nine crimes. / Comments

  • Not sure if you'll ever get around to seeing this, but I miss you :( How are you doing? Getting a bit worried...
    March 19th, 2015 at 06:27am
  • Yes, you can whore other people's stories. Just PM me what I need to know (from my whoring blog) and I'll read them.
    sorry for taking too long. I didn't realize I had a comment on my journal/blog.
    May 31st, 2012 at 03:45am
  • Hello there :) This is a late reply as well lol. I just spent the long weekend away from civilization at some beach in the middle of nowhere :P

    OMG I love Back To The Future too!!! Except it's funny because when I first watched it I was like 10, and I thought the "flux capacitor" was so cool. But then I watched it again like last year (after taking a few electronics courses) and I was like "Pshh, flux capacitor. That doesn't even make any sense." But regardless, I do love eighties movies! Aliens, Die Hard, Blade Runner, The Terminator, Top Gun, gah! I love that age of movies :D

    I've only seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail and that literally had me in stitches the entire time! Easily one of the funniest movies I've ever seen :P

    LOL I highly doubt that I will be famous :P I keep freaking out every time I write my manuscript because I'll write a paragraph and I'll be like "Holy crap, people are actually going to read this. What will my mother think?" or "OMG, people will know I wrote this. What if my employer reads it?". I'm being really stupid in that sense lol. When I write here, the words always flow because firstly, no one from my real life knows what I write and at the same time I'm still somewhat anonymous so I can write whatever the hell I want and not have to deal with the consequences. But with publishing a real book, I keep getting fits of paranoia. I'm trying not to think so much when I write----because if I do, it will [i]never[/i] get finished lol :P
    May 23rd, 2012 at 03:58am
  • It's so cool though! There's like stable time loops (sort of like going back in time to stop something and then realizing that the thing you tried to stop happened because you went back in the time in the first place), alternative timelines, temporal paradoxes (like when you go back in time and do something naughty and then essentially BECOME YOUR OWN GRANDFATHER), etc. Oh the possibilities that can be abused!

    Yeah, this site is pretty distracting. But only because I love to write so much :P I have no idea what I'll call story yet. It's probably better if I finish the story and figure it out from there. Otherwise, I'll end up with another LFTRD lololol

    OMG TWILIGHT WHY WAS IT EVER PUBLISHED. I remember the first thing I thought to myself after I finished reading it was "Geez, even I could have written something better than this."
    May 18th, 2012 at 11:58pm

    LOL, I'll definitely let you know! The story actually involves quite a bit of time-travel actually, so I'm worried it's probably gonna be some convoluted mind screw type thing everyone will hate :P
    May 18th, 2012 at 11:36pm
    That reminds me of your comment! THE COMMENT OF THE FLIPPING YEAR! UGHISHK FSKh dsog h;oslidkhg ;aosgoialsh I read it like over 5 times!!!! And then I wanted to reply but of course I didn't even know WHERE to begin!

    But I think thank you is a good start!
    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! It will never ever [i]ever[/i] be enough! I'm so amazed that humbled that you took the time to read my story and leave such a heartfelt and amazing comment and the best I'll probably ever receive in the history of comments! And I'm not saying that because it was long (because we've all gotten those long comments that basically say "Updateszz plese!!!" like 10 million times lol), but because it was so sincere and amazing and thoughtful and analytical and heartwarming!!!!

    You really looked into every detail and for that I am eternally grateful! I think one of your comments = 200 of every one else. NO JOKE. It was a pleasure to read and I can't thank you enough!

    So congratulations on making a writer have a loss for words!
    May 18th, 2012 at 11:22pm
  • I saw this thing somewhere and the person said that she had more expression than Emma Watson... Kristen Stewart never changes her face. It's always this really weird like constipated looking face. Haha, he died in HP.

    I'm 4'!11 1/2" Haha. It really sucks but it's not so bad. Short people get a lot of attention at my school. :P Everyone is always like "swoifjlsdfjowif you're so short and cute and adorable let me hug you" so it's not all bad.(: Same here. But I think it's on Netflix... Or if not, there's a lot of places you can stream it online.

    Have you seen Stay Alive or House of Wax? They're SO good. With attractive male leads. Haha. The only scary movie I've ever really laughed at - the first time I watched it anyway - is The Grudge 2. Those movies are just so comical. But even the stupidest scary movie has me freaked out the first time I watch it. I'm a baby that way.

    I used to be a die-hard Twilighter. Before Breaking Dawn came out, the summer it did, I read and reread the first three books like a million times. But then Breaking Dawn sucked and it was like a slap in the face. It was just so terrible. Just no.


