Saint-Vire / Comments

  • god I wish it was in here, everyone is into..nothing really really nothing..

    oh oh oh okay^-^
    I knowwww I was talking to mom about hat a few days ago about how I never did get your letter but I'm going to send you one shortly=)
    November 30th, 2008 at 04:07pm
  • heyyyyyyyy long time-no speaky =[
    November 29th, 2008 at 05:34pm
  • well being mismatched with color is always great^-^
    I like your nails sadly enough I can never find any nail polish around here like that=(
    I found like hot hot hot pink but

    V V V
    Tanita,Tan,Nita,Bob,lucky,sue.what ever you wanna call be by but my name is Tanita=Phaha
    November 29th, 2008 at 04:15am
  • Ahhh, I can't wait to see the pictures! :D

    God, you make me wish I had cool music to send to you. You pretty much like it all already.

    (And I totally agree with Tanita [I dunno what she's going by anymore, so I'm just going to go with what she told me when we met] about your picture. I was just about to go and comment it on MySpace. :D )
    November 27th, 2008 at 06:07am
  • oh you have too^-^

    aww and Ash I love your profile picture.^-^
    November 27th, 2008 at 12:04am
  • Hahaha, I like the colors. They're like SPLOOSH! I like it. It's snazzy. Blinding, but snazzy. Colors are love to me.

    I love internet shows! They're fun to watch, in weird sort of ways. I almost feel like a stalker watching them, but they put them there so boohoo.

    Not gonna lie, I enjoy doing checkout. That's probably weird but I think it's fun. At the end of my school year I'm gonna start to work at a grocery store because I love it. At the self-checkout lines, I almost make my mom let me do it. Acting and modeling would be more fun though. Fersure tell me how things work out!

    Bloc Party... I think I've heard of them. For real, though, you do have an awesome sense in techno. I rely on the opinions of my friends when it comes to techno. I love your tastes.
    November 22nd, 2008 at 08:30pm
  • Augh. I hate hate hate this whole thing of being mega-busy. I feel like a crappy friend like all the time when I can't find time between homework and school to take five minutes and write back. : (

    I checked out the band, though. "Talk Like That" was honestly my favorite, (I liked "My People", too) and they're REALLY good! You have the best taste in techno it's unreal.

    That's a really good plan, I think. Will you turn music and art into a career? They push us over here, so we have to have a plan around the end of eighth grade about what we want to do, and they change it when they have to. They ask us what we want to be, and then suggest all these classes for us to take. They're so strict about it, too.

    Are you kidding me? That sucks really bad. Hopefully something will come up. I feel behind. My friends are starting to turn sixteen, getting their driving permits and part-time jobs and such. I don't turn sixteen until July, so I have a while to wait.
    November 15th, 2008 at 07:53pm
  • Whoa. I have a ton of writing back to do. Blagh I hate school and how busy it tends to make me. You're luck you're done.

    About albums, I can kind of be the same way, on rare occasions. Most of the time, I find out about bands, and then they get crazy popular. It was like that with My Chemical Romance, From First To Last, and now Tokio Hotel. Everyone's amazed like, "Oh my god how do you do that!?". Boredom. The internet. It's grand.

    Trust me, it's weird to hear about summer being in what winter is for me. We start in the beginning of September and end at the end of June. I guess it's what we're used to. This year I'm happy, though, 'cause we get two weeks off for Christmas instead of one. By the time our summer hits, everyone is more than ready to get out of school for ten weeks.

    We're the same thing, only ours are two and a half. What I envy about your school is the two weeks off between terms (we call them quarters up here). We get a rare day off every so often, like I don't know if you guys do it, but we get a random week off in February and April, which rules. But we go to school for most of the year and then there's ten weeks of nothing. During which I basically become nocturnal. As in I go to bed around five in the morning and wake up around four in the afternoon.

    Maybe it's just 'cause it's new. When I first got my cell phone in the summer of 2007, it would die after like a day, but now I don't have to charge it for about a week. Same with my laptop. Hopefully that gets better soon.

    Are you kidding me!? That is so insanely awesome. I would live my life on there, when I'm not actually playing. I kinda think the new Guitar Hero will be better than Rock Band. The guitar is cooler, and the drums have cymbols instead of a kick-drum. Beast.

    More amazing songs! For real. I really wish I had something cool to recommend, but I've just been listening to a lot of Tokio Hotel (I can sense your shock from all the way in New York), Avenged Sevenfold, Evanescence, Three Days Grace, Skillet (or as my best friends and I call them, Skittles), and Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. I usually have my entire library on random, but not so much lately. Ooh. And the music from Sweeney Todd. <333

    You're SO lucky to be done. I'd kill to be done with school for the year. Are you planning to go to college? I'm psyched for Christmas, too, though. It's just such a chipper holiday.

