Jarrath / Comments

  • The.Need.

    The.Need. (250)

    United States
    Same here. It's been a while.
    I'm doing good, thank you.
    How've you been?
    August 7th, 2009 at 05:17am
  • Valley Of Dreams

    Valley Of Dreams (100)

    United States
    hey! its been a while, how are you!? :D
    August 5th, 2009 at 06:37pm
  • Emmerz

    Emmerz (100)

    United States
    Ooh okay i see
    Well i hope things get better =[

    And it's okay haha.
    He was bad anyways and we just started going out a few days ago so blech =]
    August 4th, 2009 at 07:15am
  • not here anymore

    not here anymore (150)

    United States
    You whore.
    How dare you tell people not to talk to me.
    I love people.
    August 4th, 2009 at 07:03am
  • Emmerz

    Emmerz (100)

    United States
    Awh I'm sorry =[
    Wanna talk about it?

    Well I'm thinking my relationship is over,
    I'm having problems with both my parents every day it seems,
    And I have to worry about going back to school!
    August 4th, 2009 at 06:50am
  • Emmerz

    Emmerz (100)

    United States
    I thought you fell off the face of the earth!
    (sorry I had a lot of caffeine today!)

    But I've been better haha
    Today and yesterday were horrible!

    How about you? =]
    August 4th, 2009 at 06:41am
  • Valley Of Dreams

    Valley Of Dreams (100)

    United States
    awh same here, :D
    July 26th, 2009 at 06:47am
  • alongfortheride

    alongfortheride (100)

    United States
    glad to hear[:
    July 21st, 2009 at 11:41pm
  • Valley Of Dreams

    Valley Of Dreams (100)

    United States
    lol i thought it was brilliant *hi 5* xD
    ive been not to good but im alright, haha and you? :D
    July 21st, 2009 at 03:12am
  • alongfortheride

    alongfortheride (100)

    United States
    arghhD: sorry for the late reply x[
    and yeah, its sad :[[[[ gah, the ending tears me up.
    but its really good(:

    anyways, hows life been?
    July 20th, 2009 at 11:44pm
  • not here anymore

    not here anymore (150)

    United States
    Lol. Okay. :]
    July 19th, 2009 at 10:16pm
  • not here anymore

    not here anymore (150)

    United States
    Make me.
    July 19th, 2009 at 08:19pm
  • Valley Of Dreams

    Valley Of Dreams (100)

    United States
    awh ok ill read it hun xD
    July 19th, 2009 at 01:45am
  • The.Need.

    The.Need. (250)

    United States
    Hmm, you're probably right, but it's easier then done. Not a lot of people can see the logic in that. They probably prefer to make a big deal so they can be easily comforted by others around them. Maybe that's why most people do it. So they can feel important? Maybe. But I should definitely try your method sometime. It seems like a more reasonable thing to do then to just feel sorry for yourself all the time. ;-)

    Hmm, true. But there is that saying that goes, "You should learn to care about yourself. Otherwise, who will?"

    Well, if you noticed that those people were doing a little better off now, then that's good. Be happy for them; I'm glad that you aren't taking that into an offense though. And you can definitely find help for college. There are loads of websites that can actually help you with tutition/loans/grants. You can always get an on-campus job to help pay for some expenses. Just because you didn't have that small guarantee for college where you were, doesn't mean that things will work out for the best now. Smiley
    Hahah, you see? These conversations could have very possbily not existed. Fate had something in store for you, and this is the beginning of it. Smiley
    But I'm really sorry that you still may feel a little down about moving away. I can tell that you really miss it, the way that it made you feel. But, like you said, the move will have been a beneficial one in the long run. Just concentrate on the those possiblities, take your own advice. Think of a solution to the problem, not the problem itself. :-D

    Well I think you're right about that. How the seeds will someday, hopefully, blossom and then that person can teach the good to others. But I don't know. It just seems like society it getting harder for it turn around and start over. There is a plentiful amount of talk on change and a better world. But those same people that talk about it are the ones who are contradicting themselves. Then again, I guess it all comes back to the trends. Maybe they're only what they've always been taught, whether it be good or bad. And sometimes planting seeds isn't always the greatest idea.

