cognitive-dissonance / Comments

  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    Aw, thanks for the add! I'm Kandi =D

    Sweet! I don't think I've met anyone on here who knows who The Weeknd is, they just think I'm spelling The Weekend wrong Facepalm And NC's close enough, I haven't come across many other people from the Carolinas, so it's always cool to meet someone from the area =)

    Anyways, how's your day going?
    February 26th, 2012 at 12:23am
  • derelict-heart

    derelict-heart (100)

    United States
    First of all, I love your new profile! Very cute :) So, tricked into modeling. Sounds pretty fun, actually! Haha. Does that mean you're tall? I used to get people telling me I should model, but I don't know if I could ever take it seriously enough.

    Yeah! I know a lot of people think Carolina sucks (which, statistically, might not be far from the truth) but they're still a team that I follow just because I've grown so attached to them, and I do love it when they win :) Oh I know! College hockey is definitely different, but I like it a lot. My cousin was telling me was going to go to this game tonight back home in Arizona; I'm really jealous :/ He does! I love it haha. Ugh, I know exactly what you mean. I hate that Lovejoy had to keep sitting out, but I guess now that Orpik is injured, he gets to play again... I just hate that one guy has to be hurt for him to be able to play, you know? It's so unfair, lol.

    The secret is caffeine. Yes, it's not that good for the body, but damn does it help out when I have papers due and presentations. Sure, it makes me talk a lot and act a little crazy, but it's better than falling down dead in class. Oh man I would love to live in Pittsburgh. I actually might! My best friend lives there, she just moved a few months ago, so I've been checking out jobs around in there, so I could help pay rent... I just don't know if I would be up to transferring schools. I'm almost done here, so I may as well stay, you know? YES!! I love that video. Although, at the same time, I feel bad for Tanger because all those girls were cat-calling and his face was just beet red. I would've been like "Yeah, I'm embarrassed enough, thanks for adding to it!"

    Ooooh, I love All Time Low. They're the band that I've seen most live. Ah, I remember Cute Is What We Aim For! I used to listen to them in high school, too :p "Curse of Curves" was THE jam back in the day. I don't think I ever really listened to their music after that album, though. Shame on me, haha. All of those songs are awesome! I used to be a huge Senses Fail fan back in the day. I still jam out to them but I'm not as angsty as I was then :p The Sex Pistols and Red Hot Chili Peppers are fabulous, and so is Sonic Youth. Almost everybody's heard of it now because of Juno, but have you ever heard their cover of the song "Superstar" by The Carpenters? I love it; it's so weird, but amazing at the same time. Ah, see, I grew up in Arizona so although I don't listen to country as much as I used to (which was obsessively, haha) it will always be a part of my childhood. Plus, I secretly have a girlie crush on Taylor Swift lol. Yay, I love talking music :D

    OMG I didn't even realize that! Damn Kaner and Perry, with their puns and trying to be sneaky. Wow, now I feel slow, lol. Yes! I couldn't decide who to vote for, and even when I tried to, I was laughing so hard that I think I misspelled Kaner's name like three or four times haha. Oh I know! He was like "Psh, whatever, haters gonna hate." At least he handled it like a pro, you know? Not everybody would've been so classy.

    Ugh, the losing streak. My parents got me tickets to the game against Phoenix a couple weeks ago as an early birthday present, so I got to spend it with them and go to the game back home, but seeing the Hawks shut out was not exactly on my wish list :/ If it had been anyone else, I might've been really impressed by Mike Smith, but he sort of stoned one of my teams, It was still pretty incredible, though; I didn't know JR was going to be there until the day of! It was definitely awesome to see him honored in person and everything, especially since he was such a big part of Phoenix. Lol sorry, I'm getting all nostalgic and stuff :p Hopefully when the Hawks are in town on Sunday, things will be better. I think I'm actually going to that game too, if things go according to plan :)

    Anyway, I'll shut up now! I'm going to answer your message before I forget again :p Have a great weekend!
    February 25th, 2012 at 12:47am
  • hockey bliss

    hockey bliss (100)

