cognitive-dissonance / Comments

  • derelict-heart

    derelict-heart (100)

    United States
    Sorry it's taken me so long to answer; things have been crazy lately! Luckily I'm on spring break now, but it's not as long as I'd like it to be -_- I missed the Pens game yesterday because I had school and then work, but I got all the updates on my phone and WOW, that's all I can say. Talk about a comeback. And do I even need to mention the Hawks right now? I am just in awe, I can't believe how amazing they're doing. But it's almost like it's nothing new now? Like "Yeah so the Hawks other news..." hahaha. But still, I'm proud of them. Except I'm bummed for Sharpie and his shoulder injury :/ On a happier note, it seems like all the teams I really like are doing so well this year :) Even though it's short, it's just a great season for hockey. Anyway, I'll shut up about that now, haha. How are things with you?
    March 9th, 2013 at 01:11am
  • derelict-heart

    derelict-heart (100)

    United States
    Yeah, I definitely thought that if anyone was named captain, it would have been Duchene. But you know what, good on Landy, I think that just means that there's so much in store for him with a future in Colorado :) Oh yeah, I heard about that! That's awful :( It's like Carcillo with the Blackhawks; he played one game and then he's out with an injury. And it sucks because he hardly played at all last season because of another injury! It's like he can't catch a break. At least the Avs are bringing in Kobasew (or that's what I've heard, anyway).

    Right? I don't even know what I did for all those months. Well, besides working and school. You know, this is going to sound bad, but I had the highest GPA in school that I've had since probably middle school or high school, and I honestly think that a lot of it had to do with hockey being gone. Because of course I'm going to watch hockey instead of do homework! Haha. I'm really trying to balance it all out though so I can make the most of it and still keep my grades up!

    Ah, yes. I tried watching their game against Buffalo a couple of days ago and I just couldn't. I'm sorry, but he does not look good in red. At all. Still, that's not really the point, is it? As long as he's happy and excels, then I wish him all the best. What about Eric's hattie though? That was pretty awesome :) And oh my god, I really really can't stand people like that. Just because you're allowed to be there doesn't mean you should be obnoxious. To girls like that, sure, it's a montage of eye candy, but for them it's WORK. They're actually trying to, I don't know, train maybe? So they don't need shit like that in their faces. You know, everyone keeps saying Skinner needs to cut his hair, but I actually haven't seen it! The only Canes games I've caught were only for a couple of minutes switching channels, so I haven't really had a good glance at it. I need to find this to see what everyone's talking about haha... Okay, I just went to their website and watched the postgame from tonight, and WOW, I can really see what everyone's saying now. Is it weird that I actually kinda like it? It reminds me of Duncan Keith's hair!

    Ahhh, the Blackhawks. I know it's wishful thinking, but I really wish this could go on forever. I am so damn proud of them. As much as I am interested to see how so many other teams progress, I was really hoping for them to make a dramatic comeback after last season, because it was just...not very good, to put it kindly, and with Hossa back and healthy and Kaner looking to get his shit together, I am just so impressed with their effort so far. Crawford, too! Hopefully that makes everyone who doubted him last year eat their words.The Pens on the other hand... I didn't see the game tonight, but from what I heard online, their style of play is kind of looking like last year's playoffs. They started off really well, and while it's still too early to really get into it about performance, I would like it if they could keep it cohesive and not fall apart. I think it's just going to take them a little while to get all their legs under them and get it together. Aw, I miss Sully! I think it was a huge mistake not signing him, but I'm glad to see him doing well in Phoenix :)

    I'm all right. It's mostly the same old, same old. Still in school, still working (two jobs now actually), still trying to find time to write. The usual. As Biznasty might say, livin' the dream, hahaha. What about you?
    January 26th, 2013 at 07:09am
  • derelict-heart

    derelict-heart (100)

    United States
    Hey! Thanks for the comment, as always :) Ooh, Landy as captain. Let's see... I was expecting it, but not for maybe like I dunno, 5, 10 years? I remember when he came into the league, already looking to me like this seasoned guy, and I remember telling my brother, "Watch, I bet he'll be captain someday" but I meant someday when he was in his mid to late 20's at the very least haha. I was very (but pleasantly) surprised when I heard the news, because I thought for sure they would have given it to someone older, purely for the experience factor, but let's face it: the kid's a natural. With just about everything he does, he makes it SEEM as though he is very experienced, like he's been playing in the league for years, he's just so cool and collected, and he is already just such a natural leader that his age doesn't even seem to matter. I was very proud, especially since he's broken the record and everything now :)
    January 24th, 2013 at 08:18am
  • leecasper17

    leecasper17 (100)

