Caputi Or Bust; / Comments

  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    Ah, I used to feel that way about Brett, but I've given up on the idea of us. See, you're already farther than Brett and I. We've looked at each other for like a second then we look away. It seems to me that if he's looking at you so much then I would think that he likes you. In all the magazines that I've read, if you're too shy to say anything you're supposed to make contact with your crush and smile, though I do that to everyone. But you could try that,maybe it could get the ball rolling a little ;)

    Haha I was just thinking about that. I'd loved to read it, and that's fine, I don't need an ending.
    October 28th, 2013 at 04:52pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    Well I'm sure you can get further than me and Brett since the only thing we have done is make eye contact a few times. So good luck to you!
    The one in my Lit class? Oh, he's way out of my league. It's weird because I usually go for the more outcast-ish type but this kid definitely looks like he was a popular jock in high school so I stand no chance.

    Seeing the Flyers struggle will never get old to me. I only feel bad for Talbot. I'm still very emotional about him leaving and I wish that he would leave that crappy team and come back.
    I know that they will crash and burn at some point this season because that's what always happens, I'm just hoping that we have enough points to not affect us in the standings. It also helps that the other teams in the Metro division are pretty crappy.
    I'd just like to point out that the Steelers won last night to our hated rivals, the defending Superbowl champs, thank you very much. ;P
    October 21st, 2013 at 04:53pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I actually like when you don't respond right away because then I don't have to worry about responding and what to say. So don't feel bad lol.
    I don't know, it's been awhile and nothing has happened so I'm not holding out much hope. I'm just going to go with the theory of if it's supposed to happen then it will.

    I'm happy for Cooke though, he's doing well in Minnesota and honestly most of the time I forget that he's gone. Zatkoff was a hot mess. You know it's bad when I wish for Fleury to be in net. I can't feel bad for the Bruins just like I can't feel bad for any of the other crappy teams in the East because I dislike them all especially Philly, I take great amusement in their terribleness.
    October 16th, 2013 at 04:45pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I like to believe that him sitting near us is a sign too. Especially since on Friday, there were other seats he could have sat in but he chose there. But fingers crossed that he's noticed me and is interested! This is what it's like to be obsessive about things cause you just think about it over and over and literally all night I've been imagining what it would be like if me and Brett actually start dating. Like I kept picturing us sitting together watching the Pens game, which really is all I need in a man.

    I"m just so happy that hockey is back and I don't have to work during them this year.
    I was very upset when my mom told me that we're going out for my cousin's birthday today, because it just so happens to be during the Pirate game. I'll probably be forced to go so I'm going to bring my iPod so I can listen to it on the radio.
    October 6th, 2013 at 07:54am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I don't have any intention on taking to Brett. Which will make him like all my other crushes, I just admire from afar, and maybe pray that they'll actually talk to me first which never happens either. But I wish you luck on your boy, and applaud you for having more courage than me.

    I knew that Cooke and Cara's lead wasn't going to last, I just knew it. But I wasn't too bitter about Paula winning. I had this feeling that CT and Wes were going to win, maybe not so much Wes but I'm really glad CT won. Part of me was a little happy that Knight hit Frank because I never liked Frank and Knight did it because Frank said mean things about Jemmye. But there was definitely a better way Knight could have gone about that that didn't include national television.
    September 30th, 2013 at 03:56pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    My guy had to hold 4 different doors open yesterday and he only looked back at me for one of them. He did turn around once on the stairs though, but that was the extent of our silent communication. But I did find out he likes the Pens so that makes it 1000x more better.
    I'm hoping that we can both look back in a month at this hard time and laugh because then we will both be in happy relationships with the guys that are making it tough for us right now.
    That was one of the suckiest days of my life to be honest. I was already annoyed at him by then but that whole day was just the icing on the cake. I still laugh at when he dropped us off and we were coming inside and he started to walk towards the door and I had to tell him that only you and I were going inside.

    Sometimes my teams come in second, but I need Cara and Cooke to come in first tomorrow to make my life complete, along with CT and Wes.
    September 25th, 2013 at 05:58am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    My guy had to hold 4 different doors open yesterday and he only looked back at me for one of them. He did turn around once on the stairs though, but that was the extent of our silent communication. But I did find out he likes the Pens so that makes it 1000x more better.
    I'm hoping that we can both look back in a month at this hard time and laugh because then we will both be in happy relationships with the guys that are making it tough for us right now.
    That was one of the suckiest days of my life to be honest. I was already annoyed at him by then but that whole day was just the icing on the cake. I still laugh at when he dropped us off and we were coming inside and he started to walk towards the door and I had to tell him that only you and I were going inside.

    Sometimes my teams come in second, but I need Cara and Cooke to come in first tomorrow to make my life complete, along with CT and Wes.
    September 25th, 2013 at 05:58am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I know me so I know that I would never talk to a guy that I liked first, I'd have to wait for him to start the conversation. I talked to Steve first and look where that got me. Though I didn't like him, I was just trying to be nice and let him use for my book. But I haven't seen this kid so I'm not holding out much hope for him talking to me first.

