first language?

    but you are like.. stunning
    May 27th, 2011 at 10:15pm
  • BeyondBirthday

    BeyondBirthday (100)

    United States
    haha I'm not offended - I've been saying the same thing of years!!

    I know. I'm like, "mom, these kids couldn't hurt me if they tried. They might be dressed all punk and goth but i can bet that I'd be the only one around who actually knew how to defend myself with a chain. They're just dressed in black because they think it matches their soul. It's a statement and an expression."
    I still didn't get to go to the concert but I guess I was like13 so my parents may have had a point not letting me go. My sister Emery almost got killed in the moshpit haha
    (My parents don't know she's been to see Coheed and Cambria, Slipknot, and several others like that since she moved out...)
    I'm like, "Simple plan is far from 'bad'..."
    but oh well, maybe I can see Cobra Starship this weekend, that would make up for eveything... a little haha

    I have no problem with people who, like you, take different elements of different styles and mixes them to find their own style. That's basically what I've done.
    I just have a problem with people who seem to latch onto one style (like Emo) and go all out trying to fit into it whether it's really who they are or not. That, actually, is really sad, though i can see why people want to belong to a social group, I can't stand to see people covering up their own quirks and traits that make them so special just to fit into a 'scene' or group. (I actually knew someone who wasn't depressed at all until they decided to go all 'emo' and listen to emo music. Then they started cutting, but I know for a fact it wasn't out of depression, it was pretty much to see what it was like and why the emo kids do it. I was like, "You seriously have to be kidding me." >_< )
    April 20th, 2009 at 05:16pm
  • BeyondBirthday

    BeyondBirthday (100)

    United States
    Oh I see. Well that totally sucks.
    You don't sound like a cliche fanfiction, I understand what you mean even if I don't personally relate.
    I think I'd actually hate it if my parents didn't care
    Even though it sucks that they supported my dreams to be a musician when i played voilin but refuse to now that I play bass instead :/
    but I do get what you mean...

    I want to go see Cobra Starship but I don't know if my parents will let me
    With a little luck and persuasion from my sister they will (she's already going anyway) but like I said, they're a little iffy about the whole the 'rock' thing.
    (I keep telling them it's Cobra Starship and Fallout Boy and Hey Monday so it'll be a bunch of pretty harmless scene kids but they're still kind scared from a few years agon when my dad took my older sister to a Simple Plan/Good Charlotte concert and all the kids were gothed out for Good Charlotte and punked up for SP XD )
    April 20th, 2009 at 01:44am
  • the used.

    the used. (100)

    United States
    ahh, that's so awesome, hunny!
    i'm seeing them this wednesday. :'D
    after two years, i'm finally going to see 'em.
    it's gonna be a blast for sure. :D

    andandand, i spoke to them on myspace here the other day and i got the set-list. :'D

    but are you sick atm?
    aww, i hope you get better for the concert, love. (: <3
    April 19th, 2009 at 06:05pm
  • BeyondBirthday

    BeyondBirthday (100)

    United States
    that sucks :(
    I hate it when parents think they can fulfill their parental obligations with just money and favors
    you could try blatently telling them you want thier time
    which could go either way, I guess, depending on how they might take it

    ahw sounds cool :)
    I might end up going to see Cobra Starship with my sister in NY next week, I'm not sure yet...
    April 17th, 2009 at 11:44pm
  • the used.

    the used. (100)

    United States
    ahaha, yeah. xD
    i fuckin' [i]love[/i] bmth.
    i'm seeing them twice this summer! :'D
    i guess you like them too? (:

    andandand; what's all this talk about underoath?
    are you seeing them next tuesday? :D

    ilyyy. <333
    April 17th, 2009 at 07:17pm
  • BeyondBirthday

    BeyondBirthday (100)

    United States
    I really do apprieciate how much my parents care, at least they're trying to get me to turn out okay, even if they're not going about it in a very effective way. At least they're not the kind of parents who couldn't care less...
    And also, i guess I have to realize that you take what you get when it comes to family - mine will never be perfect but i am grateful that they're better than a lot of families out there.

