AshleyBarakat / Comments

  • cos im one of those nerds at times, im weird and random,
    yeaa that basically it

    i was like a kid, about like 2/3 years old and i was eatting a banana
    dont laugh its not funny

    i know
    i just have a thing for j's hahaha it sounds weird when i say too
    hahhahahaha that soo funny
    what does your mum sleep in your room?
    yeaa that is weird
    your sleeping and their a poster of orlando bloom staring at you
    its sexy and xreepy at the same time

    ohh here we have hot men and that probably it lol
    yeaa i need my mum to get some ice cream for me to make some oreo blast
    but its getting really cold here

    i know what SATs are there the test we have in year 6
    but what are PSATS and whats CAPT??
    October 19th, 2009 at 06:39pm
  • yeaa that probably true......
    but you know i like my school, i just cant see my self in an american school
    i think id be bullied

    i got attacked by a monkey

    no i just happens, most guys i like their names begins with a j
    its so weird
    wow bit obessive arent you?
    omg i love orlando bloom, well i dont love him but i like him
    i'd get distracted if there was a sexy guy on everything i own
    i serously would

    aww bless

    well i dont know, we might have it in central london, but i havent been there in ages im hoping to go on my bday
    of course we have ice cream, who doesnt??
    we have all sorts yum thins is making me hungry
    yes i know that why im going to make it

    gah! i want an oreo blast right now

    hahaha that funny, omg its so funny to see how people run
    that cool! whats a conneticut test? is it like a bleep test?
    October 15th, 2009 at 07:20pm
  • Ya I could tell but that's good. I like that. Why do you think I have a mibba.
    October 15th, 2009 at 07:07pm
  • OMG i have no idea either
    i dont even know what i said it about
    hahaha i think it about collage/6th form and university
    ahh who know
    lets change the topic

    how do you feel about monkeys??

    AWESOME! im abessed with jared leto
    and guys whose name begins with a J
    do you find that sad or is it just me??

    hmmm okk
    well do the same thing she does to you
    and ask her how she fells about it
    she might understand then

    its just soo awesome
    aww i want one right now, i have the recipe to make yay, you know what you cant get them in england
    i had loads of them when i was in canada

    hahahaaha that like me
    i love sports day, but i hate sports
    we get to miss a whole day of work, we just sit there and chat all day hahaha
    October 14th, 2009 at 06:51pm
  • I know I know. I wish I knew. I'll ask Courtney at lunch today and get back to you. She's the one who made my mibba. Cause I'm not that good with making my own profile on anything.
    October 14th, 2009 at 06:16pm
  • I honestly don't know. My friend Courtney found it and put it on there for me. I was happy. I think it's really hot.
    October 13th, 2009 at 06:59pm
    i'd try and explain but............... i cant remember what we were talking about

    yes he is
    and hes mine so back off!! lol
    30 seconds to mars have a new song out and omg his voice sounds soo sexy

    hmm what have i been up to....

    ohh their a fashion show in our schopping centre on saturday
    soo that interesting
    and im going to make an oreo balst
    have you ever tried it?

    soo what have you been up to?
    October 8th, 2009 at 07:10pm
  • sorry for the late reply

    yess you should

    yepp we go to school for 5 years then to collage then to university
    so yay! actually noo
    i feel sorry for the year 9s they cant leave school till their 18
    whereas i can leave school when im 16

    lol doesnt everyone
    i want all of them plus jared leto in my bed,
    danny makes me funny, he's the funniest
    October 3rd, 2009 at 08:26pm
  • awww you never know he might just like you backk
    and i agree with you boys are a pain in the asss
    but i guess at times their alright xD

    ohhh so if i go to a school in the US
    id be a sophmore
    that cool to know
    we start high school here in year 7, and it goes all the way to year 11
    then we start collage

    sammmmeeeee im going to miss my friends too
    when i leave school

    that sounds awesome
    i love themm too
    danny looked good with stright hair :]
    Dougie is still the BEST!!
    September 23rd, 2009 at 08:59pm
  • everyone alway says that!
    nahh im sure that not true , i bet you boys do like you but just dont show it
    do you know boy are always horrilbe to girls they like

    hmm i dont really get the softmore and freshman thing
    care to explain

    lol i will, i think i'll try it out tomorrow lol

    ohhh i love McFly, but i've never seen them in concert
    Dougie is so cute hehehe
    i'd love to go to the USA, go to LA
    that would be awesome!
    September 21st, 2009 at 08:34am
  • i have days when i tell bad jokes
    and thats probably most day, haha

    err yeaaa in year 9 she did and then i told her to leave me alone
    and she did
    now im in year 10 and she just started talking to me again
    she gives me looks, like she really really likes me, she startes at me ALOT
    did any of that make sense??