    United States
    Thank you for your comment about One More Shot! It's still my favorite story I have written on here so it means a lot when people love it! You'll see there are 3 more stories all with the same characters (Jessie, Callie and Rose Caplan and all the Staal brothers). I hope you like them too! Thanks again for taking the time to tell me you liked it.
    February 20th, 2012 at 08:34am
  • derelict-heart

    derelict-heart (100)

    United States
    Oooh, a job?! What is it? As much as I hate the idea of it, I need to get another one :/

    Yesss! I love the Canes. And I especially love how they keep beating the Bruins, like earlier tonight! Wardo got a shutout, which was amazing to see. I love Justin Faulk, too :) I really love the UMD Bulldogs men's hockey team, and I've been following him for a couple of years now; it's so great to see him doing well in Carolina, and then going to the All-Star Game was incredible. I'm just so proud of him! Yeah, my brother likes Boston >:p It makes for a lot of interesting games. Tonight, for example. I called him and I was like "How about that goose egg?" and he hung up on me. I'm not usually the type to gloat or laugh at another team's shortcomings, but he's my brother. I'm morally obligated to start shit with him, haha.

    Oh my god, that game against Tampa. I almost missed that entirely. As a college student and someone who continually makes bad decisions, I have a terrible sleep schedule, and so I usually don't go to bed until around three or four in the morning (all my classes are in the afternoon), and I only got around three or four hours of sleep, because over here on the west coast matinee games are SO early (like the game on Saturday versus Boston; that's 9:30 here -_-) and I almost fell back to sleep during the game hahaha. So glad I didn't, though; that was beautiful. I missed his last hat trick (I think it was against Buffalo?) so it was great to see :D Me too! That C movement was what really got everything going, I think, so in a way, everyone making all those disparaging comments are almost the reason that everything is going so well haha. I just love them all so much. They never fail to amaze and inspire me :')

    No way would it be an obligation! I love reading :) I've been reading since before I was writing, and I'm always curious to see what people come up with.

    Yeah, Circa Survive is pretty great! I don't know a ton of their music, I'll admit, but I definitely used to jam to them in freshman and sophomore year, particularly to Juturna. I actually still have a t-shirt from a concert back in Arizona :) What other bands do you like?

    Omg thank you!! Sorry it made you cry, haha. I always wonder about that story. I feel like in a way, I might have crossed a line. It's one thing to write stories about real people I don't even know IN GENERAL, but then to write about something so painful and personal? I don't know, I struggled throughout the entire process, feeling both guilty and...wrong, almost like I was glorifying this terrible tragedy and all the pain that Kris and the Canucks and Luc's family went through :/ You know something that might be kind of lame? I cried pretty much the entire time as I was writing it, particularly the last couple of chapters. I gave MYSELF a headache just trying to write; a couple times, I had to push my laptop away and just sob for a bit. So you're not alone in that regard. But thank you.

    Ugh, that actually made me mad. I have nothing against Ovechkin (which is pretty crazy, considering I'm a huge Pens fan and they have that rivalry) but everybody knows he's not having the type of season he should be, compared to those he's had in the past, and Neal was the more obvious choice, so seeing Ovi on the original roster made me SO ANGRY. I mean, really? Neal's what, fourth or fifth in points right now? When Ovechkin announced he was opting out, I was like "If they don't take Neal, they are dead to me" haha, but luckily they did. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he got to go at all, but I think he shouldn't have to be a last resort like that. Hahaha, speaking of Team Sweden, my friend and I were like "Dude, what is it with all the Swedes on Team Alfie?" and then she made a joke about Chara taking the Marian's, and it could be Team Sweden vs. Team Slovakia, and then Chara TOTALLY DID, so we were cracking up the entire time :p Omg can we just talk about Kaner during the Skills Competition? I was dying of laughter that entire time. And Corey Perry! So great. I didn't know who to vote for, but I eventually had to go with Kaner; you can't go wrong with a costume like that, lol. I was kind of going for Team Alfie after the Skills Competition, because I have a thing for underdogs, and I really wanted whatever team Neal was on to win, as kind of a fuck you for being "snubbed" or whatever, but I think I kind of knew Team Chara would win. With a lineup like that, it was pretty much a given; they were stacked.

