Caputi Or Bust; / Comments

  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    If it makes you feel any better, I read fan fictions all the time and I haven't left a review since like 2009. So don't think I'm just not commenting on your stories because I never comment. lol

    Hmm, I was trying to think of ideas in class today and I just kept thinking of anxiety disorders (that seems what I always go to when I have to write something). I just have to pick a specific disorder and figure out what kind of experiment to go along with it, which will be the hard part.

    How dare the Challenge rip out my heart and stomp all over it in the first 10 minutes? I just want someone to care for me like CT cared for Diem :(
    At least another "Are You the One" couple got eliminated. And I was very happy the Sarah and Jordan won power couple. I'm hoping that Sarah's smarts and Jordan not ticking anyone off can get them far.

    The other kid is cute I guess, but not really my type. Brett is making it very hard to try to make any sort of contact. He sits three people behind me so I can't even see his head when it's hunched over looking at his phone before class. I remember having the same problem the first time, he never looked up from his phone so it's very hard to do anything. I sit at the top of the row and he sits in the back, so we don't even cross paths. I'm trying to make us become an adorable couple, he's just not cooperating! haha
    January 21st, 2015 at 06:56am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    You're welcome! I never know what to say in reviews, so I was hoping that adding you would make up for it lol. I must admit that I've never saw any of the things that you write about, but I do enjoy your writing and applaud you for putting your stories up for everyone to read. :)

    I am the opposite, I have no ideas. I'm deciding between two fields of Psychology to focus on, but after that I'm lost. The only good thing about this paper is that you don't actually have to do the experiment, but thank you for offering!
    Both my aunt and cousin were in the Air Force, but I was just thinking today and how I'd be the worst person to join the military. I'm horrible at physical activity and cry whenever someone yells at me, so I definitely wouldn't last.

    The two only good things about Tuesday's episode was that 1.) Zach on the couch with his shirt off is what my dreams are made of, and 2.) one of the couples I don't care about got eliminated. I knew that Diem would have to leave but I didn't think it would be this soon. And seeing how much CT cares for her just breaks my heart :(

    Hahaha ;) Well, Brett came in late on Thursday and stared at this phone, so I couldn't smile and make eye contact. But, the last two classes every time I turn around to talk this kid always seems to be looking at me. He looks pretty young, and he probably thinks I look younger than I actually am so I'll stick to Brett for now.
    January 17th, 2015 at 05:35am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I swear I mean to read your stories, I just never remember when I'm actually on the computer. But I swear I will read them.

    For my Research Methods paper you have to pick a certain field of Psychology and then pick an experiment you'd want to do and write 10 pages. I talked to my friend who had a different professor and she said that he gave them a topic to write about. I'd rather do that because I have no idea what to write about.

    Well, we know that the guys aren't with Salena because of her personality if you know what I mean ;P
    It is my goal in life to date a military man. When we were at the beach my uncle said I needed to find a guy in the Navy because of my obsession with anchors and I was like, "Yes please!" Too bad I'm not close with my cousin because she might have been able to hook me up with one of her fiancé's Army buddies. lol

    Zach was only shown for literally a few seconds. I know it during the first night, but I don't know exactly when it was. No doubt that Johnny will make it far, I'm sure that he'll be in the finals. If that's the case I hope he at least gets third. It's only a matter of time before Jordan runs his mouth that gets him and Sarah thrown in. I'm hoping tonight's episode will not give me so many CT and Diem feelings, but I'm sure that it will.
    January 14th, 2015 at 04:54am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    We have to do one in French. In my Health Psych class, you had to pick three topics you found interesting and he's putting us into group based on what we picked. Both of the presentations are way later in the semester, which I can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing because then it's just longer for me to think about. The papers aren't so bad. For two of them you have to pick a topic and write 10 or so pages.

    Oh heck no, it's not Salena. I've seen the way Salena treats her boyfriends, so god bless the poor sap who decides to marry her. This cousin is on my mom's side and she's 21, though she was 20 when she got engaged. Her fiancé is in the military too, which I am jealous of because I want a man in uniform. All but one of my older cousins are married. In fact, three of them were all pregnant at the same time during the summer.