    But you're a bright guy Zack. You're one of those very few people who actually has some sense and can change things. Don't be neutral about the situation that you're in. Make a plan and strive for it. You may say you try not to think about your past, but I know that sometimes it'll come to haunt you. You may say that you're always happy, but are you? It's okay if you aren't always giddy and in an optimisstic mood. There's nothing wrong with having a problem you can't face because we aren't always meant to do things alone. This is where you're similar with everyone else. When you've had an irreversible past, you can't escape it, but you can prevent it. Let your past be your motivation for your future.
    Hmm, I may have gotten slightly off topic. Sorry about that.

    Hahah, freakishly tall alien? Hahah that's cute. Next time she gets sick give her a hug and tell her how much you love her. X-D Or manybe not. That may only cause more punches to come your way. Hahah. Are you older than her?
    Hahahahaha! Mawnlower!!?? I found that just has funny as nacho cheese!
    Really???? Hahaha! I hope your family enjoys your chatter because sometimes those drives can get [i]really[/i] long when there's only one person talking. Smiley

    I know what you meant Zack!!! Haha, I'm not dumb. X-D It wasn't that hard to figure out. ;-) Really? I'd imagine you'd be a stud muffin at your school. X-D But don't feel bad about not having a long lasting relationship. I mean at least you've had relationships and are somewhat experienced in that area. It'll get better once you graduate though because that's when girls start to look for a guy who wants to be in a committed relationhip.

    Ah, so you won't go insane after all. Smiley I'm really glad to know that you've found your sanctuary, even if it is in the next town. Yeah, librarians are always so... mellow. They always have that peaceful aura to them. Kind of weird but it makes finding a book a more pleasant one. :-)

    Really? Well thank you very much. :-) That's really nice to hear.
    I think that Zachary is a nice name as well, and I'm not just saying that. It's an unusual name, in a good way of course. :-D
    July 15th, 2009 at 11:24pm
  • The.Need.

    The.Need. (250)

    United States
    Yeah, but that's why I'm saying I admire you. Even though it's "just a state of mind" people can't always overcome. Sometimes their problems get the best of them, and all they can do is focus on those problems, and not how their attitude may be affecting others. It's hard to do, but you've overcome that. Smiley
    It would be very awesome indeed! Smiley

    Well the people that tell you that either really don't want you in their buisness or think that just because it doesn't involve you, you shouldn't have the compassion at all. I'm the same way. I tend to worry about [i]everything[/i]. If my friend has a stomach ache, or is having trouble at school, or may even be suicidal, I'll worry. I'm a huge worry wart, and I think that's a bad thing. :-O

    Oh. Well I'm sure, like you said, your family had specific reasons for them. I don't know if you believe in fate, but this may have happened for a good reason. You may have a better life where you are right now, rather than where you were before. Who knows? You could have come into a bad situation, you could have died, you may not have even joined Mibba. That's just how I think when something changes. That it's for the better; that it was fate.

    I second everything you just stated! It completely makes sense as to why society is the way it is, why humans are the way they are. I can't help but feel bad though. Sometimes people just go with the flow, like a school of fish. They don't know where it may lead but they're going because the people around them are going the same way. And it seems like, no matter how many pep-talks that are given about being above the influence, it seems like it'll never register. Like you said, people need someone/something to follow.

    I'm sure everything will be fine and your last years of high school will be fantastic. You seem like an out going person and you're easy to get along with. It'll be a snatch for you. Smiley Hmm, "when you've had the life I had." I don't want to force you into giving me your life story, but if there's anything you would like to talk about, I'm all ears.