    So excited for the finale on Wednesday! It looks really intense but I wouldn't expect anything less from a Challenge final. This could be my year for my favorite teams to win, I can't remember a time when teams I've wanted to win have actually won.
    September 23rd, 2013 at 04:49pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    Why thank you. He also wasn't in class on Monday but I highly doubt he would have talked to me anyway. But as I said, he's really not that cute so I'm fine about it.
    Haha he probably would have been a bit creeped out by that ;) But I am liking the sound of this kid.

    I really don't care whose canoe flipped over, I was just happy that CT and Wes are in the second half of the final. Then my two fav girls; Cara and Paula are in the finals. So I can't be too bummed about whose comes in second, though I'm rooting for Cara because she deserves it.
    The S#!t They Should Have Seen is the best part of the season in my opinion. They were a couple parts that I lol'd at, but I can't remember them now. I did enjoy when they were throwing people in the pool and Paula had to get CT out of bed by crying and saying people were being mean to her. Then he got up and said "Who's messing with Paula?" I just thought that was adorable xD. Did you enjoy the bit about Johnny's bobble head? lol I know how you feel about that bobble head.
    September 20th, 2013 at 02:00am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I did have that class today. And Jon talked to two other girls that weren't me. But I as I told my mom tonight; I'm over him. It really wasn't that big of a crush anyway.
    Ooh, he sounds like a good candidate for you ;)

    I'm always a wreck during the finals since there's always that one team that I really want to win (though they usually don't). I was even anxious during the last challenge when it was between Paula and Emily and Cooke and Cara.

    I was so excited for tonight because all three Pittsburgh teams played tonight. But tonight sucked because they all lost. And the Steelers are a mess, even if you don't care about them. Which I'm beginning to not care about them that much either.
    September 17th, 2013 at 06:25am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    We didn't have class on Wednesday and Friday so I haven't seen him since last Monday. He didn't talk to me then either, so I'm not really getting my hopes up.
    Haha I can understand that. If it's meant to be it will be.

    I was so happy when Cooke and Cara won the challenge. I don't like Diem as much as I used to, so I wouldn't be too upset if Camilla and Jemmye win the Jungle.

    I keep thinking of reasons why I'm glad to be out of there and it just make me so happy that I don't have to go back there as an employee.
    September 16th, 2013 at 05:10am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I am excited for tomorrow because I'm hoping that since Jon has acknowledged me, he'll start talking to me. Like I said; the conversation we had on Friday was the most we talked in the three months we were lab partners. But I know how these things work; I get my hopes up for nothing and the guy never talks to me again.

    Diem has been a little annoying this season, but I've seen the previews for next weeks episode and she realizes that CT has been playing her and I feel really bad for her. And I only dislike Paula when she makes fun of Cara. But she did call Johnny old the last episode and I enjoyed that xD.

    Last night was my last night at ENP and to be honest, it's a little bittersweet. I'm not going to miss the actual job at all. I'll just miss everyone (except Salena of course) and I'll also miss the routine of it. It's weird that I'm not working there anymore. But since I'm not there anymore, I won't have to hear about Salena and her new bf now. Which they came in together Friday night and then he came yesterday before I came in.

    I think I've seen that parody on Tumblr. I've seen a couple parodies on there, I just saw a feminist one yesterday and that one was good too.
    September 8th, 2013 at 10:21pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I thought that was him, but I was just making sure. I wish you luck! And if it doesn't work out you can also recommend me. lol jk ;)

    If that is the case, then I think the only girls team that would be able to do it would be Paula and Emily. Since they've won like 85% of the Challenges, why not win the whole thing. Of course, it's sometimes the favorite who chokes during the final race, so here's hoping for Cara!

    And get this; someone from work told me that he told her he loved her a week after they started hanging out. What is the world coming to that people can just throw those words around like it's nothing? That's one of my pet peeves, if you couldn't tell.

    I keep seeing scenes of the movie from Tumblr, and it makes me want to see it so much more. To hold myself over I watched the Jonas Brothers Concert Experience last night, but it definitely wasn't the same.
    September 4th, 2013 at 03:45pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    Austin's the one with the long hair, right?

    All I want to happen on the show is for Cara to win, so people will stop hating on her. Then I need CT and Wes to win. Also, Knight and Preston should be sent home because they don't deserve to make it to the finals. And if for some reason they did make it, they probably wouldn't last pass the first obstacle.

    I had to spend Sunday night with Salena. And let me tell you, it took a lot of self control not to hit her. Then she brought her new boy toy, Adam, over. He seems way to nice for her though, I wanted to tell him to run while he still can. And when she was introducing him to everyone, she never introduced me. I was like thanks Salena.

    I need to see that movie about 5 more times. After Saturday, I'm going to have a lot of free time. lol
    September 3rd, 2013 at 06:10pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    On Wednesday, I did take out my Harry notebook in Algebra, and didn't hide it. Mostly because I was sitting next to Kaillee and she shares my obsession, so I didn't feel self conscious about it.