    Anyway, good luck with school and working; try not to get too stressed :p Talk to you later!!
    February 3rd, 2012 at 05:27am
  • derelict-heart

    derelict-heart (100)

    United States
    Hahaha, the flow. That's a nice way of putting it. My holidays were pretty great! I've been back home in Anaheim for a couple of days, but it sucks because I miss my family already :( I'm going back in February though, so it's not too much of a loss. Things got a little wild for New Years, but that's life :p Yeah, my brother is two years older than me...and still annoying, haha. Nah, I love him.

    LOL that was perfect. I love when people quote hockey players, because I can always hear their voices in my head. Like I dunno if you've seen that really bad commercial with Toews and Kane in it where Kaner is like "We heard YOU had as much fun as we did at the UC last year..." or whatever it is, and he like points to the camera when he says "you", so whenever my friend and I are talking, we're like "So...what are YOU up to?" and we point and everything. I dunno, maybe we're weird, but it totally makes sense to us.

    Yeah, you totally should! Like I saw this picture that my friend sent me, I'm not exactly sure what car it was, except that it was black, sleek, and beautiful, and she told me she got it from George Parros' wife's twitter, and she posted it saying something about how she e-mailed the specs of it to Teemu for either his opinion/approval, and I just thought that was so cool. I would probably do that too, and ask him which cars were the best. He actually races in the off-season! Yeah, I found an article about it online (I seem to find a lot of random articles lol). It was about how he bought a Maserati after crashing his Lambo, and that surprised the hell out of me so I went and Googled that and there was ANOTHER article about how he crashed it on the way to practice one morning, because he was driving in the snow. He wasn't hurt, he just totaled it and took down a guard rail, but I was like "Seriously, Hank? Driving a the snow?!" Luckily Marc Staal rescued him and gave him a ride to practice, lol.

    Omg me too. It will always be Versus to me, no matter what. Oh yeah, Skinner got cleared for contact! I'm so happy. The Canes are doing a little bit better than they were, but they still definitely need him. Are they really? But...fighting and hockey are like peanut butter & jelly. They just go together! Exactly; it helps them liven up the crowd and the team if they need it, and it lets them defend their teammates. Why would they get rid of it? I don't really see much of a connection between fighting and the head injuries; to me, that's more board-play, you know? Like most of the guys suffering injuries/the guys getting suspended are making illegal hits around the boards, or using other guys to stop themselves :/ As far as I can tell, fighting isn't even really an indicator. I mean, IT CAN BE, over time. But I don't see it as an immediate threat. Oh man, that game was intense. I can't believe that was their only meeting all season! I was totally looking forward to some more Finals action, but that was it :/ My brother is a Boston fan and after the game, he just laughed and said, "You might have won that game, but we still have the Cup." It was mean, but I might have laughed a little.

    I did watch Bergy's! It was funny, because I was still at home in Arizona, and my parents live right outside Phoenix, and we were watching it and in Kaner's, Chicago plays Phoenix, and also in Bergeron's, the Bruins play Phoenix (in a game I totally wanted to go to but couldn't :/) and so I was like "Hey, I know where that is! I've been there! Oh, the food is awesome there!" Hahaha. It just made me not want to leave. Oh, I know. French-Canadian guys are like melting chocolate.

    During the WC, I was actually rooting for the Rangers. I love Max, but I actually really like New York so I was hoping they'd win it. That Briere penalty shot on Lundqvist almost gave me a heart attack. The way that they came back and won it was just...amazing. And Rupp's salute! I love how everybody made such a big deal out of it. Imitation is the highest form of flattery; why would he be "mocking" Jagr? He was probably just caught up in a moment. I thought it was awesome :)

    Oh I know. What is it about the Oilers that we just can't beat them? Yeah, our defense has been a little frustrating at times, but then there are times when we actually play really well. I just hate how inconsistent we are. And ugh, losing Sharpie SUCKED. Like we needed any more setbacks, you know? At least we beat Columbus (I think you know it's bad when you lose to Columbus), and then Stalberg got his first hatty, which was awesome :D

