Twisted;;Symphony / Comments

  • Imperfectly Perfect.

    Imperfectly Perfect. (100)

    United States
    Lmao damn your right. What is wrong with the male population these days? Geez. Pervs annoy me.

    Truthfully, I’d rather kick someones ass then go through all the crying with girls. its freaking annoying and crazzzyyy.

    I had 3, sorry that sucks for you. :(

    Yes, if and when you do meet him you better give me the deets! (:
    September 15th, 2010 at 02:28am
  • Matt Flyzik

    Matt Flyzik (100)

    United States
    yeahh, not the strongest of my 'characteristics' for lack of a better word. but it's whatever, i'm used to being left at the side of the road. trust me, my parents have let me down, my friends have, everyone, so why try really ? and my parents sure as hell don't care that there's obviously something wrong with me. i mean, they leave me at the side of the road, literally, and they make me walk home.

    and ahhahaah, that's hilarious XD i'd pay to see all of that ! hahaha, yeah, i know what you mean. i refuse to like, even go to the bathroom before someone checks behind the shower curtain yeah XD i get so freak ! hahaa !

    yeah, i know exactly what you mean XD hahaha ! i have everyone check everything before i do something XD at my friends house, i made her check everything before we fell asleep. rofl, it was such a site to see XD haha (:
    September 12th, 2010 at 05:49am
  • Imperfectly Perfect.

    Imperfectly Perfect. (100)

    United States
    Lmao, you should totalllyyyy date him(: He sounds perfect love!

    Matt is the perv, not Mike. Mike has his moments, but is noway near Matt’s level. They annoy me, I mean I can’t get away from them either!

    I have a lot of guy friends, but i mean seriously we don’t go looking down there pants do we ?! I mean jeez!

    I have slutty friends, and they are proud of it for some reason... lol. For some reason It is less drama to be friends with guys, they just let go of a lot of shit. I was in the office for drama last year, my friends were being stupid... so i had to give a damn statement. I swear ppl make drama for no reason... ; /

    Wow, that must be awkward.... sorry:(

    My teachers like to tourer us with homework, i mean i think we do more home work than actual school work/
    September 12th, 2010 at 02:09am
  • Matt Flyzik

    Matt Flyzik (100)

    United States
    hahha, yeahh, i love hiimmm (:

    and yeah, they said that. XD haha, i was like "Uh, thanks...?" it was weird XD haha, i mean, it's not like it was out of the blue or anything. we were basically telling our secrets to each other. like, i was telling everyone stuff that i haven't even told my best friend. 'cause like, i can't talk like that with my best friend. At the party, we were having the deepest conversations. And, i can't even have those with my best friend 'cause she never takes anything seriously. (my best friend wasn't at the party) it's cause...i have a really hard time trusting people. like, i don't trust people anymore. Everyone always ends up leaving me in the end, so why tell anyone anything? it just blows up in my face.

    SAME! haha, you should seen when i saw disturbia the first time ! hahaa ! now that was a site to see ! i was sleeping over at my friends house, and it was like, two or three in the morning. (i was like, twelve or thirteen at the time) and it was thunder storming terribly, and the thunder was sooo loud. and it was pitch black except for the tv. and needless to say, i was shaking for an hour afterwards because i was so scared XD
    September 11th, 2010 at 08:57pm
  • Imperfectly Perfect.

    Imperfectly Perfect. (100)

    United States
    Wooooooow. Such a Douche! 20 bucks he will be one of those people on Americas Most Wanted. I’d just tell him off and flip him the bird (: Maybe just try to ignore it now, see how it goes...

    Sweet. I love having teachers like those (: Mine is a oder guy, but he is really funny, and he lets us eat Candy in class. Its like not my favorite class, and let me tell you I hated it before.

    Omg really? Haha the same thing happened to me this week. My friend Mike was like “you and Matt have the same personality, you would be a good couple!.” I just rolled my eyes, he’s one of the perv’s who like boobs, and every class I have with him i am now wearing sweatshirts. He’s not a bad person and all, but way to obsessed with females.

    Do you know the guy? Maybe you should give the guy a chance(; (;

    I’’ve tried everythinggg. Tank tops, things that attach to my bras, NOTHING WORKS. Why did god me me a C cup?!?! Haha yes that was a TMI.... D;

    I’ve been having fun, I have some classes with my friends, luckily none with any of my Ex’s which makes me happy (:

    I have a TON of homework. it suckkkkssss. :(
    September 11th, 2010 at 04:09pm
  • fiction tears;

    fiction tears; (100)

    hahahha, Hi Erika.
    Dont worry, I will update soon, I am just too lazy, :P
    September 11th, 2010 at 09:15am
  • Matt Flyzik

    Matt Flyzik (100)

    United States
    hahaha! Never heard of that book actually XD the only nicholas sparks book I've read was the last song, and that almost made me cryy. Lol. And nothing usually ever does. (except the outsiders) XD lmao, I was crying by the time I read the end of the book x) lol. Really, you are? That's crazy XD but it's good to know you think of me during school :D ! Hahaa XD

    So I was at a birthday party with my friends and there was only like, eight or nine people and we were in a circle and playing truth or dare, and it ended up being everyone got to ask a question for the whole group and we all had to answer it. And so one of the questions ended up being 'If you were a guy, who would yu date in this circle?' and everyone chose me XD rofl, it was funny XD I was like 'thanks, guys, nice to know I'd be attractive to you when you were guys' XD and one of them ended up being 'if you had to have sex with someone in this circle, who would it be?' and they all pcked me again XD loll, it was funn.

