Caputi Or Bust; / Comments

  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I really want to go back to the Holocaust museum. I'm a fast reader but sometimes I read too fast and don't process the information, so I think I need to go back and actually take my time reading all the things of information. I loved the rail car and the "works makes you free" sign that was at the entrance of Auschwitz. I'm pretty sure I just stood there and stared at it for five minutes because it was so exciting for me to see it.
    Speaking of the Pirates, my brother went to the game last Tuesday and they showed him on Root Sports before the bottom of the third inning. He had a scowl on his face and looked ready to kill the whole time the camera was on him, but it was still weird seeing him on TV.

    I can tell Zach that his anger drove me away and why I'm with Cohutta now. You didn't forget that part did you? Because being with Cohutta is my favorite story line that we added ;)

    Jeff and I haven't spoken in three weeks so it's safe to say that it's over. Which I'm totally fine with. I just need to find someone taller and with a little more meat on their bones because I feel like I would crush Jeff. haha
    August 19th, 2014 at 07:51am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    Don't worry, I won't mention you know where anymore ;)

    This story just keeps getting better and better! Especially now that Cohutta and I will a be a couple and everyone will mock Zach in the final. Haha

    Of course I remember Steve. We both met our Steves at the same time and we both realized that they were not for us.
    He told me it was a sex dream. Which you're right, it is weird since we're not dating and we haven't even seen each other in 4 months and to top it off, we hardly spoke in person while in school.
    The sad thing is, that a part of me wishes that Jeff and I would drift apart. He sent me a picture last week and I realized that he's not really my type, and by 'type' I mean attractive-wise. But the thing is that he knows all about my anxieties and he doesn't seem bothered by it. So, I don't know what to do. :/
    August 3rd, 2014 at 06:16am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I think you and the guy I saw wearing a Lucic shirt at the store yesterday, are the only ones around here that like the Bruins. ;P
    I'm sure that everyone knows my opinion on Fleury. And I know that odds of him being replaced are slim (though, they already replaced half the team, so why not?) But just know that when he finally is not the starter anymore, I will do a dance of joy.

    Haha I could totally see that happening. Which I kick him, that will be the moment the tears start and I'll laugh all the way to the finish line.

    I'm sure that I've mentioned this before but I'm little confused about Jeff. I've texted him first the last five times and he'll write me back once or maybe twice and then we're done. I'm always the last one to write something and he never responds to it. I don't know if I should be happy that he at least writes back or upset that he hardly keeps the conversation going.
    I almost forgot to mention that a couple weeks ago he told me that he had an R-rated dream about me, and to be honest I was a little freaked out. But I don't know if he's just a horny teenager and has those kind of dreams about any girl or that, in a weird way, that means he likes me.
    July 30th, 2014 at 07:11pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    At least no one went to the Bruins, I hate them more than the Capitals so that's a positive way to look at it. ;P
    I know, I'm going to really miss Niskanen. It's going to be so weird when the season starts and we don't know who half the team is along with all the new coaches.

    I can just picture myself rolling my eyes while running past Zach as he's curled up in the fetal position on the side of the mountain haha. I don't mind waiting, I under stand.

    Jeff and I don't talk as much as I would like, but I will take what I can get. I hope we talk a lot next week because I'm going to the beach with my dad's family and I know Salena will be talking to her Geoff a lot and I want to text mine to make me feel important. If that makes any sense lol.
    July 16th, 2014 at 11:20pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    Just thinking about Ovechkin being on the Pens makes me shudder. I really hope that Rutherford knows what he's doing because if I went through all this emotional turmoil to not even make the playoffs, I shall be making a personal visit down to Consol to give him a piece of my mind. :p
    I would definitely be okay with getting a big player. Just as long as we didn't trade another player I really liked. haha

    Yeah, Zach is a little too intense for me. While Cohutta is like a life size teddy bear that I just want to squeeze lol. Oooh, we could become an item after Nany sleeps with Johnny and I'll be the one he runs to for comfort ;)