    Wow, you have an amazing immune system. Are you sure you're human? ;-) I hardly get sick as well, but when I do it's horrid. It's like everything just tumbles. :-( But maybe it all balances out with your allergies. You don't get sick, but you have the worst allergies someone can ask for. :-O I'm very thankful to not have any allergies. They sound very annoying. X-D
    Hahahha, you'll probably be like those old men who can't stop talking about "back in the day" and could go on forever about the use of a toaster. X-D

    I don't think there is anything you can do. They're just lust struck and won't be satisfied until they get what they want. It'll deter some girls away, then again, there are girls who behave the same way. Are you going to wait after you're married, assuming you're still a virgin. I was actually talking about it with my mom and she was telling me to not wait that long. What if you do wait until you're married, then when the big moment comes, it kind of... well it sucks for lack of a better word. Unless you get a divorce, you'll have to have that for the rest of your life. It was awkward talking about it with her, but it made sense.

    Hmm, it's not that expensive online if you buy the used books. And Wal-Mart actually has some really good books. I've gotten a couple of mine from there and there were all very good. So who knows what you might find. Good luck though; I hope you don't go insane. :-P
    July 15th, 2009 at 03:38am
  • paradise.

    paradise. (100)

    I'd feel the same.
    July 15th, 2009 at 12:58am
  • Emmerz

    Emmerz (100)

    United States
    Ooh that would be awesomeness =D
    Hopefully you'll be able to do it!
    July 14th, 2009 at 05:35am
  • the heartbreak kid;

    the heartbreak kid; (100)

    United States
    what's crackin?
    July 13th, 2009 at 10:05pm
  • The.Need.

    The.Need. (250)

    United States
    Hmm, I'm not sure, but I think I beat you.
    Long comment wise that is. Smiley Hahaha
    July 13th, 2009 at 07:34am
  • The.Need.

    The.Need. (250)

    United States
    I admire people like you greatly. Someone who can be happy and have very little cause them to become sad, to be optimisstic, it's so great to have. You're able to just throw those little things over your shoulders and not give a care about them any longer. You're happy. I wish I could have that attitude.
    Hahah I second that. Whoever thought up of that joke has my eternal gratitude. :-D

    I think it's a good thing that you overthink things. It gives you an opportunity to view all possiblities and seek out the best route, the best solution. Though some solutions call for an action/reaction thing. But anyway, I don't think that worrying about things that have nothing to do with you is a bad thing. You're concerned and that shows compassion. :-)

    They left you alone in a different state? What for? I mean, like you said, you had free transportation for college and it wasn't like you were starving and in a horrible state of living by yourself. Hmm, very strange. Why wouldn't your mom talk to you? I'm sure she has her reasons. And she does love you; sometimes love can be interpreted in many different ways and are hard to understand. I'm not one to talk about this, but trust me when I say to never think otherwise about your parents' love for you.

    I doubt society will come to their senses and be original. We're a complex race, yes, but we aren't so complex that each individual can think for themselves, no. I mean, yes we all no when to say no and what not, but when it comes to things like this, it's all about doing the right thing to get yourself known. A lot of people do it just so they can feel better about themselves and that's what humans strive for. To feel good/better about themselves and to know that they're worth something.

    Wow. I have never looked at it that way before. I really need to learn a thing or two from you. I admire your care-free attitude when it comes to negativity. It's nice to hear that someone can overpower those words and treat them as nothing. Very few people can do that.
    A junior, very nice. I'm sure you'll have no problem with those two years. They fly by so fast, so be sure to enjoy it. :-)

    Yes, you definitely need to get a good sleep. It'll hurt your health in the long run if you aren't getting enough sleep now.
    I think your theory makes a lot sense. It could either be that or the fact that all adolescents experience an internal time change. We have odd hours of sleep because our clock is rearranging itself for new sleep patterns. At least, that's what I've read.

    Hahah, yes you're right. Pick up lines are kind of lame. I can't help but laugh when I hear them though, as mean as that sounds. :-O

    Hahah, let's go with that's how you were raised. Smiley I'm glad that you're in control of yourself. I feel sorry for those guys who always have that kind of thing on their mind, and are always constantly doing something about it. It doesn't sound like a good way to live. :-O

    You don't even have a bookstore? Or a grocery store where they sell paperbacks?

    Well, I guess it's not your thing then. Maybe short poems are your strong point. :-D
    July 13th, 2009 at 07:34am