moxie; / Comments

  • I love you <3
    January 5th, 2012 at 03:56pm
  • I wish I could cuddle you!
    January 5th, 2012 at 12:55am
  • You were just so nice <3
    January 5th, 2012 at 12:50am
  • You just made me cry <3
    January 5th, 2012 at 12:15am
  • Do you think I could pm you about personal things? Smiley
    I know I'm being so awfully dependent but I feel alone. :arms:
    If I get to be too much, just let me know. <3
    January 1st, 2012 at 09:51pm
  • Last night I was feeling awful and so I went on a 5am walk in the dark, and parts of it were pitch black and it was very scary. And I came to this small pathway with a green flickering light and it was the scariest thing in the world, and everything felt like it was ending underneath it. I feel like I'm nearing the end of all hope I have. Or of all my dreams. Or maybe just of me. I'm very sad. It has nothing to do with the new year, but I just wish I could be what I was...

    Awwhh that's so cute it's your aunt and mama's birthday! tehe it was mine's anniversary. I once did Hairspray the musical and it gave me such an affinity for it. Every time it happened I loved it more and more.
    January 1st, 2012 at 08:25pm
  • Are you awake? :-;
    January 1st, 2012 at 10:24am
  • Thank you. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 That's so selfless and wonderful for you to offer. In Love

    I don't think anything will break through to them, though, and frankly I don't want them near you. |:
    I wish they would just... have some SENSE and care about other people and what they want.
    I'm trying so hard to make them but they ignore me and become even more enraged. It's really sad.

    Gahh, look at me rambling about the wild side of persons. <3
    How are you bb, how's new years? :DD <3
    January 1st, 2012 at 04:56am
  • Bb thank you. Cry

    It means so much to me. <3 My year has been dreadful too. Even just today a group of five people ganged up on me on Facebook, like a gang or a pack of wolves, and just... ridiculously attacked/bullied me, senselessly, for no reason other than to hurt me and win power. And I just sit there trying to talk calmness into them and say, Let's talk, let's achieve something rational, but they keep clawing and I feel like a monster. Sad

    And then people like you- I only have a few friends outside of my family who I love so much I would trade my life for them- come, as you just did, and my heart feels much better. Thank you so much. You are a ginormous reason to live, and on that list of my sacred few. <3<3<3
    January 1st, 2012 at 04:26am
  • We are our greatest obstacles.

    <3 We can't see ourselves for what we are because we are blind by the monotony and tides of our every day lives. I have that issue. I am blinded by it. I am deaf and dumb and lame because of it.

    But I need to to trust me in this knowledge.

    You are BEAUTIFUL.

    Maybe it's hard to make it mean a lot/anything because it's not your own conscience, but this is coming from a person who only knows you a little and can see it, and who knows you, in a way, a lot, a whole lot, and thinks you are SPECTACULAR.

    Ghouls play inside all of our hearts.

    I try to tell people amazing things about themselves all the time because people are beautiful and have so many amazing things about them- and I'm not trying to say anything to belittle those beautiful things, but bb. <3 When I say it to you I mean it sincerely, and I mean it about everything about you. Not just empty words to make you feel okay, true feelings I have when I think about you.

    You are pure; beautiful; your world is warm and full of heart.

    I hope, and I believe, one day you will understand it is true from your own heart and not just mine. Please trust me. you are WONDERFUL. You made this world change. Every breath of love you breath makes the world alive. It may not seem so, but even your energy alone makes the Earth able to thrive.

    Thank yourself, love yourself. You need to. You have no choice. <3 how could ANYONE, let alone yourself, deny that? <3<3
    December 30th, 2011 at 01:43am
  • hey, i'm sorry i haven't talked to you in a while! i just wanted to let you know that i love you, think about you from time to time, and hope so far you've had an amazing holiday season <3
    December 29th, 2011 at 10:19pm
  • You look sooo beautiful<3<3
    tehe Merry Christmas.

