Soul To Squeeze; / Comments

  • Cloudy.Mcnebulous;;

    Cloudy.Mcnebulous;; (100)

    United States
    You shouldn't feel weird, dude! You should totally feel proud because you're writing is sooooo amazing. I'm not even kidding. I so wish that I could be so d etailed and use such amazing analogies. You're good, don't doubt yourself!!

    Well Shrek WAS right. I mean we all are kind of more than what we seem. It's true for almost everybody. Shy people are really out-going but they just don't want to be judged. Out-going people are really shy they just don't want to be alone. There's always more to someone but not everybody looks or thinks deep enough. Donkey is thee best Donkey without a doubt:) Man, I loved him back in the day. Shrek reminds me soo much of my childhood.

    Nick totally can be mean. But most guys can so it's kind of understandable{Don't even know if that's a real word. haha}. Like the guys at my jerks even though they're in cambridge. I mean he'd expect them to be a LITTLE nicer but no. They make fun of the girls all the time and tell them to shut up. I hate when guys do that. It's annoying and totally degrading. Nick does seem determined:) hehe. He needs to get with Riley already!!

    Riley needs to get some confidence! She needs to totally stand up to Nick when he's mean to her. Even if they both have gone through a lot, it seems like, she can't let him talk to her like that!

    I have a handful of friends. Not toooo much like; DANG! But I have a good amount. hahaha. I'm not overally out-going but I'm not mute shy. I don't think it matters what other people think. If you have one good friend and are completely happy then who cares how many friends you have, right?

    :O They don't end up together until the sequel? Whhhhat?
    April 17th, 2011 at 06:41pm
  • Cloudy.Mcnebulous;;

    Cloudy.Mcnebulous;; (100)

    United States
    Awww. No problem:) And thank YOU for writing such an amazing story. hahaha. It gives me something to look forward to when you do update. So you're definitely the one to thank!

    I totally agree with the whole Riley's point of view thing. It kind of shows that she thinks she's awkward and everything but then her actions are a little bit shifted from what she thinks. It goes along with that saying;; People see you differntly than you see yourself. A lot of the time your biggest critic is yourself. That most definitely is the case with Riley. Well, that's what I think anyways. haha. If she was really socially awkward then she wouldn't have friends, right? Nick's layers, oh my goodness! That was sooo amazing. haha. Don't get offended or anything but it kind of reminded me of Shrek. How him and donkey are like walking thourgh that field of onions and Donkeys talking about how Shrek's all guarded and blah blah blah. And then Shrek holds up the onion and tells Donkey that Ogres are like Onions. haha.

    Aww. I feel so special, getting a little insider information. haha. So Nick is paranoid about something? Hmmm. If so then that totally makes sense. You know, why he's nice to Riley and then suddenly he goes back to his mean ways. Ahhh...Nick:) I love the way you've written him. He's soo nice but so masculine. He's kind of like my perfect guy in this story. Well...when he's being nice. haha.

    I understand the Peter thing! When I write a 'villian' into my story people start off hating him/her immediately. It's only because they want Nick and Riley to end up together that people don't like Peter. That's why I don't like him, personally. hahaha. That and he seems suuuper sketchy. But he WAS at a club. I mean...people get crazy in the club.

    Keep the cutesy parts! I loooove them so much:) They're soo...cute! ahahaha. You actually should put MORE of them in! They're to die for.
    April 16th, 2011 at 08:17pm
  • wildest dreams

    wildest dreams (100)

    United States
    love your layout !((:
    April 15th, 2011 at 11:46pm
  • SuperWhoVengeLock

    SuperWhoVengeLock (100)

    United States
    Yay! I can't wait!!!
    April 13th, 2011 at 09:16pm
  • quiet storm.

    quiet storm. (100)

    United States
    I usually copy the text as I write now, haha. I hate accidents like that.

    Oh, sorry for the late reply, by the way. I was going to yesterday but I got sidetracked, and then today we all went to go visit my grandpa in the hospital because he went in yesterday.

    Haha, Now I don’t feels so alone. I don’t think I have too much of a temper now, but I do get irritated and angry somewhat easily. I just don’t exactly yell or show it. I’m more of the silent anger or I make remarks with an attitude. If I ever get really angry, which I haven’t yet, I’d probably be worse.
    I know what you mean, though. I’m turning into a perfectionist with certain things. I don’t want to call myself a brat, because I’m not, but if things don’t go my way with certain things then I’ll get upset. And I love to be right, too! Haha. I hate being wrong. It’s embarrassing to me and it’s just… UGH. Being right is nice, but I never rub it in or anything. (5 second dance parties rock!)

    ‘Cause you love me and I hate you! I’m right, you’re wrong, move on!’

    Haha, I need to hear a full recoded version; seriously.

    But back to the conversation. I hate it when people are right (because I’m wrong) and then they make a big deal out of it. I’m like, whatever – don’t even speak to me right now. (Don’t speak to me, don’t be lying… Had to with the Don’t Speak reference. :D)

    Don’t be ashamed! Just take a breath (don’t forget to take a breath… another reference to an amazing song, but aren’t they all?)

    Bahaha. Thanks! I’ll let her know. :D

    I know. I just want to be in a different place. I never do anything that I want, it seems. Like… we were in the store today after eating and we were going to check in with my grandpa again. I saw so many cute clothes that were actually my style for once, but every time I showed my grandma she’d make a remark or didn’t like it. She’d say that it isn’t summer yet so I should just look for Spring clothes I saw this cute casual dress and getting it would be a change, but she said I didn’t have shoes to wear with it. I have boots! I have a pair of sandals that would go with it! And then she’d be like, on almost every thing I looked at, “where are you going to wear it? Walking to the next room?” Okay, I can’t help it that I’m doing schooling from home and that I NEVER get to go anywhere else. It’s not like I have friends to do things with, but I never get to go anywhere, like, with my sister or do something else. So I got irritated and was just like, “whatever.” And they wonder why I get mad. I don’t get to wear what I want, do what I want, or go anywhere I want. I almost started crying because then I had to think about how I’m probably too fat for it anyway (I have way low self-esteem, but I have no reason not to.)

