• Oh, cool. :)
    I'm good thanks. Thinking maybe I should go to bed, cos it's like 12:08 pm, but, lol, m'good. U?
    January 12th, 2009 at 01:09am
  • i know.
    it's terrible.
    [i]i'm[/i] terrible. :/

    and everything's just a mess atm.
    for the first time in 7 years, i'm actually unsure about my future.
    and it feels horrible...
    January 11th, 2009 at 07:25pm
  • Hi, u alright?
    January 11th, 2009 at 07:25pm
  • i miss you moarrr.

    gah, i'm so fucking sick of everything.
    school is totally sucking the energy out of me atm.
    i can hardly be on ino and mibba anymore without failing a subject. D:
    January 10th, 2009 at 10:39pm
  • Haha okay ^^

    w00t! I read stories by Mindfreak. as well! 8D
    January 9th, 2009 at 08:24pm
  • Same here -.-
    I'm on Imnotokay.net and check if someone can make me an avatar and make my signature look nice... thinking of changing my profile too, it need some updating ^^

    Do you have INO? And oh, do you got any favoritestories here on mibba?
    January 9th, 2009 at 05:00pm
  • That’s rad! *w*

    Well, sometimes under aged are allowed in here too, it depends on where the shows are at... it’s always in Gothenburg they won’t allow under aged people, but if you go to Malmoe or Stockholm they mostly allow 13 years even if it’s the same band playing. -.- I’ve gone to Malmoe three times to get the chance to see bands that I couldn’t see in Gothenburg, but it’s too expensive to travel every time a good band comes...

    Umm... so what are you up to?
    January 9th, 2009 at 04:44pm
  • Haha, cool. My cousin knows people that work at a piercing shop, so me and my sister have thought about just doing it many times but it just hasn’t really happened yet. >.<

    Man, that’s awesome! :D So many great bands!
    I’ve seen My Chemical Romance (twice), The Used, Iron Maiden, Avenged Sevenfold, Aiden (Twice), Kill Hannah, My Passion, Billy Talent, Bullet For My Valentine, Gogol Bordello, Less Than Jake, Flogging Molly... and Swedish bands such as De Lyckliga Kompisarna, Dia Psalma, Neverstore and Go Drowsy and a couple of more bands.

    I really love going to shows! I’d wish that the cool bands could come and visit Sweden a little more often though, and that they wouldn’t have stupid age limits every time a good band enters Gothenburg! (Because they serve alcohol on the shows the age for shows often is 18 here! >:-@ That really sucks!)
    January 9th, 2009 at 03:18pm
  • Bad days sucks! D:
    I'm doing fine, not having the best of days either...

    So you're getting snakebites... That's awesome! I've been thinking of getting that for ages now, but my parents won't let me until I turn 18!
    Wow, you go to a lot of shows! What bands have you seen? *curious*

    (Sorry if I'm annoying you with all those questions, if I'm bothering you please let me know >.<)
    January 8th, 2009 at 10:46pm
  • Hey there, I'm Frida.
    I just randomly ended up here on your profile, so umm... what's up?
    January 8th, 2009 at 05:04pm
  • aww, no worries, babe.
    i meant it. <3 (:
    but, lmao: you sobered up?
    BUUURN. ;D
    ahah, just kiddin'.

    oh, that would be awesome!
    like, thomas and fredrik as brothers?
    duuude, maybe they're twins and somthing got mixed up at the hospital and they ended up in different homes?
    man, i tell you, that would be such a good movie. xD

    aww, please take me with you in your bag!
    or buy me a plane ticket!
    or fly me to nyc! omfg. <333

    and i bet you'll be the best rockin' auntie the world has ever seen.
    i just know it. (:

    January 2nd, 2009 at 12:54am
  • ahah, that thomas guys sound fucking awesome! :D
    i have a guy like that around here too.
    his name is fredrik and he’s such a nice dude.
    my mom actually knows his girl friend since he works at this youth club right down my street.
    lmao, so she keeps saying hi all the time [friendly, though] whenever we walk by her and fredrik. xD

    but i’m so jealous of all the great stuff you got! ahah. <3
    i mean, hello; a trip to fuckin’ new york? dude, take me with you in your bag, okay? 8D

    and i’m so excited for you about becoming and aunt!
    omfg, yay! auntie cora. <333 :D :D :D

    ILY. <3
    December 31st, 2008 at 05:42pm
  • I got it cut :]
    My new default pic kinda shows it :D

    Aw, it's okay.
    Sorry I haven't answered you in a long-ass time, I'm kinda a lazy fucker XD

    Aw :[
    Are you doing anything over the winter break?
    December 21st, 2008 at 10:17am
  • Tehehehehe... yeah that's me. I was bored and decided to edit a photo on photo shop XD
    Uhmmmmm... I don't think so. I mean, Sydney has some really good bands but if you wanted to start a band... Melbourne seems to support that more, I dunno... itshard to explain. lol
    December 8th, 2008 at 11:32pm
  • D:
    How come?
    The codes and shiz?

    Ahaha, I was actually talking to my cousin about that on Friday :]
    I think I'll get that 'tame' version of scene hair, so I can have more volume :D

    Yeah, that would suck :/
    I hope you're right, and you prolly are :]
    They need to make money somehow :P
    Not that they need it :]
    It's not like they live in the most expensive place in the USA, like I do XD

    Thank you :]
    Even though you guys don't celebrate it, did you do something interesting on that day?
    December 8th, 2008 at 07:47pm
  • Haha... you can't get myspace to work... I rely on it to plan my weekends. LMAO!
    Ohhhhh... well if it makes you feel any better, the music scene where I'm from is pretty lame too. Where I'm from is supposed to be the best music scene in Australia. But I fail to see that =/
    And I'm from Melbourne... which is the state below Sydney (Y)
    December 7th, 2008 at 02:09am
  • omfg, i'll tell you everything tomorrow, hun.
    i'm so tired right now. xD

    ... but the best song they played was, without a doubt, waking the demon.
    'cause before that song, they actually stormed out of the stage, leaving it in total darkness while there was some low thundering in the back.
    we all scream "bullet! bullet!" before they then suddenly ran onstage again after a minute or so and the intro to waking the demon could be heard.
    the whole crowd just exploded into a massive noise and it was so fucking awesome. ;D
    but yet again; i'll tell you all about it tomorrow. <3
    December 3rd, 2008 at 11:05pm
  • coracoracora!!!
    and i got to meet jay before the concert when he was out smoking.
    i got his autograph on my gig ticket plus we spoke. :]]]
    i didn't get a picture with him, though, but still, i met him. ;D

    i'll tell you all about it on msn later tonight. <3 8D
    December 3rd, 2008 at 01:17pm
  • lmao!
    me neither, hun. xD

    i bet there's some one guy + hanky panky goin' on in bed at nights in the used's tour bus.
    hell, yeah, that [i]can't[/i] be avoided.

    [b]... i'd so like to see that once.[/b] Naughty
    December 1st, 2008 at 06:08pm
  • uhh-yeah. -wiggle eyebrows suggestivly-.

    i've heard that victoria's secret has a new winter line now.
    lmao, i bet bert's gonna like the collection. xD

    ... 'cause i sure as hell wanna see him, ya know ^^
    December 1st, 2008 at 01:11pm