Hearing:The peaceful sound of my tabletop fountain.
Talking to:Talking to my Mom, messaging with a good friend or two.(

Jun / 17 / 2023 - I stepped away from writing for a LONG time. I've tried to participate in NaNoWriMo each year (since 2009.) I started writing fiction when I was just nine years old. I'm 30 now. Genealogy takes up most of my time but I'm trying to get back into things.(

I'm Brecca Mefford, but most people call me Vandalia LaRue. I'm 30 years old. Born and raised in western Kentucky. I've been writing since age nine, fourth grade. I did a portfolio that year that really sparked an interest in writing, especially creative writing like fan-fiction. I had to do a short story that year and it was fan-fiction, based on the soap opera, One Life to Live. These days, I'm usually always doing genealogy (I'm a genetic genealogist, cemetery researcher, and local historian) but I still dabble in writing. I love fan-fiction, but also occasionally write non-fiction historical works especially on my genealogy FB page. Look for me under "Genealogy by Brecca" on there!

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Steal and die.