Caputi Or Bust; / Comments

  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    Work was actually pretty fun last night. I only had to work three and half hours because we are remodeling and we close at ten, I left at 7:30. I got to work with Kaille and she loves One Direction too so we talked about the Best Song Ever music video, and how excited we are for the movie. She also told me that one of our managers yelled at Salena for not doing anything. And then later he called her a bitch when he heard her talking about the other greeters, which surprisingly wasn't me. But hearing that totally made my night.
    I won't be quitting when school starts. In fact, I just gave them my class schedule so class won't interfere with work. But believe me, I'd love to quit. Or at least do what the other college students do and work seasonal. Which means they only work during school breaks (i.e winter and spring break)

    Oh, don't worry, I got a lot of time to kill too. Especially on Friday when I don't have Algebra. I'll have four hours in between class. But of course we'll talk. I'll probably tell you all about the cute guys in my classes that I'll never talk to ;)
    August 21st, 2013 at 07:01pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    Sounds like the story is really coming along. Good luck with the rest of the story!

    I literally just saw my first commercial for You're Next. And holy crap, those masks are freaky. There is definitely no way I'd be able to see that. I'd never sleep again.

    Words cannot describe how excited I am for this movie. It's going to be my motivation to get through the first week of school.
    I dread hearing the words "partner" or "group" because I know that means I have to socialize. Group work is better because there are other people to contribute to the conversation while I sit there and not talk.

    It's hard to accept the fact that only one girls team can win, since I like Cara Maria, Paula and Diem. I'm pulling more towards Cara Maria since she's the underdog and everyone is mean to her.

    That's what my mom says too. In other news, we did not kill each other this weekend even when we were the only two greeters for awhile yesterday. Though we did not talk to each other or look at each other. In fact, if I'm standing at the podium she stays at the register, that's how much she doesn't like me.
    August 20th, 2013 at 02:15am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I sneak up on my mom all the time. I walk into the kitchen, trying to make noise, but she never hears me and when she turns around and sees me she always yelps and tells me to make more noise next time.

    Yesterday, I squealed (like always) when the This Is Us trailer came on and my mom came in to see it. She asked me which one was wearing the hat and once again it was Harry. She said that he looks better in the hat, but at least she didn't make fun of his lips again.
    I could go on forever about how much I love Harry and everything he does. But we balance each other out because my favorite is your least favorite and your two favorites are my least favorite ones.
    Ugh don't remind me ;p

    I want Cara Maria to win so badly so she can throw it in everyone's face.

    I don't know why she hates me so much, it's not like I do anything to her. Although she does say that I'm ruining the family, which I will spare you the details about that. I just wish she'd say it to my face instead of on the internet or behind my back. But it does give me pleasure that people at work like me better so I try to think of that when I want to punch her.
    August 17th, 2013 at 08:59pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I read about it on IMDB and it sounds like a good movie.
    See, there's no way I'd watch Paranormal Activity because my heart would be racing the whole time waiting for something to pop up and give me a heart attack.

    My mom saw that commercial and she asked me who the second from the left was. Of course, I had to go on YouTube to see which one she was talking about and it was Harry. She said that he had weird lips, which I told her not to make fun of my man. But yeah, because they're doing this for a good cause is another reason why I want to buy them.

    Pretty much all the girls left I like, though some more than others. I'm just hoping that Paula and Emily eventually lose a challenge. Johnny's bobble head is pretty cool, I must admit.

    After I told you that Salena was only working til 7 Saturday, Melissa told me that she switched with someone so she works until 11 :p And Melissa also told me that Salena was talking about me again which makes me really just want to claw her face off.
    Also, Becca heard you say that I looked like Diem (which thank you by the way!) She didn't know who you were talking about so I had to explain lol.
    August 17th, 2013 at 07:55am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I have never seen it. I know it has Brad Pitt in it, but is that the one where they try to kill Hitler? Of course I'll read it!

    At 2 in the morning, I saw that When A Stranger Calls was on so I tried to watch it (I changed the station a lot) and I know that it wasn't even scary to probably everyone but I still got freaked out. So that should tell you how much of a wuss I am.
    I was semi kidding about crying in the theater, but after spending the last half hour watching One Direction documentaries and smiling the whole time, it might just be possible to shed a tear or two. I'll be sure to bring some tissues and try to be discreet. ;)

    I went online to try to figure out which notebook(s) I wanted. I was going to go with all of them but then again the Harry and Louis ones look really good. I will show you which ones I decided on though.