    Oh man, the Penguins. I don't even know where to begin. Last night's game was just...ugh. Luckily Nealer wasn't really hurt (at least, as badly as they thought he might be) and Adams was fine but losing Staalsy is already hurting. He's one of our dynamic power forwards; he gets shit done, and for him to be benched... Well, it's easy to see that we're already missing him. I just want them to break the losing streak :/ Losing streaks are the worst, because with each new loss, they just get more and more dejected. Look at the Capitals last season, and the Ducks this season (though admittedly they're doing better). I just think they're losing their confidence without so many guys, and that's what's really ruining things right now. I'm glad Jeffrey is back and Tangradi is there, but if we don't start seeing results... The trade deadline is approaching, and I'm kind of scared to see who will go on the chopping block (for Chicago, too!)

    Ooh, really? Lol I do that constantly. Even on my final project, I was up at around 3 and I just threw something together. Unfortunately, my teacher totally knew it, too, and docked me a couple points for lack of effort. I still got an A, though :p Posting what you add on sounds like a good idea! What's it about? I think you might have told me... if you did, then I forgot and clearly I'm just a horrible person >_<

    Yeah, unfortunately :( But yes, that's true! Haha, I do that too. As long as you're responsible about it, no harm, no foul. That would be amazing! I love getting into new music :) I will literally listen to anything except maybe deathcore or whatever that even is. I don't mind when songs/bands are a little heavier or have some screaming, but if it's just noise, then I draw the line.

    Ooh, Circa Survive! That takes me back to high school; an old friend of mine used to be obsessed with them. I love Anthony Green's voice; it is so unique and in a way, kind of haunting. I need more of them in my library; thanks for the suggestion!!

    Until next time... :)
    January 12th, 2012 at 06:59pm
  • TessIsaEvilPixie

    TessIsaEvilPixie (100)

    United States
    Heyy you should check out some of my storiess!
    January 9th, 2012 at 09:37pm
  • Rina

    Rina (100)

    United States
    Thanks so much for your comment on Rich Man! :3 <333
    January 2nd, 2012 at 06:46am
  • alyssa-anne

    alyssa-anne (100)

    United States
    Thank you again for the sweet comment on [i]Gasping for Air[/i]! (:
    January 2nd, 2012 at 06:28am
  • Blue Line Fever

    Blue Line Fever (100)

    I'm actually toying with the idea of re-writing Tea for Two, but i'll put the final chapter up asap.
    December 30th, 2011 at 12:11pm
  • derelict-heart

    derelict-heart (100)

    United States
    Ugh, studying. I have enough attention problems as it is, but then throw in some important tests and homework assignments and I'm a goner! I actually don't know how I did on my finals yet. They usually don't tell us until two weeks after we take them, so the grades are actually probably up right now... I'm just too scared to go look :p

    Oh, I know what you mean! That's my favorite thing about the holidays. I just got home today (I love flights from Cali to AZ, they're so quick!) and my brother's already here, and it's really nice to see everyone even though I was just here for Thanksgiving.

    LOL our baby. That's how I feel about a lot of guys. I know it's silly, but I've grown to care for them, not only as hockey players, but as people, and I feel their highs and lows. AW poor Max. I wish he would've stayed too, or at least signed with someone else I like, but I understand his motives and that he had to do what he had to do. I kind of felt like I was getting broken up with via text message, though. I got a text from a friend of mine, forwarding the NHL's official Twitter report on July 1st, saying he'd signed with the Flyers, and I was at work, and I literally burst into tears. It was so embarrassing, but I didn't even care. I was yelling, "NO, THAT'S THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT I WANTED YOU TO DO". It sucks because as soon as I heard he was saying goodbye to the Penguins, I kind of had this weird premonition, where I thought to myself, "Oh my god, what if Philly gets him?" and then I was like LOL NO WAY, HE'S MAX TALBOT. Turns out I was wrong, but hey, if it works for him... Aw, I'm jealous! I don't have HBO, but I think a friend of mine may have uploaded it on Tumblr...? I'm not sure. I didn't even watch last year's Road To The Winter Classic on an actual TV until a week ago! I'd been watching it on YouTube all year :p

    Oh my god, me too. I hate even asking my brother if I can borrow money, much less someone I'm dating. I just prefer to be an independent person, with my own money and doing my own thing. I just don't get that, where people rely on others for their happiness and well-being. What if that person leaves you? Then you'll have no financial support and no "happiness" either. See, I know from personal experience. I lived with this guy once for about two months, and even though most of my stuff was at his place, I still paid rent on the house that I'm sharing with roommates, and they kept my room available for me. It's like a backup plan, I guess, something to fall back on, which I did, because it ended up not working out. People are just dumb, lol.