    I texted Jeff a few days ago just to start a conversation and it turns out that he was waiting for me to text him while I was waiting for him to text me. He said that he was thinking about me during those two weeks and we talked until 2:30 in the morning. This is the closest thing to a boyfriend I've ever had. My mom says we are a couple but I won't believe it until Jeff tells me I'm his girlfriend. But so far, all is well.
    July 7th, 2014 at 05:03am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    Past free agency days have been really quiet but this one hit me right in the feels. My grief of losing Neal has been added by losing 6 more player that I really liked. It especially sucks for Orpik and Niskanen since they went to Washington and you know how I feel about them. I expect a Stanley Cup this season to make up for all this grief haha.

    As much as I enjoy looking at Zach's massive arms and his flowing locks, I think his anger would be a deal breaker. That flashback of him yelling at Sam was really shocking. If I had to choose a different guy, I'd have to go with my boy Cohutta.
    I looked at MTV's line up on Thursday and it doesn't look like the episode will be on. Which is disappointing because they always have it. And I need some cheering up after that final. lol

    I don't really know what's going on with Jeff. We barely text anymore and when we do, it's only for a little while not like the hours we used to. He told me the first time he didn't talk to me for a week was because he was busy with work. But I don't think he can be that busy. I want to ask him straight out if he still likes me but I don't have the guts. But I just want to know how he feels instead of me feeling bad because he hardly texts me.

    Hmm..that's a tough one. But you know me; I believe that if it's meant to be it will be. That's not very helpful, but it's all I got right now. Haha
    July 2nd, 2014 at 03:00am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I was going to start off this comment by saying how sad I am that Neal is gone, but I can see that you don't feel the same way. I didn't even know he was considered being traded, I couldn't believe when I saw that he was traded. I have a feeling this is only the beginning of a long and heartbreaking off season. lol

    Yes, let's please talk about Zach and his wussy-ness. I was yelling at him through most of the episode to get up and move. This season was really good until the last two episodes and then everything went to hell. My favorites either got eliminated or finished in third. So, I'm a little disappointed. I was just thinking today about how I hope they show the S#!t They Should Have Shown because that's also my favorite part.

    Of course nothing happened haha. My family was joking about how I should invite him to my cousin's party but that was just too weird. He did ask me to take another picture which I did, then he complained about how the quality sucked and he wanted another one, but I said no. But that was pretty much it.
    June 28th, 2014 at 07:04am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    As if I didn't already dislike Bananas enough the last episode really put me over the edge. Not only did he send CT home, but he also voted in Cara so I'm really hoping he has a horrible final and comes in third. I hope for Zach to wash up somewhere on shore and come in first so at least one of my favorites can win.

    Let me tell you about a few weird coincidences. First, Salena has been seeing/ talking to this kid Geoff who happened to be in mine and Jeff's math class. In fact, he sat behind me and next to Jeff. Then over the weekend I went to Virginia for my cousin's party and it just so happened that Jeff was in Virginia at the same time and we ended up only being 40 minutes away from each other which is the closest we've been in months. I just found both of those really weird.

    I saw that the new GM doesn't expect to keep Niskanen and Jokinen and I just can't accept that. As excited as I am to get a new coach, I'm scared about which players we're gong to lose. Also got to give a shout out to my baby for getting the awards hat trick at the NHL Awards tonight haha. ;)
    June 25th, 2014 at 06:36am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    As soon as I saw that the elimination was to punch holes in the wall, I knew Cara was going to lose. I'm disappointed with last night's episode because my two favorites are gone while my last remaining favorite is floating down the river. I don't care for any of the girls left, all I got left is Zach. So this finale pretty much sucks. lol
    I saw that you reblogged that. Zach may know all about Disney Princesses, but he doesn't know where the Andes Mountains are. Did you see the part after TJ tells them where they're going for the final and Zach says, "I don't know where that is"? Haha I loved that part.

    Before we have to worry about which players will be leaving we have to find a coach first. Which seems to me like they are taking their time. I have a feeling it's going to be an emotional offseason.

