
name: Shayna-Anne
age: 17
location: United States
sexual orientation: Pansexual
is: Fucked in the head a little bit.

last log in date: May 16
updates: Follow me on Tumblr.

about me

I love to live out side of this world and create my own. I live, I breathe, I just am. I'm a MCR fan till the end. I started listening to them in like '06 when the first album came out... I think that's when it was... Anyway, I really don't love the new stuff... but deep down I love anything they do... I've seen and gone through a lot in my life, dealt with more problems then any one ever should... My specialty here on mibba is writing incest stories, and the audience willing to read my sick thoughts keeps growing! *Squee!* So enough about me... Stop by and drop me a comment. Add me. I'm a friend kleptomaniac





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content: Just.That.Girl
Layout thanks to: opium december.liesforaliar layoutskatrina stranger


Title: Brother Knows Best
Pairing: brother/sister, girl/boy
Rating: nc-17
Status: complete.
Summary: My dad hits me when I get in his way but my brother is always there to help me. My brother Sam has hit me before but only to help me...He loves me; I know he does because he tells me. Every night, he tells me over and over. He won’t let me be with anyone else, but he loves me so it’s okay. Every night, he tells me ‘I love you’, over and over.
So I love him too…

Title: Connected Cousins
Pairing: cousins, girl/boy
Rating: nc-17
Status: incomplete.
Summary: Lilly's cousin, Grayson, was adopted into her family, ten years ago when her aunt just didn't come back for him, with no explanation. When she was young he decided to further their relationship sexually, in his own attempt to feel connected to somebody. They both live off of this feeling but at the same time, in their own way, hate it.

"He said that he wanted to feel connected to some one and that he loved me, so we would connect. We would get really close, and then his body would fit into mine. Connected."