Soul To Squeeze; / Comments

  • Galaxia;

    Galaxia; (100)

    United States
    Ohhkay. So my first message didn't really send through. What I meant to say is, please update your story Twists of Fate! I miss it so much! <3
    July 21st, 2012 at 12:55pm
  • Galaxia;

    Galaxia; (100)

    United States
    Oh, please update your story Twisted! I miss it so much :(
    July 21st, 2012 at 12:54pm
  • eternally.forever;;

    eternally.forever;; (100)

    United States
    November 29th, 2011 at 05:50pm
  • OutInTheCold

    OutInTheCold (100)

    Hi! I'm so sorry I may be pushy now but.. I saw you liked Jonas brothers.. or so I take it anyways haha :P
    I got a storie (Once In A Lifetime) that I started to write to my friend, with Nick Jonas.
    So my question is: U wanna read it?
    It would be so awesome if u did and send me a comment with your thoughts. I really wanna know what you Mibb's think!
    Thank you so much! XoXo Kaihle
    October 12th, 2011 at 05:56am
  • Cloudy.Mcnebulous;;

    Cloudy.Mcnebulous;; (100)

    United States
    haha. Sorry for the late reply. I went to go leave you a comment and then I had to rush out the door so I wasn't late for my sister's ASL talent night. I WISH i had my spring break this week:( But we already had ours. It seems like everybody's partyin' while we're stuck in school. haha. Yay for As! haha.

    Layers are definitely intriguing. Especially when they're on a boy. ahaha. I mean most girls LOVE mysterious guys. Getting to know someone and saying you figured them out is definitely a nice feeling. Plus if people were just out in the open it'd be boring because you really wouldn't have to get to know anybody. I think you have to not care about others and what they think. The only problem you should worry about is hurting people's feelings. But sarcasm doesn't really do that. TUMBLR! I'm not addicted yet but I think I'm slowly starting to convert over from twitter to tumblr. haha. All the shrek movies are disturbing to be honest with you. haha. But I still always loved them. That was my childhood passtime. haha. Well, one of them.

    Guys. Ugh. I could talk all day about how annoying guys are. But then again I could also talk about how awesome they are. haha. I HATE that. Almost all the boys in my class do that. I'm just like;; Really?! The only ones in my class that don't do that are the asians. haha. I LOVE the asian boys in my class:) They're such gentlemen and they're HILARIOUS. I know...sometimes I ask myself if there are any nice boys left in the world. Cambridge isn't too difficult for me besides math and chem. But my grades could definitely use a boost. Why are you expected to have all A's?

    NICKLEY! aha. I like it. It's not what you would expect from a couple name but it's super cute! {By the way I say cute and super and uber a lot. I apologize.} It would have been funny to do Niley but I don't like Nick and Miley together all too much. Nickley is a pretty awesome name. haha.

    haha. You must REALLY like Nick. I'm more in love with his voice, though:) Gahh. It's so amazing. He has nice hands too:) haha. I'm weird with my boys. Like the last boy I liked I really liked his hands...haha. And his voice:) Those are definitely my weaknesses.

    It's definitely important to show that change but in a subtle way. I think it's weird when the character says exactly what the writer wants to accomplish. It totally kills the whole idea of foreshadowing. But YES! Riley is definitely my favorite character:) I loveee her soo much. She kind of reminds me a little bit of myself but I don't think I'm as shy. I mean, I'm pretty shy but I know how to talk sometimes too.

    :o That drama filled? Dang! YES! I love juicy drama stories:)

    :o.........VENICE? ITALY? Oh my goodness that's going to be amazeballs{I also say amazeballs a lot}. Dude, I seriously can't wait for the sequel. But right now I'm just looking forward to them FINALLY getting together:) But to be honest I think the longer you wait the more exciting it is when they finally DO decide to start dating. Eeek. I'm soo excited for the sequel and they're coming together.

    LUCKY! I totally wish I was soakin' u the sun:\ But have fun!!!
    April 23rd, 2011 at 06:24pm
  • Soul To Squeeze;

    Soul To Squeeze; (100)

    United States
    Talk about late replies! I am sorry, as well. School has been extra hard last three days before spring break, so I had to study a lot. It paid off because I got an A in History, yay!

    Layers, layers, layers. I think they make us all more interesting, you know? I mean if people were simple to understand, where would the fun be? Haha. I mean, I am quite sarcastic but in school I am never that way; most of the time I just sit back and act normal [which I am not, I have tumblr! I am among the awesomest people on Earth, hahaha] and just relax. I am always worried about how people in my class will interpret some of my sarcastic comments, so I refrain.
    And yes… how did she get pregnant? It seems just a bit disturbing now that I look back on it. Hahaha.

    Why can’t life be chocolate cakes, rainbows and smiles? I hate that it can’t be that way. So silly.

    Guys are confusing. Like, when they are around each other, in their groups, they act much differently than when you get one of them alone. It’s funny in a way, yet annoying at the same time. It really annoys me sometimes. Like, why can’t they just be nice? It really isn’t that hard. Hahaha. And my school is hard as well, not Cambridge, but it’s horrible. I am expected to have As, mostly.

    Nickley! What do you think? Nick + Riley = Nickley. Hahaha. I was thinking about the fact that their couple name could be Niley, which bugged me. Not original at all! And then I came up with Nickley, which sounds pretty awesome to me. So Nickley! Ha!

    Of course Nick is perfect. –le sigh- I love him so much! Gosh. His eyes, his hair, his voice, his nose, his smile, his lips, his neck, his arms, his butt [yes!], his back, his eyelashes, his … HIM. x)

    Oh and I really want to focus on that change that is happening between the two of them. They cause those changes to one another and build themselves in a good way. I mean, it is easier to notice it about Riley because you see her thoughts, but Nick is changing as well. He is much nicer. Hahaha.
    Awe… and she is one of your favourite characters on Mibba? That made my day! <3

    My highschool life is teen TV show worthy. Wanna hear the story? Hahaha.