    I have nothing against it because my grandma was just trying to help, but I was just so frusterated.

    Anyway, that rant was enough. Haha

    My sleeping pattern is definitely messed up. I need to fix it somehow. Five hours of sleep? I’m pretty much there with you on that one. I’m a productive child, too; sleep, eat, school online, computer, sleep. You’re more productive then me though. Haha. I wish I had a LIFE.

    There’s just something about it. I mean, I get lazy often and don’t feel like writing, but when I get in the mood it feels good. Especially when you get feedback and compliments; it makes it worth it for sure. Win-win, yes! I totally agree. These Nicks could be their very own character. Just knowing he looks like Nick Jonas, has similar traits that we think he has, and shares the same name makes it interesting. The stories that we write, otherwise, are pretty much original fiction.
    Anything Nick Jonas is classy. :D

    Oh, no way! You have no idea how excited I was, haha. Adream about BD? And the Mario scene?! I love it. That’s so awesome. And Nick played himself…. Yessss. Was Monroe in it? How did you picture her if she was?

    Oh, I do see the problem. I like sweet guys that are funny and down to earth. I also like guys that are into music – whether they play or are just really into it (because this guy liked me that played guitar, but I was not into him at all.) Anyway, it’s good that you get along good with him. He seems caring, too, then.
    Oh, I love brown eyes. I’m actually not a fan of blue eyes too much. Brown ones seem so warm. I like green or hazel though, too, just brown better for some reason. I won’t base things off looks, though – it just helps. ;P bahaha.
    He sounds like a catch for sure. Maybe you guys could talk about it sometime? Haha. I wouldn’t be able to tell a guy I liked him, at least I don’t think. Maybe if I really did. I just haven’t really felt anything for anyone yet.

    He’s not really my best friend, but he is a good guy friend. I think it’s sort of cute too. It kind of makes me happy when he says that and I just like talking to him, but I’m not sure if I like-like him. I think that maybe there’s a little crush, but not enough to make me feel weird or act like it. I’m naturally quiet around people, though. I haven’t talked to him much lately, but since he has a girlfriend I don’t think much of him liking me. It obviously isn’t enough, ya know? Haha.
    I understand that. It could definitely ruin the friendship, but there’s always a chance that it could work.
    Woo! Happy early-early birthday (in case I don’t remember when it comes.)
    My birthday isn’t until May.

    I agree. The best people I’ve met have been over the internet.

    I think that there’s a blessing with every problem. If you stick it through then something good will come for you. And I’d say yes to that Hold On reference, I think; I love that song. : P
    I don’t go to church, but that doesn’t mean you can’t believe and have faith.
    Yess, many girls (cough, cough*includingme*cough, cough) think that about the precious man-child Nicholas. ; ) He IS wonderful.

    Bahaha. When I saw ‘I have my library card’ I swore you were going to put ‘and I’m checking you out’ as a reference to Joe. Too much Jonas on my mind at the moment. Anyway, I really do need to go to the library.
    Really? That’s cool, though. Maybe they were admiring it in a way? Older people like to see respectable younger people, haha. Planning out what you read is cool. It could give you something to look forward to, too.

    I was proud of the cast, too. Nick seemed so natural up there. I definitely praise him.
    And , yes… that guy was pretty handsome. I loved all of their voices. I wish I could do something like that. If I could sing like that it would be so amazing.

    Camp Rock for sure. : D

    Oh, really? That’s really awesome! I’m glad you enjoyed it. I don’t even remember some of the stuff about that story. You discovered things you didn’t notice before? That’s really interesting. I’m not sure if I’ve ever done that with a story. I had hints? Bahaha. I don’t even remember.
    I’m so happy you liked TMT. It was dark and emotional for me to write at times, so I really wanted to try to convey that to everyone that read it. I loved TMT Nick. He was sweet to write. EOL and BD Nick are similar, but I think they are very different, too. TMT Nick was even more different. I think that simple characters (like how he was in TMT) could be more challenging at times, because you don’t know if it really is as simple as it seems or if there’s more. At first, it was just Nick – Cass’s’ boyfriend and Julissa’s neighbor, but then it turned into more. I didn’t want to make his feeling for her too obvious and the confusion of whether or not he liked her or was just confused was something I wanted to show, so I hope I did. I think it was clear by the end though.
    Julissa has let go, thankfully. But I know the plot of the one-shot. I just need to write it.

    Annnnnd…. When with this SMM update be?? Don’t want to bug, but I’m excited for it all. Hehe.

    You and Winnie. How awesome. I really hope she meets your expectations now. She’s actually really fun to write. And I’m hoping people will be able to see how she sort of matures (cause, let’s face it, she’s a little immature at time) and grows by the end. It should be somewhat short, but the chapters are shorter than normal, I think. But it isn’t a long story.
    Alright, alright. No more! Sorry. : P I’m just wondering when exactly to post. I’ve been getting lazy.
    Winter Olivia Wylie is her full name, bahaha. But, I will say no more! Rest will come when the chapters do.

    Oh, I’m sure you can! You’re good at writing.

    Ugh, don’t remind me of that song! Man.
    She’s okay with you skipping sometimes? My grandma was kind of like that, until I started missing weeks. I really hated going and it got me in trouble. I don’t know if I want to go back to regular school next year or not.

    That’s awesome. I think a lot of guys just don’t like them because they’re clean-cut and not punks. They don’t spend the time to understand them or their music, much like a lot of girls don’t either. And that’s exactly right; what reason is there for someone not to like them? They’re adorable angels. ; ) And, in Nick’s case, an adorable man-child angel… or naked marble baby. Bahaha.

    Oh my gosh, my grandma does something similar. She doesn’t refer to him as that, but she always brings him up. When I don’t clean my room: “What would Nick say if he saw this mess? Wouldn’t you be embarrassed?” When I burp and happen not to say excuse me: “What if Nick was right here? Wouldn’t you be embarrassed?” Whenever I don’t do something or I do something wrong, Nick is always brought up. It’s like, “I don’t care!” Like he’s going to show up in this crap town, at my house, and just happen to come in at a time when I’m not doing something right. Yeah… VERY likely. Haha.