    but the other thing is
    their this other girl too who also likes me
    she my friends friend
    i mean i can handle 1 girl who likes me, BUT 2 IS A BIT TOO MUCH
    i blame my parent for this,

    and the thing is
    i will never like them in that way!

    loll i like that idea
    hehe i like the bed one the most XD
    i might just try it out

    its in quebec??
    wow that sound FUNNN!!!!!
    we cant do that sort of stuff here in boring england
    well i think we can but we would probably have to go to scotland
    thats far
    September 19th, 2009 at 07:28pm
  • yep so truee
    but you know doctor have loads
    lol that was a joke
    dont worry if you didnt get it
    not many people get my jokes

    well lets see that whore wont leave me alone
    and i think SHES IN LOVE WITH ME!
    but i dont like her in that way
    damn people just dont get that i am madly obessed with men

    sorry just talking about her pisses me off

    yeaa thats just like my neighbour
    im going to accendently one day know on the wrong house
    opps my bad
    that could work

    yyeaaa soo you went to montreal right??
    September 17th, 2009 at 06:59pm
  • ahhh rightt make sense, my dad gets annoyed too
    when he sees green lines on my laptop

    ohhh i have a pointless information
    this bitch just ruined my good day, cos she just wont leave me alone!
    gahh its annoyine mme so much

    noo my neighbour is ugly but hes son is hot
    hmm i think hes abbout 18 or maybe 19

    aww thats a shame, but its alright
    i'll find out somehow, that whats the internet is for
    September 15th, 2009 at 08:28pm
  • ps thanks for the photo comment XD
    September 14th, 2009 at 06:44pm
  • ohh really?
    ehh maybe i might like it later on, but for now i hate it
    i dont go on myspace much, but i perfer it more then facebook

    ahahaha why did it annoy everbody else

    lol i love pointless thing
    they make life interesting

    cos hes hot
    and we really really like him
    but the spying thing didnt work cos he was away
    but he's back now
    i just saw him hehehe
    September 14th, 2009 at 06:30pm
  • sorry for the lateish reply, ive been realy busy

    lol hahaha
    facebook? umm i dont really like facebook, i dont really know why
    i have an account but never used it

    well i tired but i dont know, i cant be brother anymore
    im alright using it like this anyway

    hookers? tut tut tut i am disapointed
    lol im just joking
    that sound like fun
    me and my friend had a sleepover too last night
    we had so much funn,
    cant really remember what we did thoo
    hmmm i think we were spying on my neighbour
    September 13th, 2009 at 08:34pm
  • it sounds cool
    i would so want one
    and i'd take it everywhere, im obessed with the internet

    i dont know how i got geen lines on it
    its just there
    i think it might be cos the screws are loose

    ohhh that explains it
    we broke up in july and we come back in september
    September 9th, 2009 at 08:28am
  • wow thats so cool
    id love to have a laptop that small
    hmmm you probably do need a new laptop

    my laptop has like 2 green lines on the screen but its not as bad as your i suppose

    3 dayweekend ohh that sounds good
    i have to go back to school tomorrow

    august 27 isnt that a bit early for school to start
    September 7th, 2009 at 02:16pm
  • aww thank you
    i love it too

    lol i was thinking that,
    yeaa i know, i need a new laptop too
    my battery broke

    yay thank you!! i just love shopping, whenever im on holiday my parent arent so keen on taking me to go shopping
    cos i just want everything hehehe

    they say that one day they just might be living on the streets

    anywho have you started school yet??
    September 5th, 2009 at 12:26pm
  • yeeaaa then at night you could rob all the shop hahaha
    i'd love to steal things from the apple shop
    but i dont think i would, im not that sort of person
    never shoplifted in my life

    ohh could you find out the name please?
    if its not too much
    September 1st, 2009 at 07:39pm