    I don't know how long my heart can stand to see CT and Diem being all cute and happy together. :(
    I know that we established the fact that Zach is a whining jerk, but let me just say for the split second they showed him with his hair down and in an American flag tank top, it did things to me lol. I think that Johnny has already won enough times, so I think it's time to give someone else a chance ;p Jordan better keep his douchiness to himself and not tick anyone off so poor Sarah can finally win.

    The weather says on Monday it's supposed to have freezing rain so I don't know if you want to postpone again.
    January 10th, 2015 at 10:05pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I am sad to report that there are no cute guys in any of my classes. I'm not looking forward to this semester. It seems like every class I either have to write a big paper or do a presentation. I hate writing papers, but if given the choice I'd rather write a paper than have to do a presentation.

    A lot of the time I think I'm okay with not having a boyfriend but other times it would be nice to have somebody around and that cares about you. If you ever want to feel bad about being single just wait until you have a younger cousin that's already engaged and getting married in less than a year. That makes me feel really behind in the romance department.

    I officially don't like any of the new cast, hopefully they all get eliminated fast so when can just have the regular people haha. I don't know how I feel about this season. Every time they showed Diem and CT, I wanted to cry. At the beginning when CT said he shaved his beard because he heard Diem was going to be there. :( And then when Diem was saying about how she wanted to win the money so she could have kids, I almost lost it. I'm a little worried about Sarah since she's paired with Jordan and he's a kind of a douche, so I bet people will be after him. Another downside to this season is that I have to listen to Theresa and her voice again. But I will give you this, Bananas is looking pretty good this season (but I still think he's a jerk though) haha

    I'm not sure about Korean food, but I love Chinese and Japanese. I've never been there before so I'm kind of excited. lol
    January 8th, 2015 at 07:17am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    Of course the hot boy next door didn’t work out. You can always hope that he cuts the grass with his shirt off ;) The hopeless romantic in me makes me want to believe that there is someone out there for everyone. So we can’t lose hope. Lol

    I saw that for this Challenge they’re bringing in people from the last Real World and “Are You the One?” Am I the only one that doesn't like when they bring in new people? Mostly because I don’t know them and they are usually annoying. I also saw that Sara is back for this season, she’s one of my favorites, after Cara and Diem. I just hope that her partner doesn't do anything stupid to get them kicked off early, like what happened the last two times she was on.

    Well, if you want to hear my opinion through my powers of psychoanalyzing; I think those characters were all independent and they all didn't need a man to save them (though, a man did save them at one point) or to make their life fulfilled. Which I think those characteristics describe you perfectly and why you like them so much. That was pretty good huh? Good to see all those Psych classes paid off. haha

    I will be at my dad’s Monday and Tuesday, and I will be back on Friday through Sunday. So you can decide what day works for you. And if there’s a particular place you want to go to, just let me know.
    December 28th, 2014 at 06:28am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    How dare your mom crush your hopes like that lol. We just have to hope that he comes to the party without a girlfriend so you can work your magic. ;)

    I read the next Challenge; Battle of the Exes 2, will be dedicated to both Diem and Knight. Remember Knight? He was the one who played hockey and was the one to punch Frank during one of the Reunion specials, he died a week after Diem. The article also said that MTV is airing a special on Diem sometime in December.

    Tuesday is fine with me. I honestly don't care where we eat. Although, I did really enjoy Popeye's last time. haha

    Aww thank you! I've never been called a Disney princess or been compared to a Goddess before; if there was a blushing emjoi, I would use it right now.
    December 7th, 2014 at 07:42am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    Hmm, usually I'm pretty good at remembering things, but I honestly can't remember having a German class.
    I'm pretty much a babbling mess around any guy, but if they are really attractive then it's just even worse. Haha, I hope he comes too, because I'm very curious to see if he's as hot as you made him out to be.

    I made the mistake of watching Diem's tribute video they played at her funeral, I cried a few times, especially the parts with CT. I think it would be stupid of The Challenge to not any sort of tribute to Diem at the start of the new season. I would think they would have to do something.

