nine crimes. / Comments

  • TongueTwister

    TongueTwister (100)

    United States
    Oh by the way, I'm watching supernatural right now.
    Jared Padalecki is just too cute with that hair.
    December 31st, 2010 at 08:33pm
  • TongueTwister

    TongueTwister (100)

    United States
    *bangs head on the computer. Hard.*
    I just type this whole response thing out, and it took me forever to get through it.
    (I have ADHD so, it's hard for me to focus when i don't take my meds.)

    and Mibba said that I wasn't logged in, which i was, which deleted my whole response.
    I nearly cried.
    I'll type you one later.
    I'm too mad at my computer right now. and Mibba.
    December 31st, 2010 at 08:32pm
  • topless

    topless (100)

    United States
    Good bye my dear lady!

    December 31st, 2010 at 07:27pm
  • topless

    topless (100)

    United States
    I gathered that, ;D.

    Yessss. Another friend. xD
    Ack, I am so lame. But my bubbly personality and killer good looks make up for it.
    Yepp. That's it. ;)
    December 31st, 2010 at 09:35am
  • topless

    topless (100)

    United States
    My praise?

    Girl boo.

    YOUR praise is greatly appreciated. :D
    December 31st, 2010 at 09:32am
  • topless

    topless (100)

    United States
    I've been attracted to a man in a green dress. And a blond wig. With badly put on lip stick.

    We, my friend, are strange peoples.
    December 31st, 2010 at 09:30am
  • topless

    topless (100)

    United States
    OK, so here are the things I gather about you:

    1. You know how to make me smile. I'm all like :D right now.
    2. Your writing is beautiful. Simply amazing. Lyke, wtff?
    3. You're just simply awesome. Don't ever change.
    4. I love your layout. I've only seen Supernatural a few times, but it's quite darling.

    December 31st, 2010 at 09:29am
  • TongueTwister

    TongueTwister (100)

    United States
    HA! You have a suuuucckky computer. XD BUt don't worry.
    My computer does that to me all the time.... or am I just mentally retarded.

    What's a teliophile?
    Thank you , I pride my self on it.(:
    I cannot stand those type of movies yet.
    I will. But not yet.
    But ironically, The only thing in the world that grosses me out the worst. Like ever. Is Spit.
    Spit, is the absolute grossest thing ever. I mean, i gag everytime i see a guy spit on the side walk in P.E. (<- which by the way is total torture, but that's another story, for another time. :D)
    It just... echhhh.

    Yes, I amm litttttle. Don't worry, I get reminded that all the time.(: Person: No. Freaking. Wayy! Your only 13?! Me: *bored face* Naww. I'm just a grown midget. Person: ...Really? Me: *gives them 'are you retarded face' UH NO!....
    That person i was talking to was REALLY stupid. XD

    I read a lot. Which explains my expansive vernacular. Plus, i'm just naturally sarcastic, and slightly bitter. Which in turn makes me seem older than I really am. XD Also, (not to brag, I hate braggers. c:) I'm freaking smart. (:

    Supernatural is? Well, then they shouldn't show it on TNT. But oh well, I've seen gross foreign films with my DAD. (it was on accident and forever scarred me for life) Plus, I know everything there is to know, about...'Life' aha.

    Haha, I can just imagine you, studying, get fustrated, look up at his poster, then study even harder. XD

    Jared's Hair: I knowww! Parting it in the middle is SO seventies. Which by the way, happened 40 freaking years AGO.

    Thank you. Girls do need to be more violent. Nowdays we're getting the rep for squealing and screaming at the littlest things. I hate girls like that, I just don't have the tolerance for them. Haha. I can tell that your violent. (:

    Wow. I'm only 5'5. I'm a shorty. Blame my mom, she's not even 5 feet. My dad's 6'1. Which lands me exactly in the middle. Whereas my brother's tall like my dad. *sighh* He seems to get all the good genes in our family's DNA pool.

    I like strong jaws. They're so sexy when the guys flex it.... Okay, now I'm going into creeper mode. Heh, that reminds me of the time that once, me and my friend literally spied on two drop-dead sexy teenage guys that were playing basketball in the court in the park behind my house. I'm sorry, but they were shirtless, and it was summer. Best day of my life. :D
    Just kidding, that was ONE of the best days of my life. XD

    (^random thing about me. I feel no worries. Me and you, we like to babble.)

    oooh. I'm not that good at Maths. I'm in algebra one, and I'm barely pulling an 'A' in that class. and for me that's not good. I HATE it. I mean, out in the real world who would need to know what x equals. THey have computers for that sort of stuff you know. Ugh, I just don't get it. Plus the teacher that teaches me. She had my brother as a student. He's sort of a slacker, in school whereas I'm the exact opposite. But she HATED him, Like every year, she always picks a student to pick on. Like, 'don't do that, or stop slouching in your chair.' I mean, she's nice, but she's unfair like that. So, she assumes. Like sister, Like brother. So she picks on me. I'm seriously thinking of a transfer to a different teacher, but all the available classes are full. Which majorly SUCKS.