    No rush. I'm sure I'll like your ending better than the actual shows lol.
    June 20th, 2014 at 12:54pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    When Laurel stared to cheer for Jess, I literally said "what a bitch" out loud. Before this, I wouldn't have minded if Laurel won, but now I hope that Cara wipes the floor with her.

    What's even better about the Kings being up 2-0 is that they came back in both games. I just hope they can carry this momentum back to New York. I have no ill feelings for the city of LA so I definitely gunning for them to win. I might even throw a party if the Kings sweep them. lol

    Haha you can take your time for both stories, I understand. Just know I am anxiously awaiting the Challenge story ;)
    June 9th, 2014 at 11:32pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    Have you seen the preview for this weeks episode? Laurel she says that Cara and her aren't best friends and I'm thinking that Laurel's going to turn on Cara. Which, I don't want to imagine happening because I like them being bffs and having each other's back.
    Is is really bad that I was mad at Cohutta for forgiving Nany after she slept with Johnny? I was thinking that he could do a lot better *coughcough* me. haha But Nany is hot so of course Cohutta would take her back.

    Hallelujah that the Kings won last night! Even if the Hawks managed to win I would have rooted for them over the Rangers. I really don't want New York to win just based on the fact that they are the ones that beat us.

    That's okay, no rush. I know that when you're finished it would have been worth the wait. lol
    June 3rd, 2014 at 04:37am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I feel like I should also mention Zach saying he was an expert in Disney princesses and didn't want to sound cocky by saying Sleeping Beauty's real name. That was a great moment for me haha. I can't talk about last night's episode because I was at the Pirate game and haven't seen it yet.

    I can't blame him for being afraid of your dad. Your dad scares me too haha.

    Montreal finally won last night too. So here's hoping that both series turn around and the teams I want to win actually do. I'm not liking talking about trading Malkin. If we're going to talk about getting rid of a big player then let's talk about Fleury. I know that probably won't happen, but I can dream.

    I'm excited for the zoo too! I haven't been there since our Ecology trip senior year. And it wasn't that fun because I was the one stuck answering all the questions for that worksheet ;P And also creepy Mr. Momeyer following us and saying we didn't have enough time to get ice cream.
    May 23rd, 2014 at 08:25pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    You didn't happen to see the part during the trivial challenge where TJ asked Bananas what language was spoken in Australia and he said Dutch? That was hilarious and the highlight of the episode. I wanted Camilla to win because I still can't stand the sound of Theresa's voice.

    I have high hopes too :)
    Well, if you think that you and this guy would get along and you actually end up liking him then I don't see a problem with age.

    The Rangers are really cramping my style because I really want them to lose since they beat us. I don't like Montreal either, but they are the lesser of the two evils. I've been rooting for the Kings since they came back down 3-0 in the first round. And I also need them to win, because the Hawks don't deserve to be in the finals again. I think Ovechkin coming to the Pens is the worst thing I can think of. Just picturing him in a Pens jersey is terrifying. haha

    I totally didn't think about it being Memorial Day on Monday. Just let me know, so I can spend the night at my dad's.
    May 21st, 2014 at 06:52am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    Aw, I'm sorry about your grandpa. Let's see, the main highlights of the episode was that Zach won the trivial challenge for the guys and Devon won for the girls. They voted for Jordan to go in the elimination but he won against Swift (boo) lol. And Theresa won against Camilla.

    He literally just asked me to send him another picture :P. But, I think I should give him a chance because he knows my anxieties and he doesn't seem to mind them. And that's enough for me to like a guy.