    I think they both get a little dorky sometimes, haha. It’s cute, though. This is true. Classy is always associated with Nick Jonas, so now it is in our conversations. I agree. The change of styles a guy can do and pull it off is what makes it good. Nick in suits? Sigh moment. He does look manly, but his adorable man-childness always shines through. [I wonder what he would think, too. : )]

    Aliens. I think so, too. Maybe he really does have a slight obsession with these aliens. Haha. I wonder…

    Staying classy, most definitely. (Epic indeed.)

    (The heart is right. It IS very nice around here.)

    p.s. Awe, thank you! I’m glad my updates can excite you. That makes me really happy. I have to say, though, your updates excite me too. It’s rare, but it happens with a few stories.

    p.p.s. Nickley is an awesome name. It definitely pwns the other, haha. Eh, I was never a fan of them. I think young relationships are cute, but if they keep going back to each other (which I don’t’ see happening again) then I don’t understand. It doesn’t work. But if he’s happy, that’s his business. I like how he wants to keep his private life… private. It kind of shows that he focuses on his music for the fans.
    Awe, Nick with my characters. How nice. : D

    I DO CARE TO KNOW. Yesss.

    p.p.p.s. Irksome is great. I think giddy is a cool word. I haven’t been working with PSCS5 for long, but it can be fun if you play around with it. And no problem, I’m glad I can help some. I hope you feel better again.
    Haha. Don’t worry. It can look sort of overwhelming. I just play around with it a lot and make edits and random banners and whatnot.


    Hahaha^ : P

    Nick’s spelling errors are cute.

    Anyway, he definitely is. They get me that way, too! It’s unbelievable and rare for me, though I can be pretty sensitive. I love 7:05. I actually love It’s About Time. I love the Jonas Brothers album, too, very much so. And a Little Bit Longer is one I can listen to over and over, especially Can’t Have You, Sorry, Lovebug, One Man Show, Got Me Going Crazy, A Little Bit Longer… well, you get the point. : P And I wasn’t disappointed with Lines, Vines, and Trying Times CD at all. I liked the newer sounds and the lyrics in the sings were great. Nick’s album was spectacular [cue fan-girl squeal: ahhhhh] and even the Jonas LA soundtrack was great – I didn’t watch the show, but Critical makes me emotional and the songs on there are really cool.

    His voice is perfection. That’s the only way I can explain it. His baby voice, his puberty voice, his manly-but-still-somehow-baby-ish voice, his theater voice, his talking voice… everything about his voice.

    I think their family is… I don’t know, wholesome? I mean, everyone has problems, but they seemed so balanced and happy and like a REAL family. And Denise IS beautiful. They seem great.
    I actually firmly believe that age is just a number. It shouldn’t matter if you’re in love. (Unless you’re in your 80’s with a fiancé in her twenties, ahem – Hugh Hefner?)

    p.p.p.p.s. :D

    p.p.p.p.p.s. Nick J is most definitely THE BOSS. I couldn’t agree more! Haha. Everyone is jealous because he makes people stay.
    I’ve never really been close with a guy. I would be kind of scared though. I’m a hopeless romantic but getting hurt is such a big concern. I don’t know if I’m afraid. If I ever get to the point where I need to open my heart, maybe I will. Handing someone your heart is a big deal.
    But Jonas love is special. Haha.
    Nick DOES deserve many awards. We’re on the same page, haha.

    p.p.p.p.p.p.w. No homework. This should be a rule!
    Bahaha. YES. Through the dictionary out the window this time. : P

    Yes, yes they are.

    I love Joe’s goofball-ness. I like how you said that. Nick is intelligent and witty, especially with his humor. It’s refreshing. And Kevin… I agree.
    They are adorable. I’m sure their kids will be precious, bahaha. No creepiness.

    We mention man-child a lot. Nick is loved. : ) He really will be. Always.
    HIS BABY FACE. Hagkjhyuhjfc. I cannot. Just… so handsome and beautiful and adorable.

    I like that Bruno Mars song. Not exactly a fan, but that’s a cute song.
    And nice improvising with the song! Haha

    Nick’s smile is definitely something special. He’s insecure about it, but it’s definitely beautiful. It’s crazy how a smile can make you feel, haha.

    No. Nick is perfect just the way he is and we love him.

    p.p.p.p.p.p.p.s. Oooh, wow. These are getting long. Haha. But good idea.

    p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.s. Nick always sounds great, haha, yeah. Nothing but the truth.
    Sneaky, classy, man-child Nicholas. ; )

    p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.s. Ugh! You just reminded me to add that to my signature next time like I wanted, haha.
    BOUNCE is always forever. It was the most epic thing ever. SAME HERE! I couldn’t believe it. And Nick writing it is just perfect. Goodness. Is there anything he CAN’T do?? I loved that hat and the shades and his mustache and mismatch shoes and super tight pants and jacket… everything. And his pet mouse, bahaha. And JOE. Oh goodness. Forget about this. I just can’t even.

    I think I got it wrong. It should be “Keep it funky, keep it bouncin.” That shall be said often.
    His goofy side is adorable. I’ve said that enough though.

    Oh my goodness. These are long.
    April 11th, 2011 at 03:51am
  • quiet storm.

    quiet storm. (100)

    United States
    Oh my gosh, I've done that so many times. I literally stare at the computer, mouth wide, and yell, "NOOOOOOO!"
    I used to have a bad temper when I was younger, I think, and I've mellowed out some. But, man, I get angry pretty easily if somebody does something. I was ready to throw my waterbottle at the wall once, but I manged to stop myself last minute and let it go with barely any force. And like this kid in 7th grade was irritating me so bad, so I cornered him in the classroom (teacher was in the hall) and I actually swung my hand up at his face. Lucky me, I managed to control myself and barely hit his jaw. But then he went around whining that I "punched him in the face." I didn't. Would I have? Yes. But I like to think of myself as a decent person and I wouldn't want to fight anyone. The point of this pointless story is that I'm surprised I haven't tried to throw my computer at the wall or something, haha. Though I have screamed into my pillow and just cried...

