unapologetic. / Comments

  • EEK! I feel so bad cause I havent' replied to you in aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages.
    Butbutbut, I will PM you as soon as I can.
    Haven't forgotten about you.
    All will be explained ;D
    March 30th, 2008 at 03:07pm
  • heh, feel free to ramble on comments i dont mind! thank youse for the story comment!! i'm gald you like it!
    there will deffo be more soon :)
    March 15th, 2008 at 02:53pm
  • so mia how was your "date" with frankie. hahaha soooooo, like i have told you over and over i love you your storys, i miss seeing fishey, my job has gotten so hectic. you never knew how much time a nurses intern takes. : ). well i am thinking of qutting just you see you aimii and the boys (mainly fishey), hahaha talk to you later
    March 2nd, 2008 at 05:20am
  • lol
    thanks for the salute!!

    it wasnt too too hard..
    that's what the tv is for.
    February 22nd, 2008 at 04:38am
    *tackles cup of coffee, somehow manages to not make it spill, and then hugs it*

    random-ness makes the world go WHEE.
    in my opinion.

    sorry for such a late reply...
    my lapotp charger cord frayed and snapped... so i had to go 2 AND A HALF WEEKS WITHOUT THE INTERNET.
    but i'm back, which means i can resume annoying you.


    February 17th, 2008 at 06:23pm
  • -hugs tightly-
    where did you go? i got disconnected then you werent there when i came back
    did your mum catch you?
    stupid siblings...
    speak to you soonish okay?
    February 16th, 2008 at 10:10pm
  • i wanted to make it easier for you...

    yellow monkeys bumming bananas in a coconut tree whilst singing, welcome to the black parade, have taken over the artic since the purple-polka dotted penguins with mango heads have decided to conquer the sahara desert but the green llamas will can-can in front of them until they leave. Then russia will be renamed AARGHHOPOLIS and europe will be smushed together into america so there will be no need for time zones and teenies will go PUFF and disappear randomly so they will be a new festival for the extermination of teenies world wide and it will be called NAH NA NAH NA NA YOU CAN ANNOY US ANY MORE!!which would be organised by the two-headed, one-legged giraffe. However all of this was a ploy set up by the wasps who are defeated by granny smiths so they formed an alliance with the lemons and their followers who regulary meet to plan world domination on things called INO, GSB and their ringleader called Mibba (because, lts face it, Mibbas the best out of the three)the vampires will infect badgers so vampire badgers will run amok and duel the werewolf-bitten fish because they ran over one of the badgers named ARRGHLANDEM (originally called Steve) who was until recently, was living in Sherwood Pines but then two daft blondes with no sense of direction got completely lost and had to flag down cyclists to see whether they knew the way out but they didnt cos they were actually not cyclists at all but actually brightly dressed flowers moving at speed like the tumbleweed that was taking over chat on MIBBA cos everyone was gagged but the one-eyed three-toed flamingos pointed out that it didnt make a difference because you type instead of speak so they superglued everyones fingers to the desk so really the whole world ends up even more fucked up then usual, with a side order of choas, destruction, madness and delirium (of course the aliens are making me write this because they infected me when i kicked the computer repeatedly when it tried to commit suicide again), after being suggested for therepy by my good friend termination on schedule with the aid of sprinkling of nitro gylcerine placed in a massofwebs giving to the bib n00b then pukedup to ruthy and then i ate it as well as the orange pickled onions which made my eyes water and little pixies are dancing to The End, and i feel like im gonna collapse so excuse me for a second and ill meet you
    in the pavilkion where we will destroy homework, time zones and accidental posting before I FINISHED!

    Black_Queen Smiley
    February 16th, 2008 at 06:27pm
  • The new chapter of 'Healed' is up.
    February 12th, 2008 at 03:48am
  • :o You sneaky devil. Updated your profile and such without me knowing ;P
    Tee hee.. I'm bored at school and sadly don't have an extremely long email from you to reply to ... to busy myself with.
    February 6th, 2008 at 06:28am
  • Completley honestly, I tried to update tonight, but I have a load of issues going on that are so exhausting right now, and I physically can't.

