life.ruiners / Comments

  • Not gonna lie but I have a slight crush on one of the singers, Mike Sparks. i love the guy lol

    ok i'll change it. I'm so cold right now, it's gotten very chilly in ny it rained all day again
    July 21st, 2012 at 08:40am
  • this is the summary i have right now:

    and this is what i was thinking

    herein lies the story of a cynical girl who never believed in love, a boy who wholeheartedly believed in the phrase "spread legs not lies" a group of meddling parents, a small seaside town in Maine and whole lot of predestined fate.
    July 21st, 2012 at 08:29am
  • ooh, i like that line. they have quite a lot of amazing lines like, straight out of the sunset baby and you're falling behind but i'll keep you in mind and the lyrics for saviour just make my day

    perhaps you could make a playlist for the story? i've learned that if people like something enough, they'll do anything for it and what's a simple click?

    layouts are a pain, plain and simple btw i need your help with a summary for a story
    July 21st, 2012 at 08:24am
  • I'd read the fan fic but yea, i doubt people would understand. i actually had an idea sprout from that song's line "if you believe what's said in secret say yes to me when i ask you do you wanna dance tonight?" but i have way too many stories on my plate

    that's so true, layouts are so annoying to get right now. ugh, one of my layouts took me a good hour it was bad lol

    i've heard of the dangerous summer but not the other two
    July 21st, 2012 at 08:05am
  • gloria is cause of canterbury, but you prob already knew that
    July 21st, 2012 at 07:41am
  • I only have the first chapter up, it's so difficult getting things together lol

    i like Gloria, Her Bright Skies and At Camera's Length. it's your choice to pick whichever you wanna write
    July 21st, 2012 at 07:40am
  • One of the many joys of being a teenager, continuously moody, more moody than a pregnant lady lol

    i am too, i;m hoping to keep it as far from cliche as possible, i want the marriage to be the backstory not at the forefront
    July 21st, 2012 at 06:14am
  • Well why are you mad? An being numb never helps. It merely sedates the problem or issue for a while an it'll come back even worse later on. Never numb anything. It's good to feel. Maybe you should just talk to your friends about? I dunno what the issue is but maybe a talk would help.

    I've written a prologue for the cynical bookworm and now I'm starting the actual story. I'm gonna tell you a secret. The story has been in my mind for five years but when I joined mibba there were a ton of arranged marriage stories so I thought people would think I'm plagiarizing. Bit there's less now so I'm gonna start my story. The beginning doesn't lend itself away to being an arranged marriage story. Hence the it being a secret. At the start it just seems like the typical love story. I'm so excited.
    July 20th, 2012 at 04:15pm
  • Yea it kinda sucks that I've heard a little less than half the album already but it's ok, I still love them and their music lol

    I bought it off iTunes cuz I couldn't find it on YouTube either. Sucks ugh

    The people were scary and so was the circle pit. And yea, dehydration right?

    Lol yea the dystopian idea is li hunger games and it's all amazing

    Harry potter? Ooh! Yay! I'm trying to write a chap for a story :( so much work
    July 20th, 2012 at 02:56am
  • its an amazing album, i love gloria and saviour from it.

    mhmm, go get the books somehow, they're brilliant

    lol but i don't wanna go see bmth i saw them and the concert was not my cup of tea, and lol 1D are prob def my guilty pleasure, Niall is adorable and Zayn has a brilliant voice
    July 20th, 2012 at 02:17am
  • An another with ym@6 with oli Sykes as my secretary. My mind is so odd!
    July 19th, 2012 at 04:50am
  • By the way, did you know Canterbury released a new album? It's brilliant.

    And I had two of the weirdest dreams ever. One of them involved one direction (mainly zayn
    July 19th, 2012 at 04:50am
  • It's a dystopia but it's amazing. There's factions and oh god you'll love it. Me too! I've been reading a book a day. I read the delirium series, all the narnia books, eragon Scorpio races I've been on a rampage. But read divergent. It's amazing.