    I must sound loopy. On with the conversation.

    Awe, Monroe thanks you. haha

    It really is. I want to live somewhere else, ugh.
    Like, today I woke up at 11, ate, and then went back to sleep. SO I really didn't get up until 2. I've been sleeping a lot lately; nothing else to do. But I'd rather get up and go somewhere then do what I do now.
    Food can be cool. : )

    Umm... I'm with you on that one. People would probably think I'm a freak. But I don't care, honestly. I like to write and I like Nick Jonas. Besides, we make him our own type of character. We don't stalk him in real life and write his every move/personality trait, ya know? (This is supposed to make up for this "creepiness..." haha.)
    Saying his name DOES sound classy. If you said it in a british accent it'd be even better.
    (Oh, and thanks for thinking my weirdness=awesomeness. :D)

    That annoys me, too. People just need to be themselves. I've always said that I wouldn't change for anyone but myself, and so far I've stuck with it. Hopefully I keep going with that.
    It's funny you should say that. People have told me that I make them feel stupid. I don't understand it. I want to think of myself as intelligent (why would you not?), but people haven't fought about it before. But, hey! You know you're intelligent and that's better than having friends who think they can't handle it and would rather be stupid to fit in with everyone else. I don't know everything, obviously, but I know little things here and there. A lot of it is common sense, though, too. And you sound (or look like when you type) an intelligent person, so that's something to be proud of.
    I hate it when you start to like a guy friend (it's never really happened to me, unless you can count this last one... he has a girlfriend yet he says he thinks I'm "cute" and he "kind of likes me," and he's told his mom (who told my sister, who is dating his brother) that if he weren't with his girlfriend then he'd date me. Whoa, wait up. I'm not sure how I feel about him, haha. It's useless if I did like him, anyway.) But back to the conversation. I've always wanted to have those best friends that you see in movies, but I don't know if that will ever happen. I'll be sixteen next month and I have no life. haha.
    I can't get over how some people can be so mean and stupid.
    I don't trust people too easily, either. My two best friends were met over this website, though, so I'm glad for that.
    I'm sorry about that. I go through a lot of tough stages, too. I just get thinking and then I want to cry. It's not fun. Teenage years suck, that's what I'm finding out. haha.
    That's a really good motto for you to have. : ) One I like to think of is "everything happens for a reason." Maybe the reason why things aren't going so well for me now is because something is around the bend. Maybe, if I ever get to college, I'll meet a good friend or be successful. Who knows? I wouldn't say I'm a religious person, but I do believe in God and blessings.
    bahaha. Don't worry; I'm sure many girls think that about Nicholas. ; )

    I will have to! I'd really like to read it. I actually really do like to read, but I don't know what books would interest me. I need someone to take me to the library. I want to get my license after my birthday sometime, but I never got my permit. haha. I have to read the stupid manual. But then I might live at the library if I started getting into reading.
    He definitely was. I was proud. He had great character and he stuck with it. His expressions and the way he played it out... and his voice; he's definitely a natural on any stage. And it does bother me so much that people have to say things just because he's a "Jonas Brother." They have talent, all three of them, and it's real - especially with Nick. And yes, you're right. He hasn't done that in years and to come out and do a performance like that is amazing.

    I'm glad you agree with that statement. : D

    Oh my gosh, it's funny you should say that. I was contemplating adding that same Camp Rock reference in the last chapter. Goodness, haha.

    He was a jerk, but he was a lovable one. And, although his past shouldn't justify his actions, I think it made him easily relate-able. He was broken. It seems like you know him pretty well; that makes me feel awesome, haha. And I hope he doesn't step over to the dark side like GL Nick has. But he will redeem himself later on. I have tons planned for that story. It is in the final chapters and everything will finally tie together for them. I'll miss this series, but things do have to come to an end. Like, with TMT. I knew there couldn't be a sequel because there wouldn't be anything to tell. It's over. (Though I really didn't specify if they were together or not - that's out in the open. That's why a one-shot might be in the works.)

    But I really do hope you like Winnie. If I were to describe her... she's sarcastic, silly, not exactly "girly," temperamental, and she gets jealous of Nick (who is her absolute best friend) when he starts dating again. I don't want to give too much away, but there isn't a lot of mystery in the story. It's cliche, like I said, but the humor (hopefully) will set it apart. I might post soon, but it depends. I really don't know. But I do hope Wyles will live up to the 'epic' standard.

    That sounds like a good idea and a challenge. I'll have to read along. I'm interested. : )

    WOW. I wish school was like that for me when I was going. haha. I like good days like that. And don't worry. When I was in my "moods" I wouldn't go to school for weeks at a time. It got me in trouble, but whatever... haha

    Did you really? How awesome! I got my sister, my grandma, and my mom to like them. My grandpa calls them the Kahonas Brothers, but I think he secretly likes them. Joe does have good style, but I love Nick's.

    I like how aliens creep their way into our conversations... haha.

    Staying Classy.

    <3.Taylor (That heart will always be there, yes.)

    p.s. I agree. It makes things more interesting and I think it's easier to relate to. If you gradually know more and more then you'll want to keep reading and get involved. That's what I think, anyway.

    p.p.s. Nickley side, yesssss. Phew. A few things that happened to Nick? Oh my goodness, he's going to cry!? I'll try to stay strong during that part. Nick crying is heart breaking, even fictional Nicks. Now I'm super excited.

    p.p.p.s. It is very irksome. Oh, really? That's alright, though. It was confusing at first, but I was a little familiar with it because I used Photoshop Elements before, which is pretty much a stripped down version. I LOVE selective coloring in PSCS5, though. I think it's easier to play around with it then to try and read about it. Like, to make a layer, there's this little row of icons in the bottom right corner: a trash can, something that looks like sticky-notes,a folder, a black and white circle, etc. The icon that looks like sticky-notes - if you hover your mouse over it - will say 'create a new layer.' That's how you make layers. If you open two pictures and then have a third window that you're working with (where you're putting the pictures onto with a background or whatever) you can just drag the picture from one window to the next. Or copy and paste. Then you mess around with it. I actually like making graphics.

