
Hey, so, uh, yeah. I don't update much, the writing bug doesn't really take me by storm often, when it does it's short bursts sporadically but ah well we make do with what we've got, eh? I SUCK at deadlines, any competition/challenge given I can guarantee to be late for
So blah blah blah
Talk To Me Or Suffer The Consequences! (I'm Joking Of Course)


Thursday, December 1st, 2010
Feeling: Incredibly bored..
Listening: The hum of computers.
Time: 10:00am
Updated: Layout, profile.
Working On: College work, joyous.


Coder/Image: starry nights.
Coding: bloodseepingthroughmyshoes

©Dezzerz&&Erinn @bloodseepingthroughmyshoes