    Really? Was it something serious? Or is it just a one time thing.
    July 19th, 2012 at 04:49am
  • Lol I have an odd memory. I feel like this conversation has been had before.... Lol

    Ooh amusement parks? Fun! I was supposed To go to six flags for a friend's birthday last saturday but I was in the hospital so I couldn't go. Well your summer will be better than mine. So far my summers been spent in hospital for either myself or my gram and I've been a reading. Do you know the divergent series? It's actually amazing!

    I live off of Starbucks and occasionally iced lattes from Dunkin donuts but mainly Starbucks lol
    July 19th, 2012 at 03:16am
  • i dunno, my screamo music phase is fading, i listen jamie's elsewhere, bmth and a day to remember that's about it.

    oh my goodness, walmart is always the place to be, lol.

    once i was in starbucks and when she asked me for my name is said darth vader so it was "vanilla bean frappuchino light ice for darth vader, everyone laughed , tee hee
    July 19th, 2012 at 02:29am
  • I plan on it! We came as Romans? I used to love them. I guess ill see them too lol.

    I loved the song they played for the make out scene. Crave you has been on replay for like a week.

    Well I have a funny story. So today I was wearing a white v neck. When we left the hospital it was pouring. So my grandma was like let's wait it out but after a half hour the rain only got stronger so we ran across the street to catch the bus. By the time we got on the bus, I was dripping wet. Once we get off at the train station, I told my grandma to go wait under an awning as I ran to a dunkin donuts to get her something to eat (she's diabetic) so when I walked into the dunkin donuts I was soaked through and through. Now it should be known that this dunkin donuts is on the first floor of an NYU dorm so there were plenty of good looking collee guys that saw me in my white shirt and electric blue bra. I looked like I came from a wet t shirt contest. I was dying. And by the time I got into the train station, my short was so soaked that you could squeeze it and water would pour out. As of someone dumped 3 large buckets of water on just the shirt. Ad let's not forget about my pants. Worst day ever. And then, after I droppe my gram off at her house I was waiting for a train to go home the train spent 15 MINUTES at every station. So not so much a funny story as a horror story. But hey life is a horror story.
    July 19th, 2012 at 01:36am
  • Oh I real lope they play one of those two tho. Can't wait for it.

    He is so darn beautiful tho! I kinda secretly wish they keep him on the show. I love Stiles. He is so adorable and hilarious. Jackson has such an evil look! And Isaac? I love him too.

    My grandma has eye problems and there's this special hospital in manhattan just for the eye so I was with her. Btw, the venue for deaf Havana is like a 2 min walk from the hospital so guess who got tickets today? Me!
    July 19th, 2012 at 12:04am
  • I'm on my phone too only cuz I'm not home at the moment. that's not true Im always on my phone lol. Separated? That sucks, did you make any new friends and question, did ym@6 play crash or little bit of truth.

    Ok you watch teen wolf. Good. How attractive is the guy who played the young Peter hale? He is beautiful. The love of my young life.

    Yay for being a senior! And double yay for creative writing. I'm going to my freshman orientation next tuesday! Twinkey I'm gonna be a college kid! And I dunno what classes I'm taking but I know I'm out of the intro to writing cuz I did well on the sat 720 on writing over here lol. I hope I can take a creative writing class!

    Yea I'm fine now. I suppose... Lol jk Naa I'm good. I'm trying to update my stories cuz waiting at hospitals is soo boring. I wrote an entire chapter for hunter but now I'm bored. Nothing to do.
    July 18th, 2012 at 08:31pm
  • Oh Dan, how I love him. Lol. How'd you manage to get lost? And I can't wait for it! Do you by any chance watch teen wolf?

    Lol thanks Twinkey! I can't wait to read what you right! And it'll def end up on good fiction.

    I was just having a shitty day and a shitty week. It's whatever now.
    July 18th, 2012 at 07:50pm
  • Oh my goodness! Fan girl moment! Ahhhh max is a sweetheart! Ahhhh. Lol I'm hoping it's fun. I'll be hydrated! So excited tho. I hope I get to meet Dan! Love him so much.

    I might just put them on hiatus and return to them later. Btw, I let you down Is on project good fiction! Ahhh

    I don't really care who reads it. I was just pissed at life. I meant woe is me rant as in the saying. I was having a my life sucks more than anyone else's moment. I think I left the rant on tumblr. Not sure. Oh well
    July 18th, 2012 at 07:22pm