    It is. I haven't seen a guy so stylish, haha. His "older days" do that to me, too! I feel like such a baby and weirdo because, when I listen to songs like Inseparable, Hello Beautiful, When You Look Me In The Eyes, Take a Breath, etc, I get teary eyed and feel like I'll cry. I even have a few times. And looking at older pictures does the same. I'm only fifteen, but they've been a big part of me for years. It's like they're actually there for you, like you said, because the music is so inspirational and emotional. I don't know if I'd be the same without them. And they have a good influential impact on me, haha. Lucky, bahaha. Nick is mostly three years older than me, but there are months where he's only two.

    p.p.p.p.s. That comment was definitely awesome. Makes me giggle.

    p.p.p.p.p.s.The should be jealous, yess. I wish I knew, too. But, since I'm a hopeless romantic, I just hope that I can have someone some day that could love me and that I could love back. I'm always afraid I'll end up alone, that I'll fail, and that I'm not good enough. And their fans have a special love for them, like us. It's incredible, I think. And I think it's also amazing that they love their fans so much; I think it's real. I agree that Nick is very inspirational. He should win an award, bahaha.

    p.p.p.p.p.p.s. No homework for classy people, indeed!
    Oooh, really? I shall be waiting. Websters! bahaha. This is true. Speaking of UFO's will always be cooler than speaking of helicopters.
    I think I sort of have Nick's "humor" also, and I'm kind of serious in many ways - like him - but I have that goofy side that comes out. Joe/Nick personality=awesome. And Kevin - awe. I love Kevin. He seems so sweet. He's just himself and he and Danielle are adorable.
    Man-child forever. He can't escape it and he shouldn't want to. It's a good thing. Ahhh, I know! He's a man, we all know, but his face is so precious. He'll always have that baby face and I love it. I think his eyes are sort of beautiful, bahaha, and they do seem deep. And his curls... don't even get me started. We could swoon over him for ages.
    I like how he's "Mr. President." : ) Nick doesn't lie, that's for sure.

    p.p.p.p.p.p.p.s. No problem! I'm glad it made sense.
    ghklsbhjkd. SERIOUSLY?! WOW. That's a lot for a comment. haha.

    p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.s. And, geez. WHy didn't think of that song? That part is one of my favorites.

    Now it's time for me to quote this and I think I'll shall place it by my 'classy' signature every so often.

    Keep it real, keep it bouncin'.

    [I just love that. XP]
    April 9th, 2011 at 01:48am
  • quiet storm.

    quiet storm. (100)

    United States
    Minnie Mouse! I'm going to pretend that the world knows about Monroe. It's way cooler. :D haha.

    Woo. Nine hours. I actually didn't wake up until noon, so it is like a morning to me. Really? I'm not a salad person. I just hate lettuce so much. But I'm glad you enjoyed it. : )
    I'm also glad that my weirdness is okay. And these conversations must last!

    Exactly. I wouldn't really want to tell anyone because they wouldn't understand. That's why these people on Mibba are so awesome. And yes, the name Nicholas can be said so easily out loud. That name fits him perfectly.
    Everyone is different, but they try to be alike just to fit in. I never did that. Maybe that's why I never did fit in, haha. My two best friends were established over this site. So that's all I need, haha. Usually, at lunch time, I'd sit alone in a classroom and just start jotting down ideas for different things. People like to stare at me. It's weird how we can get along with boys better. haha. Girls can be so... weird sometimes. (But not this kind of weird, which I'm hoping is a good kind. : P)

    I'll have to check it out. Oddly, I don't read a lot. I used to read when I was younger (kiddie books, though, that's what I call them) but now I never have time. I'm either trying to write or do homework. I just need to go to the library and check out a ton of books and read them.
    Nick IS the perfect Marius. I was so proud of him. His voice actually shocked me and how well he did... even my grandma thought so. (I made her sit through watching it on my laptop.)

    He is just a beautiful, precious, adorkable man-child.

    Yes, our references to rock. We need some more.
    I don't think he's a normal man-child. We need more guys like him in this world. We needs clones of him.

    BD Nick... I was so proud of writing him at first. I loved him being a jerk, bahaha. But then H&N wasn't really my favorite. I liked Nathan, but that's about it. And Journey is alright. I just miss them as their old selves, but it's my fault for continuing to write them. haha. When I update Journey (which will most likely be the next update, whenever I can start writing) I won't leave you hanging again.

    I haven't considered it that much, but it's a good idea. GL is the last of Nonnie, so maybe I could plan that and see how it works out before posting. But I most likely want to post the new story I was telling you. It's sort of cliche, but I'm hoping the way the girl is (Winnie, aka Wyles) will change it up a bit. I hope you're excited! haha. This is my first "comedic" story. When I say comedic I mean that the way it's written is also different and that Winnie has comments about pretty much everything. She's a wild card.
    Thanks so much. : ) I'm glad you enjoy my stories.
    Oh, really? Is this that So Like Candy story? Because I have yet to check that out. Sarcastic Nick is a great Nick.

    That's good that you're better. I'm supposed to be doing school work now, haha.

    There was at my first school - a lot of "popular" people. And then the second school was like... the girls didn't even want to talk to me. But I'm considering going back to regular school for my sophomore year (next year.) I just wish it was somewhere else.
    I know exactly how that feels. It sort of bummed me out at first, but I got to the point where I didn't really care so much. There were a lot of times that I thought I was actually depressed, and sometimes I still think that. It bugged me because my grandma wouldn't acknowledge it, really, and I didn't know how I could just be "normal" when I clearly wasn't. I'm still not, probably. But, whatever... I'm ranting now. haha.

    No one I know in person (besides my sister/family) likes the Jonas Brothers. I'm like... where even am I? Clearly I do not belong here. It's so irritating because when people find out they automatically want to judge you. Who's the one listening to crappy Lady Gaga and all that junk (no offence to that type of music or anyone who likes it.)? I like tons of different bands; New Politics, Anberlin, Neon Trees, Simple Plan, Three Days Grace, Demi Lovato, Taylor Swift, Faber Drive... tons of different bands. People just like to judge.