    I saw Mockingjay last Saturday, but it was so good that I'll gladly see it again. This upcoming week is the last week of classes and then the following week I have finals on Wed. Thursday and Friday. Next weekend would be good, unless you want to wait until after finals.

    I would also just like to mention that we went over to Salena's house for Thanksgiving and a family friend and her 8 year old daughter came too. It seems like every time we hang out, I'm in charge of entertaining the kid. But, basically to make a long story short at one point she refereed to Salena as "the less pretty one" and it was the like the highlight of my year, because even though it came from an 8 year old, she was the first person besides my mom's family to say I was prettier than Salena.
    November 29th, 2014 at 05:35am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I figured if there is ever a time for Salena to have a breakdown, it will be during finals. She thinks college is all fun and games, wait until she experiences finals for the first time. And since she's an engineer major, I figure it will be extra hard.

    Did we have a German class in middle school? I remember Spanish and French, because I did well in French so I thought it would be easy to take in high school, which was not true. If we did take German, I must not have enjoyed it because I totally don't remember anything that I learned. lol
    I figured that the hot neighbor would be invited. This party will be the perfect opportunity for you to get to know him, and hopefully to become a couple so that at least one of us will have a hot bf ;)

    I'm still so upset about Diem. I read about her funeral on Tuesday and saw that all our favorite Challenge members were there; Cara, Kenny, Johnny and of course CT. Then later, I saw CT post a tribute to Diem (whose given name is actually Danielle) on Instragram, and I teared up a bit, it was so sweet.
    November 20th, 2014 at 09:04pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    Salena also mentioned a couple weeks ago that she has been getting mostly C's on her tests. She said she's not used to that because she got A's in high school. I hope you read that sentence in a sarcastic tone, because that's how I typed it. lol

    I am actually liking French. The weird thing is that I've gotten A's on all my tests, which is amazing because I got C's on every French test in high school. If you would have told me at the beginning of the year that French would be my best class, I would have laughed. My adviser seems like the type who wouldn't take the hold off, but it wasn't so bad. I was just really mad when I wrote that haha.
    I plan on spending a lot of my time at home instead of my mom's place during break, so that way if we do go to lunch you can just pick me up at my house instead of going all the way to Greensburg.

    I did really enjoy the story. I also appreciate how you made me athletic during the Challenges, because if this was real life, I would have been an even weaker link than Preston. So thanks for not having me embarrass myself ;)
    November 13th, 2014 at 08:50pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    She just said that she had a midterm the next day and she wasn't ready. She's also having trouble with all the drawings, and the new engineer program thing is giving her problems.

    I had my advising meeting yesterday, and I was supposed to schedule today at 3:30 but when I went to enroll there was apparently an 'adviser hold' on my account. I emailed my adviser and apparently I was supposed to turn in my schedule before I could enroll, which I don't remember having to do that last semester. So, I have to walk all the way there tomorrow to turn in my schedule. :/
    But I already had all my classes picked out before I went to my meeting yesterday and my adviser said the classes I picked were all good. I'm taking French II, Research Methods, Legal, & Health Psych and a history class.

    If I pass Stats, I will celebrate because that's the last math class I will ever need to take. That thought makes me so happy. haha

    I would love to read it! We had so many good ideas for it and I've been excited to read it that I'll read whatever you have. haha
    October 30th, 2014 at 01:53am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    First off, Happy Belated Birthday! I'm sorry the Pens lost to the Flyers [again] on your birthday. haha

    My other uncle visited from Alabama last week, he is also an engineer, so he and Salena talked about school most of dinner. Salena is the type of person that everything just seems to work out for, I just want her to fail this one thing.

    Last semester, I went to my meeting without having any classes picked out, because I have never had an actual adviser before so I didn't know what to do. And it took us almost an hour to pick figure out my schedule, my advisor wasn't happy with me. lol
    I have an idea of what classes I want to take, but I'm not sure if I'm going to pass Stats. Technically, I shouldn't since 4 out of the 5 things I've turned in I have failed. But I have the sliver of hope that maybe going to class and all the labs that we've done will somehow save me.