    Hahaha, I like random comments. Even though it takes me forever to get back to you (the beginning of a new quarter flips the "Spawn of Satan" switch in my teachers), random comments are awesome.
    November 10th, 2008 at 09:28pm
  • They should be happy you like the exam. But, still, at least you're almost done. Lucky. June is way too distant for my likings.

    Aww! That's so cool. Like I said, I want an iPod. What I thought was funny was when one of my friends got one with a message, her aunt submitted her name spelled wrong, so it's screwed up. I always make fun of her for it. If I had an iPod, I'd play with it all day long in school. For now, I'll stick to covering a notebook with class notes and pretending that it's what I'm doing.

    I checked the song out. Whoa. You have a REALLY good taste in music, if I've never told you.

    Oooh, fun. Do enjoy. :D
    November 5th, 2008 at 12:53am
  • I mean that I have so much to do that I'm driving myself into a early grave=P
    The local Newfoundland paper asked me to write for them so I'm doing that a lot and stuff=/

    But promise on my life that soon then later (hopefully sooner) I'll have something wrote for it.Yes I did read that one shot but I can see that happening later on in the story=/

    Wow ,that sounds really pretty Ash, My dress is purple and I don't even have shoes yet=P But are your exams going well?

    Happy soon birthday=) I wish I could come=P Sounds like fun*^_^*

    Theres nothing new really, school school school.And theres nothing fun about that.=P
    November 3rd, 2008 at 01:32pm
  • I know exactly what you mean, it's insane that i can do better study 5 minutes before an exam than hours the day before.
    November 3rd, 2008 at 08:28am
  • That sounds awesome.
    Nope, not freaking out...the exams are made to pass, and i usually ace my exams without studying anyway...
    i should study though, i do want to do my best :)
    November 3rd, 2008 at 08:20am
  • I'm from the blue mountains...You?
    Don't worry, i have no life, i spend way too much time online...
    HSC, ey? How do you think you're going on the whole?
    November 3rd, 2008 at 08:01am
  • Yes! Another aussie girl!...I was afraid everyone was going to be from overseas. Well let's see...darn school certificate next week..
    and thats about it really.
    That is awesome, i will check out your writing when i get a chance. I love getting feedback, and I love reading other people's work in some cases to get ideas...or to simply find people with the same taste in literature.

    So what have you been up to lately?
    November 3rd, 2008 at 07:47am
  • Ash!


    oh mein gott...I'm driving myself into a early really.~_~

    I'm so, so so so so so sorry I haven't updated I'm having trouble in the writing department lately=/

    But what have you been up too lately? Hows your formal? and stuff like that?*^_^*
    November 3rd, 2008 at 04:08am
  • Aughh, sorry this is so horribly late. This week's been kind of really crazy.

    Oh whloa! What's the message say? I'd kill for an iPod. My mp3 player sucks.

    When did you say the exams end, again?
    November 1st, 2008 at 06:48pm
  • Ah whoa, so you're kind of almost done. That's pretty awesome. I really wish we had things like that. We have them all in a giant cluster and they take forever.

    Ohh jeez. I hate that feeling. I know exactly how you feel and it absolutely sucks. I'm sure you'll have a good time though, anyway. Boys aren't important.

    I wish they'd put that rule in effect at my school. The girls there look like such sluts it's not even funny. It's like wow get a life nobody likes you for any reason except that. I can't wait to see it though.

    Ahh jeez. I gotta find it. I don't think I have the bridesmaids dresses, but they're like the ones in the video for Helena by My Chemical Romance (I went through a phase of being utterly obsessed with them), the one the girl's wearing. I'm going to find the dress right now. The colors aren't right but I changed them. Allea's famous, so she can get them to do it.

    Okay. Picture that with the white part being black, the red part being a cherry red, and the decorations are still white. I like it. I've had my eye on that dress since I was like, eleven. I'll probably wind up getting married in it if they still have it whenever that day comes.
    October 26th, 2008 at 02:21am
  • i know its really annoying!! urgh half the time it takes me forever and a day to notice that i have new ones
    October 20th, 2008 at 04:35am
  • At least you get to go to the formal, though, right? That should be fun.

    Basshunter's just amazing in every single way there is, and it's just plain to see.

    Ahh, ew. That sucks. I know you told me before, but when do your exams end? I feel horrible for not remembering, but I'm a little braindead today. Are they each that hideously long?
    October 19th, 2008 at 10:56pm
  • hey whats up? I'm stephanie... u commented on one of my pics a while ago and i cant remember if i ever replied or not... if not sry bout that
    October 18th, 2008 at 02:42am