    Gah The Talk... I know, I wish my parents had taken the time and just gotten over their uncomfortableness just long enough to do that for me when I was younger. I talked to them about it, though, and I think they might try harder with my younger siblings so at least that's good.
    Do you have siblings?

    UnderOath :D Cool!! Everyone's going to shows this week but meeeeee lol
    do you have floor/pit/seat tickets?
    April 15th, 2009 at 10:18pm
  • BeyondBirthday

    BeyondBirthday (100)

    United States
    holy fuck that was a long comment!! O_O
    April 14th, 2009 at 05:37pm
  • BeyondBirthday

    BeyondBirthday (100)

    United States
    yep... my mom listened to this "christian" guy talk about what the music of this day and age are doinf to the kids of the world. TO quote his goody-goody daughter, "The addictive driving beat of the music is stirring upa rebellious additude among young people... to say nothing of the immorality of the lyrics." It ,ade me sooooo pissed that i wrote an article about it. Nothing makes me more furious than some pretentious asshole pretendinlg iike that's what Christianity is about... if you want to get good and mad, go to VisionForum.com >_<
    I'm like, "Hey, I"m saved, I love my God, I try and live by the laws he laid down for His people. I NEVER noticed how he says girls must wear calf-length skirts and 'modest' swimwear and play harp (no seriously, those girls play harp) but not drums and stuff."
    I mean, seriously here. Thank God only a small percentage of 'Christians' act like that. (In my church down south youth group was 200 kids packed into a room shouting the lyrics to rock-praise music with a live band haha... that's where people knew what Christianity was about, it was awesome ) and my mom doesn't adhere to it as much as she could, I mean, I don't have to wear skirts 24/7 and I do have a bass (though I sort of blackmailed my way into getting it lol) but gah it makes me mad that these stupid people thinkn that what you wear and listen to have to do with being a Christian >_< dumbasses. I'm going to post that article soon.
    I always sort of wished i had post-hippie parents lol my parents kind of were, but they've left it behind to the fullest extent :(
    Must have beent the eight kids lol

    Wow, he does sound amazing... I needs visual, what does he look like? Is he like, a punk-type?

    My parents never gave me the sex talk, thay were too embarrassed. they figured they would tell me when I was "older" and I would also learn from things like nature (um, our cat having kittens?) and maybe also my biology book? I don't know, it seems really irrisponsibe to me, to not educate your kids about importanant things because you're embarrassed to talk about it. I found out on my own I guess >_<
    I have no idea why I'm talking about this lol
    April 14th, 2009 at 05:36pm
  • BeyondBirthday

    BeyondBirthday (100)

    United States
    My dad does have my best interest in mind, but that's not why he didn't want me to have the bass... he's told me that he doesn't want 'rock music' to be that big of a priority in my life. He and my mom are biased about what kind of music I listen to/play... I know for sure that if I wanted to buy a second violin instead of a second bass, they would have let me no problem, probably even helped me pay for it :/

    the only reason I was embarrassed about the fanmail was because my parents found it before i sent it out and they read it. I could have died lol

    that's a cool name :)
    why is he ammmmazzzzinggggg? lol
    April 13th, 2009 at 08:07pm
  • Grawr!

    Grawr! (100)

    United States
    You're welcome. And that's a good sign.
    April 13th, 2009 at 02:22am
  • BeyondBirthday

    BeyondBirthday (100)

    United States
    haha I was Jeremy Sumpter wild... I joined fanclubs and wrote him fanmail and stuff
    actually pretty embarrassing to think about now lol

    I know, right? I earned all my money myself and my dad's telling me, "In a year or two you'll thank me when you need a car or something more important than a bass." >_< I was gonna trade out my current bass so it wouldn't cost as much to buy anyway but ohhhh nooooo >_<

    Your pic looks like, maybe a guy from Escape The Fate? hmmm
    well it's cool, whoever it is :)

    in love? Oh? :D what's his nammmme? lol
    April 12th, 2009 at 09:47pm
  • Jessie in Calalini

    Jessie in Calalini (300)

    You're welcome =)
    Been through the same thing hehe.
    April 12th, 2009 at 04:14pm
  • Kassi_Dawn

    Kassi_Dawn (100)

    United States
    Welcome! And well time will tell I guess.
    April 11th, 2009 at 10:32pm