
ok, so imagine this...I wake up yesterday, perfectly normal day and I decide for the first time in like a month that today is the day I'm gonna check my twitter. So I log on and what's the first thing I see??? People posting that Panic at the Disco is breaking up.So I pretty much spent all of yesterday freaking out...as in checking every possible website, waiting for someone to say that this was...
July 7th, 2009 at 04:50pm

Hiiiiiiiiii <3

Hey People!I'm a newbie,Yay!!! ( *note sarcasm*)I dunno if I'm actually gonna post anything on here. I've only ever written for fanfiction.net, but I'll be around.Oh, and if I deleted anyone's comment, Sorry! I thought it was a glitch when I installed my layout. (in my defense, It's like 2:00 in the morning right now and I am not exactly the brightest when I'm tired. You gotta love insomnia,...
July 4th, 2009 at 07:42am