
United Kingdom
Joined date
June 27th, 2009


My specialty is to make illogical logical.


Greek - Truth. Mythological Goddess of truth
Celtic/Gaelic - Orange tree


Height: 170 cm finally. But I'm starting to think that nurse just put it like that because 0.5mm here or there, doesn't matter. I used to be 169.5 for a LONG time. I think it's 5'6 by that other strange scale but I'm not sure.

Hair color: Blonde...Yeah...Natural one but it's getting light-brown and I am not happy with that.

Eye color: Green.

Do you wear contacts or glasses? Glasses. I want to do a laser operation so I don't want to risk with harming my eyes.

What is your zodiac sign? Cancer - the crab.

Do you color your hair? No, I have never done that.

Are you left or right eyed? Left I think but I'm still right-handed.

Who are you in love with? No one at the moment. I used to have a crush but hopefully it's a history.

Are you hot? I am a human, my temperature is 36 C so when to compare it to the weather, it is hot.

What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? My personality. Not that I'm the biggest seducer around. And what's with these kind of questions?

Are you wearing any perfume or cologne? I would if I had money to buy it but all my money goes to more important things.

Who is the biggest gossiper you know? Me. Really. I'm the meanest person I know.

Do you get easily embarrassed? Not really but somehow I blush too much. These are the scars from the past.

Would you cry if MySpace stopped working? I don't have Myspace.

Would you smoke? I never have and never will.

Like Thunderstorms? Yes. It's so nice to grab a book, a blanket and curl up near the fireplace.

Do you do dance crazy when no one is looking? Of course, it's me who we're talking about.

If love is blind, then why is there lingerie? That's a good question. I guess because you may be blind mentally but you can still see physically.

Do you swallow or spit? It is a trick question. If so, then:" Ha ha, very funny..."

Why is an alarm clock going "off" when it actually turns on? Don't ask stupid questions. Off means it that the alarm thing that couldn't ring starts to ring, so it's "off". Logic!

What's the color of your toothbrush? Yellow.

Note: Questions were looked up by my friend, lol.