    I'm glad you like what you're writing so much.(: That sounds really amazing. I'm pretty excited to read it.
    May 18th, 2012 at 07:22am
  • hi! so I have you entered as a contestant in my one-shot contest and I just wanted to remind you that the deadline to submit your entry is May 30th. if you would like to withdraw from the contest, please let me know by May 26th! thanks! (:
    May 18th, 2012 at 06:16am
  • I saw that picture! And you're right. Besides the occasional description, Bella isn't even described very well. So anyone can fit into her shoes. I also really, really dislike Kristen Stewart except in The Messengers. I loved that movie. And Catch That Kid. Haha. I don't really like RPat but I did like him as Cedric Diggory Harry Potter. That's a great, accurate description of the books, though, haha.

    The only upside of being short is that you never have to worry about liking a guy shorter than you. I'm not even five feet. So there's a wide range of guys I can like, haha. I can't walk in heels. I walk all weird even though I love them.): My characters are usually short with varying levels of bluntness and hair colors. :P I need to catch up on that show... I like Sookie with Eric(: Bill got all weird.

    They're among my favorite scary movies behind Final Destination and Stay Alive and House of Wax. Scary movies are the best. I'll read nearly anything. Like, classics, I'll give 'em a try. Usually, if it's somewhat interesting, I'll plough (my googlechrome says that's not a word... but I think it is I'M SO CONFUSED NOW) through it. Maybe if I reread it, I'd like it better.

    Curious George.<3
    May 17th, 2012 at 05:25am
  • Bella is basically her. If you listen to the description. And she uses the same words to describe all her characters. She definitely over-explains Edward. Deer lawd.

    You'll have to fight me for him. :P I am woefully short. It really sucks. I always make my characters short, too, because I want them to suffer like me. Except for EJ. She's tall and boyish. THAT'S RIGHT. Ryan Kwanten. He's in Flicka. He's sooo hot. I read the first TrueBlood and was like "dude wtf is this?" and then watched the show which is so much better!

    Me neither. But it'll probably be a few more years. He spends a lot of time on his books because they're so deep and stuff, haha. Which is fine by me. I have his videos to occupy my time while he writes(:

    I hated A Tale of Two Cities. I didn't actually start liking that book until the end when Sydney Carton (idek if that's how you spell his last name anymore) took what's-his-name's place in jail. Once it got there I started liking it. But oh dear. It was so boring beforehand. Maybe that's just because I had to analyze everything and the symbolism and things like that. I hate analyzing books.):

    My dad read me Curious George... :P
    May 17th, 2012 at 03:43am
  • I don't know if I'll ever be that good but I hope that I'll be a better author than Stephanie Meyer. The world doesn't need any more atrocities like Twilight. Even though I occasionally indulge in bad literature. Just nothing that bad, haha. But we all have our guilty pleasures(:

    OMG I LOVE ALEXANDER SKARSGARD. He's so attractive, oh my goodness. No one understands. The only person who likes that show is my friend Kaylie and she doesn't see Eric's appeal at all. I don't see Bill's appeal. What the heck kind of vampire name is Bill anyway? I also like her brother whose name escapes me right now, haha. OH! That's who that is. I know who she is. I liked her on Two and a Half Men.(:

    It's on her page under Smoke & Ash. That takes you to a journal where there's a link to her photobucket thing.

    I would never know what to say, haha. I have a few questions sometimes, like about his writing, but I'm way too chicken to ask him. Too intimidating to talk to someone that awesome.

    My stepmom says that if you sit down and read it, you'll eventually get into the language. I'm hoping that that's true. I want to read Jane Austen so bad. Jane Austen and Oscar Wilde and Charles Dickens and all that good stuff. I will someday, haha.

    It's seriously fine.(:
    May 16th, 2012 at 05:27am
  • That's so true about our writing changing! I read my old work too sometimes and think to myself "OMG HOW COULD HAVE I WRITTEN SUCH A DISGRACE TO LITERATURE? MUST. DESTROY. NOW." But then I can't because it's just so horrible that it makes me laugh on bad days. We'll probably read our current work years later and think the same thing lolol. But that's good though! It means our writing is getting better! (hopefully)

    You're not awake when you're sleeping? IMPOSSIBRU!!! Lol, I actually might have the opposite problem from you---hypersomnia. I could sleep for like 48 hours straight if I really wanted to....but I try not to lol.

    AND OMG YOU READ MY SHORT STORY! I'm really excited to hear what you think of it :) I value your opinions like the highest above all other readers/commenters (But don't tell them I told you that lololol) because you honestly put so much time and care into your reviews! Other people are just like "cool. updatezzz soon plz!!111!!" And I'm like O_o

    WHOA HOW DID YOU KNOW ABOUT MY MANUSCRIPT??? I know I was stalking you but how did you stalk me IRL? Haha, because I actually am working on a manuscript for publication :) I'm supposed to be working on it this summer instead of writing these stories on Mibba, but I can't have any piece of mind until I finish these stories I have on this site lolol. THE CHARACTERS WONT LEAVE ME ALONE. So hopefully, if I don't get rejected from all the publishers in the whole wide word and (most importantly) I manage to actually FINISH my manuscript, there might be a real book out there in the world by me!


