Soul To Squeeze; / Comments

  • quiet storm.

    quiet storm. (100)

    United States
    Hey, hey. I've been okay. What about you?
    March 28th, 2011 at 06:02am
  • quiet storm.

    quiet storm. (100)

    United States
    You think so? That made me smile. [Time for a Nick smile : )] haha.
    But, really... thank you. I try to progress with each chapter so I'm glad that you can kind of see that.

    Hmm... not a fan of teachers or people like that in general. If I wasn't so quiet I would have to tell him what was up, haha.

    Yes, he is special.

    March 22nd, 2011 at 11:47pm
  • quiet storm.

    quiet storm. (100)

    United States
    Awe, really? That's so great! haha. I miss the old Monroe, as well, but I think she's in a good place... or at least she was. The journal thing is cool. Maybe I secretly wrote about your life, bahaha.
    Mayeb I should delete H&N and Journey and go back to BD times. haha. I should've expanded on that more, but now its too late.

    I got online just to see. But it was an "awe" moment instead "ahhhh." So, he pulls it off, and seeing his face is a big plus - yes.

    Can't you talk to him? He should't give you an F if you weren't there to get the homework or whatever exactly it is you said.

    Nick smilies are cute. haha.

    March 22nd, 2011 at 11:29pm
  • quiet storm.

    quiet storm. (100)

    United States
    Exactly. It doesn't fit his precious man-child-ness. haha

    Really? Thanks so much. I'm really glad you liked BD Nick and I do miss him. If only I could go back a write him again, haha.
    I don't know what it is, but somehow I still manage to love Nick even when he's being portrayed as a jerk. It must be a stay thing. :P

    I love his curls, too. When I heard he got a haircut I couldn't even go to sleep without seeing it. I was practically freaking out, like "NO, DON'T TELL ME HE HAS NO CURLS." But, luckily, he still did a little. I hope he lets it grow out, though he does look handsome with his haircut.

    Seriously? Set him straight! haha.

    March 22nd, 2011 at 11:15pm
  • quiet storm.

    quiet storm. (100)

    United States
    haha. I take that back. I actually saw a picture of little stubble. But, when he was on Ryan Seacrest, I saw none... so he better have shaved it off. bahaha. I'm just not a facial hair kinda' gal.
    He definitely is a man-child. He forever will be. <3. I wonder how many people are staying, haha.

    He does things on purpose because he has a purpose. That's good.
    Awe, BD Nick? I do miss him, too. He isn't the same as Journey Nick. Now I will pout about this, haha.

    Same here! I'm constantly wishing that we were back in time. I miss Crazy Joe and young Kevin and Nick with his CURLS. I miss their random videos, too. But they're growing up and they're still the Jonas Brothers. We'll always love them, though.

    March 22nd, 2011 at 09:48am
  • quiet storm.

    quiet storm. (100)

    United States
    I'm glad I didn't notice. haha. Well, come to think of it I DID see these ligth little hairs... bahaha. But, no; he should never grow facial hair. It just isn't the sweet and manly Nicholas thing to do.

    Most definitely. I do wonder what goes on in his head. When he gives those smirks and whatnot, especially. haha. He's a precious man-child and he always will be, even when he's into his twenties. (That will be sad. He's growing up too fast. I always picture him as 14-15... but here he is becoming a little man).

    I agree with that. Once you stay you never go back.

    He does everything on purpose. That brings back the mystery of Nick J. :P

    Cheers to classy, indeed.


    (Hmm, you know, you're right. He does the unique thing and spaces his smiley faces. : ) They are pretty. haha.)
    March 22nd, 2011 at 12:22am
  • quiet storm.

    quiet storm. (100)

    United States
    It definitely is. Yes, I've noticed that! I think it is an adorable habit. haha. Or maybe he really is teasing... you never know with him. He's a sly one, that Nicholas (I also like calling him Nicholas).

    It was this morning, I think, and I was watching it. haha. I had to pause it, though - time to clean my room. But I loved when he was like "I'm hot, yeah" and bit his lip when he laughed. haha. So adorable. <3

    Facial hair on Nick J? Hmm... I don't want any on his baby face. haha. He's too adorable and very handsome. I don't really see any facial hair though, so that's good for me. And I agree; he will always have that cute/adorable face. He's a sweet kid.

    That will probably be a challenge for me, but I've always wondered about the story. Some people just have a way with words.

    Yes! Once a stayer, always a stayer. Besides, how can you unstay when you look at Nick? It is quite impossible.

    He is amazing. He has a way with making people smile.
    And now we're gushing and swooning. bahaha.

    We shall sign our names. :D


    p.s. It would be completely fine to add me as a friend.
    March 22nd, 2011 at 12:06am
  • quiet storm.

    quiet storm. (100)

    United States
    haha, It is no problem. I've fallen asleep once by my laptop, too.