    United States
    Haha, well, I was just using my personal favorites when it comes to hot players. And Soupy and Reddick fit the bill. We just have the same taste in guys, I guess. :)
    August 12th, 2012 at 12:24am
  • leecasper17

    leecasper17 (100)

    United States
    Thanks so much for the comment on Three Words! I noticed there was a serious lack of decen baseball stories on Mibba, so I was like, this sounds like a job for ME! Because I really love baseball. And as Salty is my favorite player, and I'm a sucker for catchers in general, I decided to write this one. Hope you keep reading!

    And no bigs on being from the Evil Empire. (ok, sorry, I had to sneak that one in.) But seriously, I respect any fan of any team as long as they, a) know their stuff about said team, and b) always give credit to other teams/players when its due.

    And honestly, I like almost all baseball fans. American sports for the win. :)
    August 3rd, 2012 at 12:57am
  • vivalaglam

    vivalaglam (100)

    Thanks so much love!! It's been so much fun to write this story, but all good things must come to an end :( However, I will say that I am in the process of writing my next story. It's still a little rusty and not fully planned out so I haven't said anything yet. Should mention it though when I post the last chapter!! <3
    July 12th, 2012 at 06:16am
  • derelict-heart

    derelict-heart (100)

    United States
    Yeah, it's definitely a work in progress, getting used to everything. The girl looks kind of...sarcastic in my opinion. Like she's smirking at me? So sometimes when it's the middle of the night and it's taking me forever to update something, I feel like she's almost laughing at me, and then I feel crazy -_-

    Um can we just discuss the draft? Because holy shit. A part of me saw that coming and expected it and wishes Jordan the best, but then another part of me stood up and flipped her coffee table and threw her remote because WHAAAAT??
    June 25th, 2012 at 09:52am
  • original6baby

    original6baby (100)

    United States
    aha, i put the french sweet nothing in there last second... couldn't resist!
    June 22nd, 2012 at 07:07am
  • derelict-heart

    derelict-heart (100)

    United States
    So I know we were in the middle of a conversation but some of my newer comments are gone and with all the new Mibba ish, I kind of forgot there were people I was supposed to get back to! Hope you don't think I'm ignoring you or anything :p How's your summer going??
    June 19th, 2012 at 06:08am
  • PensRock

    PensRock (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the comment on Deserving Ellie. I hope to have the next chapter completed quicker.
    May 29th, 2012 at 10:25pm
  • PensRock

    PensRock (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the comment on Deserving Ellie. Team Kris - I can work with that. I hope to have the next chapter completed quicker.
    May 29th, 2012 at 10:24pm
  • kmblue

    kmblue (100)

    United States
    Hi... yup, The Fall was named after The Weeknd's song. The other Giroux fic, Remembrance, was inspired by What You Need. And I totally use The Weeknd to inspire my fics, I love his music so much.
    May 25th, 2012 at 01:58am
  • soccerjewls12

    soccerjewls12 (100)

    United States
    Hey thanks so much for reading and commenting on Line in the Sand! If you accidentally hit report don't worry about it, accidents happen :) I hope you'll continue to read and like my story!
    May 10th, 2012 at 07:22pm
  • derelict-heart

    derelict-heart (100)

    United States
    Thanks so much for your comment on Long Live! Good question, by the way, about how am I writing it. I definitely understand that. After I chose them as my bromance in the contest, I was like WHY DID I JUST DO THAT TO MYSELF?! But I thought this would be good for me, to maybe come to terms with Max leaving and help me gain some closure, I guess. Of course, I knew it would be sad, so I put it off for as long as possible. But then the Philly/Pitt series happened, and when it ended... Max's hug with Fleury in the handshake line just brought up all these emotions, and after that, I just started writing and couldn't stop. Yeah, obviously dislike writing it, in a way, because it still makes me really emotional, but I feel like I need to do it. So there's the story there. I'll shut up now :) Thanks again!
    May 10th, 2012 at 04:59am
  • derelict-heart

    derelict-heart (100)

    United States
    OH MY GOD I TOTALLY DON'T LIKE NUTELLA. I THINK IT'S GROSS. That is crazy, haha. We're pretty much the same person. Yeah, heels are definitely painful, but you know, they have those nifty little inserts nowadays, the gel kind? Those improve the pain a little. I actually kind of have to wear them at least some of the time, because I have really highly arched feet, so wearing flat shoes like Converse can actually hurt me. It's kind of a double-edged sword lol.