    And ughh, tell me about itt. If I ask my dad to do something he'll just flat out say no, so I ask my mom and she'll say she'll think about it, and we all know that's a no, so I just don't even both anymore. Like, why get my hopes up, you know?

    Hahaha, I'm def afraid of what's lurking in the dark XD lmaoo, I freak myself out a lot. Like, I legit convince myself that there's someone in my house and they're coming to get me, and I get so scared XD lmaoo, it's hilarious to seer. Hahaah
    September 11th, 2010 at 06:08am
  • Imperfectly Perfect.

    Imperfectly Perfect. (100)

    United States
    Like stalking you at school? lol. Thats sweet (minus the ex part), nice that your liking it(: I had Thur. & Fri. off cuze of jewish holiday... we have a high rate of Jewish Communities or something so we take off the holidays. idk, all I know is its school off (:

    Schools pretty good for me, I am actually liking my Algerbra Teacher, I decided to retake the same one this semester, hopefully do better so I can go on to Algerbra II or Geometry but i’m just hoping to pass!

    The only annoying things are my perv friends looking down my shirts, i mean it’s hard to wear a v-neck without them looking! Oh well.

    So how’s life treating you these days?
    September 11th, 2010 at 05:39am
  • Imperfectly Perfect.

    Imperfectly Perfect. (100)

    United States
    heyloo. How’s school so far?
    September 10th, 2010 at 09:27pm
  • Matt Flyzik

    Matt Flyzik (100)

    United States
    hahaha, it's amazing XD and yeahh, I go for books like that too XD hahaah :)) I'm a sucker for a good love book. My favorite love/fantasy book is the Wings series, those are amazing :)) I forgot the author. I'll have ti look it upp.
    And the author of Stephen Chbosky :))

    ugh, tell me about itt. they hardly say yes for me too. It's like, really? You're gonna make me stay home and not do anything, so I can be bored out o my mind instead of having fun? Ehh, I'm used to disappointment, so I just don't expect anything from any one anymore. I know they won't follow through. No one ever doesss.

    Yeahh, same here XD haha, I need friends if I go out of the country, lmao. After a few weeks of being home alone, I'd need some company before going crazy. Haha
    September 9th, 2010 at 01:35pm
  • fiction tears;

    fiction tears; (100)

    Hi there!
    Thank you for the comment!
    I got motivated reading it! :P
    I am Mashi, btw, nice to meet you!
    September 9th, 2010 at 11:17am
  • eternally.forever;;

    eternally.forever;; (100)

    United States
    I like Take Me There, The Distance Between Us, Counting Insignificant Heartbeats, Light In The Storm, Fire and Ice.
    Do you know any good ones?
    September 9th, 2010 at 01:01am
  • Cherry Pez

    Cherry Pez (100)

    United States
    ... And It's A Love Story, too!
    September 9th, 2010 at 12:04am
  • Cherry Pez

    Cherry Pez (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the comment on Only In My Dreams!
    I really appreciate it. :]
    September 8th, 2010 at 11:56pm
  • eternally.forever;;

    eternally.forever;; (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the concern. I really appreciate and I know what you mean. I'm sorry for putting you on the spot like that.
    September 8th, 2010 at 11:52pm
  • eternally.forever;;

    eternally.forever;; (100)

    United States
    Hey I'm so sorry for the log wait!:(
    Yesterday my 8 year old cousin died of cancer. She was like my little sister.
    Wow that sounds like a lot.
    September 8th, 2010 at 11:14pm
  • Matt Flyzik

    Matt Flyzik (100)

    United States
    Wow, that was really long XD lmaoo
    September 8th, 2010 at 01:32pm
  • Matt Flyzik

    Matt Flyzik (100)

    United States
    you haven't heard of perks of being a wallflower ?!!?!! ohmygosh! I'm never moving to California now XD roflmaooo, jkk. You HAVE to read that book! It's literally my favorite book (as of last night since I finished it XD) it's like, it's one of those books where it makes you think about your life, and at the end it always makes you feel good, and it has a twist at the end, and it's amazing XD hahahahaha

    ughh, that suuckks :P I love 3OH!3 ! my parents do that all th time, and it really sucks, and they never agree to let me go to concerts, even though it's me who has to pay and everything. blahh, parents suckk, haha.

    yeahh, it means like go to another country and study there and their culture, and yeahh, expensive. XD lol, keyword: expensive. lol, my parents would never let me do it. and yeahh, normally I'm okay with being alone. I actually really love being alone, like at home and stuff, you know? It's more peaceful. but i could never be out of the country by myself, cause like, if I get lonely(a very rare feeling for me) I couldn't just go over to my friends house if I wanted cause they'd be a million miles away XD
    September 8th, 2010 at 01:31pm
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Aw, awesome! lol. :D
    September 8th, 2010 at 02:45am
  • Matt Flyzik

    Matt Flyzik (100)

    United States
    hahahaah, normal books XD
    lmaoo, neve heard of any of those books ! hahaha ! I'll check them out thoughh :)))
    and hmm, my favorite book has to be the outsiders by s.e. Hinton. :)) followed veeerrryyy closely by The Perks of Being a Wallflower by someone I forgot XD hahaha. I'm reading it now for like the fifth millionth time XD

    and yeahh, haha, I'm amazing at electronics. Sounds like we're going for the same thing XD Haha, the farther the better. I reaally wanna study abroad, but I never will XD lol
    September 8th, 2010 at 01:01am