    I'm still not quite sure what's going to happen tonight and tomorrow. But if the universe is against me tomorrow and I end up working, we'd have to see it in the afternoon anyway.

    Agh, I know! People may think that Cara is the underdog but she always comes out on top.
    It's getting harder for me to want to keep Johnny here because his partner is really getting on my nerves. Instead of CT getting in Johnny's face next week, he should just hit Frank and tell him to shut up.
    August 30th, 2013 at 03:54pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I was surprised too at how much I like the notebooks. I used the one with all of them today for my English Lit class. I am still self conscious about them. I either put a my book on top or face them upside down. lol

    Well, I technically work on Saturday 5 to 1 AM which I said I wasn't doing anymore because that shift gives me anxiety. And they gave it to me both Friday and Saturday, and I'm already majorly freaking out. So I might have convinced my mom to let me work seasonal or quit altogether because school is stressing me out already and works just adds to that anxiety. So I will have to get back to you on when we can see the movie, which will have to be this weekend because I don't know if I can wait. ;)
    August 28th, 2013 at 03:54am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    My math class ends at 11:45 so we could meet somewhere until your class starts at 1. That works out really well because my last class is over at 2:50, so if you could drive me home on Fridays that would be great. And my mom thanks you in advance. haha My class on Tuesday and Thursdays starts at 2:30 and ends at 3:45 so I'll be long gone by the time you get there.

    I'm having trouble deciding on how many of those notebooks I want to use for this semester. I know I want to use one for Algebra. But I haven't decided if I should use another one, or save it for future use.

    Ugh, I hate Miley Cyrus. I've never really liked her but lately I can't stand her. But if the rumors are true and N Sync is really reuniting tonight, I will freak the eff out. I've been waiting for a reunion for like a decade. They were my first boy band obsession, and my first concert. So they have a special place in my heart.
    August 25th, 2013 at 11:09pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    Aw, thanks! I would like to punch her too. You'd think that she'd realized that having a bad attitude all the time is making people not want to be near her, but she still continues to do it.

    I have classes in McKenna, Frank Cassell, Smith and Powers hall. I have a break between 9:20 until 10:30 when Algebra starts. On Mondays and Wednesdays I have a break from 11:45 till 2. But on Fridays I don't have math so I'll have from 9:20 till 2. Which will not be fun. I better stock up on books on my Kindle cause I'll be reading a lot of books this semester.

    I forgot to mention that I finally made it to Office Depot to get my 1D supplies. When I walked in and saw the display, I was in heaven. But most of the supplies were sold out, but they had what I wanted. I got a notebook with all of them, a Harry and a Louis one. I also got dividers that has a different boy on each one. I really didn't need those but I really liked them. Any time you'll be willing to give me a ride, I'll take it.
    August 24th, 2013 at 09:10pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I am a believer in karma, so I believe that Salena not having any friends because they all realized what kind of person she is will just be the beginning of her karma payback.

    I don't really like Wes either. But he's CT's partner so they're like a package deal. I'm not even sure if Nany would stand up for Jonna if you guys fought but if you need help I can just sit on her while you bitch her out. ;)

    It actually wasn't bad at all. I saw some girls from work, one who I didn't even know was going to Pitt. It was really funny because on the way there I was thinking that there was a possibility of seeing John there (my lab partner from last semester) because I know he was commuting too. As we were getting out of the car I look up and there's John walking down the sidewalk. I was just amused by that. lol
    I didn't stay to meet my mentor. I did what I needed to do and left. But she did email me saying that she'll be sending emails inviting us to different events. I just want to email her back and say don't bother because I'm not going to any events.
    It's just that WCCC only had three buildings, one of which I never needed to go to and the other I only went for math classes. I spent 95% in one building. And then going to Pitt where there are all these buildings scattered around is a little overwhelming. I might have to take you up on your offer during our break on Monday though, even if it's just to point me in the right direction.
    August 23rd, 2013 at 09:06am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    One time, Salena called off work saying she was sick but then wrote on Twitter saying she was spending time with her family. Everyone, including the managers thought for sure she was going to get fired. But of course, she didn't. People say it's because she has dirt on the general manager. But I still hold onto the hope that eventually the big bosses will realize she's not useful and give her the ax.
    Unfortunately, my mom wouldn't let me do that. Unless I have a complete nervous breakdown, but she still wouldn't let me do that when I'm only taking 4 classes.

    I was smiling through that whole challenge tonight. Johnna and Nany didn't even try to get through the maze haha. I don't really care for any of the guys team except CT and Wes and I guess Johnny because he's funny, so I don't care who goes home as long as they stay.

    I highly doubt that I'll have it better than you. I'm a no-confidence girl whose afraid of all social situations going to a new big campus where I don't know where anything is or what to expect. For example, today I have to go to campus for new commuter transfer students thing where you get your ID along with other things, then they're having 'fun activities' and after that you're supposed to meet your Commuter Mentor. I've been dreading it all week.
    August 22nd, 2013 at 06:42am