    Oh man. I remember watching the coverage the week of the draft and laughing at Landeskog's accent, or lack thereof, and I thought there was going to be great things in his future, and then it was all about RNH but then once his shoulder got hurt, he kind of fell off the map. It makes me sad because I really like them both. I'm not an Oilers fan so I don't totally know, maybe Nugent-Hopkins is still scoring and making a splash, but I don't hear his name nearly as often as I hear Landy's. And with the whole Landeskoging craze?! Hahahaha so funny. I wish more people recognized Faulk's talent, but with Carolina not doing so hot this year, I think people tend to forget :/

    Oh exactly! Yeah, I don't want to see their faces hurt, but more than that, I would rather they focus on their game and winning and establishing a presence. Yeah, sometimes to do that, they have to fight, but I don't think the fighting should overshadow the game itself. Like the game between the Pens and Islanders last year! I mean, the first game, I understood because Cookie and DiPietro got into it, and then of course, the Isles wanted to defend their goalie, but then the rest of the team got involved. It was awesome to see Johnson throw down, but the game after that, when pretty much everyone was fighting and getting thrown out? That was just not okay. It's things like that that give the players and organizations a bad name.

    Ugh tense isssues. They're one of my biggest problems as a writer. I'll start out writing in present tense, and then somewhere halfway through, I'll switch over to past tense without even realizing it until the end, and then I'll have to go back and change everything! And it's weird, I can write in present tense for my class and my assignments, but when I try to for stories here, it's incredibly difficult for me. I don't know, maybe that's some sort of sign.

    Ugh me too. Like when he got hit with the puck the other day! I was like WELL HERE WE GO AGAIN. Luckily, he's okay though, and his nose isn't broken. It actually could have been so much worse that I'm glad it's just a little cut and some soreness. It could've been like when Stamkos got hit during the playoffs, I think it was, last season, where he broke his nose and had one, if not two, black eyes. Hockey's rough, lol.

    Hahaha thank you! I feel bad for not updating Over You in such a long time, but that's kind of connected to the loss of my iPod, I think. I just need to remake the playlist for the story in my iTunes, and then I think I can get back in the groove of things. Nisky has just sort of taken over my life right now haha. Omg I love both of those shows, particularly Regular Show. My best friend and I are so Mordecai and Rigby, it's not even funny.

    So I've heard! My friend follows Faulk on Twitter, and apparently he's always tweeting about sandal weather? Haha sounds good to me! I'm jealous; it's actually kind of cold and cloudy today. I wish I was back home in Arizona; it's like 85 degrees there. My family keeps texting me and telling me how nice it is, and I'm like -_- Thanks haha.

    You have a good weekend too! Hopefully a warmer one that I will be jealous of :p
    March 31st, 2012 at 10:21pm
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    I've been okay, still pretty swamped trying to balance all my coursework with my job, but my spring break's in a week, so I'll finally be able to get some rest XD

    I didn't even know they were making a video for it XD I don't really watch music videos, but I did skim through Drake's issue of GQ while I was at the store the other day.

    It's really overrated. I turned twenty-one two months ago, and after a week or so of hitting the clubs and getting tipsy, it got boring XD

    Ugh, I hate webassign! XD Like, one of my Calculus classes in college assigned homework through webassign, and doing math problems on the internet is miserable.

    Thanks! I don't have to work this weekend, and I don't have a ton of stuff due for class next week, so I'm going to try to get some writing done.
    March 23rd, 2012 at 11:45pm
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    It's okay! I've been swamped with school this week, so I haven't been on much anyway.

    Yeah, I think I have like, one of their songs on my ipod, but that's not really the type of music that I listen to. Sweet, I love all those songs too! You have great taste in music =3

    Same here. There's not really much to do in the south until you go to college, and even then, all you can do is party and drink XD I guess if I lived in a bigger city, it would be better, but I live in a small town, so there's absolutely nothing to do.