    I'm hoping for the Kings to win it all. Before our series against the Rangers, I would have wanted them to win because I want poor Marc Staal to win a Cup, but he was annoying during our series so I don't want him to win anymore. I was surprised to see that they fired Shero first. I hope the new GM does the right thing and fires Blysma. Don't not speak of trading Malkin. I would never get over that, I'm still upset about Talbot. Haha

    Next Monday sounds good to me. I will be over my dad's house for the weekend anyway so you won't have to drive to Greensburg to pick me up.
    May 19th, 2014 at 08:25pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I have a feeling that Jordan's time is coming soon. Hopefully, he'll be on the losing team tomorrow and everyone will vote him in and then he'll go away. And then, Johnny will be the only guy left that annoys me ;)

    I'm still on the fence about whether I like Jeff or not. I think the only way I can figure that out is if I spend time with him, and that won't happen until August when he comes back to school. He's also asked me a couple times to send another picture to him, but I got out of it both times. Haha

    I don't even know what to say about the Pens and their meltdown. All I can say is that they better make some changes (i.e. get rid of Bylsma, as much as I like him, he's gots to go) And I don't want any of the remaining Eastern Conference teams to win the Cup, especially Boston. And I don't want Chicago to win because they win too much.
    May 14th, 2014 at 07:24pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I really dislike Jordan, and he hasn't done anything this season. I'm happy that Jordan made the target on his back when he voted in Johnny, because now Johnny's hate is directed toward Jordan and Cara is left alone. At least for now haha. I was wondering how you felt about your two boys being on the verge of elimination. But now I see that you were happy that Issac's gone.

    Haha this season does have good story lines to make for an interesting story. Which makes it all the more exciting to read it.

    After seeing a post on Tumblr about the difference on liking a guy and liking the attention they give you. I'm thinking that maybe i don't really like Jeff, just the attention he gives me. It's hard to tell because we didn't establish any type of relationship before he left and now I have to wait four months for him to come back, so I don't really don't know how I feel.
    May 10th, 2014 at 07:02pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I'm still look forward to reading it! Speaking of Issac, it seems like my man Zach has some beef with Issac after that last challenge. I was thinking throughout that episode about how funny it would be if our guys got into it. But my hot-headed man with arms like tree trunks kept his cool, which I was proud of him for. lol
    I don't think it's weird to want Issac gone so you can focus your attention on Johnny. He was your first Challenge love after all. ;)

    I'm not sure about my situation. Sometimes, I think it's going really well. Like we talked for most of yesterday. Then other times, I feel like he might be ignoring me. Like, I texted him after the game last night and he never responded. Everyone tells me that boys are crap at texting back, so maybe I'm just being paranoid.
    May 6th, 2014 at 08:56pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I look forward to reading it! Writing papers takes me forever because I write like 2 sentences then I read 3 chapters of fanfiction. I just get distracted really easily, especially when I should be studying, like today when I should have studied for my final tomorrow, but my mind is a little preoccupied as you know.

    Is it strange how much I like Cohutta? I've liked him since I watched him on Real World. I just think he's adorable. I just thought I'd shared that haha. But, did you watch the Aftershow? I hope you did because it was revealed that Jasmine slept with Issac on the first night. I know you dislike Jasmine so I feel for you. I just imagine your reaction when you found that out haha.
    April 18th, 2014 at 05:48am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    Normally I don't like older guys, but I'll make an exception for Norman.

    I started my diversity paper and I have never put so little effort into a paper before. It's a little alarming actually haha. I'm aiming to do well enough to get a C, which I have never gotten on a paper before. But, I hope you have more motivation than me and actually try on your papers ;)

    I just want a life size cutout of Zach just so I can stare at his arms whenever I want haha. I never liked Chet so I didn't mind that he's gone. I've never heard of Latoya before, but when I first saw her I knew she was going to be annoying. I hope that Frank and Teresa are both gone next cause both of their voices make me crazy.
    I want Cara to win so badly, if anyone deserves to win its definitely her.
    April 15th, 2014 at 10:52pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I've been watching the first three seasons of The Walking Dead. It has become my new obsession, which is surprising because I don't like gore at all and this show is very gory. I have also come to understand why all the fangirls on Tumblr are obsessed with older men. Norman Reedus is twice my age, but he can totally get it. lol

    i have to make up that one paper. Then I have a paper for Diversity that I haven't picked a topic for yet. But your situation seems much worse haha.

    Camilla is just a hot drunken mess. and now that you mention it, it looked like Derek who was being yelled at by CT in the bar.
    April 10th, 2014 at 05:57am