    Yes yes yes :D Forza is gorgeous. Yeah, I found this article once about how Hiller is really into mechanical stuff, like computers and he likes working on cars (I bet he and Selanne talk cars all the time since Selanne is like... the Awesome Car Guru lol) and he's really...unique, I guess, because his pads and his skates are different from everyone's because he custom designed them... I don't really remember how, I read that in an article too. He's just one of my favorite goalies because to me he's just so different, and I'm hoping the inconsistency problems he's having lately improve :) OOH, very nice. Audi is definitely good. LOL my dream car is probably honestly a Lamborghini. I ADORE THEM. Like I think it's a sin to harm them in any way, which is why I cried when Bruce crashes his in The Dark Knight (I literally did; it was painful to watch) and when I found out Lundqvist crashed his, I had to reread the article several times because I literally could not believe it. If I had a Lambo, I would covet that thing. I would take it some place where I could legally marry it, hahaha.

    Stringing a recurve isn't exactly difficult, per se, just annoying and time consuming. Well, personally I actually always thought compounds were more difficult to manage, but that was just me. I just didn't like that there was so much going on, if that makes any sense. To me, recurves are classic. They're simpler.

    What I really hate is that everybody keeps TALKING ABOUT IT. "Ooh, the goaltending controversy!" There is no controversy. The fact that they won't shut up about it is MAKING it a controversy! I feel bad for Crawford :/ I feel like everybody psyched him out about the sophomore slump, including himself, and it became a self-fulfilling prophecy. But you know, in a way, I think this is good for both guys. One, because Razor is becoming a force in the crease. Earlier in the season, whenever Q announced he was starting, there was kind of a small groan from my roommates and I. I'm happy to say we don't have to do that anymore. And while I do feel bad for Crow, this could be what he needs. This could be his chance to improve and want to do better to earn that spot, you know? Yeah, I hate to admit it, but I also have soft spots for all of those Capitals you mentioned... and Neuvy. I liked Varly too, but he's with the Avalanche now, so I can like him guilt-free, hahaha. I guess we're just bad fans, but you know what, I don't regret it. When you throw all the rivalries and shit aside, what it comes down to is that I love the sport. And if that means that sometimes I will like rival players and I will maybe empathize with fans and teams that, by rights, I shouldn't even ACKNOWLEDGE, then so be it. To me, it's more than what jersey you were. At least...most of the time. When it comes to the playoffs, I can't promise anything. I WILL drop gloves, lol.

    Oh god I know :/ And they kept replaying it! It would maybe be slightly more bearable if they cut it off before all the blood came spurting out, but they have to throw that in there too, and...ugh. I don't have a light stomach or anything, but when it's one of our guys... boo :( I like that he apologized too! That's what I'm glad he only got suspended for a couple of games. It was clearly not a malevolent hit or anything like that, though I can't really argue its intentionality... And I don't know if you saw the Hawks game last night, but that hit on Seabs! Shit. All of his hits are starting to worry me. There are WAY too many concussed guys right now. I mean, when is enough going to be enough before the League finally addresses it?

    That is awesome. I love photography, but mostly as a spectator. To me, photos are works of art and I'm particularly a sucker for black and white work and anything weird, like Annie Leibovitz and Diane Arbus. Oh that would be awesome! I would love to check it out :)

    Oh my god that's so weird, so do we. I actually just made fudge with my mom before I got online! Every year we watch A Christmas Story early on Christmas Eve, during the day, and then at night we open cards from family members in other states, and watch the George C. Scott version of A Christmas Carol. It kind of scares the shit out of me (the Ghosts of Present and Future freak me out, particularly Future because it resembles the Grim Reaper) but it's really nice to just be with my family. I think people take traditions for granted these days, you know? This is pretty much the only solid one that my family has, and even though it's not my favorite movie to watch, I still cherish spending time with them :p

    Ah, I love Patrick Kane Sr. I love his and Kaner's relationship; you can tell he's just so, so proud of him. I loved when they were getting burritos and he ordered Sharpie's! Kaner's face was priceless :p I think it was too short, haha. It needed to be an hour at least.