    Hmm, probably so. I think he maybe sort of knows how BA he is, bahaha. But I agree - he is a great guy overall. I also think that he's a very intelligent kid and that his opinions on various things would be something to listen to, so meeting him and actually talking to him would be like a dream (though it won't come true for me, I'm sure.)

    Isn't it weird that I just called him a kid when I, myself, am only fifteen? But, shhh. :)

    I'm glad math was easy for you.

    Really? I think I'll be reading Romeo and Juliet soon, for English. Hopefully.

    Classy is... classy. haha. Yes, he did say that, didn't he? Probably on more than one occasion, as you've said. I like what you said there: "because I am a stayer and you gotta stay classy." EXACTLY. haha

    So, just for that, I will sign my name.

    March 21st, 2011 at 10:02pm
  • quiet storm.

    quiet storm. (100)

    United States
    I wouldn't put it past him, haha. He has to know how interesting he is. :P

    Really? I appreciate that. I know what you mean about moods. I have to be in a certain mood to write a certain story (and I also have to get past my laziness. haha.)

    Awe, man. I would freak out if I didn't study. But I'm sure you'll do well.
    I have yet to read any Shakespeare.

    Hmm... this is true. It does look classy. haha
    March 21st, 2011 at 12:31am
  • quiet storm.

    quiet storm. (100)

    United States
    Well, thank you! That definitely made me smile. :)
    I'm really glad you like their relationship. EOL was really my first fantasy story, so their series is really great for me to write. They're one of my favorites, so I'm glad you like them, too.

    Mysterious is good. I do agree! Nick J. seems to have a mysterious thing going on, haha. Whatever it is that he's doing, I'm sure it's cool. :P

    I've been doing alright. How have you been?

    And that's okay, about signing your name. I usually only do it on the first few comments/messages.
    March 21st, 2011 at 12:19am
  • quiet storm.

    quiet storm. (100)

    United States
    Mysterious is good. :) haha.

    Hmm, really? I think paying good attention to detail is awesome. And yeah, we can totally say that.

    I like to ramble when I type, too. I'm not much of a talker. I'm pretty sarcastic, though... that's my sense of humor. haha. So being socially awkward isn't TOO bad, because I'm sort of in that same boat.

    haha, Thanks! I'm glad you're excited for GL.
    Hmm... you think that? :P Well, I can't say yes or no at this point in time yet. And thanks, haha.

    March 21st, 2011 at 12:04am
  • quiet storm.

    quiet storm. (100)

    United States
    I'm glad you enjoy what I have to say and I'm even happier that you go on to explain things.

    So.... YESSSS, she does! bahaha.
    Yeah, I know what that is. I have an account, though I rarely post. I use it to read stories. haha. Anyway, really? Maybe it's just me, but I feel like Nick does like her (and not just because Tony brings it up or because he wants to be friends, or because of their kiss. :D) I just kind of sense it with him and the way he acts around her. I don't know.

    Oh, psh... of course not. Say all you want! haha. :P
    But I agree; you are mysterious.

    And don't worry about replying with longer comments. I often do the same. :)


    p.s. I should be starting a GL update today, hopefully, and then posting sometime this week.
    March 20th, 2011 at 11:48pm
  • quiet storm.

    quiet storm. (100)

    United States
    Wow, I definitely needed your comment. Thanks so much! I'm extremely glad you enjoyed the chapter.

    Let's start off with Nick. I agree; he was stupid for not telling her. End of story. He should've told her - if not the day he found out, then the day after. But... I also understand his reasoning, partially because I'm the only one in his confused head. haha. He can't seem to let go of the past. His confidence is shot and he thinks that, no matter what he does, he won't be good enough. He wants her happy but he obviously had the wrong idea.

    Sophie? Awe, I love Sophie. I realize that she's coming off that way, but she really is a sweet girl. Nick does spoil her, though, and that will be brought up sometime in a chapter, hopefully. But Nathan is just as cute as ever. I'm really attached to him and I'm glad you like him. :D

    Clarissa and Joe are like the same person - it makes them perfect together. And Cheryl... yeah, I'm really glad you like her. I didn't expect to get such a good response from her since BD. Rodney will also play out more in this story.

    Back to Nick and Monroe. I really understand what you're saying. He should have told her and the things he brought up in the fight were low-blows and unnecessary, but that's how he takes his defense mode. He puts up walls and tries his best not to let things hurt him, so he gets angry and turns into the repressed BD Nick - as we've all seen now. haha. But, Monroe... I wanted her to stand up for herself, but oddly enough I was on Nick's side while writing the fight. He was wrong, he'd admit it, but she kind of blew it out of proportion. She called him a liar but then she tried to comfort him, which he wasn't having, so he brought up the past and that killed it. So, in a way, they were both in the wrong.