    Staying classy.

    (and that heart did have to be added, haha)

    p.s. Thank you. I also like details in chapters. I'm not a fan of how some things are vague or happen too fast. I try to slow things down and I like to read things like that, too. (Like Strip My Mind. Which brings me to....

    p.p.s. NOOO, WHAT?! This doesn't mean that Nick and Riley aren't the ones kissing, does it? Like... it isn't Tony or something? Because then I'd have to kill someone.... just saying. : D And you are confusing me... NOOOO. This is need to know information. Yes it is.

    p.p.p.s. Really? How come? I notice that when i save things they don't save as the look in photoshop. It irks me.I've saved things numerous ways and they just don't work a lot of the times. I'm still learning and messing around with it.
    I love his style. Pretty much everything he wears. I miss the "old days", but he's growing up quite well. haha. And now I'll have to cry because he's growing up.

    p.p.p.p.s. That's a good talent. And, yes... he is man enough. Ooooh, man. haha. Cracking up still.

    p.p.p.p.p.s. Completely! bahaha. That was a good sentence though and it wasn't creepy. He deserves the love. I wonder... if people actually COULD see the love what they'd think. They'd probably think we're crazy for loving someone so much. But it isn't the crazy "I'm in love with you even though I don't know you" love. It's complicated. haha

    p.p.p.p.p.p.s. I know! Classy people don't need homework. This should be the law as soon as we're printed in the definition of Classy. Oh, wow. Really? I don't know if I actually believe in that, but - then again - who's to say? Having a Joe/Nick personality is epic. I need to meet you now! bahaha. I think I have sort of a Nick-personality. Though I can be Joe sometimes. And let's not forget Kevin... the little adorable man. (Kevin and Joe are men, but Nick will always be a man-child. He can't escape it.)
    And, no; Nick would never lie. Plus, he's the President... he knows the secrets. ;)

    p.p.p.p.p.p.p.s. To put a link into the authors note of the chapter: [url=URL HERE]Link title[/url]
    Does that make sense?
    April 8th, 2011 at 12:20am
  • quiet storm.

    quiet storm. (100)

    United States
    bahahaha. Ooooh, boy. It's 1pm and now I'm finally awake. These conversations are... awesome-possum. (Yeah... my nerdiness is showing.)

    Some people know I like to write, but they don't know what. Like, my family knows I like to write, but my grandma doesn't know that it's about Nicholas (that name sounds so formal and beautiful, bahaha [we're creeping on his name now] but it seriously is one of my favorite names.) That's how I was when I went to real school. Now I'm all alone in my house doing online schooling. I would go back to regular school, but I've already been to two in my area and I want somewhere new. People don't like me too much. When I switched schools the only ones who talked to me were the boys, and we'd laugh and joke around and stuff, but the girls never talk to me. I feel so lame. haha. And now the only real friends I have are over the computer. So, I guess we're similar in ways. :D
    Really? I'd seriously read Les Miserables. I watched the movie with Liam and Neeson (most of it) and the story is really interesting. And Nick as Marius... fan girl moment for sure.

    We seem to reference things without really paying attention, haha. Nick is ALWAYS the exception. He is completely adorable. At the risk of sounding creepy - he just seems like a beautiful human being. I have posters of Nick on my walls! Well, I switched them all to one wall; now it looks like a collage. haha. Same thought processes, here.

    Ooh, were you really? Wow. That's pretty awesome because I don't think a lot of people realized he was just going to tell her to leave. If I were to ever do BD over again I would drag it out a little longer. I'm happy with that ending chapter between them, though, but I'd re-write it if I could. And, because he's Nick, he's alright. ha

    Awe, really? I think that would be something fun to write, but it could also be difficult. Like... he was slowly falling for her without even knowing it, but the initial attraction was there even though he was stubborn and cold to her. He'd have to have one of those "AHHH" moments where eh just realizes, "Hey, I think I love her..." But I might consider that. I have new stories ideas that I might post at some time, especially one that's more comedic and easy and cliche. I LOVE the girl character, though. She's a riot to write. haha. I just wonder if people would be interested.

    I'm sorry. :/ I haven't been sick in a while, which is practically a miracle considering I used to be sick ALL the time. Are you better now?

    Same here. When I actually hung around people (makes me sound like a hermit, huh?) they were always trying to be with "the in crowd." They'd listen to all that new music; Justin Bieber, Jason Derulo, blah, blah. And they'd ask me if I've heard all these different songs and I'm like, "NO. I don't listen to that kind of music." One time a friend called my music choice depressing. What even? And the little trader... switched over to Justin Bieber instead of JB. But, whatever. I'm cool... (yeah, not really).
    I've also been told that I'm mature for a fifteen year old, which is an amazing compliment.
    But I agree with you; online friends just get you more because you have similar interests right away. Normal is overrated. : P

    There should be a song about staying classy...


    p.s. I'm glad you like long chapters. My definition of a short chapter now (when I'm writing) is probably 4-5000 words. I try to get at least 6000 now for most chapters. I just like adding in detail and thoughts and trying to get it to flow. But it takes me forever because I'm so lazy. : )

    p.p.s. Awe, man. But YEESSSSSSSSSSSS. YESSSS. A kiss! I don't care WHO starts it, just make the other kiss back. ;) Now you got me excited. I actually was like "AHHHHHH" out loud. And I forgive you; I'm a tease with this stuff sometimes, too. But make it happen?? hehe

    p.p.p.s. Really? Thank you. I've been getting into editing the coloring in photos. I actually think it's fun. I use Photoshop CS5. YES. Black shirts and white v-necks. That should be his wardrobe. I also like it when he wears converse. And it's too bad that he doesn't wear those colored/print skinny jeans anymore. (Now I'm creeping.. I'l stop now.) But, anywho, the boy looks good in just about everything.

    p.p.p.p.s. haha. You can read Nicks. That's pretty cool, though. I'm glad you have that extra insight because he's usually hard to understand. He will "man up" and... oh, oh boy. I cracked up. He definitely IS man enough. And I like you little trail off; "seeing that Lonnie is... well. Nick is definitely a man." Good stuff.

    p.p.p.p.p.s. I know! He was incredibly adorable. As much as I love him with Joe and Kevin, I hope he does another by himself. He was such a cute little dork. : ) I think he had too many grapes. haha.
    Oh, I know. When he talked about the UFO "...and I wouldn't lie to you guys." Riiiight. :D

    p.p.p.p.p.p.s. Wow, these are a lot of p.s.'s. I know what you mean. And yes - classy people should have no homework. : )
    April 7th, 2011 at 10:26pm
  • quiet storm.

    quiet storm. (100)

    United States
    Oh goodness, these conversations are the ones becoming dangerous, haha.