    I don't want it to be half-arsed and shitty, because as I write this comment, I'm literally half asleep already...

    So yeah.
    No update tonight, and I really am sorry.

    But I'll get one done tomorrow with any luck, okay?

    Thanks for reading.
    February 5th, 2008 at 12:14am
  • okay, ill spread the word now but....
    -looks down- random much? o.O
    i mean, who is that obessive they make up disorders and clubs.. wait a sec... scratch that, shall we invite her into MCSE? heheSmiley [by the way, no offense was meant to mikeysrevenge, im just weird.]
    February 3rd, 2008 at 11:05am
  • Hi :) the name is Mikeysrevenge. I am obsessive over Mikey and have no idea why!! My icon says Obsessive My Chemical Romance Disorder!! check it out under my pics! -runs away with Mikey-
    February 3rd, 2008 at 05:00am
  • yeah, next saturday sounds good, i'll spread the word on here and INO okay?
    -plots...- Smiley
    February 2nd, 2008 at 11:20am
  • hmmm... yeah, we would [b] REALLY! [/b] scare them. yeah, my times 5:24pm now so...-shrugs-
    snow? the best we had to that was snow has a slight hail.
    hmm.. freezzzzzzzing and tired.
    anyway, when shall we meet up? saturday, perhaps?
    February 1st, 2008 at 06:29pm
  • i know, I WANT MCSE BACK!!! -sniffle-
    Once again, damn those stupid time zones.... shall we organise summat soonish? like telling everyone that we should meet up one night or something then agree and see if everyone can make it? hmmm... the message board might not be the [i] best [/i] of ideas, perhaps on the unlikelihood that they can make them private...nevermind. how are you doing anyway?

    \m/ >< \m/ = rock on. Smiley
    February 1st, 2008 at 04:55pm
  • HEY! i havent spoken to you for AGES!!

    now look at this;

    "Group-Written Stories
    Have a story with three or more Mibbians included? Need a thread to help bring together your authors to plot and plan? Come here and make your thread."

    and i immediately thought of us... though im doubtful that they'll let us keep the thread with what we usually talk about. when was the last meeting? seems years ago...

    how are you doing? lil sis not biting you to much i hope
    January 29th, 2008 at 11:33pm
  • oh wow,
    i didn't even realize our names were simial till you pointed it out.

    we BOTH happen to have long profiles.
    therefore, we're almost like mibba ROYALTY.

    it didnt really soundTHAT pervy, cause i knew what ya meant.
    YAY i'm a happy panda cause *sneezes, blows nose* i didnt have to go to school today.
    i guess colds are good for SOMETHING... othe than making me go through 3 boxes of tissues in two days...

    i want coffee...
    that was random...
    January 28th, 2008 at 03:08pm
  • *pokes and squeezy-hugs back*

    w00t for our...goldfish-ness?

    *frankie grin*

    lol most people give up before reaching the end of my profile cause it's SO FREAKIN' LONG!!
    so thanks for actually taking the time to read it.


    p.s. i read ur entire profile too.
    we seem to have a lot in common. awesome-tastic-ness!!
    January 28th, 2008 at 05:21am
  • ya welcome!

    i don;t even want to THINK about valentines day.
    it doesn't help that the ONE guy i like at my new school i've seen making out with his gf/skank several times in the hallway.

    oh well.
    life goes on.
    there is a mountain of hot guys waiting SOMEwhere...

    chaaa... the internet randomly decides to hate people. it's mean like that.
    January 28th, 2008 at 03:58am
  • i've never had a boyfriend...so seeing couples in the hall give me a feeling crossed between a wave of nausea and a hatchet blow to the chest. *grimace-y smile*

    i do the same thing.
    ew, love. it BURNS.

    jus thought i'd say the above and that you have an awesome profile.
    January 23rd, 2008 at 10:57pm