    Cool! Honestly, I'm not too big on physics, but I'm not horrible at it. I just don't like it/find it interesting XD

    So what have you been up to?
    March 9th, 2012 at 01:05am
  • derelict-heart

    derelict-heart (100)

    United States
    Ugh, sorry it took me forever to get back to you! I always check my messages and comments on my phone but I can't really answer (my phone sucks lol), and then when I actually do log on Mibba, the notifications are gone so they slip my mind -_-

    But anyway! Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! It was wonderful. A little weird, a lot crazy, but wonderful. Oooh layouts. I'm so bad with coding; I wish I could make my own! The ones for stories are easy, because you just fill in what colors you want, and what font, and the image code for the banner or whatever, but if I have to actually write my own code? Hahaha, forget it! Lol that sounds like a trip I took with my cousins once; we ended up having to change clothes in the back of a moving car on the 101 in LA, so people were definitely staring haha. OH MY GOD YES, we are seriously the same height! It sucks, because I like wearing heels, usually 4 or 5 inches, and then I'm a giant and it makes me feel weird around shorter guys -_- Sometimes it really sucks, but then my best friend, who is like 5'4", she's always like "you're so lucky!" and I'm like "um, not when I can't wear my favorite pumps for fear of looking like a giant".

    Yeah, I agree with you there. They're definitely improving, at least, I think so from what I've heard lately. I mean, yeah, going into overtime so much lately isn't an ideal situation, as a coach and a player AND a fan, you obviously want clean wins, but I think it shows that they're battling pretty hard. I love that Faulk scored the game-winner the other day; I was so happy to see that :) I do wish the Canes would get to the playoffs though; I was so sure they would make it last year, but they just fell short, and the Rangers got in instead. I wonder if there was an awkward phone call between Marc and Eric Staal??

    OH I KNOW, I was like "No, not Brouwer, pick someone else!" Hahahaha. Yeah, I thought for this first fight, he did pretty good. I mean, not perfectly, but when a guy does have an advantage on you, how can you be expected to be all one-hit KO? I am so, so proud of him though :)

    Oh man, I love tattoos on their own, but then tattoos on hockey players? Can there be anything more awesome? And Kris' ink is so beautiful; both of his tattoos are really well done (a friend of mine is an artist, so we like to appreciate art that's done well, especially tattoos) and they are just so beautiful and meaningful. Hahahaha I used to play the guitar a lot, but man, I haven't picked it up in forever. I probably should, so I don't lose the skill entirely, and it is incredibly relaxing. I love drums! I'm awful at them, but I think girl drummers are badass >:)

    There are so many reasons that hockey is captivating, that's why you can't put your finger on one! Lol. Oh man, Biznasty. I very rarely call him anything but that. In the Phoenix/Pittsburgh game the other day, because I live over here on the west coast, I had to watch the Coyotes broadcast, and they kept mentioning "former Penguin, Paul Bissonnette", and I was like "Who? Why does that sound familiar?" Haha.

    Oh my god, it was amazing. Them calling him their little brother, and all the shit with his hair (I think he might even be worse than Tanger, lol) and then the prank, too! Is it weird that I actually love his suit? The ugly plaid one that he wears the purple tie with? Because I DO, I don't know why, haha. Maybe because it's just so him. I am just so glad he's finally settling in and that Pittsburgh is his home now. At first, I was kind of iffy on him (more so because I loved Goligoski) but now, I honestly can't see him going anywhere else :) Anyway, I hope you saw it, or I'm going to feel very bad for spoiling it!

    I don't know if you have spring break, or when it is, but if you do and it's happening now, I hope you ARE having fun; if it's soon, I hope you WILL have fun; if it already happened, then I hope you DID have fun; if you don't get one, then that SUCKS, but now you've just gone through Karoline's Introduction To Past-Present-Future Tenses, and...I hope you learned something? Haha. I don't know how the schools in the Carolinas work, but if you don't get a spring break, then something is seriously wrong with the world. I hope life is going good for you all the same :)
    March 8th, 2012 at 09:59am
  • vivalaglam

    vivalaglam (100)

    Thank you so much for your comment! I know I'm super late and I have been completely MIA but I am officially back and cannot wait for you to read my next chapter :) xo hope all is well!
    March 7th, 2012 at 02:04am
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    Yeah, there's like some pop-punk band called The Weekend, so people tend to think I'm talking about them XD As far as The Weeknd goes, I really like "Birthday Suit" and "The Party & The After Party," and for Drake, I adore all the songs off his new cd, but my favorites are "The Real Her" and his song with The-Dream "Shut It Down." What about you?

    Yeah, I think my biggest problem with the south is the bipolar weather and the fact that there are never any good concerts near where I live. I'm pretty much convinced that when I move out on my own, if I don't stay in SC, I'm going out west to like, Arizona or somewhere so that I can still have the heat just without the humidity XD

    Pretty much the same. I have a physics test tomorrow, so I'm trying to study for that :(
    February 26th, 2012 at 05:34pm