    I'm going to read that article right now but after that I can't really say much more because my battery is literally minutes from dying so I am typing as fast as I can, haha. I probably won't really be on here before Christmas very much so Happy Holidays!! Hope it's awesome :)
    December 19th, 2011 at 08:40pm
  • derelict-heart

    derelict-heart (100)

    United States
    Oh, I totally get how you feel. I was REALLY unprepared for finals this year, and I had to bust my ass to get everything done on time. I'm still waiting on my final grades, so hopefully I did okay :)

    Oh, awesome! Short stories are still pretty hard for me (I just want to keep going and make everything a novel, haha), but as far as tips go... Well, something we talked about in my latest class are these two things that kind of intertwine. One is "show, don't tell" and "resist the urge to explain". Basically, instead of saying outright that your character is sad or whatever emotion, show it through dialogue and action. I know it sounds kind of hard, but sometimes if you think about it, people actually DO certain things when they're experiencing certain emotions, so it is possible. "Resist the urge to explain" goes hand in hand with that, because you don't want to explain everything and dumb your story down for your readers. Sometimes I have a problem with this. You're basically supposed to trust that they'll make certain connections on their own. Also, another tip: watch people and listen to them! Listen to how they talk, and watch what they do while they're talking. That way, you can make the dialogue/actions even more believable. I hope that helps! And you totally should post it on here! Trust me, it's always kind of nerve-wracking, but once you do, it's a rewarding experience. I still get nervous every time I post something new, but you just have to tell yourself that not everyone is going to like it, but some people will, and they're the ones that matter! :)

    Yeah, we could definitely use him back at wing. Kaner has grown a lot, I think, not only as a person but as a player. He's not the type of guy to hog the puck and look for goals anymore; I've seen him be more of a team player and pass to other guys, and it really makes me happy. So many people don't like him, and I just can't fathom why. Omg, I did not know that! Do you know which tooth? (That sounds kind of weird, haha). How did it happen, do you know? I still love Max, and I'm really excited to see his role in this year's Road To The Winter Classic, as well as the WC itself (though I have pretty much asserted myself as rooting for the Rangers, lol). Oh, I definitely know how you feel. I went home over the summer for Father's Day, and my uncle and grandfather were over and I was watching either a Chicago game or just watching the NHL Network in general, but one of their Chicago commercials came on, the ones with Kaner, Toews, and Keith and my uncle was like "Oh, I SEE, this is why you like the team", referring to their youth and attractiveness, and I was like "Um, no, actually it's not." My brother does the same thing sometimes, and to me, that is the highest form of insult. It's basically calling me a whore, and I just have zero tolerance for that kind of shit. I dunno if you ever heard it, but this Boston radio station (I think it was a Boston radio station...) got audio of this girl from the Stanley Cup parade, and they were asking her questions about the team because she was saying what a huge fan she was, and they were asking who her favorite player was (she said Brad Marchand) and what position he played (she didn't even know), and since she was basically the very description of a puckbunny, to be equated to someone like that just pisses me off. Sorry, rant done, haha :p

    Oh my god I love Legend of Zelda games! I've actually never played Twilight Princess though. I always stuck to the older ones, the ones you needed a Nintendo for haha. I played Link To The Past and Ocarina of Time. The last one I actually played was Majora's Mask, which is the WORST ever, oh my god, it makes me SO mad. Just the whole "you only have three days to save the world and you have to keep going back in time" bullshit pissed me off. Plus, the little mask dude pissed me off! Not the guy who sells masks (though he was really creepy) but the little dude who's pulling down the moon. I just never understood what his problem was, and why Link had to deal with it. Plus, I didn't like the new fairy. As annoying as she was (with all the "Hey! Listen!") Navi was always my favorite :) I love driving/racing games. They get me so adrenalized, I can't even begin to explain. I'm not much of a GTA person, though; I prefer Need For Speed and Forza, those type of games. I really want the new Forza for the PS3; the graphics are beautiful. I tried out the demo on my brother's Xbox 360, and you do a race in Switzerland, I believe it was, so the entire time I was thinking of Jonas Hiller because I believe he's a car buff too :p I love cars. They're somewhat of a guilty pleasure of mine. My roommate's dad actually just bought a Centennial Corvette, and it is GORGEOUS. I want it.