    Haha I do love when Johnny uses his bobble head for his interview. I also liked CT refused to answer the question on who Wes thought was the trashiest girl in the house, it was very smooth of him.
    August 16th, 2013 at 03:02am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    Well, people wearing masks and killing people may sound like a good time to you but to a pansy like me; I'm going to have to pass.
    I'll be screaming on the inside along with fangirling throughout the entire movie. Who knows, I might also cry, that's how excited I am for this. I'll try not to embarrass you too much ;)

    Haha yay! That does make me feel better. I have yet to get my 1D notebooks but it is on my list.

    Hallelujah Theresa is gone. Her voice annoyed me and I thought she was a little trashy. I did like Jasmine though, so I'll miss her.
    August 15th, 2013 at 05:40am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    Well, people wearing masks and killing people may sound like a good time to you but to a pansy like me; I'm going to have to pass.
    I'll be screaming on the inside along with fangirling throughout the entire movie. Who knows, I might also cry, that's how excited I am for this. I'll try not to embarrass you too much ;)

    Haha yay! That does make me feel better. I have yet to get my 1D notebooks but it is on my list.

    Hallelujah Theresa is gone. Her voice annoyed me and I thought she was a little trashy. I did like Jasmine though, so I'll miss her.
    August 15th, 2013 at 05:40am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    Well, people wearing masks and killing people may sound like a good time to you but to a pansy like me; I'm going to have to pass.
    I'll be screaming on the inside along with fangirling throughout the entire movie. Who knows, I might also cry, that's how excited I am for this. I'll try not to embarrass you too much ;)

    Haha yay! That does make me feel better. I have yet to get my 1D notebooks but it is on my list.

    Hallelujah Theresa is gone. Her voice annoyed me and I thought she was a little trashy. I did like Jasmine though, so I'll miss her.
    August 15th, 2013 at 05:40am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I don't think I've seen commercials for that. But yes, since it's a horror movie I'm afraid you're on your own. lol
    We're just going to have to hold our heads up high when we ask for tickets and also when we walk into the theater with a bunch of preteens and their moms. Along with those annoying teenage girls who'll scream whenever one of the boys is shirtless.

    I'm sure everyone will applaud you telling off Knight, I'm pretty sure no one likes him.
    I'm excited for tonight's episode and since it's the girls time to go in, I'm sure Cara Maria and Cooke will be voted in.
    August 14th, 2013 at 10:34pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    It comes out August 30th. And are you kidding?! Of course we're going to see it. I just want to stay in the theater all day and watch it over and over again. lol I don't know if you're interested in seeing it but The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones comes out the 21st. I've read the books and the movie looks pretty good.

    i didn't really want to talk to Knight so it's good that he's not there long.

    As disgusting as he is, I still think about him a lot. And for some reason he's always in my dreams. He's a manwhore and I don't know why I can't get over him.
    August 13th, 2013 at 06:14pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I was very happy and a little proud to see you reblogging One Direction stuff last night ;)
    Harry is of course my favorite. But lately, Louis and Liam have been looking mighty fine. Especially Liam with his arms, as I said before arms are my weakness, and his are very nice.

    Haha that's okay, I just figured if I had to talk to Knight at all it would be about hockey. I just have this feeling that he likes a team that I hate.

    While we're on the subject of telling people off I would love to know why Derek just ditched me. Then got his happy ending from my younger, jailbait cousin, who he supposedly hates.
    August 12th, 2013 at 10:52pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    As you know I just watched the Teen Choice Awards and am currently on a Harry Styles high. But I just realized how much One Direction makes me happy and makes me forget about my crappy life so I can't wait to go get my 1D notebooks and proudly whip them out of my bag on the first day of class. I'm done talking about 1D office supplies now , I promise. lol

    Yeah, I see Evan as more as a friend. We could talk about Canada and hockey with Knight maybe joining in on that conversation. Like I said, I'm okay with being single. But I'm glad to hear that the story is coming along ;)

    My goal in life is tell Salena off one day and maybe bitch slap her or something. But we both know that will never happen, it's just nice to think about. lol
    August 12th, 2013 at 04:32am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States the top of my head, the only person that comes to mind is Kenny. I really can't see us being together, but it's your story so you can do whatever you want.

    I've seen posts on Facebook and tumblr with girls having all sorts of school supplies that would not be considered 'age appropriate' so that makes me feel better. I just got to stop caring so much about what other people think.

    Alex and his family came to ENP tonight. I don't know if he recognized me or not, but I didn't say anything to him. I had to work with Salena tonight for the first time in awhile and it's so awkward because we don't like each other, like I really really don't like her. And Derek also worked tonight and I just couldn't help but picture them together and it just made me want to punch her even more.
    August 11th, 2013 at 08:06am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I could be interested in Zach until this episode then I realize that he has anger issues and I ditch him, because I couldn't handle a guy with anger problems. And I'll be alone for the rest of the time because none of the other guys really thrill me, except CT but he's semi-taken by Diem.
    Johnny has grown on me a little, partly because I don't like Frank so Johnny is lesser of two evils.