    Oh, most definitely not. I will not tell her about Nick's little swimmers because then she'll think I'm extra creepy/stalking him, and she doesn't know about my stories (and the perfectly good explanations as to why we're speaking of his swimmers and old fashion ways). In the famous words of Joe Jonas; Awwwwkwwwaaaarrrd.

    Sweaty Nick IS adorable - ANY NICK is adorable. haha.
    I know what you mean. Nick is the only exception (Paramore reference? bahaha.)
    Awe, I really liked that: Nick deserves to be loved and hugged and appreciated. Cheers to that!

    The fantastic duo? Yessss. The more I talk about them the more I miss them. I wish I could go back to Broken Danger, haha. Really? You could read his intentions? That's so cool. Was there a certain situation where that happened?

    Nick falling for Lonnie... I get all giggly inside. bahaha. I'm such a lame-o sap when it comes to this stuff. Heart signs forever! There is definitely a lot of love for Nick going on here.

    bahaha. Jam, jam. Music, food. :P
    I do like that song. It's cute. I also like Forever & Always, Breathe, Crazier, Haunted, Back to December... I don't know. Many of her songs are becoming favorites. Darn her.

    I use random words that most of the people I used to be friends with in person never cared to use. I'm so different from them when compared to my friends online; it's pretty RAD... hehe. (This is where you'd insert the lame open-mouth wink. bahaha)

    Classy, classy.


    [You know, I think I'll be saying Stay Classy a lot now. : P]

    p.s.Still laughing here, too. I'm glad you like my monstrous chapters. I like longer ones so that way I can put in enough detail and it's easily transitional. I've been doing it a lot lately. And I do love your many emotion comments. (Ooh, clever; ps in the ps. But the Monroe groove is hard to get into, haha.)

    p.p.s. Awe, shucks. I was looking forward to them. Well, I guess I'll just have to see what's in store!

    p.p.p.s. Oh, don't worry about it. haha. I probably wouldn't have known from first glance. The edit didn't come out right, but I loved that photo. His arms are definitely likable. I shall request that he wear black more often. It is my favorite color. haha

    p.p.p.p.s. Awe, thanks! I'm glad I could make something hit the epic meter. When I was writing that I knew I wanted it to be emotional (And I think I was in a bad mood... I put my characters through a lot when I'm in moods. haha). He was so... I can't even really describe it, but you're right - he was even holding back. I think part of the reason he left was because of that anger, but he didn't' come back because of fear and other reasons. And, okay, good. : )

    p.p.p.p.p.s. Wow, seriously. haha. I do agree with this. He seems more comfortable and it's nice to watch. Like, with his last livechat. Oh my gosh, I was laughing at just little things. I think he can be a goof-ball if he wants, but his seriousness and sarcasm is also very funny. My humor, I think, is also like his and yours. He's such an adorable dork. Like, there was a moment when he waved and the first thing that came to my mind was "he looks like a cute little nerd," bahaha. We love him for many reasons. :D And he is awesome.

    p.p.p.p.p.p.s. I hate when that happens. But, oh, I see. Yeah, time differences suck. I'm actually supposed to be doing homework... not working out. haha. Talk to you whenever, then. : )
    April 7th, 2011 at 12:40am
  • quiet storm.

    quiet storm. (100)

    United States
    It really is. I laughed and my grandma (yelling from the kitchen) says, "What's so funny?!" I was like, "Uhhh.... just something I read." Not really appropriate to discuss Nick's little swimmers or his old fashion ways. ;P bahaha.

    I do admit it. He is a cute lost idiot that does need a hug, which we would eagerly give. Yeah, I'd hug him all sweaty too. How could you not? :D

    It's great that you can relate to characters I create; it makes me happy. I'm really glad you were able to relate to Minnie Mouse. I do miss her character, her and bad-boy Nick. But I like where they were going. So now I should probably start thinking about what's going to happen and write, right? haha.

    Sarcasm is amazing when used in humor. I like Nick's humor.

    I agree. I don't switch point of views because it gives everything away. I would consider doing the story from Nick's mind, though, only because everything about him is already laid out - it just needs detail.

    bahaha. Your love is showing. Feel free not to hide it. :D

    She is a good song writer. Darn her.

    Classy is rad. Rad is rad, too. I use words a little too much, like awesome and cool and whatnot. And that would be awesome (see?) if we were the definition of Classy. :P

    <3.Taylor [we'll stay classy.]

    p.s. Still laughing at that? Awesome. :D bahaha. Swimmers... got me AGAIN. I'm glad you like Nathan. He's so adorable to me. I wish I knew a kid like that. If I was older I'd want him as my kid. So Journey shall be updated next. Maybe this chapter will be monstrous again, just not over 19000 words. I'll get started as soon as I can. I have to get back into the Monroe groove.

    p.p.s. NOOOOO> You had my hopes up for a split second and than BOOM, back down again. Nick and Riley, Nick and Riley, NICK AND RILEY. That is all I can say. You must redeem yourself in a future chapter if this is going to cause me any sort of unwanted emotions. They were getting somewhere, too. Excuse me while I sulk.

    p.p.p.s. Hmm, will we make it to a fourth 'p??'
    YES. My icon is actually a photo from that night. Nicholas should wear black shirts more often. His arms... XD bahaha. But I like that shirt. 'Seriously Funny' indeed.