    Yeah, archery to me is just so fun. I actually told my dad that for Christmas, I want this bow, it's called "the Blackhawk" and I just thought that was hilarious. Plus, it's a recurve, and those are my favorite kind (I prefer them over compound) and I would love to be able to say that my weapon of choice is a Blackhawk >:)

    Me too! That was such a thrilling moment. I wish I could've been there, but I'm lucky enough to have Center Ice so I can get the games all the way out here. I may or may not have shed a tear or two when he got on the ice. I was just so happy for him that a little bit of that emotion overflowed, haha. And then his first goal back! So perfect. I'm kind of bummed that he's out again right now, but I understand they need to take all the necessary steps and be very careful with him. In a way though, I'm kind of glad? That sounds awful, it does, but with Chicago playing them next week, I wanted Chicago to have a fighting chance. I know they're struggling with consistency right now, and I dunno, I feel like it would be a more level playing field with Crosby out. Maybe that makes me a horrible person. If he comes back before then, though, I'll still be overjoyed :) As much as I don't like the Caps, I actually kind of feel bad for Ovechkin. I dunno, I'm the type of person who empathizes with just about everyone, and I don't think anyone deserves to feel bad about themselves and their playing ability. I can't say that I want him to blow past this and start delivering all insanely again and have like a million goal season, but I do want things to get a little bit easier for him. There I go again; Bad Hockey Fan Award goes to me! :p I will never understand how people can say that. I know people are entitled to their own opinion, but hockey is never boring. NEVER.

    Oh man, the hit on Kris. I actually didn't watch most of that game because I was studying for finals (booooo) but my friend texted me FREAKING OUT and then I said fuck the studying, and I turned the game on to see if he was okay. I managed to catch the last few minutes of the third period and I got to see his OT game-winner. Talk about retribution :) That was a beauty if I ever saw one. It's a shame the hit had so many consequences. I mean, I'm not a Habs fan, but with the Chara hit last year, everyone knows (for the most part) that Paccioretty isn't the type of guy to really make cheap shots like that, and Kris even said later that he apologized right after, so I think that counts for something. I just wish that Kris didn't have to suffer for it; our D is seriously illin' right now :/ It's like last season it was most of the forwards and now this season it's most of the defenseman! I was telling my brother "Pittsburgh isn't even the defending champ; why aren't more people gunning for Boston?" Hahaha.

    You have a photography business? I guess that accounts for the new profile picture, which I love, btw :) So, do you have any plans for Christmas and/or New Years? Try not to stress too much over school! Vacation is soon, right? Maybe? Hope so :p

    December 13th, 2011 at 09:16am
  • alyssa-anne

    alyssa-anne (100)

    United States
    Oh, don't even worry about it! I follow so many people that it's hard to "pollute" my timeline!
    December 12th, 2011 at 02:58am
  • alyssa-anne

    alyssa-anne (100)

    United States
    Thank you so much for the comment on [i]Gasping for Air[/i]! I'm glad you liked the update. (:
    December 11th, 2011 at 11:05pm
  • sportychick40

    sportychick40 (100)

    United States
    It was nothing personal, I got reported because it was like a Rachel Gibson book see jane score. Which is actually where I got the idea. Im working the kinks out to keep the similarities to the minimum. I promise I will get it back up. Thank you for asking. When I get it back up I promise ill shoot you a message when I get up.
    December 10th, 2011 at 11:42pm
  • derelict-heart

    derelict-heart (100)

    United States
    I'm sorry it's taken me so long to answer you! I've been meaning to for a long time, but life somehow keeps getting in the way. Anyway! I totally don't mind you creeping on my Tumblr, haha. That's one of the reasons I made it! I like to keep people informed with why I'm not updating, so they don't think I fell off the planet or something :) Yep, I quit my job a month ago! It just wasn't working out. My boss refused to compromise with my class schedule, so I said to hell with it! I wish I would've said that to her face, but sadly, I just kind of...left, haha. Yeah, my birthday is February 25th! It's coming up pretty soon here... I'll be 21 (yikes!)