    Am I making sense? haha.

    AND she didn't even listen to what he was going to say about it. haha.

    Yes, yes I did just do that. Don't hate me! :P
    I, however, cannot reveal if she'll lose the baby or not. It's a 50/50 thing right now.

    I'm so glad you still love them and I really appreciated your comment.

    <3. Taylor
    March 13th, 2011 at 11:10pm
  • quiet storm.

    quiet storm. (100)

    United States
    Yay! I'm glad you enjoyed the comment. It wasn't much, but I couldn't describe how much I enjoy the story anyway. (:

    Creepin' Peter has been creepin' on Riley?
    Nick J to the rescue!! hehe.
    But I definitely understand that he's not a bad guy and he probably isn't even a weirdo, but he's a no-no. Leave Riley alone so she can figure out that she LOGES Nick. :P

    The dirty Nick comment came naturally, huh? Well it was definitely perfect! bahaha. It wasn't just funny but it also kind of showed that, geez - Riley is starting to show some REAL feelings for him. Which, in my book, is a big HECK YES (complete with fist pump once you add in the ending AGAIN. I can't get enough of it.)

    Awe, I did mention it? Well, I do love Nicholas! hehe.I agree. Everyone loves some BA Nick. And he is sort o comedic in a very sarcastic way, which makes it even funnier.

    Well, I guess I can understand... I mean, even for me it's too soon. But can they get closer?? And... and maybe be like they were at the end?! :D Just wishful thinking?
    I'm excited!

    Oh wow, it is! haha.
    Niley. Ewe. (Don't mean to offend you if you like them.)
    It's sort of like Nick and Julissa from my TMT. Nulissa sounds awkward so I will forever refer to them as Nick and Jules. haha. Maybe Nick and Riley are special in that way? :)

    I totally overlooked Nickley. Nickley yessss. haha


    p.s. I'm glad my spazzing rocks in your eyes and doesn't freak you out. :P I just get excited sometimes. haha
    March 8th, 2011 at 11:28am
  • imEffectiveLove

    imEffectiveLove (100)

    United States
    I saw that you updated and was like FUCK YES! XD Yay. Made my day :]
    March 4th, 2011 at 09:35am
  • andloveisaword

    andloveisaword (100)

    United States
    YOU! How are you? I feel like it's been forever since we last talked!

    I LOVE Noah. Honestly, I love his character. He is just so sweet! And trust me, I felt so happy when I only barely had to mention Jasmine. She kind of gets under the skin, you know?

    And NAMIE FTW. Agreed.

    - Jamie [this is way cool.]
    February 10th, 2011 at 08:17pm
  • letmewrite4you

    letmewrite4you (100)

    United States
    Aw, I'm glad I could encourage you! Your stories really are great. There's so much to them.& I love Demi and Nick (together) so I definitely have that in mind.
    Take your time! I thought you were just trying to torture us but as a writer, I understand wanting to take your time. & I'm pretty sure you won't give us anything less than an amazing update. Eeverytime you write more, we're all pretty much like whoa.
    January 29th, 2011 at 06:29pm
  • lizzzzzzx

    lizzzzzzx (100)

    United States
    your welcome but okay(: yay! haha.
    January 27th, 2011 at 12:04am
  • andloveisaword

    andloveisaword (100)

    United States
    So, there are, like, twenty billion awesome people, true. But honestly, you are one of the sweetest I've met! I cannot wait for your comments on my story, and you're so genuine all of the time! Goodness, girl.

    Are you serious? I just had a five second dance party in my seat. THANK YOU. I will totally take that compliment!

    And YES. I totally want to. I wish Dobby were here to kick her butt like there's no tomorrow, girl, let me tell you. And I will try my hardest with the updates!

    - Jamie
    (we so are. go us!)

    P.S. - Notebook Noah. I love it!
    January 24th, 2011 at 03:19am
  • andloveisaword

    andloveisaword (100)

    United States

    Noah was inspired by The Notebook, not even going to lie. It's one of my top three favorite movies - I'm a romantic. If you're a bird, I'm a bird. I'm so convinced I'll get that tattooed on me someday, but who knows!

    You know, Noah is going to be a great addition! He might even become a permanent part of Jamie's (and Nick's) life! And Jasmine... Well, even I hate her and I'm WRITING her character! Goodness. It's a bit of a challenge, I'll tell ya'.

    And the Harry Potter reference added to my new found love for you. Not even joking.

    Life has been okay. Today was really long, and hectic, but it was good! How's life with you?

    - Jamie

    (I like the way you think. Maybe I'll start signing my name at the end of every comment, too.)
    January 23rd, 2011 at 12:02am