Sex, and other dull things

Human sexuality has been the subject of taboo and sacred thought as long as humans have tread upon the earth. That's about 150,000 years worth of guilt and glory, shame and sin. Unsurprisingly, we have a few issues to work through.Okay, gang. Let's start at the beginning. By the way, I kinda lied back there when I said 150,000 years. Humans didn't spring fully formed from thin air (we'll talk...
July 3rd, 2009 at 02:21am

On why the term "Feminazi" is so deeply problematic

Okay. Call me whatever you like, but I think people who use the term mentioned above are revealing themselves to be ignorant little twits. I also think comparing advocating women's rights and welfare to invading Poland and slaughtering six million people is inaccurate to the point of being immoral. My family was devastated by Hitler's actions. It's only been three generations since my grandfather...
July 2nd, 2009 at 07:48am

On birds and very tolerant girlfriends

I've never been much for normalcy. So the scene in my tiny apartment as I'm writing this is typical.Iris, the neurotic green-cheeked conure, is cuddling up with her birdy girlfriend, Calliope, the paranoid, jealous green pacific parrotlet. Both of them (like all but one of my birds) come from abusive homes. They're saddled with lots of bad habits. And a few funny ones.If I reach my hand up to...
July 2nd, 2009 at 05:40am