    Bogan is a weird word. But so fun to say.
    Bogan, Bogan, Bogan, Bogan.
    Okay, I'm good.
    That's finished.
    Opposite's attract. Me and my friend, we're like on the opposite ends of the spectrum. We like everything the exact opposite of each other. but yet we click, like a puzzle piece. So we have a lot of crazy fun together. :D

    I'm learning how to play the electric Guitar.
    My dad gave me one for christmas. But a while back, he used to try to teach himself how to play the acoustic guitar, so he got himself one, but after a while he quit, but he never gave away the guitar, so when he bought me a electirc guitar for christmas, he gave me his acoustic one too. So now I have two guitars. (sort off) I feeel spoiled. Also, along with his acoustic guitar, he gave me 'Guitar for Dummies' book. Which is perfect for me. I already taught myself the basic chords and how to play the chorus of 'Swing Low, Sweet Chariot' XD

    Twilight scares me too.
    But it's too funny. It's like they all try to be too serious, but it's just a knee slapper.
    Like a soap opera. If you ever try to watch one of those shows, you will be cracking up on the floor. (well, I do) so that's why I always watch soap operas when I'm really down in the pits.

    one of my best friends can't STAND any of my other friends. It's quite frustrating. She needs to get over it. Oh well.

    yeah. I think W.O.W. was created to make teenage boys hermits.

    Haha. He's always been my big brother. But, it's not always great being the youngest. He plays baseball, and is like the slim kind of muscle-y. So he can [b]beat[/b] the crap out of me, whenever I get him mad. and it's just so-o-o- easy to push his buttons.

    TO me, stereotypes are the most stupidest things ever. They are quite frankly overrated, and just don't really exist. I mean, if you ever look at it all closely enough, there are no true stereotypes. So.. they're stupid. End of story.

    Yup, I would not be able to STAND that dude if he were real. I'd either... Punch his lights out in a second. Despite how small, and young I may seem, i have beat up guys twice my size. :D

    Yeahhh... That's just ONE example.
    Living with your older brother and his disturbing friends are not that great.
    It makes you see HOORRRROOORSS. *shakes you violently* Horrors!

    My cousion would never do that, considering they're all older than me. I truly am the youngest even in the extended families. It's quite a bother sometimes.

    It's not a dream. it's a nightmare. Sure, they're cute. But sleepover oneeee night, and you'll never think the same way about them again.

    Uhh. Nope. I won.
    Yeahh, try to beat this.
    This took FOREVER for me to type.
    December 31st, 2010 at 09:20am
  • topless

    topless (100)

    United States

    I have sadly not watched the whole thing. My boyfriend and I are currently watching it, so no spoiling! ;D
    Ackkk, I love the fact that Draco is a girl though. Makes me LOL till I cry.
    December 31st, 2010 at 09:18am
  • topless

    topless (100)

    United States
    Ackk, you're making me blush. ._.
    You should accept my thanks, dammit! ;D
    And you're too cool...for school.
    Yeah, I said it. && No, I don't believe I've seen what you referred to.
    December 31st, 2010 at 08:38am
  • TongueTwister

    TongueTwister (100)

    United States
    ...W-H-Y would you do that to yourself!?
    That's just plain out martyr-ish.
    (^ I have a very expansive vocabulary, don't I? :D)
    Aliens, is just creeeeepppy. But if you watch it a couple times, it just looks so stupid. Haha.

    I'm 13 turning 14 in thweee months. I feel so young. :D Everybody's turning 15 or older. XD

    Jared's Hair: I KNOW!!!
    It's just a calamity. it's just a DISASTER! Sometimes I just wanna meeet him for the hell of slapping him and telling him he needs to grow his hair back.
    I'm a very violent girl aren't I? (:

    No. Freaking. Way. he's 6'1!? *faints* *gets bucket of water dumped on*
    Okay, now his hotness meter just shot up like ten fold.
    ... I like tall guys. XD

    Haha, I didn't know square-ness of head showed masclinuity... if that's the case, then my brother's friend Tyler, is... very. masculine. and sucks playing ping-pong... I don't know why I'm telling you this. My mind sometimes comes up with the s t r a n g e s t stuff. XD

    Jenson's still sexy. c:

    Story: Bogans? Where'd you come up with that name. XD
    Ehh... The guys i know, aren't very stereotypical. They're just.. insanity in a bucket.