    It's easy for me to say "yes" now, but when the time comes I'll be sorry I agreed. But I need to get out of my comfort zone, so yes I will come.
    October 25th, 2014 at 04:32am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I'm still hoping that Salena flunks out of engineering. Or, and this is a possibility, that she gets caught for having alcohol/underage drinking and gets kicked out. That would give me greater pleasure actually. I'm really a horrible person, omg. No one should want someone to fail this badly, I just can't help it.
    I still love my new phone. I showed my mom's family it on Sunday and they all said they didn't expect it to be that big. But I love the size.

    I have an advising meeting in a few weeks so I'm sure that internships will come up. Speaking of advising, I have a question; when you met with your adviser did you have to come with all your classes picked out? Because my adviser makes us do that and I wasn't sure if that was normal.

    School is just 'eh'. Nothing exciting happens, no cute boys to distract me from the boredom. Stats is still horribly boring and it's an hour and 15 minutes which is torture. I also have no idea what's going, and I'm not sure I'm going to pass.
    October 18th, 2014 at 03:53am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    If only my aunt and uncle were the type of people to buy their daughter the old version (especially after she broke it on purpose), then maybe Salena wouldn't have turned out the way she did.
    It's definitely possible to use a shattered iPhone. My brother dropped his new 5s a week after he got and the screen completely shattered. That was a year ago and he still uses it.
    I love the 6. After having the 4s for over 2 years, it's really nice to have the new thing. The screen is so big and the picture is so clear. I love watching YouTube on there because the picture is so good.

    Internships are practically a must for a Psych major.
    But, there's a quote I think about all the time, "decide you want it more than you are afraid of it". So, I wouldn't count Grad school completely out yet.

    Please tell me that you saw the picture of CT holding Diem's hand in the hospital. If not, you have to look it up so we can gush over the adorableness together.

    My group is not as incompetent as I first thought. But it still dread Mondays and Fridays whichever group days. Lol
    October 7th, 2014 at 08:51pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    A perfect example of things always going their way is that Salena begged her dad for the iPhone 6 but he said no. Then, a few hours later Salena 'miraculously' dropped and shattered her phone so now she has the 6. It's like another time that Salena wanted a new phone but her parents wouldn't get her one, so she dropped her old phone into the pool on purpose so she could get a new one. And it's not the fact that she has the new iPhone, I also got it, but I wanted to have something she didn't for once.
    Unlike most people, I know what I want to do with my life (be a Mental Health therapist) but I can't do Grad school and I also have to many anxieties problems to achieve that. That's why I'm dreading graduation, because I don't know what I'm going to do with my life.

    It makes me very sad that I'm never going to find a guy that fits all my qualifications like that again. Haha

    He seems like the type of person that would be in it for the money. He's also in my Study of Psychological Trauma class, but thankfully he sits in the back with his gym rat friends and doesn't talk.
    That psych class is pretty easy but I hate all the group work. We got new groups on Friday, and the people in my group seem incompetent. Tomorrow we're starting another group project, and if there's something I hate more than talking in groups is working on a project with groups.
    September 29th, 2014 at 12:08am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    That side of my family is all like that. They aren't nice people but it seems like everything always goes their way. But, Salena and her sports loving bf broke up, so that brings me joy. haha
    I don't have much hope for a job in the Psych field when I graduate because you can't get a good job without a Master's degree. I can barely make it through undergrad, I don't think I'll make it through Grad school.

    I still think about Zach and his tree trunk arms, but I know he's not boyfriend material anymore. Speaking of attractive guys. My mom and I were stuck in the one lane traffic on Route 30 last night, and there was one construction worker who was perfect. Both his lower arms were covered in tattoos, he had some scruff, dark hair, very tan, and he had an Army book bag, (I'm a sucker for a man in uniform). I'm getting all tingly just describing him. haha

    The kid who laughed is also in Pre-med, so I hate to be his future patient. I would have loved to see you punch him. I would have been walking out with you too.
    That's what I hate about this semester, hardly any of my professors lecture. In my one Psych class, she only lectures one day, the other two we spend in groups. And I hate being in groups. lol
    September 27th, 2014 at 08:08pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I hope that with my uncle knowing all these professors that it puts more pressure on her, and she'll find it too hard and quit. But my life doesn't work that way so with my luck I bet she does very well in school. It's kind of alarming how much I want her to give up. haha

    I totally forgot that Issac and Jasmine got it on. Yeah, he's definitely gross.
    I really want them to do a season with just all the big name players that don't play anymore like Kenny and Evan. That would be the greatest season ever.