    Hey, what song is on your tumblr by the way :cheese:
    December 24th, 2011 at 06:16am
  • I want to see haircolors tooo!!!
    December 24th, 2011 at 12:04am
  • it was a really good story! I was just scrolling through the updated stories list and it caught my attention, glad it did!
    December 17th, 2011 at 02:03am
  • Awh bb. <3 I am so so so so so sorry about your father. That's right, exactly right, when the people who are SUPPOSED to care about you without even having to, at first, consider the personal side to it, are so cruel and rejecting to you, it stings every time. Every second. I'm sorry. Arms

    XD It's funny. My dad has anger/understanding/loving issues, and my ex-girlfriend had a horrible father as well, so much it made me want to kill him. My lover has a horribly ridiculous and selfish father and my best friend has no father at all. I wonder what that means about the people I love the most and their influence by lack of a dad. (I'm reading Hamlet so it's all pertinent.)

    I love talking to you! because you're adorable and sweet and the more I learn about you the more you open up into this wonderful deep layered person with so many components that can only be brought out in rare spaces. <3

    XDDD no nono I am no uptown diva star I just be a wee old lad hickin his way across the country and cooking up some traits to help heemself survive~
    December 14th, 2011 at 01:30am
  • You are the CUTEST THING EVER FKFFK GAHH<3 And I hope you're prepared for a life time of me oogling/gushing over it. You know, I have this physical block of forming a closeness with people. Not because I'm untrusting or don't want to, but because it's hard... because I've had such tight, close bonds in the past that have ended and I always compare them and get scared I'll "replace" them, but... I can't really compare you to much, and I feel really attached to you in a caring way. <3 Like I want to keep you safe and warm and happy because your soul is so sweet. I hope you don't find that creepy; I'm just personally desensitized to any level creepiness, you know! XD

    I want to be a lump of nothing. :/
    Which is true and not true. I was telling my lover, I don't know if my heart is a... curse.. or a gift. When I'm in the right place, I feel love so deeply and endlessly, but likewise, the pain and loneliness is limitless when it rushes through it, and I've had a hard, hard year of cruel parents who have destroyed so many of what I loved about me be taking away my freedom and my lover and punishing him in inhumane ways, and I'm still at only 20% recovered from the damage. But I live on, because there are beautiful things, and I just want to feel them again.

    I love what you said about the doll thing. Arms I do agree that you're purdy purdy, but I don't see you as stiff or unreal at all. Don't sell yourself short, lovely. c: You're more full of strength and honor and kindness and love and life than you know, and I see it in you so well.

    I sell myself short all the time.
    But that's why we have people to tell us- to see- the truth about us. <3
    For our bottomless hearts that are gifts even when the plague seems inescapable.
    December 8th, 2011 at 05:10am
  • haflkahsd;flajsdfl;asdjfl;hasd;fljasdfl;k ja

    .... FFS, I'll just reply to you in our chat. But in case you want a general idea of what I'll tell you, its that I love you so very very very much. More than you can possibly imagine, and that I want to thank you for being one of my biggest reasons for being alive to see this. God, the idea of being able to share a hug with you one day has got to be one of the greatest gifts I could recieve. Trust me, I can't wait. Arms Arms Arms

    And regardless of how long I end up living, whether it's well into my 100's or if it's on my 21st. (I prefer the first), you will always be the biggest reason why I've made it this far, and you know that when I do end up having to go get my wings back, I'll be waiting for an eternity if I have to for you. Promise.

    I love you so much. Thank you, Lary.
    December 8th, 2011 at 03:27am
  • oh, i've had a few lovers, none of which worked out. many haters, but that's alright i can accept it. family is great, and friends are good. i'm trying to figure out the next year of my life..

    you! i'm sorry to hear about the crazy situations Arms unless they are good crazy, which i sure hope they are!
    December 3rd, 2011 at 05:10pm
  • i've stumbled into some crazy times, looking for a little solace in the place that has brought me the most. my lanta, how have YOU been, it's been months upon months! Arms
    December 2nd, 2011 at 12:44am
  • sweet jesus, lar. i miss you.
    December 2nd, 2011 at 12:36am