    I knowww. My brother's 15 too. I don't know what is with 15 year old boys and W.O.W. But my brother's a sport-y, nerd-y cute-ish. (<- that's what the girl's say, in my opinion he's just my big brother) guy. He's breaking all stereotypes. XD

    Christian is such... a Guy. XD

    Ehhh, about that, I've seen grosser stuff. Like you would not believe.
    I remember once, when i was 10 or 11. My brother's best friend, (who's like my older brother too, since he practically used to LIVE at my house) he was 14 at the time, and I was upstairs hanging with them. Then Bud (that's his name) leaned over and just mooned the two of us.
    Grossest. Thing. I've. Ever. Seen.
    No joke, who wants to see a 14 year old pimply guy's butt.
    I nearly gagged.
    (he's 18 now, and has cleared up. But I will never let him live that down. :D)

    /end ridiculously LONGER comment.
    December 31st, 2010 at 07:58am
  • TongueTwister

    TongueTwister (100)

    United States
    Aw. Well I try. :D
    ..Funny how my friends say I have horrible taste. XD
    But they don't know what they're talking about.

    Gee. When I was little, I used to get SO scared by those ghost-demon-y things. In fact, I actually hid behind the couch whenever a scary movie commercial came on...
    I'm ashamed to admit, that was last year.

    But I got over that, and moved on. This summer, My best friend parked me in front of my TV and forced me to watch every scary movie possible. :D So that's how I got over it. After awhile they all became monotonous. So nothing like that ever really scares me anymore. Just sometimes, my brain picks up odd and ends from things i watch, things i do that day. So that's how I get nightmares.
    Excuse my Rambling. :D

    Padalecki. Still hard to spell.
    I knoww, He stars on Gilmore Girls, and in like one of the last seasons his hair got stupid. So that's how i know he gets sort of ugly. Haha, I feel so superficial. :D But seriously, it made me want to slap the guy, why would you want to ruin that hotness you call your hair. Ugh. Guys frustrate me sometimes.

    Jenson, seems so...short. Don't get me wrong, he's hawt. But... just his head is square looking. Haha. He's still smexy. c:

    Story: haha. I love your description of a teenage boy. yes, they do like getting laid. But I would get them a bit more credit. I live with one, *thumbs over to wall behind me* which is my brother. He's in the room next to mine and won't SHUT UP HIS MUSIC! *actually yells it* They aren't aawwl that bad.

    But yes, they do like be swooned over.

    Nahh, Queen bee's are always bitches. But sometimes, in some cases, you can't help but love 'em. :D

    *eyebrows raised so high that they hurt* Nuh uh!
    That's cuh-razy.
    He must've been a real ass, in order to get that punishmend.
    Haha. I'm guffawing my ass off.
    December 31st, 2010 at 07:18am
  • topless

    topless (100)

    United States
    Can I hug you?
    Or tackle you?
    You just made my day/night/possibly night.
    Thanks for that comment!
    I swear, you're awesome. :)))))))
    December 31st, 2010 at 07:11am
  • TongueTwister

    TongueTwister (100)

    United States
    Ahhh. I saw your layout. It made me laugh.
    I just started watching the show. I think i'm on the fourth or fifth episode of the first season in the T.V. series. XD
    and already it gave me a couple nightmares.
    But ehh, it's too good. So I'll keep watching and the nightmares will eventually fade.
    Don't bite my head off, but I personally like Jared (however you spell his last name) He's cute. In fact i watched it with one of my best friends, and i kept randomly saying he's cute, which gained me a thump in the head by my pillow. :D

    Anyways, back to the original point of this comment.
    You're welcomee for the comment.
    I wanted you to update it, so I thought I'd help. :D

    So, him being charming is fake? Haha.

    Yeah, to be frank, nicole is a bitch, but you can't help but like her. You created her well. (:

    Heheh, I would [b][i]never[/i][/b] have the guts to do what she did to Christian.
    but I just couldn't stop snickering when I read it. :D
    December 31st, 2010 at 06:56am
  • Dying_To_Death

    Dying_To_Death (100)

    United States
    Well, you've got to give them a break. I mean, When I First joined I never commented. I was terrified that I'd say something stupid >_< But now I just don't care :)
    December 31st, 2010 at 05:35am
  • SHG Vegas

    SHG Vegas (100)

    United States
    You're welcome and I can't wait (:
    December 31st, 2010 at 05:24am
  • Dying_To_Death

    Dying_To_Death (100)

    United States
    People saying things like that are why people spam their comment area, so that there are more comments -___-
    December 31st, 2010 at 05:06am
  • Dying_To_Death

    Dying_To_Death (100)

    United States
    you are welcome ^_^ I hope you start writing again soon!
    December 31st, 2010 at 04:58am
  • mockingbird;

    mockingbird; (100)

    United States
    Bahaha it probably is

    OMG THAT'S WHERE I RECOGNIZE HIM FROM! I love Supernatural, but I haven't seen it in FOREVER gah! I should really catch up on it XD dudeeeeee hahah he is sexy! Who is he married to?
    December 30th, 2010 at 04:42pm
  • mockingbird;

    mockingbird; (100)

    United States
    Ahaha he's cute, is he a celeb? And yes I think we should, lets set it for like ten years?

    that's a lot of numbers, nevermind XD
    December 30th, 2010 at 04:24am