    Thank you so much! I definitely love writing it. I try to make is as relevant to others as possible, so they feel like they can relate to it, and a lot of the writing that goes into it is personal experience, just with a hockey twist :)

    Yeah, at first when I heard Coach Q was putting Kane at center, I thought he was out of his damn mind, but he's actually been doing really well! Talk about a pleasant surprise :) Haha, with all of the games, I feel like my life is probably 90% hockey and then 10% everything else. It's definitely not good for my homework, but I wouldn't change it for anything. Hockey is my passion, and that's just the way things are :)

    No, that's totally okay! I love answering questions, haha. Watching hockey... I know a saw a couple games when I was really little, but I didn't totally understand it then. I didn't start to get into it until I was in high school. An ex-boyfriend of mine took me to a Coyotes game, and I was just fascinated from then on (but didn't start watching it religiously until the end of high school). I'm not exactly their biggest fan now, but a small part of me will always love them, just because they were the first team I saw and because I'm from Arizona.

    As far as writing goes, I honestly can't remember a time when I wasn't doing it, haha. I just remember reading really good books when I was a kid, like Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, and thinking, "I want to write something like that." So I decided that was what I was going to do. They say the best authors write the books that they themselves would want to read, so maybe that's true with me :) Haha, I'm flattered you think my writing is epic, but I'm just happy if one person says they like it! Hm, what makes me want to write more chapters...? Probably the story itself. I hate to leave a story unfinished, and I will keep writing just to end it, to give it finality. It's like turning a movie off right before the big finale/reveal at the end; I just can't do it.

    My favorite video game right now is probably World of Warcraft (I've been playing it for 6-7 years) and the Dragon Age games. Although I am really excited for Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim to come out next Friday :p I'm a pretty huge geek when it comes to shit like that; anything with monsters and swords in it is something I will most likely enjoy. Any random interests/talents...probably shooting. My dad has always been very pro-gun and pro-hunting, and while I personally don't enjoy hunting, I really do like shooting. It's a great stress reliever. It's kind of weird, I guess, but it's something I grew up doing and I think it's a useful skill to have in terms of self-defense. Talent-wise, I can shoot a bow (my favorite!) left-handed or right-handed, because I'm a righty but I'm left-eye dominant, if that makes any sense... I guess that's actually pretty difficult for some people, but I have no problem with it :)

    Hahaha, trust me, you're not a stalker! I love talking to people, even if it takes me a million years to respond >_< Anyway, thanks so much for the comment and for reading! I hope your weekend has been great :)
    November 7th, 2011 at 04:49am
  • alyssa-anne

    alyssa-anne (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the sweet comment! <3
    October 31st, 2011 at 09:18am
  • vivalaglam

    vivalaglam (100)

    thanks love!! hope you enjoy the newest chapter xox
    October 23rd, 2011 at 05:07am
  • sportychick40

    sportychick40 (100)

    United States
    Yeah I've been dieing for hockey. This summer seemed horribly long
    October 23rd, 2011 at 04:43am
  • sportychick40

    sportychick40 (100)

    United States
    Im from detroit so detroit is ovious. Chicago because I grew up watching players like denis savard, pittsburgh, and edmonton because I watched taylor hall when he played in windsor
    October 23rd, 2011 at 04:32am
  • sportychick40

    sportychick40 (100)

    United States
    You have just been added to my favorite reader list. Lol thanks for the comments I appreciate it alot. You should check my taylor hall/kenny ryan series, if you haven't already. It starts with You and I tonight, then goes to Listen to your heart, and is ending with another try. That's probably what id consider my pride and joy story lol
    October 22nd, 2011 at 02:53pm