    They will be together in SMM, but the best part comes in the sequel. Ha!
    And I guess Europe will be nice. Mostly in the UK, though I am thinking of incorporating Venice and Italy a bit. Because I love Italy!

    Gosh. Spring break dude!!! :D
    April 21st, 2011 at 12:12pm
  • trinity_jonas

    trinity_jonas (100)

    United States
    I Did :)
    There really good too :)
    April 21st, 2011 at 04:47am
  • trinity_jonas

    trinity_jonas (100)

    United States
    no problem :) i love you stories so much!! an your such a good writer :)
    just keep posting strip my mind i wanna see what happens :D
    April 19th, 2011 at 04:57am
  • Cloudy.Mcnebulous;;

    Cloudy.Mcnebulous;; (100)

    United States
    Sorry for the late reply. School and homework. Bleghh.

    ANYWAYS!! We all definitely have layers. I mean even I do, I'll admit it. I'm usually a really affable, happy person but I still have problems and I still feel sad sometimes. A lot of the time I think we put on masks of our true identities. We act the opposite of how we are. That's not always the case but in most social situations, like school, it is. Like I'm really out-going but my confidence level holds me back at school. That's so true! Life can't always be chocolate cakes, rainbows and smiles. haha. As odd as that sounds. Life happens but you have to focus on the little things that make life worth it, right? Oh my...hahaha. That is sooo true. I never really thought about that. How did she get pregnant. I don't even want to imagine it. I'll get creeped out.

    So true. Guys can be such jerks sometimes. I don't like how they think they have to be that way. Like...they have to NOT care to prove that they like us? I don't get it. They're so confusing. Yes really. The guys in my class=jerks! Ugh. They need to learn some manners. They don't even hold open doors for girls. Yes, cambridge:\ it's sooo hard.

    I gathered that he was insecure. Everyone is even the tiniest way. But Nick has nothing to be insecure about. He seems genuinely nice in this but he lets his paranoia get in the way of things. He definitely needs to use some of that determination to fuel him when it comes to his relationships. He needs to change!!! hahaha. Although he's already pretty much perfect:) And I totally agree about what you said about people being able to do anything at any point in their life. You just have to want something and be passionate about it.

    Riley definitely has changed. Not drastically but enough! haha. She needs to be more up front with Nick though. She needs to take control if he's not willing to. hahaha. But yes, She is definitly one of my favorite characters on mibba ever. I love her sooo much!

    Aww sorry to hear that:( I'm one of those people who tries to stay away from drama but eventually gets around to me. Not too often but every once in a while. You just have to be the bigger person and realize that stressing over Drama is just going to be a burden for not only you but the people you're arguing with. In the end it's all a waste of time.

    YES! Finally they end up together:) butttt aww:( Things happen?!?! Not good. hahaha. Oooooh.{insider information} haha. EUROPE! That's going to be interesting. I can't wait to see why the story takes place in different locations:)
    April 19th, 2011 at 04:46am
  • Bubblegum Pops

    Bubblegum Pops (100)

    United States
    So what have you been up to today? :)
    April 19th, 2011 at 12:14am
  • Bubblegum Pops

    Bubblegum Pops (100)

    United States
    Haha! Yea. Dude, I love that guy.
    Though, it's been a while since I've written anything Jonas related.
    April 18th, 2011 at 11:20pm
  • Bubblegum Pops

    Bubblegum Pops (100)

    United States
    I swear, we are so much alike that it's starting to freak me out a little. ;)
    April 18th, 2011 at 11:12pm
  • Bubblegum Pops

    Bubblegum Pops (100)

    United States
    Haha. Can you explain that to my mother. ;)
    I'm sure she'll listen to someone who isn't her daughter.
    April 18th, 2011 at 11:04pm
  • Bubblegum Pops

    Bubblegum Pops (100)

    United States
    Haha. :) Thank God for summer. :)
    That's what I say to my mom but she always; "well, too much sleep isn't good."
    And all I say is whatever and I fall back asleep. :P
    April 18th, 2011 at 10:59pm
  • Bubblegum Pops

    Bubblegum Pops (100)

    United States
    That's how I am! Haha. My mom actually woke me up for lunch one time and I fell asleep after eating. (which isn't a very healty thing to do). haha.
    Yes! I will brag. ;D
    I love spring break because after that you know school is ending soon.
    April 18th, 2011 at 10:52pm
  • Bubblegum Pops

    Bubblegum Pops (100)

    United States
    Haha. :) Okay!
    Yea, I was slept in till 12p.m today. :) It felt amazing.
    No need to brag or anything. :P
    April 18th, 2011 at 10:47pm
  • Bubblegum Pops

    Bubblegum Pops (100)

    United States
    When is your spring break?
    Today is my frist day of spring break! :)
    Oh cool. I'm working on [i]Saving Peyton[/i].
    There's a link on my profile if you wanna check it out? ::)
    April 18th, 2011 at 10:43pm
  • Bubblegum Pops

    Bubblegum Pops (100)

    United States
    I've been pretty good.
    Just working on my new Nick story. :)
    How have you been? :)
    April 18th, 2011 at 09:42pm
  • Bubblegum Pops

    Bubblegum Pops (100)

    United States
    Hi. :)
    Long time no talk!
    It's Holly by the way. :P
    April 18th, 2011 at 08:48pm
  • wildest dreams

    wildest dreams (100)

    United States
    Welcome ! (:
    I'm okay, how are you??(:
    April 18th, 2011 at 12:11am