    Wow, I just read that last sentence over and I sound soooooo narcissistic and self-absorbed. I promise I'm not really hahaha
    May 16th, 2012 at 03:50am
  • Yeah, my formal writing isn't great... But you can't make a living being an author very easily even though that's what I hope to do in the long run. And with journalism, maybe I can help change the world. It's not very likely but I want to make a difference somehow. Writing is what I'm good at so I'm hoping to use my talents to help others.

    I do know who Anna Paquin is! She was in X-Men and in True Blood.(: I didn't know she wasn't from America though! So are you from New Zealand?

    Yeah, same here. towers has a place set up on photobucket (there's a link on her page) with backgrounds so I normally go there for that. Then weheartit or deviantart for my banner(:

    That's very nice to do, too! You're like the epitome of the perfect reader and writer.

    I saw that one(: I watch his videos too. I just love him. He's talented and smart and funny and he just seems like the kind of person other people should aspire to be. He's just a wonderful guy.

    I kind of like how it's written but it's harder for me to get into that kind of style. I like reading for enjoyment and just to have fun and go places in my mind and whenever I read classic literature, I feel like I'm in an English and I have to concentrate. So it's less like reading for fun for me if I read those types of books. The only classic I've read voluntarily is To Kill a Mockingbird and oh my gosh, I loved it. That's the next book we're reading in class and eeee I'm so excited(:
    May 15th, 2012 at 07:09am
  • Oh, but it's true!
    Journalism, yes, haha. For a while I thought about becoming an editor because come on, who doesn't want to read for a living? But I love writing more than reading. So journalism. I just recently found out that I made it onto my school's newspaper for next year(: I had to apply and it was so scary because SO many people apply. But I made it! I nearly cried.

    I know! Some people make these beautiful layouts. I'm green with envy. I have a few friends on here that make really nice layouts. They spend hours making them. I think an hour is my limit. Most of that is spent looking for my banner picture anyway.

    That's amazing. I'm sure authors really love you. Not very many people (at least barely any of my readers) say much more beyond something they liked or that they liked it. So I'm super touched when people leave these detailed comments. I usually go and personally thank them just because I know how much time it must have took for them to give me feedback.

    I want to be like him someday. I'm seriously thinking about moving to Indianapolis in 18 years so I can marry Henry and have John be my father-in-law. Aside from HP, TFiOS and Looking for Alaska are my favorite books. TFiOS is becoming a movie! Which is exciting(: I don't read a lot of classics beyond required English class reading which is sad. I wish I could get into them a lot more.
    May 15th, 2012 at 06:47am
  • You're really good at it! Like better than I am, I think. But that's cool that you're in pre-med(: I would never have guessed. You've got such a knack for writing. I plan on going into writing once I graduate high school... haha.

    I've never heard of that website! I used to use picnik but then they moved to Google+ so I've been searching for a new place to make banners. I used to be so horrible at it. Sometimes I really wonder. I mean, some people make these layouts and I'm like, "I can't even read what you've written!" It's so bad.

    Oh, thank you.(: I leave long comments, too. Well, not like SUPER long, but I like to try to tell the author what they did well and what they could maybe fix or whatever. I like it when I get those types of comments so I feel like other authors like them, too.
    May 15th, 2012 at 06:24am
  • Oh my gosh, thank you! You literally just made my night.(:
    Internally, I'm fangirling, too, because your writing is simply exquisite. Seriously. I wish I was half as good as you are. I love how your sentence structure is and your word choice. It's all so perfect.(:

    And you're welcome! I'm about to go read your other story. I had to go get ready for bed and get water but now I'm back and rearing to go!

    Isn't that the funnest part? I love making story layouts.
    May 15th, 2012 at 05:33am
  • Thank you very much for joining my contest and for liking my signature and everything haha.(:
    May 15th, 2012 at 04:36am
  • Your comments always make me feel giddy :P Thank you!

    I'm so flattered that I've inspired you! :D I think my writing has really changed over the years. Actually, a few years ago I was on quizilla writing pretty crappy cliche vampire stories! But I guess you have to start somewhere lololol

    I'm from Canada, the land of ice and snow. We're in totally different time zones lolol. I KNOW THAT YOU ARE ASLEEP AS I TYPE THIS. I HAVE COME TO NEW ZEALAND AND IM WATCHING YOU FROM YOUR WINDOW. HEHEHEHEH
    May 14th, 2012 at 05:43pm
  • Thank you. :)
    May 12th, 2012 at 11:58pm



    But seriously, you have NO IDEA how happy I am now having read your words!!! There are so many things about my writing that I didn't even notice that you've picked out so flawlessly! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

    But really, though, WHERE DO YOU LIVE?
    May 12th, 2012 at 04:15pm