    The guy selection is very bland this year.
    Well, first he made us turn our desks so we were all in a circle, which was bad because I could just see everyone looking at me as I talked. He called on me like 5 times one class, and that is just too much for me. And the thing that really did me in was answering a question and I was just making it up as I went and I could hear one of the guys laughing at me. And I know he was laughing at me because there was no one else talking but me, and I couldn't bounce back after that so I dropped that class.
    September 16th, 2014 at 09:03pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    In continuing on with complaining about Salena; she made a big deal about going away to school and hardly coming home, but now she's coming home every weekend to work. I really want her to change her major after last week. My uncle (the engineer) came home and he also went to UPJ so he and Salena talked all during dinner about what she's doing in class and apparently my uncle is on some committee and knows all her professors and he told them his niece wants to be an engineer. So if it already wasn't all about Salena, it definitely is now.

    We saw the Lincoln Memorial at night so it was pretty empty. And it was really cool to see it lit up. We also took a bus tour to go see it, so we didn't have to walk forever so that was also a plus. haha

    CT being there to comfort Diem was my first thought when I read about it. Now we know that Zach and Issac are just pretty faces, but are actually sleazy and wimpy haha.

    I got a better look at tattoo guy, and his tattoos are about the only I like. And Nick hasn't paid me any attention in class so it looks to be another boyfriend-less semester. I dropped my history class yesterday because it involved too much talking and participating for me. Which is a shame because I love history. My other classes are going well so far, expect Stats, I have no idea what's going on. lol
    September 6th, 2014 at 03:27am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    You can tell your dad that Salena has literally only had one day of class and she's already complaining about how work much she has. My uncle is an engineer and he said the first two years are the hardest. I give it a year before she changes her major.

    There are a lot of museums at DC that I want to go to. When I went last summer we mainly visited the monuments, we only made it to two museums. Next time I go I'm going to dedicate it to seeing the museums.

    I just really liked Zach because of his hair and his arms if I'm being honest. But after I saw what he was actually like, I realized that he's not for me. I've liked Cohutta since I saw him on his season of the Real World. He's definitely more my type than Zach. And yes, the Disney princess part is priceless xD. Also, I saw on Facebook that Diem has cancer again :(

    Jeff, of course, did not contact me. And now, I seem to very aware of surroundings on campus because I'm so afraid I'll run into him.
    There weren't any cute guys in my history class today. The only other guy that has caught my interest besides Nick, is this one guy in my Children, Media and Technology class. He's also pretty skinny, which seems to be a theme of mine. But he has at least three tattoos on his arms and he's pretty cute and he looks older than 18 which is always a good thing. haha
    August 27th, 2014 at 02:43am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I'm obsessed with the Holocaust, so that was the one thing I wanted to see when I went to DC. I was lucky when I went through the museum because we were the first ones in so they wasn't anyone breathing down my neck when I was trying to read. Which makes me even more mad at myself for not taking my time to thoroughly read everything.

    Luckily for him, the game he went to was actually the last game we won before we started to suck. And of course, Salena and Geoff were at the game the night before Nathaniel was there. That was the game they scored 11 runs. I'm trying to hide my jealousy over Salena's bf but it's hard because he's too nice for her. Not that I want him for myself or anything, I would just like someone like him.
    I did tell him that they showed him on TV but the friend he was with was talking to his wife during it and she already told them, so he wasn't surprised when I told him.

    I just picture Zach's face as he watches Cohutta and I make cute faces at each other during the Reunion special. I'm excited to read about my imaginary relationship with Cohutta. ;)

    School starts the 25th. Move in day is Thursday and a part of me is wondering if Jeff would try to get in contact with me, but I seriously doubt it since we haven't spoke in forever. I just like bigger guys because it makes me feel smaller when I'm with them. I looked like a toothpick when I hung out with Steve lol.
    August 20th, 2014 at 06:05am