    After I read your comment about getting the supplies I saw a post on tumblr that said, "if someone makes fun of your one direction binder hit them with it" I figured that was a sign. So I will try not to care what others think because One Direction makes me happy and starting at their faces will make school suck a little less.

    My tattoo also won't be as big as hers so I'm hoping that will cut down the pain. I did want one on my foot but I heard that hurts a lot. This girl I work with has like four tattoos and she said the one on her foot hurt the most, so I ruled that out. My mom likes the idea of the anchor too, so I feel like it's a good choice.
    August 10th, 2013 at 07:39am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I never really liked Zach per se, I just liked watching him workout..with no shirt. But he was a total douche. He deserved to go home after the way he acted when he thought he had won. Now that he's gone I'm all for team CT and Wes.

    I got my agenda yesterday, which I was very surprised because it only took like a day and half to get here. But I love it, and since I'm obsessed with it I'm hoping I'll actually use it the whole year. Don't judge me, but I'm going to buy some of the One Direction school supplies at Office Depot, to which I assured my mom that I won't take to school. lol

    I have decided to get an anchor for now since I can't make up my mind about what quote I want. I want it on the side of my foot right below the ankle. My friend got her's done there and she said that it really hurt. The tattooist had to take her down in the basement because she was yelling so much. xD But she's also a bit of a baby so I'm hoping I have a higher pain tolerance than her.
    August 9th, 2013 at 10:08pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    Speaking of the challenge; I've seen previews for tomorrow's episode and it seems Zach has a major freak out. So watch out for that.

    I just ordered my Lilly Pulitzer planner online. I use it for a little while then forget about it. I tell myself every year that this time I'll use it the whole year but I never do. I only use pencils for tests anymore. As a lefty, I've found that pens don't smudge while you write, I also personally think they look better. I'm also the girl that writes her notes in different colored ink.
    I do have a book bag that I use, but I also have a vast amount of tote bags that I use too. So I'm more like the girl that changes bag a couple times a week.

    I have become really serious about getting my tattoo ever since I found out that Salena now has a car. It was only a matter a time before she got one, but it still irks me. I decided that I want something that Salena has to make me feel less like Salena has everything, if that makes any sense lol.
    August 7th, 2013 at 07:00am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I always thought I wanted to live somewhere warm because I hate the cold, but now I kind of like the cold. But I've been to North Carolina in December and it was pretty chilly especially at night, so it's not hot all year round.

    I thought it would be really cool to see the remains of the camp. If I ever get the chance to travel across Europe, that will be one of places I'll be visiting.
    August 3rd, 2013 at 08:55pm
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I'm pretty fond of the East Coast. Mostly, because that's the only place I've ever been. So I'd be fine with staying here. My aunt had to go to Texas for some reason for the military and she hates it there. Every time you mention it, she makes a face. But hooray, for making you think North Carolina is a good place ;)

    I'll see you then!

    I believe the way it works is they let in a certain amount of people and then they give everyone else a ticket for a certain time to come back. But yes, I loved it. I thought it was very well done and had a lot of information. I even freaked out a bit when I saw the sign they had above Auschwitz that says, "work makes you free" I must have stared at it for like 5 minutes because you aren't allowed to take pictures in there.
    July 31st, 2013 at 02:45am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I like cold weather too, I can wear hoodies everyday and not have to care about what I look like. But I want to live in North Carolina and that way I could have 3 Staal brothers play for the same team since by the time I get there I'm sure Jared will be on the team. On the other hand none of their sports team are very good, especially their football team. But I'll be near the beach, so that evens it out.

    1 is good. Are you going to pick me up?

    Luckily for us, the museum gives special treatment for the military and my aunt had her military ID with her so we got to wait in the 'VIP line' and were the first ones to go in. Otherwise, we wouldn't have gotten in because when we first got there we were at the very back of the line.
    July 30th, 2013 at 07:51am
  • hockeylovinhippie

    hockeylovinhippie (100)

    United States
    I'm looking forward to watching you interview players. It's one thing when Pierre makes the players uncomfortable, but when you do it, it'll be awesome. lol
    I'm planning on finding something in the US; preferably near a beach.

    Wednesday is fine and according to the Weather Channel it's going to be the warmest day of the week. Just tell me a time.

    I went to DC last summer and I loved it. I've always wanted to go cause I love history. We were only there a few days too and didn't get to see everything. But we did go to the Holocaust museum which is the main thing i wanted to see cause I'm obsessed with the Holocaust.
    July 29th, 2013 at 10:52pm