pinkgrenade / Comments

  • Haha, no I get it! All my Poolie chps are exactly 5 to 5.5 pages. It's insane. I don't know why, I just feel like that's a good length! I'm glad to know that I'm not the same, haha. Some chps can be longer, but I normally judge on the scene. So if I'm at 4 pgs but the next scene is gonna be long, I just throw in some filler. I hate writing filler, though, I feel like it's a cop out... But oh well. :D
    February 10th, 2011 at 03:32am
  • Oh gosh, no, I don't hate you. It takes a lot for me to hate someone, haha. Besides, I do understand what you mean about part of it being rushed. It was one of those "okay..last chapter...quite a few things need to happen." Because I like to have like, round numbers to end stories (multiples of five, usually, I don't know why...) and I know I rushed part of it. But I really did want it to be more open-ended than anything, so I'm glad that that is the way that people read it as well. But anyhoo~~ Thank you so much for reading my story! It means so much to me when people spend any amount of time on something that I did, you know? Thank you. :)
    February 5th, 2011 at 03:05pm
  • I see what you mean by the term writer's block - because most of the time it isn't a 'block' but a issue in getting the scene out onto paper, into text.
    But yay, you got it figured out!
    And minimal drama is good, you're right, adults dont have a teenie hissy fit out of nowhere! I love how much you've thought it all out!
    February 2nd, 2011 at 09:15pm
  • The snow banks around here are taller than I am (and I'm 5'1"). It's insane. I'm so scared I'm gonna walk out of my apartment and an icicle is gonna fall on me, they're humongous. I heard a few of them falling last night. Roofs all around my state are collapsing like crazy, my friend had to get on his roof the other day and shovel snow off of it.

    I've been learning French for about 6 years now, it's pretty cool. There are a couple of times in class where I laugh at what the teacher says because it just sounds so funny. There's only 7 kids in my class this year which makes it really fun, I get to know the kids in my class better.
    February 2nd, 2011 at 06:44pm
  • Aaaaah I know what you mean! Like Facebook!
    Ohh, I know how you feel - it's like a horrible writers' block, right?
    February 1st, 2011 at 09:29pm
  • I'm glad you don't mind my redundancy. = )
    It just stopped snowing here like 20 minutes ago, we're supposed to get a heavy wintery mix tomorrow too. So it looks like I'll have 2 days off in a row...again. Midterms went pretty well, I finally got them all done (except my French one which I'm finishing next time I have school).
    How high is the snow where you are? How much have you gotten?
    February 1st, 2011 at 09:19pm
  • I heart you more!!
    (now update ;])
    February 1st, 2011 at 07:14pm
  • Yes this totally just made my day reading this. I look forward to the next update! Ahhhhh old school Incubus pictures are the bombbbb
    January 28th, 2011 at 01:55am
  • Haha :) I love when people don't see things coming. Especially with this particular chapter because I was worried it was predictable...
    Either way. Thank you so much. :)
    January 19th, 2011 at 01:54pm
  • I will be waiting for when you finish the rest of the chapters. :)
    And also: reading > everything else. I do this instead of hw. Because I suck.
    But yes. 2010 sucked. I also hope you like the rest of the chapters. :)
    January 18th, 2011 at 12:20pm
  • Haha I love how you catch everything! Initially I was going to have the Hells Angels play a larger role, as I was reading an autobiography written by the Vice President of the Oakland Chapter of the Hells Angels for more background information. However, I do believe it was a mixture of, well, forgetting and worrying that I wouldn't do it justice (piss poor excuses, I know). I realized once I finished writing it that I didn't have more about them and part of me wants to go back and edit it. But since I'm pretty much out of my OMG JACOB BLACK IS SO HAWT phase (but, I mean, he still is), I don't think I would be able to make it better because my heart wouldn't be as in it.

    As for Nessie, in my mind, there was a scuffle after she was born. She was probably two or three in my mind and they had left her with someone during the scuffle for safety but they got to her before Jacob could protect her. Honestly, I didn't think ALL of it through. If it's part of the back story that I don't delve into, it's severely underdeveloped (I'm horrible at that).

    But anyhoosier. :) Thank you for spending so much time reading my stuff! I'm sure you had maaaannnyyyy better things to do but it means so much to me. :)
    January 14th, 2011 at 09:00pm
  • I'm going to try to thank you properly and hope that I adequately describe how big your comment made me smile. I guess it's because I never think of something that I write as inspirational in any way but I am deeply flattered, honored, and humbled by your words. Inspiration in any form, from any source, it something to be desired and coveted, and I'm glad that I helped you in any way. I also hope that you like everything that I've written! My earlier stories aren't the best but, like with any writer, styles develop and their skills tighten, so. Anyway. Thank you so much! You made my night. <3 <3
    January 14th, 2011 at 03:51am
  • I just wanted to say that I adore your writing style and would love to get an update on Breaking the Silence!
    January 2nd, 2011 at 08:30am
  • Thanks!!! And you're welcome. : D
    November 29th, 2010 at 06:24pm
  • Oh thank God! *dies happily*
    November 29th, 2010 at 08:29am
  • Without trying to be a pain... WHY HAVEN'T YOU UPDATED LIFE ON MARS!! I'm like dieing here!
    November 28th, 2010 at 03:32pm
  • :D You should update SOON.. it would bring me geat joy
    September 30th, 2010 at 04:54am
  • Well shit. Thank you so much for your comment on Overpass.
    I appreciate it so much :)

    And you're right, I haven't been able to update it in a while. My laptop had everything saved on it, not that I had much written anyway, but it crashed like a month ago so I've had to use my ipod for the internet.
    So writing might take a while for me, but I promise I'll update as soon as I can
    September 29th, 2010 at 11:57pm
  • Hahaha, I never thought someone would ever say that! I have a horrible vocabulary, it just consists of 'fucking' and 'wanker' most of the time.
    I ADORE your story, literally, it's one of the best stories I've ever read!
    September 29th, 2010 at 07:25pm
  • Hey, so.. I just wanted to tell you that I pretty much LOVE your story 'Life On Mars'. Yeah :)
    September 29th, 2010 at 07:43am