
I don't understand.If you hate someone or something, why would you go out of your way to be mean to him or her or bash whatever it is?Hatred is such a wasted emotion.I’ll admit, I used to do that, but I’m trying not to. It’s such a waste of time.If a person really does not like another person that much, it doesn’t make sense to squander his or her time trying to make the other person...
July 30th, 2009 at 12:00pm

My best friend went to the Philippines for five weeks.

The only way to talk to her is on myspace or if her grandma buys her load. :/Sure, she may live 300 plus miles away, but at least we can talk or text on the phone. We won't even be able to do that.My best friend.She's my seester.She trusts me.She believes in me.She knows me better than anyone.She's my confidence boost.She's my confidante; she's always there for me.She's been by best friend since...
July 6th, 2009 at 09:40am