    p.p.p.p.s. Woooo. I forgot to address this in the p.p.s: Awe, thanks. :D I really wanted that chapter to be a surprise since the pregnancy was predictable. And reading Nick's blow up kind of makes me go :O too. I sort of expected that it would come, though. Maybe 'cause I'm the writer...? haha. And now I'm babbling. I like these long conversations. I just hope I'm not bothering you.
    April 6th, 2011 at 11:36pm
  • quiet storm.

    quiet storm. (100)

    United States
    bahaha. Definitely a crack up. You should've seen my face when I read that, hehe.
    Oh, it's alright. I can definitely understand why you'd be angry at Nick after reading that chapter. He completely blew up. It's hard not to take Lonnie's side because she really didn't do anything and the situation had a great deal of help from him. So all those emotions being directed towards Nick (who made it hard to relate to him here because he bottles everything up) was reasonable.

    Thank you for that compliment. : )

    haha. A cute lost idiot that needs a hug <-- very agreeable. I hope he doesn't get too much hate, haha, I love him too much. Which brings me to the fact that I'm super glad you think of Lonnie as a friend. It isn't weird; it makes me happy that I can create someone in a series that can be related to and liked. She kind of seems like a part of me. I wouldn't say she's a friend, because I write her, but she's definitely a character that I love.

    Anyway, back to the thoughts thing. I'm glad you brought that up. I think a lot of people wouldn't be as upset and easy to judge Nick and his faults if we saw his thoughts but, then again, he's a mysterious character. Doing things from his view in Lonnie's story would ruin it, to me. It's been suggested that I do EOL from Nick's perspective, which is definitely a new and intriguing idea. I wonder if I'd act upon that. But leaving his reasoning and thoughts out makes it easier to write him when he does end up coming back, I think, because then we'll see the whole idea without him being so upset and frustrated.

    I'm also glad you can relate to Nick. I love writing his character.
    bahaha. You're great. : )

    Classy. I like that word.


    p.s. See? Wasn't that embarrassing of me? haha. Old fashioned.
    Cute babies are always adorable when they're from Nick. bahahaha.
    Oh, and yesss. I love Nathan.. I was so attached to his character. I think Journey needs an update.... (I still miss old Nonroe.)

    p.p.s. WHAT?! Noooooooo. I hope I haven't inspired you top be evil, bahaha. I've done that with others before.
    But I'm excited for this update. I want Nick and Riley, though!! :D hehe.
    April 6th, 2011 at 11:02pm
  • quiet storm.

    quiet storm. (100)

    United States
    Phew, that's a relief. This story is a lot about Lonnie AND Nick, so if you hate one of them then the story wouldn't be very good, haha. I understand where you are coming from, though. I'm glad he isn't cowardly to you; he really is just a lost kid. By him trying to play hero all the time... this kind of shows that, really, he needs help, too. Lonnie needs her "hero" and hopefully he'll redeem himself.

    I'm sorry that you lost your temper, but I'm glad it provoked some sort of emotion for you! haha. Instead of tears you got angry; still good. : ) Oh my gosh, your "little swimmers" comment probably made me blush, but it was definitely a crack up. And so true! This is a situation he doesn't know how to handle that he took part in. Like Lonnie said, she didn't get herself pregnant.

    I like your Taylor Swift reference. Not a fan of her, but her music is growing on me greatly.

    I will most definitely try to update soon! Now I need to get Nick back into your good graces when it comes to his point of return, haha.

    And we ARE still staying classy.


    p.s.BAHAHAHA. I've noticed this and... XP hehe. I guess he likes it the old fashion way. (I just embarrassed myself.) Now this Nick has to deal with a baby, whether he wants to or not. [I'm really not trying to portray him as cowardly or selfish - but more scared and unsure.]
    April 6th, 2011 at 10:21pm
  • quiet storm.

    quiet storm. (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the comment. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter.

    Wow. I was not expecting the sudden hate on Nick, bahaha. I completely understand that what he did was wrong, especially since this is part of him/his doing and the fact that he just left her like that. But I'm always a bit biased towards him so I understand why. I think many are upset with him. I didn't mean to portray him in a cowardly manner, but rather that he just couldn't handle something. He wants to control every situation and this is one think that he can't. He is afraid, that you are definitely right about.

    I'm just really sorry that you don't like him at this moment and I hope I haven't ruined his character for you!

    April 6th, 2011 at 09:21pm
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    lol. Forget that last question. Just saw it on your profile. Stupid, stupid...
    It's nice to meet you, Maya. :D
    April 3rd, 2011 at 06:25am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    You're welcome! :D
    Hm... oh... lol. Well then never mind. I just assumed since you said that but never mind. lol.
    And that's cool. I think Nick did an amazing job when he was in it. I loved how his voice like, was different in the play compared to how he typically sings as an artist and stuff, you know? lol.
    And :P for not telling!
    Oh, and I haven't introduced myself yet! I'm Jenna. :D What's your name? :D
    April 3rd, 2011 at 06:25am
  • Bubblegum Pops

    Bubblegum Pops (100)

    United States
    I know. It's really annoying. But yea. It really sucks.
    Anyways, how are you? :)
    April 3rd, 2011 at 12:59am
  • Bubblegum Pops

    Bubblegum Pops (100)

    United States
    Haha. I know! I just need to find my inspiration.
    It must have died. :P
    April 2nd, 2011 at 05:56pm
  • Bubblegum Pops

    Bubblegum Pops (100)

    United States
    Haha. It's easier said than done. :P
    April 2nd, 2011 at 04:53pm
  • Bubblegum Pops

    Bubblegum Pops (100)

    United States
    I'm pretty good. Just relaxing.
    I'm trying to write but I seem to be failing at that. :P
    April 2nd, 2011 at 02:59am
  • Bubblegum Pops

    Bubblegum Pops (100)

    United States
    Hi! Random commenter. :P
    I like your profile picture of Nick. Haha.
    I'm Holly. What's up? :)
    April 1st, 2011 at 11:33pm