Things are so messed up >.<

Yeah, what is one to do?Work right now is risk vs reward, if I can pull this off I'll make more money then I ever dreamed of, if not I'm back to that bloody stupid square effing one... And on top of that the girl of my dreams just kind of floated out of my sodding life.Seriously, I have no clue what happened there, this summer was amazing and it seemed like we could only go one way, but now, all...
November 18th, 2012 at 08:39pm

Is back o.O

Err... yes... indeed, title says it all :OBeen way to long since I wrote something that was not for work or something like that.It's funny how one person can have such an effect on your life that you end up in a place you just don't wanna be in... again...Why can't one just learn? it truly sucks :/ but hey writing, something, whatever kind of always helps I guess.So yeah... there will probably be...
November 12th, 2012 at 10:15pm

Lets give it a Try

Ok, I'll try something new, I've never done it befor so it'll be awefull even if I'm lucky.I'm gonna try to wirte an erotic/sexy "story", letting my mind run free as I do. Since I'm not that very good at english I'll have a too small vocab to get the perfect describtions so please bare with me and please give me some tip on what I should use and if you read it, what I should add or take away...
August 11th, 2009 at 06:26pm

Birthdays >_<

I just can't understand it >_< a birthday is a day when a ceirtain person was borned right?So... What are we celebrating? That the person was borned or that the personed has survived for a ceirtain amount of years?Hmm... Well ok, I don't disslike birthdays, I like it ^^ but the whole everything has to be perfect and shit? I think its kinda silly with all the fixing and preparing, making sure...
August 8th, 2009 at 10:31pm

Sushi Time!

Righto, Gonna meet with my sweetie soon and have some wonderful sushi.Its been awhile since last time we did something lie it so it'll be nice :PFor you who havent had sushi yet, go eat it! Its fantastic, if you are not sure if you like it the first time try it again sometime, it usually takes three times before you can be ceirtian if you like it, if you don't like it the first time, no need for...
August 4th, 2009 at 11:05am

Fire extinguisher fail?

Earlier today I found one of my brothers toy cars (nice beautiful racecar indeed) and noticed that the fire extinguisher was located in the trunk o_OJust imagine that! you're racign and your car bagins to brun of some random reason, not only do you need to stop the car, you need to get out of it and open the trunk to get the extinguisher... I bet thats a construction failiure of some failed...
August 3rd, 2009 at 10:50pm